• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial problem

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Development and Application of National Environment Atlas Using Environmental Spatial Information (환경공간정보를 활용한 국가환경지도시스템 구축 및 활용 방안)

  • Lee, Moung-Jin;Kim, Kyeong-Hui;Park, Jin-Hyung
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.51-78
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    • 2014
  • Unlike traditional environmental problems, current environmental problems occur due to by complex reasons. These complexities highlight the importance of precise spatial based analysis and expeditive use of environmental information when an environmental problem arises. However, the traditional environmental information has many problems because they are mainly numerical based and scattered in various systems. To overcome these problems, providing integrated environmental spatial information is important. Thus, a research was conducted on establishing national environment atlas system and its implications for policies. Firstly, this study selects 275 out of 2,701 materials and information from Ministry of Environment and related organizations. Secondly, total 64 thematic maps specific business support are Produced to support establishment and implementation of environmental policies. In addition, the produced thematic maps are privatized. Thirdly, the study analyzes total 17 systems and environmental thematic maps of Ministry of Environment and relevant organizations to connect the information on the business support thematic maps. As a result, 1,314 applicable spatial information and 39,331 applicable database based on spatial information based are selected, and a standardization plan is established. Fourthly, the study suggests a stepwise implementation plan for developing a national environment atlas system. The development of national environment atlas system will help establishing an environmental policy based on more relevant and accurale information.

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Measures of Spatial Accessibility to Emergence Medical Services with a Modified Three-Step Floating Catchment Area Model : A Case Study of the Chungnam Province (수정 3SFCA 모형을 활용한 응급의료서비스 접근성 분석: 충청남도를 사례로)

  • Park, Jeong Hwan;Woo, Hyun Jee;Kim, Young Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.388-402
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents an enhancement of the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method for measuring spatial accessibility between three age groups, addressing the problem of uniform access within the catchment by applying multiple impedance function to account for distance decay and by applying weights to different age groups to account for medical service preference. The enhancement is provided to be another special care of the gravity model. When applying this modified three-step floating catchment area to measure the spatial access to emergency medical services in a study area, Chungnam province in South Korea, we find that it reveals the variation of spatial accessibility patterns between cities and rural areas and delineates more spatially explicit medical service shortage areas in southern Chungnam areas, especially remoted local rural areas. Finally, this method may be used to help the health and medical service divisions and the state departments improve designation of medical shortage areas. From the discussions, it is easy to implement in planning spatial policies of medical service and straightforward to be used as a basic, but core element for health and medical strategies in the province.

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Green Algae Detection in the Middle·Downstream of Nakdong River Using High-Resolution Satellite Data (고해상도 위성영상을 활용한 낙동강 녹조탐지기법 비교 및 분석)

  • Byeon, Yugyeong;Seo, Minji;Jin, Donghyun;Jung, Daeseong;Woo, Jongho;Jeon, Uujin;Han, Kyung-soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2021
  • Recently, because of changes in temperature and rising water temperatures due to increased pollution sources, many algae have been produced in the water system. Therefore, there has been a lot of research using satellite images for the generation and monitoring of green algae. However, in prior studies, it is difficult to consider the optical properties of the local water system by using only a single index, and by using medium and low-resolution satellite images to conduct large-scale algae detection, there is a problem of accuracy in narrow, broad rivers. Therefore, in this work, we utilize high-resolution images of Sentinel-2 satellites to perform green algae detection on a single index (NDVI, SEI, FGAI) and development index (NDVI & SEI, FGAI & SEI) that mixes single indices. In this study, POD, FAR, and PC values were utilized to evaluate the accuracy of green algae detection algorithms, and the FGAI & SEI index showed the highest accuracy with 98.29% overall accuracy PC.

