• Title/Summary/Keyword: stereo sensor

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Controlling robot by image-based visual servoing with stereo cameras

  • Fan, Jun-Min;Won, Sang-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Information Technology Applications Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.229-232
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, an image-based "approach-align -grasp" visual servo control design is proposed for the problem of object grasping, which is based on the binocular stand-alone system. The basic idea consists of considering a vision system as a specific sensor dedicated a task and included in a control servo loop, and we perform automatic grasping follows the classical approach of splitting the task into preparation and execution stages. During the execution stage, once the image-based control modeling is established, the control task can be performed automatically. The proposed visual servoing control scheme ensures the convergence of the image-features to desired trajectories by using the Jacobian matrix, which is proved by the Lyapunov stability theory. And we also stress the importance of projective invariant object/gripper alignment. The alignment between two solids in 3-D projective space can be represented with view-invariant, more precisely; it can be easily mapped into an image set-point without any knowledge about the camera parameters. The main feature of this method is that the accuracy associated with the task to be performed is not affected by discrepancies between the Euclidean setups at preparation and at task execution stages. Then according to the projective alignment, the set point can be computed. The robot gripper will move to the desired position with the image-based control law. In this paper we adopt a constant Jacobian online. Such method describe herein integrate vision system, robotics and automatic control to achieve its goal, it overcomes disadvantages of discrepancies between the different Euclidean setups and proposes control law in binocular-stand vision case. The experimental simulation shows that such image-based approach is effective in performing the precise alignment between the robot end-effector and the object.

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Using a Spatial Databases for Indoor Location Based Services (실내위치기반서비스를 위한 공간데이터베이스 활용기법)

  • Cho, Yong-Joo;Kim, Hye-Young;Jun, Chul-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2009
  • There is a growing interest in ubiquitous-related research and applications. Among them, GPS-based LBS have been developed and used actively. Recently, with the increase of large size buildings and disastrous events, indoor spaces are getting attention and related research activities are being carried out. Core technologies regarding indoor applications may include 3D indoor data modeling and localization sensor techniques that can integrate with indoor data. However, these technologies have not been standardized and established enough to be applied to indoor implementation. Thus, in this paper, we propose a method to build a relatively simple 3D indoor data modeling technique that can be applied to indoor location based applications. The proposed model takes the form of 2D-based multi-layered structure and has capability for 2D and 3D visualization. We tested three prototype applications using the proposed model; CA(cellular automata)-based 3D evacuation simulation, network-based routing, and indoor moving objects tracking using a stereo camera.

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Quantitative Estimation of Shoreline Changes Using Multi-sensor Datasets: A Case Study for Bangamoeri Beaches (다중센서를 이용한 해안선의 정량적 변화 추정: 방아머리 해빈을 중심으로)

  • Yun, Kong-Hyun;Song, Yeong Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.5_1
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    • pp.693-703
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    • 2019
  • Long-term coastal topographical data is critical for analyzing temporal and spatial changes in shorelines. Especially understanding the change trends is essential for future coastal management. For this research, in the data preparation, we obtained digital aerial images, terrestrial laser scanning data and UAV images in the year of 2009. 2018 and 2019 respectively. Also tidal observation data obtained by the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency were used for Bangamoeri beach located in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do. In the process of it, we applied the photogrammetric technique to extract the coastline of 4.40 m from the stereo images of 2009 by stereoscopic viewing. In 2018, digital elevation model was generated by using the raw data obtained from the laser scanner and the corresponding shoreline was semi-automatically extracted. In 2019, a digital elevation model was generated from the drone images to extract the coastline. Finally the change rate of shorelines was calculated using Digital Shoreline Analysis System. Also qualitative analysis was presented.

