• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial language

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Application of UML(Unified Modeling Language) Towards Object-oriented Analysis and Design of Geo-based Data Model (지질 데이터 모델의 객체지향 분석 및 설계를 위한 UML의 적용)

  • Lee, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.719-733
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    • 2000
  • Normally, a digital geologic map can be defined as mappable one whose spatial information with geographic information details and geologic database attribute, recorded in a digital format that is readable by computer. It shows fundamentally two different conceptual perspectives: cartography for digital mapping and analysis for geo-data processing. While, as both aspects basically relate to natural entities and their interpretation of complex features fused with multi-sources, digital geo-data mapping or geologic mapping, it should be distinguished from digital mapping in engineering such as UIS(Urban Infomation System) and AM/FM(Automated Mapping/Facilities Management). Furthermore, according to short-cycled development of GIS(Geographic Information System) software architecture based on IT(Information Technology) and wide expansion of GIS applications' fields, the importance of domain analysis and application model is emphasized at digital geologic informatizaion. In this paper, first terms and concepts of geo-data model with general data modeling aspects are addressed, and then case histories for geo-data modeling and several approaches for data modeling in GIS application fields are discussed. Lastly, tentative conceptual geo-data modeling by using UML(Unified Modeling Language) of OO(Object-oriented) concepts with respect to USGS/AASG geo-data mode is attempted. Through this approach, the main benefits for standardization and implementation lineage with conceptual model in consideration to reusability are expected. Conclusively, it is expected that geo-information system and its architecture by UML is the new coming key approach for the GIS application in geo-sciences.

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A Study on the Potential Use of ChatGPT in Public Design Policy Decision-Making (공공디자인 정책 결정에 ChatGPT의 활용 가능성에 관한연구)

  • Son, Dong Joo;Yoon, Myeong Han
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.172-189
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated the potential contribution of ChatGPT, a massive language and information model, in the decision-making process of public design policies, focusing on the characteristics inherent to public design. Public design utilizes the principles and approaches of design to address societal issues and aims to improve public services. In order to formulate public design policies and plans, it is essential to base them on extensive data, including the general status of the area, population demographics, infrastructure, resources, safety, existing policies, legal regulations, landscape, spatial conditions, current state of public design, and regional issues. Therefore, public design is a field of design research that encompasses a vast amount of data and language. Considering the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence technology and the significance of public design, this study aims to explore how massive language and information models like ChatGPT can contribute to public design policies. Alongside, we reviewed the concepts and principles of public design, its role in policy development and implementation, and examined the overview and features of ChatGPT, including its application cases and preceding research to determine its utility in the decision-making process of public design policies. The study found that ChatGPT could offer substantial language information during the formulation of public design policies and assist in decision-making. In particular, ChatGPT proved useful in providing various perspectives and swiftly supplying information necessary for policy decisions. Additionally, the trend of utilizing artificial intelligence in government policy development was confirmed through various studies. However, the usage of ChatGPT also unveiled ethical, legal, and personal privacy issues. Notably, ethical dilemmas were raised, along with issues related to bias and fairness. To practically apply ChatGPT in the decision-making process of public design policies, first, it is necessary to enhance the capacities of policy developers and public design experts to a certain extent. Second, it is advisable to create a provisional regulation named 'Ordinance on the Use of AI in Policy' to continuously refine the utilization until legal adjustments are made. Currently, implementing these two strategies is deemed necessary. Consequently, employing massive language and information models like ChatGPT in the public design field, which harbors a vast amount of language, holds substantial value.

