• Title/Summary/Keyword: static parameters

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A Study on the Reinforced Method of Doubler Plate in Ship Hull Structure (선박 이중판의 보강법 연구)

    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.5 s.54
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2003
  • A study of the structural strength evaluation on the doubler plate, considering various load cases that were subjected to in-plane and out of plane combined load, has been performed through the systematic evaluation process. In order to estimate the proper static strength of doubler plate for various load cases, elasto-plastic large deflection analysis is introduced, including the contact effect between main plate and doubler. The characteristics of stiffness and strength variation are discussed, based on the results. In order to compare the doubler structure with the original strength of main plate, without doubler, simple formulas for the evaluation of the equivalent flat plate thickness are derived for each load case, respectively, based on the additional series of analysis of flat plate structure. Using these derived equations, the thickness change of an equivalent flat plate is analyzed according to the variation of various design parameters of doubler platesome design guides are suggested in order to maintain the original strength of main plate without doubler reinforcement. Finally, correlation between derived equivalent flat plate formula and the developed buckling strength formulas are discovered, and these relations are formulated for the future development of simple strength evaluation formula of general doubler plate structure.

Measurement of the Angle related Hallux Valgus in Normal Korean Adults (무지외반증에서 한국인의 정상 방사선각도 계측치에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Tai;Song, Joon-Sub
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.11-14
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    • 1997
  • Hallux valgus is a complex deformity which contains static subluxation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint with lateral deviation of the great toe and medial deviation of the first metatarsal bone. Among the several parameters, radiographic indices are the important ones in the choice of the treatment method. Even though, the normal values of the western peoples are already estabilished, there was no standard values for Korean who has different genetics, and cultural background, till now. So, we tried to estimate the noraml values of the HVA (hallux valgus angle ), IMA ( Intermetatarsal angle) and DMAA (Distal Metatarsal Articular surface Angle) in a normal adult. Fifty normal adult (each 25 male and female) were chosen and took 100 cases of foot radiograph and radiologic indices of the hallux valgus were measured. Average age at the investigation was 34.5 years old. The average HVA is $13.3^{\circ}$, IMA is $8.5^{\circ}$ and DMAA is $34.6^{\circ}$.

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Long Wavelength Scattering Approximations for the Effective Elastic Parameters of Spherical Inclusion Problems (장파장 산란 근사를 이용한 구형 개재물 문제의 유효 탄성적 성질)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Jo;Kim, Jin-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.23 no.6 s.165
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    • pp.968-978
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    • 1999
  • The effective elastic properties of materials containing spherical inclusions were calculated by the elastic wave scattering theory. In the formulation additional scattering fields by the presence of random multiple scatterers that affects the effective properties were found by the single scattering approximation. In calculating the scattering fields the ensemble average on the displacements and strains inside the scatterer was found from the static approximation at long wavelength limit. The displacements were assumed to be equal to the incident field, while the strains were calculated by Eshelby's equivalent inclusion principle on the single inclusion problem. Four different models were considered and they reflected different degrees of multiple scattering effects based on the approximation introduced in the process of embedding the inclusion in the matrix. The expressions for the effective elastic constants were given in each model, and their relations to the results obtained from other scattering theory and elasticity theory were discussed. The theoretical predictions were compared with experimental results on the epoxy matrix composites containing tungsten particles of different sizes and volume fractions

A Study on the Fabric Drape Evaluation Using a 3D Scanning System Based on Depth Camera with Elevating Device

  • Kim, Jongjun
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.28-41
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    • 2015
  • Properties of textile fabrics influence the appearance, aesthetics, and performance of garment. Drape and related properties of fabrics affect profoundly the static and dynamic appearance during wearer's movement. The three dimensional shape of the folded structure often deforms with time or with subtle vibration around the fabric specimen during the drape measurement. Due to the uneven and complex nature of fabrics, the overall shape of the fabric specimen on the drape tester often becomes unstable. There is a need to understand the fundamental mechanisms of how draping may generate pleasing forms. Two drape test methods, conventional Cusick drape test, and in-built drape tester, based on a depth camera, are compared. Fabric specimens including cotton, linen, silk, wool, polyester, and rayon are investigated for the fabric drape and other physical/mechanical parameters. Drape coefficient values of fabric specimens are compared based on the final drape images, together with the intermediate 3D drape images of the specimens during elevation process of the drape tester equipped with a stepper motor system. The correlation coefficient between the data based on the two methods is reasonably high. Another advantage from the depth camera system is that it allows further analysis of three-dimensional information regarding the fabric drape shape, including the shape of nodes or crest and trough.

A Study on the Pulsation Pressure Reduction for the Hydraulic System of Medium-large Excavator (중대형 굴삭기 유압시스템의 압력 맥동 저감 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hyun;Joo, Won-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.18-23
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    • 2011
  • With hydraulic noise test facility, a variety of tests were performed to investigate the pulsation pressure generation mechanism and its transmission characteristics and to derive the noise control methodology. Many experiments were carried out by changing average pressure, flow rate, pump speed, hose length and MCV spool condition. From the test results, the correlations between pulsation pressure and other design parameters, such as static pressure, flow rate and MCV spool opening area and length of hose, were found out. And also each contribution factors were evaluated from the regression analysis. By changing hose length, the pulsation pressure resonance phenomenon was investigated. In order to find out the pulsation pressure reduction measures pulsation pressure analysis, such as pulsation pressure of hydraulic pump itself and pulsation pressure of hydraulic system, by using AMESim were studied. In addition hydraulic silencer was developed based on the Helmholtz resonator. And its performance was evaluated by installing the silencer at the excavator.


