• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial problem

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Proposal of Design Criteria on Multi-functional Tunnel for the Urban Traffic Tunnel to Flooding Bypass (도심지 홍수저감과 교통량 분담을 위한 다기능 대심도 터널 설계 기준 방안 제시)

  • Kwon, Soonho;Kim, Junghwan;Chung, Gunhui
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3518-3524
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    • 2015
  • Spatial and time variation of the precipitation in Korea is high, therefore, more than 2/3 of the annual precipitation is concentrated during the rainy season. Climate change also causes the intensive rainfall in the area of dense population, thus the occurrence frequency of the heavy flood in the impervious area has been increased. Therefore, the structural food mitigation measures such as the construction of the higher design frequency stormwater pipes, pumping stations, and/or detention ponds. The flood bypass tunnel or retention storage is also one of the efficient structures to mitigate flood damage in the urban area. However, the economic feasibility has been controversial because the flood bypass tunnel might be used once or twice a year. To solve the problem, the multi-functional tunnel for the urban traffic and flooding bypass has been considered. In this study, the design criteria of the road and water tunnel has been analysed and the composite design criteria is proposed for the multi-functional tunnel which is expected to be constructed.

Study on Water Stage Prediction Using Hybrid Model of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm (인공신경망과 유전자알고리즘의 결합모형을 이용한 수위예측에 관한 연구)

  • Yeo, Woon-Ki;Seo, Young-Min;Lee, Seung-Yoon;Jee, Hong-Kee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.8
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    • pp.721-731
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    • 2010
  • The rainfall-runoff relationship is very difficult to predict because it is complicate factor affected by many temporal and spatial parameters of the basin. In recent, models which is based on artificial intelligent such as neural network, genetic algorithm fuzzy etc., are frequently used to predict discharge while stochastic or deterministic or empirical models are used in the past. However, the discharge data which are generally used for prediction as training and validation set are often estimated from rating curve which has potential error in its estimation that makes a problem in reliability. Therefore, in this study, water stage is predicted from antecedent rainfall and water stage data for short term using three models of neural network which trained by error back propagation algorithm and optimized by genetic algorithm and training error back propagation after it is optimized by genetic algorithm respectively. As the result, the model optimized by Genetic Algorithm gives the best forecasting ability which is not much decreased as the forecasting time increase. Moreover, the models using stage data only as the input data give better results than the models using precipitation data with stage data.

Hydraulic and Numerical Model Experiments of Flows in Circulation-Water-Pump Chambers (순환수취수펌프장 내의 흐름에 대한 수리 및 수치모형실험)

  • Yi, Yong-Kon;Cheong, Sang-Hwa;Kim, Chang-Wan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.8 s.157
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    • pp.631-643
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study is to perform hydraulic and numerical model experiments of the flows in circulation-water-pump(CWP) chambers of combined cycle power plants (CCPP) to be built and to suggest improvement plans if the flows might cause a serious problem on the operation of CWPs. Hydraulic model was constructed in a scale of 1 to 20 using acrylic sheets and a two dimensional numerical model used was RMA2. To evaluate results of Hydraulic and numerical model experiments, evaluation criteria of flow conditions in the intake canal and CWP chambers were determined. Vertical vorticities obtained from numerical simulations for the initial plan of CCPPs were qualitatively compared with results of hydraulic model experiments and the formation possibility of a large scale vortex, one of the flow evaluation criteria, was evaluated. The initial plan was found not to satisfy the flow evaluation. Nine improvement plans were devised and numerically simulated. Four alternative plans among nine improvement plans were selected and hydraulically experimented. On the ground of the results of hydraulic model experiments, a final improvement plan, one of four improvement plants, was suggested. When CWP chambers and intake canals were designed with spatial constraints, flow separating wall and guide walls were found to improve flow conditions in CWP chambers.

Application of SWAT Model considering Spatial Distribution of Rainfall (강우의 공간분포를 고려한 SWAT 모형의 적용)

  • JANG, Daewon;KIM, Duckgil;KIM, Yonsoo;Choi, Wooil
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2018
  • In general, the rainfall-runoff simulation is performed using rainfall data from meteorological and observational rain gauge stations. However, if we only use rainfall data from meteorological and observational rain gauge stations for runoff simulation of a large watershed, the problem in the reliability of the simulated runoff can be occurred. Therefore, this study examined the influence of the rainfall data on the simulated runoff volume by a Semi-distributed model. For this, we used rainfall data from meteorological stations, meteorological and observational stations, and a spatially distributed rainfall data from hypothetical stations obtained by kriging method. And, we estimated the areal rainfall of each sub-basin. Also the estimated areal rainfall and the observed rainfall were compared and we compared the simulated runoff volumes using SWAT model by the rainfall data from meteorological and observational rain gauge stations and runoff volume from the estimated areal rainfall by Kriging method were analyzed. This study was performed to examine the accuracy of calculated runoff volume by spatially distributed areal rainfall. The analysis result of this study showed that runoff volume using areal rainfall is similar to observed runoff volume than runoff volume using the rainfall data of weather and rain gauging station. this means that spatially distributed rainfall reflect the real rainfall pattern.

