• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial language

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Construction of rapid earthquake damage evaluation system - Real-time two-dimensional visualization of ground motion (지진신속피해평가시스템 구축 - 실시간 지진동의 2차원적 영상화)

  • 지헌철;전정수;이희일;박정호;임인섭
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2002
  • In this study we developed the visualization scheme of spatial ground-motion measurements in real time by using DSS data. Even though this scheme itself is useful for national earthquake mitigation plans, this scheme could be served as the crucial core for constructing rapid earthquake damage evaluation system. DSS is the abbreviation of Data Subscription Service and this is the pre-assigned request for the seismic stations to send very limited brief data with high priority and negligible transmission load. In addition to visualize the damage area with intensity, the corresponding epicenter can be estimated roughly for quick event alarm. For the interpolation of spatially irregular PGA data, the program, named as surface. of GMT was used with NetCDF grid file format. Since the grid file is similar to a postscript file, the program, called as shading, was coded with C language by using Matpak library in order to convert grid files into image files.

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Novelistic Mimesis; or, Modalities of Cultural Modernity

  • Yang, Yu-Mi
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.193-210
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    • 2007
  • This essay is an attempt to give a theoretical articulation of novelistic mimesis as the narrative form of modernity. With the passage to modernity, what assumes the locus of the symbolic authority is no longer God, Father, or tradition, but the cultural gaze or the ego-ideal. At the same time, this gaze paradoxically coalesces with the "spectacle of the world," on the side of the reified "other": the gaze is both the desexualized ego-ideal and its instantaneous transmogrification and resexualization in the opaque world of objects. The imaginary ego or the eye on the side of the subject of representation is held at abeyance in a state of perpetual fascination and desperation in relation to the gaze as the world of "others," which lies always at one remove from the purview of the imaginary ego. This understanding of the inadequation of the ego to the cultural gaze of the reified world provides a critical fulcrum upon which I base my theory of the modern narrative mimesis as the "perverse" field of spatial arrangement, in which the split of the subjectivity into the imaginary ego and the ego-ideal is suspended over the phantasmatic world of bodies and territories.

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  • Lee, Dong-Gyu;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.119-121
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    • 2008
  • Pattern matching is increasingly being employed in various researches as health care service, RFID-based system, facility management, and surveillance. Geosensor filter correlates a data stream to match specific patterns in distribution environments. In this paper, we present a geosensor query language to represent efficiently declarative geosensor query. Geosensor operators are proposed to use for fast query processing in terms of spatial and temporal area in distribution environments. We also propose a geosensor filter to match new query predicates into incoming stream predicates. Our filter can reduce the volume of transmission data and save power consumption of sensors. It can be utilized the stream data mining system to process in real-time various data as location, time, and geosensor information in distribution environments.

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Local Area Management System Using WebCAM (WebCAM을 이용한 지역관리 시스템)

  • 하근희;김도년;조동섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10c
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    • pp.297-299
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    • 1998
  • As there comes out better and better solutions for delivering multimedia data on the internet, the number of WebCAM sites which transmits pictures of any spot to the user's system is getting increased. WebCAM service over the internet can be compared with the CATV in that it is beyond the spatial constraints. In this project, we construct a WebCAM site Which performs not only the fundamental WebCAM functions of capturing images and of transmitting them periodically but also various kinds of modules carrying out tasks such as image processing, remote control of the camera, processing multiple user requests, making panorama views and so on using Java which is the most popular language for the internet or CGI. The past images are stored in a database implemented for the WebCAM system, so the system can be extended to get over the constraints in time also.

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Design and Implementation of XLinking-based Web MapServer for Integrated Viewing of Spatial Data (공간 데이타 통합 뷰를 위한 XLinking 기반의 웹 맵서버의 설계 및 구현)

  • 이혜진;전봉기;홍봉희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.240-242
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    • 2000
  • 기존의 통합 시스템은 이미 구축된 자원을 재활용하여 데이터의 구축 비용을 줄이고자 하는 의도에서 시작되었다. 최근 웹의 확산으로 인하여 웹 기반 분산 환경에서 공간 데이터의 제공을 위한 통합 시스템이 요구되고 있다. 이 논문에서는 XLinking을 기반으로 웹 환경에서 공간 데이터의 통합을 제공하는 시스템을 설계한다. 이는 기존 통합 시스템이 가지는 응용의 복잡성과 긴 사용자 응답 시간이라는 문제점을 해결 가능할 뿐만 아니라 표준 기술을 지원하여 상호 운용을 달성한다. 이 논몬에서는 OGC(OpenGIS Consortium)의 웹 매핑 표준 기술인 WMT(Web Mapping Testbed)의 중첩 맵서버(Cascading MapServer)와 GML(Geography Markup Language)을 사용하여 통합 시스템을 설계하고 구현한다.

