• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial division

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The Effects of Flash Panorama-based Virtual Field Trips on Middle School Students' Spatial Visualization Ability, Conceptual Understanding, and Perceptions (플래시 파노라마 기반 가상야외답사의 활용이 중학생의 공간 시각화 능력, 개념 이해와 인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Ki-Young
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.162-172
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of flash panorama-based virtual field trips (VFT) as a supporting tool for geological field activity on middle school students' spatial visualization ability, conceptual understanding, and perceptions. A total of 17 middle school students participated in a three day long actual geological field trip around Jeju Island where a three-phase instructional model is applied for utilization of flash panorama-based VFT, which was proposed by Kim and Lee (2011). With one-group pretest-posttest pre-experimental design, data were collected using questionnaire and were analyzed to find out a change in students' spatial visualization ability and volcanic concept understanding, and their perceptions about the utilization of flash panorama-based VFT. Findings are as follows: First, the effect of utilizing flash panorama-based VFT in actual field trip revealed that there was meaningful increase in 'spatial relation' category of spatial visualization ability and 'knowledge' and 'comprehension' domains of volcanic concept understanding. Second, majority of students showed positive gain index in both spatial visualization ability and volcanic concept understanding. Lastly, participating students showed much interest and high satisfaction, and positive perception on the use of VFT. They also perceived that the utilization of flash panorama-based VFT could help in carrying out an actual field trip in terms of cognitive and geographical factors.

A Study on the Characteristics of Spatial Structure of Jiangnan Watertown(水鄕鎭) in China - Focusing on Wuzhen and Nanxun in Zhejiang Province - (중국 강남 수향진의 수변공간 특성 연구 - 절강성 오진과 남심을 사례로 -)

  • Choi, Jung-Kwon;Choi, Jung-Mean
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.98-109
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to identify characteristics of spatial structure of Jiangnan water town in China which has been developed along the water channel. Spatial structural characteristics of the water town, Wuzhen and Nanxun in Zhejiang Province are as follows. First, location of town, spatial framework, lot division, and architectural style get determined by the water channel. The water channel is constructed in cross shape, T-shape, or in combination. Secondly, public space of water town is established along main water channel. Visually and functionally alternating private buildings are established on the water channel side and they are creating unique landscape of Jiangnan water town in overall harmony. Thirdly, residential area is established on the east-west water channel side with southward sunny-faced arrangement and waterside residence is in introvert spatial structure with courtyard but the exterior space is connected with water channel intimately. Fourthly, various spatial components along the water channel enrich the sense of place in water town. The components are corridor with roof, tea house, waterside steps, waterside theater and watergate etc. Uniqueness of place is becoming the core competence in modern townscape. In this aspect, Jiangnan water town with historical and cultural accumulation is suggesting a significant implication. Major implications are as follows. First, promotion of proximity to the water is the basic value that the spatial plan of waterfront needs to pursue. Secondly, mixed use is essential for effective land use and revitalization of waterfront. Thirdly, waterfront plan based on the local uniqueness as the place asset is being required.

Efficient Roadside Trees Management using RFID and GIS Technology (무선인식과 지형공간정보체계를 이용한 효율적인 가로수관리)

  • Kim, Eui-Myoung;Lee, Yun;Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, In-Hyun;Choi, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2006
  • Roadside trees that are managed by the local government play important roles to enhance the city lifestyle in many ways. However, because of insufficient human resources that monitor fields and regulations, most roadside trees were left unprotected and lacked the professional management. Also, due to the lack of financial support, pesticides or treatments have rarely been done in a proper time. To solve this existing matter, we have proposed concrete methods that include a latest communication technology, and developed an on-site management system and a web-monitoring system for roadside trees. Our successful research includes efficient approaches to identify an individual tree and integration of both field works and internal work processes with wireless communications and web displays to monitor the roadside trees.

