• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil pressure

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Stemming Effect of the Crushed Granite Sand as Fine Aggregate at the Mortar Blasting Test (화강암 부순모래의 발파전색효과 연구)

  • Kim, Hak-Sung;Lee, Sang-Eun
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.320-327
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    • 2011
  • In this study, for stemming effect in blast of the mortar block body, the crushed granite sand as fine aggregate, which is waste rock obtained at the ○○ limestone mine, was investigated to compare with stemming materials such as sea sand, river sand, clayed soil and water can be acquired easily at the field. The mortar block body was manufactured with the dimensions of 50 cm width, 50 cm length and 70 cm height. The direct shear and sieve separator test were performed, and the properties of friction resistance were analyzed by the extrusion test for five stemming materials. Axial strain of steel bar and ejection velocity of stemming materials due to the explosive shock pressure in blasthole with the stemming length of 10 cm and 20 cm in the mortar blast test were measured by the dynamic data acquisition system. Among stemming materials, axial strain showed the largest value at the crushed granite sand as fine aggregate, and the ejection velocity was the smallest value at the stemming of water. The results has shown correlate with harden unit weight in blasthole, particle size distribution, shear resistance, and extrusion strength of stemming materials. The ejection velocity of stemming material at the mouth of blasthole and the axial strain of steel bar in the inside of blasthole tend to be inversely proportional to each other, represent exponentially.

Dynamic-stability Evaluation of Unsaturated Road Embankments with Different Water Contents (함수비에 따른 불포화 도로성토의 동적 안정성 평가)

  • Lee, Chung-Won;Higo, Yosuke;Oka, Fusao
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.5-21
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    • 2014
  • It has been pointed out that the collapses of unsaturated road embankments caused by earthquake are attributed to high water content caused by the seepage of the underground water and/or the rainfall infiltration. Hence, it is important to study influences of water content on the dynamic stability and deformation mode of unsaturated road embankments for development of a proper design scheme including an effective reinforcement to prevent severe damage. This study demonstrates dynamic centrifugal model tests with different water contents to investigate the effect of water content on deformation and failure behaviors of unsaturated road embankments. Based on the measurement of displacement, the pore water pressure and the acceleration during dynamic loading, dynamic behavior of the unsaturated road embankments with about optimum water content and the higher water content than the optimum one have been examined. In addition, an image analysis has revealed the displacement field and the distributions of strains in the road embankment, by which deformation mode of the road embankment with higher water content has been clarified. It has been confirmed that in the case of higher water content the settlement of the crown is large mainly owing to the volume compression underneath the crown, while the small confining pressure at the toe and near the slope surface induces large shear deformation with volume expansion.

A study on efficient management of the drainages of underground tunnels for environmentally friendly urban railway systems (도시철도 친환경 지하터널 배수형식의 효율적인 유지관리 방안 검토)

  • Baek, Jong-Myeong;Hong, Jong-Hun;Kim, Han-Bae
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.1982-1990
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    • 2010
  • Excepting tunnel of dorimstream - ccachimountain station section, the subway line No.2th section was build using ASSM and NATM methods because of soil pressure and land condition. The way of dealing underground water was selected without sufficient preconsideration of geographical features, ground condition, influence of lowing underground water, and long-term cost of running maintenance so that the form of undrained tunnel was build having decreased construction characteristics and technically improper elements. The form of partial drainage is very difficult to manage structures of tunnel, because water leakage, water pressure causing cracks of lining concretes and scaling are constantly happened. so partial drainage suggest that setting reinforced Anchor Bolt to prevent buoyancy and should increase center drainage way up to height of railroad. Partial drainage suggest that holey pipe(${\phi}$350mm) manhole, drainage checking pipe manhole are should be regularly dredged, when changing roadbed(gravel${\rightarrow}$concrete) drainage checking pipe manhole should be build and setting a limitation of entering underground water's quantities. Beside drainage degree in changed section of structures causing instability of structures is continuous degree. so if efficient drainage way and the patterns of flaws, problems are considered in survey, it will be expected to have a advantage condition in maintenance part.