Research for robot kidnap problem in the indoor of utilizing external image information and the absolute spatial coordinates (실내 공간에서 이동 로봇의 납치 문제 해결을 위한 외부 영상 정보 및 절대 공간 좌표 활용 연구)

  • Jeon, Young-Pil;Park, Jong-Ho;Lim, Shin-Teak;Chong, Kil-To
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.2123-2130
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    • 2015
  • For such automatic monitoring robot or a robot cleaner that is utilized indoors, if it deviates from someone by replacement or, or of a mobile robot such as collisions with unexpected object direction or planned path, based on the planned path There is a need to come back to, it is necessary to tough self-position estimation ability of mobile robot in this, which is also associated with resolution of the kidnap problem of conventional mobile robot. In this study, the case of a mobile robot, operates indoors, you want to take advantage of the low cost of the robot. Therefore, in this paper, by using the acquisition device to an external image information such as the CCTV which is installed in a room, it acquires the environment image and take advantage of marker recognition of the mobile robot at the same time and converted it absolutely spatial coordinates it is, we are trying to solve the self-position estimation of the mobile robot in the room and kidnap problem and actual implementation methods potential field to try utilizing robotic systems. Thus, by implementing the method proposed in this study to the actual robot system, and is promoting the relevant experiment was to verify the results.

Optimal Berth and Crane Scheduling Using Constraint Satisfaction Search and Heuristic Repair (제약만족 탐색과 휴리스틱 교정기법을 이용한 최적 선석 및 크레인 일정계획)

  • 류광렬;김갑환;백영수;황준하;박영만
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2000
  • The berth and crane scheduling problem in a container terminal encompasses the whole process of assigning berth to each ship, determining the duration of berthing, assigning container cranes to each ship, and determining the specific start and end time of each crane service, for all the ships scheduled to be arriving at the terminal during a certain scheduling horizon. This problem is basically a constraint satisfaction problem in which cranes and berths should be assigned in such a way that all the spatial and temporal constraints are satisfied without any interference. However, it is also an optimization problem because the requested arrival and departure time should be met for as many of the scheduled ships as possible, while the operation cost of the terminal should be minimized. In this paper, we present an effective and efficient approach to solving this type of problem, which combines constrain satisfaction search and heuristic repair. We first employ a constraint satisfaction search to find a feasib1e solution. Then, the feasible solution is modified to a more optimal one by iteratively applying our heuristic repair operations within the framework of constraint satisfaction search. Experimental results with a real data from Pusan East Container Terminal showed that our approach can derive a schedule of satisfactory quality in a very short time.

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Time-domain Elastic Full-waveform Inversion Using One-dimensional Mesh Continuation Scheme (1차원 유한요소망 연속기법을 이용한 시간영역 탄성파의 역해석)

  • Kang, Jun Won
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.213-221
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    • 2013
  • This paper introduces a mesh continuation scheme for a one-dimensional inverse medium problem to reconstruct the spatial distribution of elastic wave velocities in heterogeneous semi-infinite solid domains. To formulate the inverse problem, perfectly-matched-layers(PMLs) are introduced as wave-absorbing boundaries that surround the finite computational domain truncated from the originally semi-infinite extent. To tackle the inverse problem in the PML-truncated domain, a partial-differential-equations(PDE)-constrained optimization approach is utilized, where a least-squares misfit between calculated and measured surface responses is minimized under the constraint of PML-endowed wave equations. The optimization problem iteratively solves for the unknown wave velocities with their updates calculated by Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient algorithms. The optimization is performed using a mesh continuation scheme through which the wave velocity profile is reconstructed in successively denser mesh conditions. Numerical results showed the robust performance of the mesh continuation scheme in reconstructing target wave velocity profile in a layered heterogeneous solid domain.