A Study on the Analysis method of interior Space by Semiotic Approach (실내공간의 기호학적 공간분석에 관한 연구 -그레마스의 기호사변형을 중심으로-)

  • 박진배;이수영;조종현
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.16
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the elements forming interior design and to examine dimensional relationship among the elements which form space through the comparison of the spatial language and semiotics of space for the component of interior design. In addition to that it indtends to derive the principle of design which dominate interior design and the inherent diversified meaning by comparing those elements with the square of semiotic used in semiotics. Through this comparsion the meaning of constituent forming space which can be observed through the comparsion of square of semiotic has redefined flexbility among relational system of elements and this flexible concept make the scope of environment including human being broad and enriched. This study fist of all analyzes various phenomena of social culture review semiotics meta-learning and examines back theoretical ground of semiotics which is needed for space analysis. Second of all in the area of presenting an analysis tool for meaningful analysis this report introduces the square of semiotics which was invented,. A. J. Greimas in order to analyze the meaning of literary work and defind three categories of the progressive research method for the analysis of interior design and research itself. Finally as for the analysis of meaning for interior design this report sets the space and analyzed the space in accordance with the method and research procedure. being

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Design of User Friendly KML Validation Tool based on OpenLayers (오픈레이어 기반 사용자 친화적 KML 검증도구 설계)

  • Kim, Jung-Ok;Kang, Ji-Hun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.165-177
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    • 2014
  • The KML verification tool supports people who want to produce the highest quality KML file. In other words, it validate that a given KML document is well-formed with respect to XML standard meaning, and conform not only to the KML schema and the specification. Then it's only to notify error code line. People who want to use the KML file written by others would like to know both whether the validity of that file and general summary of feature's location, shape, and number. In this study, we recommended the user-friendly KML validator using OpenLayers and reporting geometries and images of the KML file.

3D Navigation Real Time RSSI-based Indoor Tracking Application

  • Lee, Boon-Giin;Lee, Young-Sook;Chung, Wan-Young
    • Journal of Ubiquitous Convergence Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2008
  • Representation of various types of information in an interactive virtual reality environment on mobile devices had been an attractive and valuable research in this new era. Our main focus is presenting spatial indoor location sensing information in 3D perception in mind to replace the traditional 2D floor map using handheld PDA. Designation of 3D virtual reality by Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) demonstrates its powerful ability in providing lots of useful positioning information for PDA user in real-time situation. Furthermore, by interpolating portal culling algorithm would reduce the 3D graphics rendering time on low power processing PDA significantly. By fully utilizing the CC2420 chipbased sensor nodes, wireless sensor network was established to locate user position based on Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) signals. Implementation of RSSI-based indoor tracking method is low-cost solution. However, due to signal diffraction, shadowing and multipath fading, high accuracy of sensing information is unable to obtain even though with sophisticated indoor estimation methods. Therefore, low complexity and flexible accuracy refinement algorithm was proposed to obtain high precision indoor sensing information. User indoor position is updated synchronously in virtual reality to real physical world. Moreover, assignment of magnetic compass could provide dynamic orientation information of user current viewpoint in real-time.

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GML Data Integration Method for Load Processing of Spatial Data Warehouse (공간 데이터 웨어하우스에서 GML 데이터의 효율적인 적재를 위한 데이터 통합 기법)

  • Jeon Byung-Yun;Lee Dong-Wook;You Byeong-Seob;Bae Hae-Young
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.27-30
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    • 2006
  • GIS 분야에서 데이터 교환의 표준으로 OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)에서 GML(Geography Markup Language)이 제안되어 웹 어플리케이션이나 공간 데이터 교환에서 사용이 일반화 되어가고 있다. 또한, 공간 데이터를 효과적으로 수집하여 의사결정을 지원하기 위한 시스템인 공간 데이터 웨어하우스에서도 GML 데이터를 추출하여 소스 데이터로 활용하는 것이 요구되고 있다. 하지만 GML 은 반구조형식(semi-structured)의 데이터 형식을 가진다. 따라서 기존 구조적인 데이터와는 추출하는 방식이 다르므로 GML 의 특징에 맞는 공간 데이터 추출이 수행되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 공간 데이터 웨어하우스에서 GML 기반의 공간 데이터 소스를 추출할 때, 중복되는 공간 객체를 하나의 표현으로 통합하여 효율적으로 적재하는 기법을 제안한다. 이는 GQuery를 이용하여 GML 데이터를 추출한 후, GML 스키마를 메타데이터에서 관리하는 스키마 정보와 비교하여 공간 데이터 웨어하우스에 통합된 공간 데이터를 제공하는 기법이다. 성능평가에서는 기존의 GML 데이터를 추출하는 기법과 제안기법과의 비교를 통하여 제안 기법의 기존 기법에 비해 평균적으로 약 9.95%의 성능향상을 보였다.

