• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil pressure

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Stress Analysis of Fill Dam by FEM (FEM에 의한 필댐의 응력해석(應力解析))

  • Kang, Yea Mook;Cho, Seong Seup;Yang, Hae Jin
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 1992
  • The embankment material of Andong Dam was the decomposed granite soil, and FEM analysis with settlement and stress characteristics were studied in this thesis. and also the results were as follows: 1. The vertical settlement of dam quite nearly coincides with the calculated one by FEM. A maximum value of the measured and the calculated is 40cm and 42cm, respectively, at the EL. 130m. 2. The measured settlement values of the central parts in elevation are nearly the same as those of the calculated, and the settlement values in order of magnitude are in core, filter, random and rock. 3. Horizontal deformation of max. 21cm in downstream is larger than that of max. 17cm in upstream, which is highly influenced by the water pressure of reservoir water level and the earth pressure of coffer dam in upstream. 4. Reverse arching effect of vertical stress in streamflow section are caused by the difference of stiffness, because stiffness is larger in core zone than in filter zone. 5. Load transfer ratio which is the ratio of principal stress of core zone and filter zone is 1.06, which clearly showes the reverse arching effect in vertical stress.

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A Development of Embankment Stability Evaluation Method on Soft Foundation (연약지반상의 흙쌓기 안정관리 기법 개발)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seon;Chang, Yong-Chai;Park, Sung-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2013
  • This study proposed a new embankment stability control method to analyze the measurement data on the slope activities of the soft ground, using the Stability Control Index (SCI) obtained from the p-q stress paths. In order to validate this new technique, the data from triaxial compression tests (CU) and field measurement were compared. SCI is calculated from the current path of the effective stress points ($p^{\prime}=p-{\Delta}u$) using the relative position between the Total Stress Path $p_{max}$ and the point of $k_f$ line $p_f$. From this result, the point of effective stress $p^{\prime}(=p-{\Delta}u)$ will have access to the point $p_f$ of $k_f$ line when the pore water pressure occurs or the point of total stress pass $p^{\prime}_{max}$ when the pore pressure dissipates. Thus, the Stability Control Index (SCI) can evaluate quantitatively the safety of embankment from the relative position of the effective stress path.

Stability Behavior of Geotextile Tube Composite Structure by Slope Stability and 2-D Limit Equilibrium Analysis (2차원 한계평형 및 사면안정해석을 통한 지오텍스타일 튜브 복합구조물의 안정성 분석)

  • Oh, Young-In;Shin, Eun-Chul;Kang, Jeong-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2006
  • Geotextile has been used for various types of containers, such as small hand-filled sandbags, 3-dimensional fabric forms for concrete paste, large soil and aggregate filled geotextile gabion, prefabricated hydraulically filled containers. They are hydraulically filled with dredged materials and have been applied in coastal protection and scour protection, dewatering method of slurry, temporary working platform for bridge construction, temporary embankment for spill way dam construction. Recently, geotextile tube technology is no longer alternative construction technique but suitable desired solution. The paper presents the stability behavior of geotextile tube composite structure by 2-D limit equilibrium and slope stability analysis. 2-D limit equilibrium analysis was performed to evaluate the stability of geotextile tube composite structure to the lateral earth pressure and also transient seepage and stability analysis were conducted to determine the pore pressure distribution by tide variation and slope stability. Based on the results of this paper, the three types of geotextile tube composite structure is stable and also slope stability of overall geotextile tube composite structures is stable with the variation of tidal conditions.

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A Study on the Lateral Flow in Polluted Soft Soils (오염된 연약지반의 측방유동에 관한 연구)

