• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial problem

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Task Reconstruction Method for Real-Time Singularity Avoidance for Robotic Manipulators : Dynamic Task Priority Based Analysis (로봇 매니플레이터의 실시간 특이점 회피를 위한 작업 재구성법: 동적 작업 우선도에 기초한 해석)

  • 김진현;최영진
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.855-868
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    • 2004
  • There are several types of singularities in controlling robotic manipulators: kinematic singularity, algorithmic singularity, semi-kinematic singularity, semi-algorithmic singularity, and representation singularity. The kinematic and algorithmic singularities have been investigated intensively because they are not predictable or difficult to avoid. The problem with these singularities is an unnecessary performance reduction in non-singular region and the difficulty in performance tuning. Tn this paper, we propose a method of avoiding kinematic and algorithmic singularities by applying a task reconstruction approach while maximizing the task performance by calculating singularity measures. The proposed method is implemented by removing the component approaching the singularity calculated by using singularity measure in real time. The outstanding feature of the proposed task reconstruction method (TR-method) is that it is based on a local task reconstruction as opposed to the local joint reconstruction of many other approaches. And, this method has dynamic task priority assignment feature which ensures the system stability under singular regions owing to the change of task priority. The TR-method enables us to increase the task controller gain to improve the task performance whereas this increase can destabilize the system for the conventional algorithms in real experiments. In addition, the physical meaning of tuning parameters is very straightforward. Hence, we can maximize task performance even near the singular region while simultaneously obtaining the singularity-free motion. The advantage of the proposed method is experimentally tested by using the 7-dof spatial manipulator, and the result shows that the new method improves the performance several times over the existing algorithms.

Analysis of Media Characteristic for Information Acquisition of Male Beauty for Industrial Promotion Strategy (남성 뷰티 산업의 광고 전략을 위한 남성 뷰티 트렌드의 정보획득 매체특성 연구)

  • KO, Kwangil;Kim, Hye-kyun
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the cosmetics industry considers male customers as a consumptive, active customer base who also have purchasing power with their stronger desire for their personal image enhancement. Male-preferred image brands have entered the era of unlimited competition through social media, thus increasing the acquisition of male beauty. Therefore, the information for designing favorable image strategies should be examined. This paper examines male awareness, determined by the degree of appearance management based on four categories (i.e., hair and skin care, makeup, foot and hand care, and plastic surgery). Based on the research, the paper proposes a data service to address the spatial and temporal separation problem between TV CF (the major media for recognizing information) and online $caf{\acute{e}}$/blog the major media for obtaining detailed information.

Analytical Solution of Magnetic Field in Permanent-Magnet Eddy-Current Couplings by Considering the Effects of Slots and Iron-Core Protrusions

  • Dai, Xin;Liang, Qinghua;Ren, Chao;Cao, Jiayong;Mo, Jinqiu;Wang, Shigang
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.273-283
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we propose an analytical model for studying magnetic fields in radial-flux permanent-magnet eddy-current couplings by considering the effects of slots and iron-core protrusions on the eddy currents. We focus on the analytical prediction of the air-gap field by considering the influence of eddy currents induced in conducting bars. In the proposed model, the permanent magnet region is treated as the source of a time-varying magnetic field and the moving-conductor eddy current problem is solved based on the resolution of time-harmonic Helmholtz equations. The spatial harmonics in the air gap and in slots, as well as the time harmonics are all considered in the analytical calculation. Based on the proposed field model, the electromagnetic torque is computed by using the Maxwell stress tensor method. Nonlinear finite element analysis is performed to validate the analytical model. The proposed model can be used for permanent-magnet eddy-current couplings with any slot-pole combination.