Parallel Range Query processing on R-tree with Graphics Processing Units (GPU를 이용한 R-tree에서의 범위 질의의 병렬 처리)

  • Yu, Bo-Seon;Kim, Hyun-Duk;Choi, Won-Ik;Kwon, Dong-Seop
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.669-680
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    • 2011
  • R-trees are widely used in various areas such as geographical information systems, CAD systems and spatial databases in order to efficiently index multi-dimensional data. As data sets used in these areas grow in size and complexity, however, range query operations on R-tree are needed to be further faster to meet the area-specific constraints. To address this problem, there have been various research efforts to develop strategies for acceleration query processing on R-tree by using the buffer mechanism or parallelizing the query processing on R-tree through multiple disks and processors. As a part of the strategies, approaches which parallelize query processing on R-tree through Graphics Processor Units(GPUs) have been explored. The use of GPUs may guarantee improved performances resulting from faster calculations and reduced disk accesses but may cause additional overhead costs caused by high memory access latencies and low data exchange rate between GPUs and the CPU. In this paper, to address the overhead problems and to adapt GPUs efficiently, we propose a novel approach which uses a GPU as a buffer to parallelize query processing on R-tree. The use of buffer algorithm can give improved performance by reducing the number of disk access and maximizing coalesced memory access resulting in minimizing GPU memory access latencies. Through the extensive performance studies, we observed that the proposed approach achieved up to 5 times higher query performance than the original CPU-based R-trees.

Modeling and analysis of dynamic heat transfer in the cable penetration fire stop system by using a new hybrid algorithm (새로운 혼합알고리즘을 이용한 CPFS 내에서의 일어나는 동적 열전달의 수식화 및 해석)

  • Yoon En Sup;Yun Jongpil;Kwon Seong-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.7 no.4 s.21
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 2003
  • In this work dynamic heat transfer in a CPFS (cable penetration fire stop) system built in the firewall of nuclear power plants is three-dimensionally investigated to develop a test-simulator that can be used to verify effectiveness of the sealant. Dynamic heat transfer in the fire stop system is formulated in a parabolic PDE (partial differential equation) subjected to a set of initial and boundary conditions. First, the PDE model is divided into two parts; one corresponding to heat transfer in the axial direction and the other corresponding to heat transfer on the vertical planes. The first PDE is converted to a series of ODEs (ordinary differential equations) at finite discrete axial points for applying the numerical method of SOR (successive over-relaxation) to the problem. The ODEs are solved by using an ODE solver In such manner, the axial heat flux can be calculated at least at the finite discrete points. After that, all the planes are separated into finite elements, where the time and spatial functions are assumed to be of orthogonal collocation state at each element. The initial condition of each finite element can be obtained from the above solution. The heat fluxes on the vertical planes are calculated by the Galerkin FEM (finite element method). The CPFS system was modeled, simulated, and analyzed here. The simulation results were illustrated in three-dimensional graphics. Through simulation, it was shown clearly that the temperature distribution was influenced very much by the number, position, and temperature of the cable stream, and that dynamic heat transfer through the cable stream was one of the most dominant factors, and that the feature of heat conduction could be understood as an unsteady-state process.

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Efficient Methodology in Markov Random Field Modeling : Multiresolution Structure and Bayesian Approach in Parameter Estimation (피라미드 구조와 베이지안 접근법을 이용한 Markove Random Field의 효율적 모델링)

  • 정명희;홍의석
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 1999
  • Remote sensing technique has offered better understanding of our environment for the decades by providing useful level of information on the landcover. In many applications using the remotely sensed data, digital image processing methodology has been usefully employed to characterize the features in the data and develop the models. Random field models, especially Markov Random Field (MRF) models exploiting spatial relationships, are successfully utilized in many problems such as texture modeling, region labeling and so on. Usually, remotely sensed imagery are very large in nature and the data increase greatly in the problem requiring temporal data over time period. The time required to process increasing larger images is not linear. In this study, the methodology to reduce the computational cost is investigated in the utilization of the Markov Random Field. For this, multiresolution framework is explored which provides convenient and efficient structures for the transition between the local and global features. The computational requirements for parameter estimation of the MRF model also become excessive as image size increases. A Bayesian approach is investigated as an alternative estimation method to reduce the computational burden in estimation of the parameters of large images.