  • 안종필;박상범
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.175-190
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    • 2001
  • This study investigates the existing theoretical backgrounds in order to examine the behavior of lateral flow according to the plasticity of soils when unsymmetrical surcharge is worked on polluted soft soils by comparing and analyzing the results measured through model tests. Model tests are canied out as follows soil tank, bearing frame and bearing plate are made. By increasing unsymmetrical surcharge to the ground soils with the consistent water content and with gradually increased polluted materials at intervals, the amounts of settlement, lateral displacement and upheaval were respectively observed. In conclusion, the value of critical surcharge was expressed as q$_{cr}$=2.78$_{cu}$ which was similar to those Tschebotarioff(q$_{cr}$=3.0$_{cu}$) and Meyerhof(q$_{cr}$=(B/2H+$\pi$/2)$_{cu}$) had been proposed. The value of ultimate capacity was expressed as q$_{ult}$=4.84$_{cu}$ which was similar to that of Prandtl. The lateral flow pressure is adeQuately calculated by the eQuation(P$_{max}$=K$_o$ r H) and the maximum value of lateral flow pressure is found near O.3H of layer thickness(H) and is higher to ground surface than the ones in composition pattern, Poulos distribution pattern and softclay soils (CL, CH) which is not polluted. The stability control method used in this research followed the management diagram of Tominaga.Hashimoto, Shibata.Sekiguchi, Matsuo.Kawamura who use the amounts of plasticity displacement by lateral flow. As a result, the ultimate capacity values in the diagram {S$_v$-(Y$_m$/S$_v$)} of Matsuo.Kawamura and in the diagram {(q/Y$_m$)-q} of Shibata. Sekiguchi were smaller than in the ones of load-settlement curve (q-S$_v$).

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Analysis of Recycled Raw Materials and Evaluation of Characteristics by Mixing Ratio for Recycling of Waste Vinyl (폐비닐 재활용을 위한 재생원료 분석 및 배합비율에 따른 특성 평가)

  • Ahn, Nak-Kyoon;Lee, Chan gi;Kim, Jung-Hwan;Park, Pil Hwan;Kim, Seung-Hwan;Yoon, Jin-Ho
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2021
  • Waste vinyl generated from household waste has been used as a solid refuse fuel (SRF) due to the presence of impurities such as soil, metal, and glass; however, the amount of SRF used has been decreasing owing to recent environmental problems, thereby necessitating the need for recycling. In this study, the mixed recycled raw material produced from household waste vinyl and polyethylene (PE) single recycled raw material produced from agricultural waste vinyl were examined. Raw material analysis revealed that waste vinyl was mainly composed of polyethylene, and approximately 2% of ash remained in the mixed recycled raw material, whereas no ash was found in the PE single recycled raw material. In addition, the analysis of tensile strength according to the mixing ratio of the two recycled raw materials revealed that the highest tensile strength was approximately 16 MPa under the heat treatment temperature of 200 ℃, compression pressure of 30 MPa, and a mixing ratio of 3:7 (mixed:PE single). In addition, the highest bending strength was approximately 39 MPa under the heat treatment temperature of 200 ℃, compression pressure of 30 MPa, and a mixing ratio of 3:7 (mixed:PE single). Therefore, the possibility of recycling waste vinyl was suggested by investigating the change in strength characteristics according to the mixing ratio of the recycled raw materials.

Verification of the Numerical Analysis on Caisson Quay Wall Behavior Under Seismic Loading Using Centrifuge Test (원심모형시험을 이용한 케이슨 안벽의 지진시 거동에 대한 수치해석 검증)

  • Lee, Jin-Sun;Park, Tae-Jung;Lee, Moon-Gyo;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2018
  • In this study, verification of the nonlinear effective stress analysis is performed for introducing performance based earthquake resistance design of port and harbor structures. Seismic response of gravitational caisson quay wall in numerical analysis is compared directly with dynamic centrifuge test results in prototype scale. Inside of the rigid box, model of the gravitational quay wall is placed above the saturated sand layer which can show the increase of excess pore water pressure. The model represents caisson quay wall with a height of 10 m, width of 6 m under centrifugal acceleration of 60 g. The numerical model is made in the same dimension with the prototype scale of the test in two dimensional plane strain condition. Byrne's liquefaction model is adopted together with a nonlinear constitutive model. Interface element is used for sliding and tensional separation between quay wall and the adjacent soils. Verification results show good agreement for permanent displacement of the quay wall, horizontal acceleration at quay wall and soil layer, and excess pore water pressure increment beneath the quay wall foundation.

Numerical Evaluation of Forces on TBM during Excavation in Mixed Ground Condition by Coupled DEM-FDM (개별요소법 및 유한차분법 연계 모델을 활용한 복합지반 TBM 굴진 시 TBM에 작용하는 힘의 수치해석적 분석)

  • Choi, Soon-Wook;Lee, Hyobum;Choi, Hangseok;Chang, Soo-Ho;Kang, Tae-Ho;Lee, Chulho
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.549-560
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    • 2021
  • Forces exerted on a shield TBM (tunnel boring machine) such as cutter head torque, thrust force, chamber pressure, and upward force are key factors determining TBM performance. However, the forces acting on the TBM when tunnelling the mixed ground have different tendencies compared to that of the uniform ground, which could impair TBM performance. In this study, the effect of mixed ground tunnelling was numerically investigated with torque, thrust force, chamber pressure, and upward force. A coupled discrete element method (DEM) and finite difference method (FDM) model for TBM driving model was used. This numerical study simulates TBM tunnelling in mixed ground composed of upper weathered granite soil and lower weathered rock. The effect on the force acting on the TBM according to the location and slope of the boundary of the mixed ground was numerically examined.

