• 제목/요약/키워드: soil pressure

검색결과 1,647건 처리시간 0.021초

불포화 사질토의 거동예측을 위한 구성식 개발 (Development of Constitutive Model for the Prediction of Behaviour of Unsaturated Granular Soil)

  • 송창섭;장병욱
    • 한국지반공학회지:지반
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 1995
  • 실트질 모래를 재료로 삼축압축시험기를 개조하고, 삼축셀에 고압공기투과판을 부착하여 축변환기법에 의해 흡인력과 순평균응력을 조절하면서 등력압축시험과 전단시험을 행하여, 불포화 상태에 따른 토질정수의 변화를 규명하였으며, 함수상태의 변화에 따라 응력, 체적변화 등의 거동특성을 검토하였다. 실험의 결과에서 규명된 불포화토의 특성을 바탕으로, 불포화토의 응력성분을 고려하고, 수정 Cam -Clay 모델을 경계조건으로 하는 불포화토의 거동예측을 위한 구성식을 개발하고, 실트질 모래에 대한 실내실험의 자료로부터 구한 관측치와 예측치를 비교하여 이의 타당성을 검증하였다.

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Optimal dimensioning for the corner combined footings

  • Lopez-Chavarria, Sandra;Luevanos-Rojas, Arnulfo;Medina-Elizondo, Manuel
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.169-183
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    • 2017
  • This paper shows optimal dimensioning for the corner combined footings to obtain the most economical contact surface on the soil (optimal area), due to an axial load, moment around of the axis "X" and moment around of the axis "Y" applied to each column. The proposed model considers soil real pressure, i.e., the pressure varies linearly. The classical model is developed by trial and error, i.e., a dimension is proposed, and after, using the equation of the biaxial bending is obtained the stress acting on each vertex of the corner combined footing, which must meet the conditions following: 1) Minimum stress should be equal or greater than zero, because the soil is not withstand tensile. 2) Maximum stress must be equal or less than the allowable capacity that can be capable of withstand the soil. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the validity of the optimization techniques to obtain the minimum area of corner combined footings under an axial load and moments in two directions applied to each column.

지반 그라우팅에 의한 상부구조물의 안전성 분석 (Stability Analysis of Upper Structures by Soil Grouting)

  • 황철성
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2013
  • Transportation and further expansion of social infrastructure was needed along the development of urbanization and population concentration. To use the underground space due to the lack of availability of land, it is inevitable to intersect between present structure and tunnel during construction. Soil grouting is one of the ground improvement methods to reinforce weak soil around the underground structures by injection of grouting liquid. Some of central columns of an upper structure are damaged during injection of grouting liquid by injection pressure. To investigate and improve the stability of the tunnel, three dimensional analysis are performed with full construction stages which includes the construction of present underpass, damaging columns of the underpass, reinforcing the columns by H-pile and shear walls, and excavation and construct tunnel. The arrangement of grouting holes such as curtain and horizontal type affects largely to the stability of upper structure and horizontal arrangement diminish the shear forces which is the cause of damage of central columns. The liquid injection type of reinforcement for tunnel is not recommended while the presence of upper structure with columns. Wall type reinforcing is utilize for permant support of upper structures which is affected by grouting injection pressure. H-pile is utilize for temporary support, but not for permanent since the sharing of shear forces is not much to shear wall during tunnel construction.

Dynamic elastic local buckling of piles under impact loads

  • Yang, J.;Ye, J.Q.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.543-556
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    • 2002
  • A dynamic elastic local buckling analysis is presented for a pile subjected to an axial impact load. The pile is assumed to be geometrically perfect. The interactions between the pile and the surrounding soil are taken into account. The interactions include the normal pressure and skin friction on the surface of the pile due to the resistance of the soil. The analysis also includes the influence of the propagation of stress waves through the length of the pile to the distance at which buckling is initiated and the mass of the pile. A perturbation technique is used to determine the critical buckling length and the associated critical time. As a special case, the explicit expression for the buckling length of a pile is obtained without considering soil resistance and compared with the one obtained for a column by means of an alternative method. Numerical results obtained show good agreement with the experimental results. The effects of the normal pressure and the skin friction due to the surrounding soil, self-weight, stiffness and geometric dimension of the cross section on the critical buckling length are discussed. The sudden change of buckling modes is further considered to show the 'snap-through' phenomenon occurring as a result of stress wave propagation.