Domain Decomposition Strategy for Pin-wise Full-Core Monte Carlo Depletion Calculation with the Reactor Monte Carlo Code

  • Liang, Jingang;Wang, Kan;Qiu, Yishu;Chai, Xiaoming;Qiang, Shenglong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.635-641
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    • 2016
  • Because of prohibitive data storage requirements in large-scale simulations, the memory problem is an obstacle for Monte Carlo (MC) codes in accomplishing pin-wise three-dimensional (3D) full-core calculations, particularly for whole-core depletion analyses. Various kinds of data are evaluated and quantificational total memory requirements are analyzed based on the Reactor Monte Carlo (RMC) code, showing that tally data, material data, and isotope densities in depletion are three major parts of memory storage. The domain decomposition method is investigated as a means of saving memory, by dividing spatial geometry into domains that are simulated separately by parallel processors. For the validity of particle tracking during transport simulations, particles need to be communicated between domains. In consideration of efficiency, an asynchronous particle communication algorithm is designed and implemented. Furthermore, we couple the domain decomposition method with MC burnup process, under a strategy of utilizing consistent domain partition in both transport and depletion modules. A numerical test of 3D full-core burnup calculations is carried out, indicating that the RMC code, with the domain decomposition method, is capable of pin-wise full-core burnup calculations with millions of depletion regions.

Electrical Resistivity Survey in the Eon-Yang Fault Area, Southeastern Korean Peninsula (경상분지(慶尙盆地) 언양단층(彦陽斷層) 지역(地域)에 대(對)한 전기비저항(電氣比抵抗) 탐사연구(探査硏究))

  • Kim, In-Soo;Kim, Jong-Yeol
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 1983
  • Gyeongsang Basin in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsular is characterized by many fault systems. To decipher the geotectonical evolution of the Korean peninsular and marginal basins in her adjacent areas it is prerequisite to understand the spatial distribution pattern and mutual relationships of these fault systems. Because of difficulties in finding any criterion to recognize the faults in field, their extension and mutual relationships in ages are not very clear yet. As an attempt to find geophysical criteria to recognize the fault, geoelectrical resistivity survey was carried out in this study. With the Wenner configuration four resistivity soundings and twenty seven resistivity profilings were done. The electrode distance used was up to 50m. From the results of the resistivity soundings and boring data of earlier groundwater investigations the depth of alluvial and weathered zone was established to be at most 20m in the study area. In the resistivity profiling low resistivity anomaly zones are detected on every traverse, which are interpreted as caused by fractures, fault clays and mylonites in the fault zone. The width of the fault zone amounts to 0.3-1km. By correlating and connecting the negative anomaly zones from traverse to traverse one can determine the trend of th of the faultzone and therefore that of fault itself. The recognized fault trend in this way was $N15^{\circ}-20^{\circ}E$ and this coincides with the direction of the inferred fault line from earlier geological surface mapping. With the help of this characteristical negative anomaly the existance of another $N80^{\circ}W$ trending fault was estabished. This study has shown that geoelectrical resistivity survey can be applied successfully to the problem of tracing fault line insofar as a fault zone has been developed along fault line.

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Study on Representation of Pollutants Delivery Process using Watershed Model (수질오염총량관리를 위한 유역모형의 유달 과정 재현방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Ha Sun;Rhee, Han Pil;Lee, Sung Jun;Ahn, Ki Hong;Park, Ji Hyung;Kim, Yong Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.589-599
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    • 2016
  • Implemented since 2004, TPLC (Total Pollution Load Control) is the most powerful water-quality protection program. Recently, uncertainty of prediction using steady state model increased due to changing water environments, and necessity of a dynamic state model, especially the watershed model, gained importance. For application of watershed model on TPLC, it needs to be feasible to adjust the relationship (mass-balance) between discharged loads estimated by technical guidance, and arrived loads based on observed data at the watershed outlet. However, at HSPF, simulation is performed as a semi-distributed model (lumped model) in a sub-basin. Therefore, if the estimated discharged loads from individual pollution source is directly entered as the point source data into the RCHRES module (without delivery ratio), the pollutant load is not reduced properly until it reaches the outlet of the sub-basin. The hypothetic RCHRES generated using the HSPF BMP Reach Toolkit was applied to solve this problem (although this is not the original application of Reach Toolkit). It was observed that the impact of discharged load according to spatial distribution of pollution sources in a sub-basin, could be expressed by multi-segmentation of the hypothetical RCHRES. Thus, the discharged pollutant load could be adjusted easily by modification of the infiltration rate or characteristics of flow control devices.