Assessment of the Correlation between Segregation Potential and Hydraulic Conductivity with Fines Fraction (세립분 함유량에 따른 동상민감성 지수와 수리전도도의 상관관계 평가)

  • Jin, Hyunwoo;Kim, Incheol;Eun, Jongwan;Ryu, Byung Hyun;Lee, Jangguen
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2021
  • The cryosuction (negative pore pressure) in freezing soils causes groundwater migration from the frozen fringe to freezing front for ice lens formation. Frost heave and heaving pressure by ice lens cause damage to ground infrastructure. In order to prevent damage by the frost heave, various frost susceptibility criteria have been proposed. The SP (Segregation Potential) is the most widely used classification criterion for frost susceptibility in cold regions. The expansion of the ice lens by the migration of the groundwater is a key role in frost heave mechanism, and thus it is necessary to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity. In this paper, soil mixtures of coarse-fines (sand-silt) were prepared in various weight fractions and used for frost heave and column permeability test. For each case, the SP and the hydraulic conductivity were derived and correlations were analyzed. As a results, the transition threshold of the SP and the hydraulic conductivity were shown at 20% and 50% of the silt weight fraction, respectively. Although there are difference between these transition thresholds, these two coefficients show a specific correlation. In the future, additional study should be conducted for detailed analysis of the threshold transition values between SP and hydraulic conductivity.

Evaluation of the Installation Mechanism of the Micropile with the Base Expansion Structure Using a Centrifuge Model Test (원심모형실험을 활용한 선단확장형 마이크로파일의 설치 메커니즘 평가)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Seok-Jung;Han, Jin-Tae;Lee, Seokhyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.37 no.11
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2021
  • Micropiles are widely used in construction field to enhance bearing capacity and reduce settlement of existing foundation. It has various benefits such as low construction expense, simple installation process, and small construction equipment. Recently, new microple equipped with the base expansion structure at the end has been developed to improve the foundation bearing capacity. The improvement of load capacity can be conceptually achieved by expanding the base expansion structure when a load is applied to the micropile. However, the expansion mechanism of the base expansion structure and the improvement of load capacity of the micropile were not yet experimentally validated. Therefore, in this study, a series of centrifuge model tests was performed to evaluate the effect of the base expansion structure on the improvement of load capacity. Two types of soil, sand and weathered rock, were prepared and the loading tests were performed using the real micropile with the base expansion structure. During the tests, the earth pressures surrounding the base expansion structure were monitored. As a result, when a load of 30 kN was applied to the micropile, the increase in the ratio of the horizontal to vertical pressure increment (∆σh/∆σ𝜈) ranged from 0.4 to 0.58 in sand and ∆σh/∆σ𝜈 = 0.19 in weathered rock, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that the increase in the horizontal earth pressure adjacent to the base expansion structure will improve the bearing capacity of the micropile.

A Study on Drainage Capacity of PBD Installed in Deep Soft Ground (대심도 연약지반에 적용되는 PBD의 통수능에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Yo-Seph;Ahn, Byung-Je;Chun, Byung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2009
  • The problems of bearing capacity, settlement and shear deformation occur when constructing a structure such as harbor, airport and bridge on soft ground of marine clay, silty clay or sandy soil. Various ground improvement methods are applied to obtain preceding settlement of soft ground and strength increase. In this study, to analyze the applicability of PBD method in deep soft ground, the compound drainage capacity test was operated in comparison with SD. As a result of the test, a minimum drainage capacity of drain material was estimated to be more than $10\;cm^3/sec$ at a more than $400\;kN/m^2$ and less than $5\;cm^3/sec$ at a more than $500\;kN/m^2$ confining pressure in case of single core PBD. In case of double core PBD, it was estimated to be more than $10\;cm^3/sec$ at a more than $500\;kN/m^2$ confining pressure.