The Problem of Plato's Space (플라톤의 공간 문제)

  • Kim, Yoon-dong
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.145
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    • pp.195-215
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    • 2018
  • Plato said that our cosmos was created from the union of nous and $anank{\bar{e}}$ in Timaeus. In addition to this, 'the third kind', namely $ch{\bar{o}}ra$, exists already with genesis before the birth of the cosmos. Plato explains this $ch{\bar{o}}ra$ with several metaphors. That is, 'receptacle', 'mother', 'gold', 'space', 'place' etc. From Aristotle to contemporary scholars, generally three types of interpretations are presented. First, $ch{\bar{o}}ra$ is a kind of a 'void.' Secondly, $ch{\bar{o}}ra$ is Aristotle's $prot{\bar{e}}$ $hyl{\bar{e}}$. Thirdly, $ch{\bar{o}}ra$ has two aspects of space and matter. I will accept the third opinion. Plato's $ch{\bar{o}}ra$ has both a spatial aspect and material aspect. $Ch{\bar{o}}ra$ is a place that accommodates all sensible things in itself. On the other hand, $ch{\bar{o}}ra$ seems to be a mother who nourishes sensible things like a child. In this, Plato lacks a logical consistency. The research of $ch{\bar{o}}ra$ can not deviate from the limits of $eik{\bar{o}}s$ logos.

Comparative Study on Mathematics Curriculum and Contents of Early Childhood Education in Korea and the United States based on Common Core State Standards(CCSS) and New Jersey Preschool Standards (한국과 미국의 유아 수학교육과정 내용 비교 연구: Common Core State Standards 및 뉴저지 주 Preschool Standards를 중심으로)

  • Yu, Sun-young
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.333-354
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    • 2018
  • The study aimed to compare and analyze Nuri curriculum and contents for mathematics in Korea and the Common Core State Standards(CCSS) and New Jersey Preschool Standards for mathematics in the United States. With the results as basis, this study intended to provide suggestions and directions for improving Nuri curriculum of mathematics for young children. For the goal of this study, educational goals, categories of contents, and specific contents were reviewed. First, results of this study indicated that Nuri curriculum for mathematics provides comprehensive educational goals that promote problem-solving ability in everyday contexts with composing mathematical knowledge. On the contrary, CCSS and Preschool Standards provide specific educational goals that focus on children's mathematical skills and concepts. Second, the contents of both countries' curriculum concentrate on 'counting and cardinality', 'measurement', and 'spatial and geometric sense.' There are 5 categories of CCSS, 4 categories of Preschool Standards based on CCSS and one category of Nuri curriculum for mathematics. Third, there are the differences between the two countries' curriculum in continuity from kindergarten to first grade and description method for curriculum.

Estimation of Typhoon Center Using Satellite SAR Imagery (인공위성 SAR 영상 기반 태풍 중심 산정)

  • Jung, Jun-Beom;Park, Kyung-Ae;Byun, Do-Seong;Jeong, Kwang-Yeong;Lee, Eunil
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.502-517
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    • 2019
  • Global warming and rapid climate change have long affected the characteristics of typhoons in the Northwest Pacific, which has induced increasing devastating disasters along the coastal regions of the Korean peninsula. Synthetic Aperature Radar (SAR), as one of the microwave sensors, makes it possible to produce high-resolution sea surface wind field around the typhoon under cloudy atmospheric conditions, which has been impossible to obtain the winds from satellite optical and infrared sensors. The Geophysical Model Functions (GMFs) for sea surface wind retrieval from SAR data requires the input of wind direction, which should be based on the accurate estimation of the center of the typhoon. This study estimated the typhoon centers using Sentinel-1A images to improve the problem of typhoon center detection method and to reflect it in retrieving the sea surface wind. The results were validated by comparing with the typhoon best track data provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) and Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and also by using infrared images of Himawari-8 satellite. The initial center position of the typhoon was determined by using VH polarization, thereby reducing the possibility of error. The detected center showed a difference of 23.76 km on average with the best track data of the four typhoons provided by the KMA and JMA. Compared to the typhoon center estimated by Himawari-8 satellite, the results showed an average spatial variation of 11.80 km except one typhoon located near land with a large difference of 58.73 km. This result suggests that high-resolution SAR images can be used to estimate the center and retrieve sea surface wind around typhoons.