  • Lim, Y.M.;Seon, K.I.;Min, K.;Ryu, K.S.;Park, J.W.;Kim, I.J.;Shinn, J.H.;Lee, D.H.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.20 no.1 s.24
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2005
  • The FIMS(Far-ultraviolet IMaging Spectrograph), the main payload onboard the first Korean Science Technology SATellite, STSAT-1, has performed various astronomical observations, including the Cygnus Loop, Vela supernova remnants, LMC(Large Magellanic Cloud), since its launch on September 2003. It has been found that the attitude information provided by spacecraft bus system has the errors of more than about 10-15 arcmins due to the time offset problem and errors in attitude knowledge. We develop an algorithm for correction of position errors in FIMS data. The aspect for the FIMS data is determined by comparing the positions of observed bright stars with the Tycho-II and TD-1 catalogs. The position errors of the bright stars along the scanning (${\gamma}$) and spatial (${\delta}$) directions were considered as functions of ${\delta}$, ignoring errors in position angle. The corrected positions of the bright stars coincided very well to their Tycho-II and TD-I positions. The correction algorithm is essential for the FIMS data analysis, and is being used for the FIMS data analysis.

Cathodic Protection of Buried Gas Pipelines Using Common Anode Beds (공용양극을 이용한 가스배관의 전기방식)

  • Ha, Y.C.;Kim, D.K.;Bae, J.H.;Ha, T.H.;Lee, H.G.
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2008
  • Due to industrialization and urbanization, underground metallic utilities with different owners have been rapidly increased and cathodic protection (CP) methods, especially impressed current CP systems, have been widely adopted to protect their utilities from corrosion with expanded recognition of this method. The stray current interference problem as well as the difficulty in spatial security for system installation, however, came to a ramification of which each owner couldn't resolve for himself. In this respect, this paper illustrates a field-diagnosed example for mutual interference due to separately operated CP systems and suggests an alternative method to overcome the interference situation by design and field-assessment of a common anode bed cathodic protection system.

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A Study on Quality Control Method for Minutely Rainfall Data (분 단위 강우자료의 품질 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Seok;Moon, Young-Il
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2015
  • Rainfall data is necessary component for water resources design and flood warning system. Most analysis are used long-term hourly data of surface synoptic stations from the Meteorological Administration, Ministry of land, Infrastructure and Transport and others. However, It will be used minutely data of more high density automatic weather stations than surface synoptic stations expecting to increase the frequency of heavy precipitation. But minutely data has a problem about quality of rainfall data by auto observation. This study analyzed about quality control method using automatic weather station's minutely rainfall data of meteorological administration. It was performed assessment of the quality control that was classified quality control of miss Data, outlier data and rainfall interpolation. This method will be utilized when hydrological analysis uses minute rainfall data.

Development of Numerical Model for Predicting Deposition Thickness Distribution during Spray Process for Carbon Nanotube Thin Films (탄소나노튜브 박막 제조를 위한 분무공정에서의 증착 두께 분포 예측 모델 개발)

  • Choi, Du-Soon;Kim, Duck-Jong;Jang, Dong-Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.969-974
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    • 2011
  • A carbon nanotube (CNT) is a cylindrical carbon nanostructure with good transport properties along the tube's axis. As an approach for realizing the practical use of CNTs, CNT networks are fabricated and their applications in many fields are investigated. To fabricate thin CNT-based films, several methods have been proposed and used. Among these methods, the spray coating method is a robust method for fabricating a large area. However, it is difficult to achieve uniformity in the CNT network. To solve this problem, it is necessary to understand the effect of the sprayprocess parameters on the deposition thickness distribution. In this study, a numerical model for predicting the deposition thickness distribution during the spray process was developed. The spatial deposition thickness distributions obtained according to various nozzle paths were analyzed using the developed numerical model.