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Development of Subsurface Spatial Information Model with Cluster Analysis and Ontology Model (온톨로지와 군집분석을 이용한 지하공간 정보모델 개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.170-180
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    • 2010
  • With development of the earth's subsurface space, the need for a reliable subsurface spatial model such as a cross-section, boring log is increasing. However, the ground mass was essentially uncertain. To generate model was uncertain because of the shortage of data and the absence of geotechnical interpretation standard(non-statistical uncertainty) as well as field environment variables(statistical uncertainty). Therefore, the current interpretation of the data and the generation of the model were accomplished by a highly trained experts. In this study, a geotechnical ontology model was developed using the current expert experience and knowledge, and the information content was calculated in the ontology hierarchy. After the relative distance between the information contents in the ontology model was combined with the distance between cluster centers, a cluster analysis that considered the geotechnical semantics was performed. In a comparative test of the proposed method, k-means method, and expert's interpretation, the proposed method is most similar to expert's interpretation, and can be 3D-GIS visualization through easily handling massive data. We expect that the proposed method is able to generate the more reasonable subsurface spatial information model without geotechnical experts' help.

Pad Surface Characteristics and their Effect on Within Wafer Non-Uniformity in Chemical Mechanical Polishing (화학 기계적 연마에서 패드표면 특성이 웨이퍼 불균일도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Suk-Hoon;Lee, Hyun-Seop;Jeong, Moon-Ki;Shin, Woon-Ki;Lee, Sang-Jik;Park, Boum-Young;Kim, Hyoung-Jae;Jeong, Hae-Do
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.58-58
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    • 2009
  • Uniformity related issues in chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) are within wafer non-uniformity (WIWNU), wafer to wafer non-uniformity (WTWNU), planarity and dishing/erosion. Here, the WIWNU that originates from spatial distribution of independent variables such as temperature, sliding distance, down force and material removal rate (MRR) during CMP, relies to spatial dependency. Among various sources of spatial irregularity, hardness and modulus of pad and surface roughness in sources for pad uniformity are great, especially. So, we investigated the spatial variation of pad surface characteristics using pad measuring system (PMS) and roughness measuring system. Reduced peak height ($R_{pk}$) of roughness parameter shows a strong correlation with the removal rate, and the distribution of relative sliding distance onwafer during polishing has an effect on the variation of $R_{pk}$ and WIWNU. Also, the results of pad wear profile thorough developed pad profiler well coincides with the kinematical simulation of conditioning, and it can contribute for the enhancement of WIWNU in CMP process.

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Study on approach to segmentation of Station Influence Area into zones appropriate for demand estimation of Urban Railway (도시철도 수요추정을 위한 역세권 ZONE 세분화 방안 연구)

  • Cho, Hang-Ung;Lee, Seung-Yong;Jeon, Gong-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.2122-2136
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    • 2010
  • Existing model formula in the 4 phase model is limited in the estimation of the demand for urban railway because the administrative region-based formula reflects no spatial characteristics of station surrounding area(SSA) that urban railway forms. The purpose of this study is both to analyse the behavior in selecting the method regarding spatial range of SSA and to do the basic research for the development of new model through the survey conducted in the stations of the metropolitan area. This study will review the domestic and foreign cases about designation of SSA, study the spatial range of SSA through case studies, analyze the selection of methods by the spatial range and estimate the demand of the station on the basis of social and economic indices regarding SSA. This study focuses on the verification of real results and model estimates, due to the time constraint and lack of resources for collecting and analysing the data. According to this study, 500m,1000m division of SSA shows the closest results of the model estimates to the real demand of the targeted stations.

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Residential Conditions and Spatial Patterns of Two-person Households in Seoul - Multivariate Analysis Using GIS - (서울시 2인 가구의 주거실태와 공간적 입지 특성 연구 - GIS를 활용한 다변량 분석 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Su;Lee, Sam-Su
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2013
  • The goal of this research is to explore quantitative and residential features and spatial patterns of two-person households to suggest policy implications for housing supply and development in Seoul. Major findings of this study are as follows. First, the number of two-person households has increased rapidly mainly due to the growth of the elderly and single-parent households. They are mainly composed of the elderly over 60s and the youth of 30s of householder age. They are less likely to have well-paying jobs, and thus more likely to suffer from poverty. They are also inclined to live in rental and small-sized residential units and spatial segregation between the youth and the elderly became serious. In addition, their residential area can be classified into four types: area adjacent to employment centers, hinterland of urban centers, affordable multi-family housing area and redeveloped apartment area. It is necessary to change the current housing policy directions to take changing population and household structure into consideration. Also, diversified housing strategies and programs should be prepared to consider various household types and their needs and demands. Place-based strategies for housing supply and development are needed in consideration of spatial patterns and locational attributes of two-person households. Attention needs to be paid to resolving the social issue of residential segregation between different generations.