Study on a Suspension of a Planetary Exploration Rover to Improve Driving Performance During Overcoming Obstacles

  • Eom, We-Sub;Kim, Youn-Kyu;Lee, Joo-Hee;Choi, Gi-Hyuk;Sim, Eun-Sup
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 2012
  • The planetary exploration rover executes various missions after moving to the target point in an unknown environment in the shortest distance. Such missions include the researches for geological and climatic conditions as well as the existence of water or living creatures. If there is any obstacle on the way, it is detected by such sensors as ultrasonic sensor, infrared light sensor, stereo vision, and laser ranger finder. After the obtained data is transferred to the main controller of the rover, decisions can be made to either overcome or avoid the obstacle on the way based on the operating algorithm of the rover. All the planetary exploration rovers which have been developed until now receive the information of the height or width of the obstacle from such sensors before analyzing it in order to find out whether it is possible to overcome the obstacle or not. If it is decided to be better to overcome the obstacle in terms of the operating safety and the electric consumption of the rover, it is generally made to overcome it. Therefore, for the purpose of carrying out the planetary exploration task, it is necessary to design the proper suspension system of the rover which enables it to safely overcome any obstacle on the way on the surface in any unknown environment. This study focuses on the design of the new double 4-bar linkage type of suspension system applied to the Korea Aerospace Research Institute rover (a tentatively name) that is currently in the process of development by our institute in order to develop the planetary exploration rover which absolutely requires the capacity of overcoming any obstacle. Throughout this study, the negative moment which harms the capacity of the rover for overcoming an obstacle was induced through the dynamical modeling process for the rocker-bogie applied to the Mars exploration rover of the US and the improved version of rocker-bogie as well as the suggested double 4-bar linkage type of suspension system. Also, based on the height of the obstacle, a simulation was carried out for the negative moment of the suspension system before the excellence of the suspension system suggested through the comparison of responding characteristics was proved.

A Study on Point Cloud Generation Method from UAV Image Using Incremental Bundle Adjustment and Stereo Image Matching Technique (Incremental Bundle Adjustment와 스테레오 영상 정합 기법을 적용한 무인항공기 영상에서의 포인트 클라우드 생성방안 연구)

  • Rhee, Sooahm;Hwang, Yunhyuk;Kim, Soohyeon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_1
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    • pp.941-951
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    • 2018
  • Utilization and demand of UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) for the generation of 3D city model are increasing. In this study, we performed an experiment to adjustment position/orientation of UAV with incomplete attitude information and to extract point cloud data. In order to correct the attitude of the UAV, the rotation angle was calculated by using the continuous position information of UAV movements. Based on this, the corrected position/orientation information was obtained by applying IBA (Incremental Bundle Adjustment) based on photogrammetry. Each pair was transformed into an epipolar image, and the MDR (Multi-Dimensional Relaxation) technique was applied to obtain high precision DSM. Each extracted pair is aggregated and output in the form of a single point cloud or DSM. Using the DJI inspire1 and Phantom4 images, we can confirm that the point cloud can be extracted which expresses the railing of the building clearly. In the future, research will be conducted on improving the matching performance and establishing sensor models of oblique images. After that, we will continue the image processing technology for the generation of the 3D city model through the study of the extraction of 3D cloud It should be developed.

Images Grouping Technology based on Camera Sensors for Efficient Stitching of Multiple Images (다수의 영상간 효율적인 스티칭을 위한 카메라 센서 정보 기반 영상 그룹핑 기술)

  • Im, Jiheon;Lee, Euisang;Kim, Hoejung;Kim, Kyuheon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.713-723
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    • 2017
  • Since the panoramic image can overcome the limitation of the viewing angle of the camera and have a wide field of view, it has been studied effectively in the fields of computer vision and stereo camera. In order to generate a panoramic image, stitching images taken by a plurality of general cameras instead of using a wide-angle camera, which is distorted, is widely used because it can reduce image distortion. The image stitching technique creates descriptors of feature points extracted from multiple images, compares the similarities of feature points, and links them together into one image. Each feature point has several hundreds of dimensions of information, and data processing time increases as more images are stitched. In particular, when a panorama is generated on the basis of an image photographed by a plurality of unspecified cameras with respect to an object, the extraction processing time of the overlapping feature points for similar images becomes longer. In this paper, we propose a preprocessing process to efficiently process stitching based on an image obtained from a number of unspecified cameras for one object or environment. In this way, the data processing time can be reduced by pre-grouping images based on camera sensor information and reducing the number of images to be stitched at one time. Later, stitching is done hierarchically to create one large panorama. Through the grouping preprocessing proposed in this paper, we confirmed that the stitching time for a large number of images is greatly reduced by experimental results.