  • Inui, Toru;Takai, Atsushi;Katsumi, Takeshi;Kamon, Masashi;Araki, Susumu
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2010년도 추계 학술발표회 3차
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2010
  • A construction technique to install the soil-bentonite (SB) cut-off wall for in-situ geoenvironmental containment by employing the trench cutting and re-mixing deep wall method is first presented in this paper. The laboratory test results on the hydraulic barrier performance of SB in relation to the chemical compatibility are then discussed. Hydraulic conductivity tests using flexible-wall permeameters as well as swell tests were conducted for SB specimens exposed to various types and concentrations of chemicals (calcium chloride, heavy fuel oil, ethanol, and/or seawater) in the permeant and/or in the pore water of original soil. For the SB specimens in which the pore water of original soil did not contain such chemicals and thus the sufficient bentonite hydration occurred, k values were not significantly increased even when permeated with the relatively aggressive chemical solutions such as 1.0 mol/L $CaCl_2$ or 50%-concentration ethanol solution. In contrast, the SB specimens containing $CaCl_2$ in the pore water had the higher k values. The excellent linear correlation between log k and swelling pressure implies that the swelling pressure can be a good indicator for the hydraulic barrier performance of the SB.

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Deformation analyses during subway shield excavation considering stiffness influences of underground structures

  • Zhang, Zhi-guo;Zhao, Qi-hua;Zhang, Meng-xi
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.117-139
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    • 2016
  • Previous studies for soil movements induced by tunneling have primarily focused on the free soil displacements. However, the stiffness of existing structures is expected to alter tunneling-induced ground movements, the sheltering influences for underground structures should be included. Furthermore, minimal attention has been given to the settings for the shield machine's operation parameters during the process of tunnels crossing above and below existing tunnels. Based on the Shanghai railway project, the soil movements induced by an earth pressure balance (EPB) shield considering the sheltering effects of existing tunnels are presented by the simplified theoretical method, the three-dimensional finite element (3D FE) simulation method, and the in-situ monitoring method. The deformation prediction of existing tunnels during complex traversing process is also presented. In addition, the deformation controlling safety measurements are carried out simultaneously to obtain the settings for the shield propulsion parameters, including earth pressure for cutting open, synchronized grouting, propulsion speed, and cutter head torque. It appears that the sheltering effects of underground structures have a great influence on ground movements caused by tunneling. The error obtained by the previous simplified methods based on the free soil displacements cannot be dismissed when encountering many existing structures.

One-dimensional nonlinear consolidation behavior of structured soft clay under time-dependent loading

  • Liu, Weizheng;Shi, Zhiguo;Zhang, Junhui;Zhang, Dingwen
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.299-313
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    • 2019
  • This research investigated the nonlinear compressibility, permeability, the yielding due to structural degradation and their effects on consolidation behavior of structured soft soils. Based on oedometer and hydraulic conductivity test results of natural and reconstituted soft clays, linear log (1+e) ~ $log\;{\sigma}^{\prime}$ and log (1+e) ~ $log\;k_v$ relationships were developed to capture the variations in compressibility and permeability, and the yield stress ratio (YSR) was introduced to characterize the soil structure of natural soft clay. Semi-analytical solutions for one-dimensional consolidation of soft clay under time-dependent loading incorporating the effects of soil nonlinearity and soil structure were proposed. The semi-analytical solutions were verified against field measurements of a well-documented test embankment and they can give better accuracy in prediction of excess pore pressure compared to the predictions using the existing analytical solutions. Additionally, parametric studies were conducted to analyze the effects of YSR, compression index (${\lambda}_r$ and ${\lambda}_c$), and permeability index (${\eta}_k$) on the consolidation behavior of structured soft clays. The magnitude of the difference between degree of consolidation based on excess pore pressure ($U_p$) and that based on strain ($U_s$) depends on YSR. The parameter ${\lambda}_c/{\eta}_k$ plays a significant role in predicting consolidation behavior.