Development of Pollutant Loading Estimation System using GIS (GIS를 이용한 유역별 오염부하량 산정시스템의 개발)

  • Ham, Kwang-Jun;Kim, Joon-Hyun;Shim, Jae-Min
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a system, which estimates watershed pollutant loading rate through the combination of GIS and computational mode. Also, the applicability of this study was estimated by the application of the above system for Chuncheon City. The detailed results of these studies are as follows; The pollutant loading estimation system was developed for more convenient estimation of pollutant loading rate in watershed, and the system load was minimized by the separation of estimation module for point and non-point source. This system on the basis of GIS is very economical and efficient because it can be applied to other watershed with the watershed map. System modification is not needed. The pollutant loading estimation system for point source was developed to estimate the pollutant loading rate in watershed through the extraction of the proper data from all districts and yearly data and the execution of spatial analysis which is main function of GIS. From the verification result of spatial analysis, real watershed area and the administrative districtarea extracted by spatial analysis were $1,114,893,340.15m^2$ and $1,114,878,683.68m^2$, respectively. It shows that the spatial analysis results were very exact with only 0.001% error. The pollutant loading estimation system for non-point source was developed to calculate the pollutant loading rate through the overlaying of land-use and watershed map after the construction of new land-use map using the land register database with most exact land use classification. Application result for Chuncheon City shows that the proposed system results in one percent land use error while the statistical method results in five percent. More exact nonpoint source pollutant loading was estimated from this system.

Spatial Autocorrelation within a Korean Population of Alnus hirsuta (한국내 물오리나무(Ainus hirsuta) 집단의 공간적 상관관계)

  • Park, Joo-Soo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.345-350
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    • 2004
  • The present study was investigated microgeographic variations to spatial autocorrelation in the Korean alder, Alnus hirsuta. Separate counts of each type of join (combination of genotypes at a single locus) for each allele, and for each distance class of separation, were tested for significant deviation from random expectations by calculating the Standard Normal Deviation (SND). Moran's I was significantly different from the expected value in 24 of 120 cases (20.0%). 17 of these values (14.2%) were significantly negative, indicating genetic dissimilarity among pairs of individuals in the ten distance classes. Many Korean populations of alder are small and are distributed by men for firewood. This occasional cutting of seed-bearing stems may bring a high level of gene flow. In addition, stump sprouting ability also may contribute to the fact that the Chengkwang population at Gijang is unusual in lacking spatial genetic structure.

Performance Evaluation for Linear Space-time Coded MIMO-OFDM System considering Diversity-Spatial Multiplexing (다이버시티와 공간 다중화를 고려하여 선형 STBC를 사용한 OFDM 시스템 성능 분석)

  • 이해정;양청해;곽경섭
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.3A
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    • pp.240-247
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    • 2004
  • In order to transmit data at high speed in the wireless environment, OFDM is selected as the transmission method of various high-speed wireless communication system since it has the advantage to deal easily the serious selective frequency fading channel by the multiple path. We evaluate STBC-OFDM and linear STBC-OFDM combining with a class of recently proposed linear scalable space-time block codes and OFDM in MIMO channel environments, and demonstrate the performance for spatial multiplexing and diversity gain. The codes are able to use jointly transmit diversity in combination with spatial multiplexing, and achieve spatial and temporal diversity. Frequency diversity of frequency selective channels can be utilized by combining the linear STBC and OFDM. Simulation results are shown to demonstrate the better performance of proposed approach in comparison with STBC-OFDM.