Comparative Evaluation of UAV NIR Imagery versusin-situ Point Photo in Surveying Urban Tributary Vegetation (도심소하천 식생조사에서 현장사진과 UAV 근적외선 영상의 비교평가)

  • Lee, Jung-Joo;Hwang, Young-Seok;Park, Seong-Il;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.475-488
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    • 2018
  • Surveying urban tributary vegetation is based mainly on field sampling at present. The tributary vegetation survey integrating UAV NIR(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Near Infrared Radiance) imagery and in-situ point photo has received only limited attentions from the field ecologist. The reason for this could be the largely undemonstrated applicability of UAV NIR imagery by the field ecologist as a monitoring tool for urban tributary vegetation. The principal advantage of UAV NIR imagery as a remote sensor is to provide, in a cost-effective manner, information required for a very narrow swath target such as urban tributary (10m width or so), utilizing very low altitude flight, real-time geo-referencing and stereo imaging. An exhaustive and realistic comparison of the two techniques was conducted, based on operational customer requirement of urban tributary vegetation survey: synoptic information, ground detail and quantitative data collection. UAV NIR imagery made it possible to identify area-wide patterns of the major plant communities subject to many different influences (e.g. artificial land use pattern), which cannot be acquired by traditional field sampling. Although field survey has already gained worldwide recognition by plant ecologists as a typical method of urban tributary vegetation monitoring, this approach did not provide a level of information that is either scientifically reliable or economically feasible in terms of urban tributary vegetation (e.g. remedial field works). It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference for area-wide information obtained by UAV NIR imagery in urban tributary vegetation survey.

A Study on the Reproduction of 3-Dimensional Building Model from Single High Resolution Image without Meta Information (메타정보 없는 단일 고해상도 영상으로부터 3차원 건물 모델 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Yoon;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2009
  • We expanded the 3D building information extraction method using shadow and vertical line from single high resolution image with meta information into the method for single high resolution image without meta information. Our method guesses an azimuth angle and an elevation angle of the sensor and the sun using reference building, selected by user, on an image. For test, we used an IKONOS image and an image extracted from the Google Earth. We calculated the Root Mean Square (RMS) error of heights extracted by our method using the building height extracted from stereo IKONOS image as reference, and the RMS error from the IKONOS image and the Google Earth image was under than 3 m. We also calculated the RMS error of horizontality position by comparison between building position extracted from only the IKONOS image and it from 1:1,000 digital map, and the result was under than 3 m. This test results showed that the height pattern of building models by our method was similar with it by the method using meta information.

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Entropy-Based 6 Degrees of Freedom Extraction for the W-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Reconstruction (W-band Synthetic Aperture Radar 영상 복원을 위한 엔트로피 기반의 6 Degrees of Freedom 추출)

  • Hyokbeen Lee;Duk-jin Kim;Junwoo Kim;Juyoung Song
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1245-1254
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    • 2023
  • Significant research has been conducted on the W-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system that utilizes the 77 GHz frequency modulation continuous wave (FMCW) radar. To reconstruct the high-resolution W-band SAR image, it is necessary to transform the point cloud acquired from the stereo cameras or the LiDAR in the direction of 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) and apply them to the SAR signal processing. However, there are difficulties in matching images due to the different geometric structures of images acquired from different sensors. In this study, we present the method to extract an optimized depth map by obtaining 6 DOF of the point cloud using a gradient descent method based on the entropy of the SAR image. An experiment was conducted to reconstruct a tree, which is a major road environment object, using the constructed W-band SAR system. The SAR image, reconstructed using the entropy-based gradient descent method, showed a decrease of 53.2828 in mean square error and an increase of 0.5529 in the structural similarity index, compared to SAR images reconstructed from radar coordinates.