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The Design of Geographic Information System based on Object Grouping (객체그룹화에 기반한 지리정보시스템의 설계)

  • Kang, Shin-Bong;Joo, In-Hak;Choy, Yoon-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 1995
  • The relational data model is based on mathematical concept of relations and is well formulated, and so there have been numerous practical applications and studies. However, it is not suitable for representing a complex hierarchical structure, which is the characteristic of most geographical objects. On the other hand, the object-oriented data model can naturally represent a complex hierarchical structure, but there is a difficulty in sharing data with the relational data model which is currently used by most commercial GIS users. Also it has no standard query language with standardized format. In this paper, we propose an Object Grouping based on RDBMS to use data from a traditional relational data model while supporting various concepts of the object-oriented data model, and we applied this data model to design a GIS.

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Analysis of Rock Slope Stability by Using GIS in Mt. Keumsu Area (지구정보시스템을 이용한 금수산일대의 암반사면 안정성 평가)

  • 배현철
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2000
  • The goal of this study is to assess the spatial distribution of natural slopes and cutting slopes under would-be development. For this goal, a quantitative slope stability analysis method using GIS integrated with a computer program was developed. Through field investigations, the discontinuity parameters were collected such as orientation of discontinuity, persistence, spacing, JRC, JCS, and water depth. The distributions were interpolated from the ordinary kriging method in ARC/INFO GIS after variogram analysis. The layers showing all parameters needed for limit equilibrium analysis were constructed. The final layer using GIS works composed of 162,352 polygons, that is, unit slopes. The rock slope stability analysis program was coded by C++ language. This program can calculate geometrical vectors related to rock block failures using input orientation data and direction and dimension of strength to occur failure. Also, this can calculate shear strength of joints through empirical equations and quantitative factors of safety. This methodology was applied to the study area which is located in Jaecheon city and Danyang-gun of the northeastern Keumsu is about 135$km^2$. As a result, the study area was entirely stable but unstable, that is, factor of safety less than 1.0dominantly at the slopes near Keumsil, Daejangri, Keumsungmyun and Sojugol, Mt. Dongsan, Juksongmyun by the natural slope stability analysis. Assuming the cutting slope showing the same direction immediate, and quantitative analysis of factors of safety for a regional area could be conducted through GIS integrated with a computer program of limit equilibrium.

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SQL Extension for Supporting Multimedia Data (멀티미디어 데이터를 지원하기 위한 SQL 확장)

  • 이중화;박유현;하창석;김경석
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 1999
  • As the importance and utilization of multimedia data increase, we need to study representing and processing multimedia data within databases. To process multimedia data within databases, we need to precisely model multimedia data, to define data types and operations, and to make up query language supporting them. Therefore, in this paper, we modeled multimedia data using OMT so that we can support multimedia data within databases. We also propose an extended SQL, called MMSQl, which includes new types for supporting multimedia data types and efficiently make a query. Especially, MMSQL provides a mechanism to express temporal and spatial relationships which exist among objects in a multimedia data (internal) or among several multimedia data (external).

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Language (Meaning) and Cognitive Science (언어(특히 의미)와 인지과학)

  • Lee, Chung-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Cognitive Science Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2005
  • Humans perceptually segment events, but models that predict where events will be segmented are limited. Developing a detailed model may be hard because of the overlapping quality of events (i.e., one can smile and walk at the same time, but the endpoint of each event can be different). However, some aspects of events appear to be universally represented in the world's languages. For example, path, the trajectory of an object's movement, is one of the most universally encoded event features. Although it is generally encoded in the prepositions of English (e.g., up), in other languagesit is encoded in the verbs (e.g., descendere). Linguistic universals may represent basic levels of event perception. Here we consider how one of these, path, might be parsed. Because the spatiotemporal projection of paths to an observation point is similar to the spatial projection of objects, we tested the hypothesis that path segmentation and object segmentation would be based on similar image properties, such as discontinuities in orientation.

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