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Diagrammatic Representation of Environmental Monitoring Data

  • Yoshioka, Takahito;Sekino, Tatsuki
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.spc
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2005
  • The marked increase in the number of environmental problems, combined with the increase in their intensity and spatial extent, has resulted in an ever-increasing need for constant monitoring. This is complicated by the occurrence of new and complicated environmental issues that often prevent a thorough understanding of the entire monitoring framework. In the present study, a diagrammatic method was developed to present the entire framework of a monitoring plan. The diagram was separated into three sections- "Problem Section", "Research Process and Data Section" and "Entities Section" - to clearly present the disparate relationships between monitoring objectives and the monitoring procedure. Notation of the diagrams was undertaken using Unified Modeling Language (UML). A hypothetical monitoring plan for an environmental problem was designed to assess usefulness of the diagrammatic method. The diagram was capable of reviewing and revising the monitoring plan and could be used to select a monitoring procedure according to the monitoring objectives of the plan. The results suggested that this diagrammatic method was effective for designing an appropriate monitoring plan for a given monitoring objective.

GeoNet: Web-based Renotely Sensed Image Processing System (GeoNet: 웹 기반 위성영상 처리)

  • Ahn, Chung-Hyun;Kim, Kyung-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.8 no.2 s.16
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2000
  • GeoNet is java-based remotely sensed image processing system. It is based on java Ibject-oriented paradigm and features cross-platform, web-based execution and extensibility to client/server remotely sensed image processing model. Remotely sensed image processing softwares made by java programming language can suggest alternatives to meet readily demand on remotely sensed image processing in proportion to increasement of remotely sensed data.

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Design and Implementation of Geographical SQL: a Spatial Query Language for Geographical Information Systems (지리정보시스템을 위한 공간 질의어 Geographical SQL의 설계 및 구현)

  • 이민재;이영구;송주원;황규영;김장수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10b
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    • pp.126-128
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    • 1998
  • 지리정보시스템은 공간 데이터와 비공간 데이터를 통합하여 다루는 시스템이다. 오늘날 사용되는 관계형 데이터 베이스시스템의 질의 언어는 비공간 데이터만을 잘 다룰 뿐, 공간 데이터는 다루지 못한다. 그러므로 지리정보시스템에서는 기존의 질의어를 사용할 수 없다. 지리정보시스템을 위해서는 공간데이터와 비공간 데이터를 동시에 고려하는 새로운 공간 질의언어가 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 공간 질의의 특징을 실펴보고 공간 질의어가 갖추어야 할 필요조건을 도출한다. 그리고, 이러한 필요조건을 만족하는 공간 질의어를 설계하고 구현한다. 구현된 시스템은 기조의 질의어에 공간 객체와 공간 연산자를 서술할 수 있으며 하부 시스템에 구현된 공간 색인 방법을 기반으로 하여 공간 스캔과 공간 조인 방법을 활요하여 빠른 공간 질의 성능을 보인다.

A Dataset Generator for Moving Objects based on GML Documents (GML 문서 기반 이동 객체 위치 데이타 생성자)

  • 김동오;김정준;강홍구;한기준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2004
  • 현재 모바일 환경에서 위치 데이타를 활용하는 LBS(Location Based Services)나 Telemetics 같은 분야가 새로운 화제로 대두되었으며, 관련된 다양한 이동 객체 관리 시스템이 국내외에서 개발되고 있다. 이러한 시스템은 위치 데이타의 효율적인 저장 및 검색을 지원해야 하며, 또한 저장 및 검색의 효율성과 안전성을 검증하기 위해 다양한 데이타 셋을 이용한 테스트 및 성능 평가가 요구되고 있다. 그리고, 이 경우에 특정 상황을 가정한 임의 데이타 셋보다 실제 환경에 가까운 데이타 셋을 이용한다면 보다 정확한 테스트와 성능 평가가 가능할 것이다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 필요성을 해결하기 위해 실제 환경에서의 지형 지물과 같은 다양한 고정 객체와 지형 지물상에서 이동하는 다양한 이동 객체를 고려하여 위치 데이타를 생성하는 기법을 연구하였다. 특히, 고정 객체 및 이동 객체의 위치 데이타를 표현하는데 있어 OGC(Open GIS Consortium)에서 제안한 지리 데이타 공유 및 저장의 표준인 GML(Geography Markup Language) 명세에 기반한 GML 문서를 사용하였다. 즉, 본 논문에서는 다양한 이동 객체 관리 시스템이 실제 환경에 가까운 테스트 및 시뮬레이션을 수행할 수 있도록 하기 위해 GML 기반 이동 객체 위치 데이타 생성자를 개발하였으며, 생성된 데이타 셋은 LBS나 Telemetics는 물론 4D GIS 분야에서 보다 정확한 테스트 및 성능 평가를 위해 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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Local Area Management System Using WebCAM (WebCAM을 이용한 지역관리 시스템)

  • Ha, Geun-Hee;Kim, Do-Nyun;Cho, Dong-Sub
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07g
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    • pp.2212-2214
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    • 1998
  • As there comes out better and better solutions for delivering multimedia data on the internet, the number of WebCAM sites which transmits pictures of any spot to the user's system is getting increased. WebCAM service over the internet can be compared with the CATV in that it is beyond the spatial constraints. In this project, we construct a WebCAM site which performs not only the fundamental WebCAM functions of capturing images and of transmitting them periodically but also various kinds of modules carrying out tasks such as image processing, remote control of the camera, processing multiple user requests, making panorama views and so on using Java which is the most popular language for the internet or CGI. The past images are stored in a database implemented for the WebCAM system, so the system can be extended to get over the constraints in time also.

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