  • 이준현;권오양;이승석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.650-655
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    • 1993
  • Carbon/epoxy composite(CFRP) coupons previously damaged by low velocity impact were tested under static tensile loading and microscope progress of damage was characterized by ultrasonic C-scan, Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM) and Acoustic Emission(AE) techniques which were based on the application of elastic waves. The degress of impact damage has been correlated with the AE activity during monotonic or loading/unloading tensile testing as well as the result of ultrasonic test. The coupons were subjected to impact velocities ranged from 0.71 to 2.17 m/sec, which introduced the amount of damage rated as 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50% with reference to the total absorbed energy at fracture. Special attention was paid to determine optimal AE parameters to characterize the microscopic fracture process and to predict the residual strength of composite laminates. AE RMS voltage during the early stage of tensile loading was found an effective parameter to quantify the degree of impact damage. It was also found that the Felicity ratio is closely related to the stacking sequence and the residual strength of the CFRP laminates.

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Evaluation of Fatigue Strength in Scallop at Field Bolted Joints of Longitudinal Rib and Deck Plate in Orthotropic Steel Decks (강바닥판 데크플레이트와 종리브 현장연결 스캘럽부의 피로강도 평가)

  • Choi, Dong Ho;Choi, Hang Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.683-690
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    • 2002
  • Static and fatigue tests were performed to evaluate fatigue strength in scallop at field bolted joints of longitudinal rib and deck plate in orthotropic steel decks. Numerical parametric studies using finite elemtn analysis were also conducted to show the influence of parameters such as length and radius of scallop, and thickness of deckplate on the stress concentration at the scallop. In the low stress level, fatigue tests yielded cracks at the scallop while in the high stress level, catastrophic failure of longitudinal rib occurred following the failure of handhole cover plate. Fatigue strength was compared with JSSC specification and the predicted S-N curves using Shigley and Juvinall methods, and a satisfactory result was obtatined.

Process Development for Automotive Hybrid Hood using Magnesium Alloy AZ31B Sheet (마그네슘 합금 AZ31B 판재를 이용한 자동차 하이브리드 후드 개발 프로세스)

  • Jang, D.H.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.160-166
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    • 2011
  • Weight reduction while maintaining functional requirements is one of the major goals in the automotive industry. The use of lightweight magnesium alloys offers great potential for reducing weight because of the low density of these alloys. However, the formability and the surface quality of the final magnesium alloy product for auto-body structures are not acceptable without a careful optimization of the design parameters. In order to overcome some of the main formability limitations in the stamping of magnesium alloys, a new approach, the so-called "hybrid technology", has been recently proposed for body-in-white structural components. Within this approach, necessary level of mechanical joining can be obtained through the use of lightweight material-steel adhesion promoters. This paper presents the development process of an automotive hybrid hood assembly using magnesium alloy sheets. In the first set of material pairs, the selected materials are magnesium alloy AZ31B alloy and steel(SGCEN) as inner and outer panels, respectively. In order to optimize the design of the inner panel, the stamping process was analyzed with the finite element method (FEM). Laser welding by CW Nd:YAG were used to join the magnesium alloy sheets. Based on the simulation results and mechanical test results of the joints, the determination of die design variables and their influence on formability were discussed. Furthermore, a prototype based on the proposed design was manufactured and the static stiffness test was carried out. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed hybrid hood with a weight reduction of 25.7%.

A study on the optimal control of Long Stroke Fast Tool Servo Systems (장거리 구동용 FTS 의 최적 제어에 관한 연구)

  • 이상호;이찬홍;김갑순
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.818-821
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    • 2004
  • With a rapid development in the area of micro and ultra precision technology, the micro surface machining of small size parts are explosively increased. Especially, to improve efficiency of various beams in lens and reflector, non-rotational symmetric form and several mm level heights changeable surface can be machined at a time. These geometric complex 3D surface cannot be machined by general short stroke FTS. The long stroke FTS if firmly needed to move directly several mm and have nm level positioning accuracy for the complex surface form. The long stroke FTS used linear motors to drive moving unit long and fine, aero static bearings to decrease friction and moving errors in guide way, optical linear scale with nm level resolution to measure position of FTS. Furthermore, to increase the performance of acceleration of FTS, the light material, such as AL is used for the structure and the high stiffness box type structure is selected. In this paper, the genetic algorithm approach is described to determine a set of design parameters for auto tuning. The authors have attempted to model the design problem with the objective of minimizing the error, such as variable pattern change. This method can give the better alternative than existing other method.

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Limited Ductile Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Pier with Longitudinal Steel Lap-splicing by Pseudo Dynamic Test (유사동적 실험에 의한 철근콘크리트 교각의 주철근 겹이음에 따른 한정연성능력)

  • 박창규;박진영;조대연;이대형;정영수
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.885-890
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    • 2002
  • Pseudo dynamic test is an on-line computer control method to achieve the realism of shaking table test with the economy and versatility of the conventional quasi-static approach. Pseudo dynamic tests of four full-size RC bridge piers have been carried out to investigate their seismic performance. For the purpose of precise evaluation, the experimental investigation was conducted to study the seismic performance of the real size specimen, which is constructed for highway bridge piers in Korean peninsula. Since it is believed that Korea belongs to the moderate seismicity region, three test specimens were designed in accordance with limited ductility design concept. Another one test specimen was nonseismically designed according to a conventional code. Important test parameters were transverse reinforcement and lap splicing. Lap splicing was frequently used in the plastic hinge region of many bridge columns. Furthermore, the seismic design code is not present about lap splice in Korean Roadway Bridge Design Code. The results show that specimens designed according to the limited ductility design concept exhibit higher seismic resistance. Specimens with longitudinal steel lap splice in the plastic hinge region appeared to significantly fail at low ductility level.

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