Passive earth pressure for retaining structure considering unsaturation and change of effective unit weight of backfill

  • Zheng, Li;Li, Lin;Li, Jingpei;Sun, De'an
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents a kinematic limit analysis for passive earth pressure of rigid retaining structures considering the unsaturation of the backfill. Particular emphasis in the current work is focused on the effects of the spatial change in the degree of saturation on the passive earth pressure under different steady-infiltration/evaporation conditions. The incorporation of change of effective unit weight with degree of saturation is the main contribution of this study. The problem is formulated based on the log-spiral failure model rather than the linear wedge failure model, in which both the spatial variations of suction and soil effective unit weight are taken into account. Parametric studies, which cover a wide range of flow conditions, soil types and properties, wall batter, back slope angle as well as the interface friction angle, are performed to investigate the effects of these factors on the passive pressure and the corresponding shape of potential failure surfaces in the backfill. The results reveal that the flow conditions have significant effects on the suction and unit weight of the clayey backfill, and hence greatly impact the passive earth pressure of retaining structures. It is expected that present study could provide an insight into evaluation of the passive earth pressure of retaining structures with unsaturated backfills.

An Interactive Multi-criteria Group Decision Making with the Minimum Distance Measure (최소 거리척도를 이용한 대화형 다기준 그룹 의사결정)

  • Cho, Namwoong;Kim, Jaehee;Kim, Sheung-Kown
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2006
  • The multi-criteria group decision making (MCGDM) problem is to determine the best compromise solution in a set of competing alternatives that are evaluated under conflicting criteria by decision maker (DM)s. In this paper, we propose a mixed-integer programming (MIP) model to solve MCGDM. The existing method based on minimizing a distance measure such as Median Approach can not guarantee the best compromise solution because the element of median point vector is defined with respect to each criteria separately. However, by considering all criteria simultaneously, we generate median point that is better for locating the best compromise solution. We also utilize the concept of spatial dispersion index (SDI) to produce a threshold value, which is used as a guideline to choose either the Utopian Approach or the Median Approach. And we suggest using CBITP (Convex hull of individual maxima Based Interactive Tchebycheff Procedure) to provide DMs with various Pareto-optimal solutions so that DMs have broad range of selection.

A Study on the Area Characteristics and Layout Types of the Floor Plan of High School Facilities in Eup and Myeon Districts of Jeju Island (제주도 읍·면지역 고등학교의 평면구성에 따른 영역별 특성 및 배치유형에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Jung-Hyun;Park, Chul-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2019
  • A reduction in the number of high school students in Eup and Myeon districts is very severe. This issue leads to the problem with educational programs of school and an academic achievement gap. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of areas and layout types of the floor plan of high school facilities in Eup and Myeon districts of Jeju Island where the number of students reduces and to provide a fundamental material for establishing school environments. The floor plan of school facilities was categorized into learning, support, common, and other areas and the characteristics of each area were analyzed. As a result, it was necessary to make spatial and facility improvements in common area and support area. The layout type of each area was classified into centralized type, distributed type, and mixed type, and then each type was analyzed. As a result, the main building had low points of the floor plan for learning area and common area. In order to respond to the number of students, it is required to establish reasonable spatial plan criteria and guidelines under the supervision of Office of Education and furthermore to make an effort to create futuristic educational facilities.

Evaluation of Carbon Fiber distribution in Unidirectional CF/Al Composites by Two-Dimensional Spatial Distribution Method

  • Lee, Moonhee;Kim, Sungwon;Lee, Jongho;Hwang, SeungKuk;Lee, Sangpill;Sugio, Kenjiro;Sasaki, Gen
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2018
  • Low pressure casting process for unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced aluminum (UD-CF/Al) composites which is an infiltration route of molten Al into porous UD-CF preform has been a cost-effective way to obtain metal matrix composites (MMCs) but, easy to cause non-uniform fiber distribution as CF clustering. Such clustered CFs have been a problem to decrease the density and thermal conductivity (TC) of composites, due to the existence of pores in the clustered area. To obtain high thermal performance composites for heat-sink application, the relationship between fiber distribution and porosity has to be clearly investigated. In this study, the CF distribution was evaluated with quantification approach by using two-dimensional spatial distribution method as local number 2-dimension (LN2D) analysis. Note that the CFs distribution in composites sensitively changed by sizes of Cu bridging particles between the CFs added in the UD-CF preform fabrication stage, and influenced on only $LN2D_{var}$ values.