Numerical modeling on the stability of slope with foundation during rainfall

  • Tran, An T.P.;Kim, Ah-Ram;Cho, Gye-Chun
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2019
  • The movement of soil along a slope during rainfall can cause serious economic damage and can jeopardize human life. Accordingly, predicting slope stability during rainfall is a major issue in geotechnical engineering. Due to rainwater penetrating the soil, the negative pore water pressure will decrease, in turn causing a loss of shear strength in the soil and ultimately slope failure. More seriously, many constructions such as houses and transmission towers built in/on slopes are at risk when the slopes fail. In this study, the numerical simulation using 2D finite difference program, which can solve a fully coupled hydromechanical problems, was used to evaluate the effects of soil properties, rainfall conditions, and the location of a foundation on the slope instability and slope failure mechanisms during rainfall. A slope with a transmission tower located in Namyangju, South Korea was analyzed in this study. The results showed that the correlation between permeability and rainfall intensity had an important role in changing the pore water pressure via controlling the infiltrated rainwater. The foundation of the transmission tower was stable during rainfall because the slope failure was estimated to occur at the toe of the slope, and did not go through the foundation.

Modeling for the strap combined footings Part I: Optimal dimensioning

  • Aguilera-Mancilla, Gabriel;Luevanos-Rojas, Arnulfo;Lopez-Chavarria, Sandra;Medina-Elizondo, Manuel
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents a new model for the strap combined footings to obtain the most economical contact surface on the soil (optimal dimensioning) to support an axial load and moment in two directions to each column. The new model considers the soil real pressure, i.e., the pressure varies linearly. Research presented in this paper shows that can be applied to the T-shaped combined footings and the rectangular combined footings. The classical model uses the technique of test and error, i.e., a dimension is proposed, and subsequently, the equation of the biaxial bending is used to obtain the stresses acting on each vertex of the strap combined footing, which must meet the conditions following: The minimum stress should be equal or greater than zero, and maximum stress must be equal or less than the allowable capacity that can withstand the soil. Numerical examples are presented to obtain the optimal area of the contact surface on the soil for the strap combined footings subjected to an axial load and moments in two directions applied to each column. Appendix shows the Tables 4 and 5 for the strap combined footings, the Table 6 for the T-shaped combined footings, and the Table 7 for the rectangular combined footings.

On the effect of void ratio and particle breakage on saturated hydraulic conductivity of tailing materials

  • Ma, Changkun;Zhang, Chao;Chen, Qinglin;Pan, Zhenkai;Ma, Lei
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 2021
  • Particle size of tailings in different areas of dams varies due to sedimentation and separation. Saturated hydraulic conductivity of high-stacked talings materials are seriously affected by void ratio and particle breakage. Conjoined consolidation permeability tests were carried out using a self-developed high-stress permeability and consolidation apparatus. The hydraulic conductivity decreases nonlinearly with the increase of consolidation pressure. The seepage pattern of coarse-particle tailings is channel flow, and the seepage pattern of fine-particle tailings is scattered flow. The change rate of hydraulic conductivity of tailings with different particle sizes under high consolidation pressure tends to be identical. A hydraulic conductivity hysteresis is found in coarse-particle tailings. The hydraulic conductivity hysteresis is more obvious when the water head is lower. A new hydraulic conductivity-void ratio equation was derived by introducing the concept of effective void ratio and breakage index. The equation integrated the hydraulic conductivity equation with different particle sizes over a wide range of consolidation pressures.