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Case Study of a Stability Analysis of a Granitoid Slope in the Gansung-Hyunnae area, GangwonDo (강원도 간성-현내 지역 화강암류 비탈면 안정성 검토 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Hong-Gyun;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Ok, Young-Seok;Koo, Ho-Bon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.331-341
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    • 2012
  • Granitoid rocks are generally high-quality rock from a geotechnical perspective, because they rarely contain systematic joints or fragmented fault zones. Although the rock type at the Sanhak site is granite, a collapsed slope has a deep soil layer and shows no residual structures such as discontinuities or faults; surface avalanches from this slope can be observed in several places. To study the stability of this slope, we investigated rainfall duration, variation in pore-water pressure, and the factor of safety considering three cases (current cross-section, initial planning cross-section, revised planning cross-section). With increasing duration of rainfall, the groundwater level rises, up to 20 m in height from ground surface. In the initial planning cross-section, safety was secure for rainfall of 2 days duration, but inadequate for rainfall of 4 days duration. In the revised planning cross-section, however, safety factors were secure for rainfall of 4 days duration. Therefore, to ensure permanent stability at the Sanhak site, a slope degree of 1:1.8 should be maintained during cutting.

Profiling Stress History(OCR, $\sigma를$p) of Marine Clay Using Piezocone Penetration Test (해성점토지반에서 CPT를 이용한 응력이력(OCR, $\sigma$를 p)의 산정)

  • 이강운;윤길림;채영수
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2002
  • Various CPT-based prediction models far profiling stress history of marine clay at the southern part of the Korean peninsula were investigated by using both statistical analysis and case history study. Preconsolidation pressures($\sigma'$p) and overconsolidation ratio(OCR) estimated by empirical correlations and cone penetration tests were compared with those of laboratory odometer test results. Stress history of marine clay determined by odometer test results was in general overconsolidated at below 10m depth from the mudline, whereas marine clay at below l0m depth from the mudline which has an around 0.3 overconsolidation ratio showed variable stresses and unstable states. Preconsolidation pressures were computed by both empirical methods of the Chen and Mayne(1996) and theoretical method of Konrad and Law(1987). It is estimated that Chen and Mayne(1996)'s prediction method based on pore water pressure is more reliable than any other prediction methods, and their method proved to be the most reliable for overconsolidation ratio estimation. However, it is recommended that Mayne & Holtz(1988) and Mayne & Bachus(1988) methods are more suitable than any other methods for predicting the overconsolidation ratio at an underconsolidated (OCR<1) clay. For these reasons, rather than making use of existing prediction models, development of site specific empirical correlations which considers local characteristics and site conditions may be required due to different local stress history and variable soil properties.

Efficiency of Geothermal Energy Generation Assessed from Measurements of Deep Depth Geothermal Conductivity (고심도 지중열전도도에 의한 지열 응용의 효율성)

  • Cho, Heuy-Nam;Lee, Dal-Heui;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2012
  • The objectives of this study were to test geothermal conductivity (k), water velocity, water quantity, and pipe pressure from a ground heat exchanger in the field, and then to analyze these data in relation to the effectiveness and economical efficiency for application of geothermal energy. After installation of the apparatus required for field tests, geothermal conductivity values were obtained from three different cases (second, third, and fourth). The k values of the second case (506 m depth) and third case (151 m depth) are approximately 2.9 and 2.8, respectively. The k value of the fourth case (506 m depth, double pipe) is 2.5, which is similar to the second and third cases. This result indicates that hole depth is a critical factor for geothermal applications. Analysis of the field data (k, water velocity, water quantity, and pipe pressure) reveals that a single geothermal system at 506 m depth is more economically efficient than three geothermal systems at depths intervals of 151 m. Although it is more expensive to install a geothermal system at 506 m depth than at 151 m depth, test results showed that the geothermal system of the fourth case (506 m, double pipe) is more economically efficient than the system at 151 m depth. Considering the optional cost of maintenance, which is a non-operational expense, the geothermal system of the fourth case is economically efficient. Large cities and areas with high land prices should make greater use of geothermal energy.

Behavior of Geotextile Tube Composite Structure by 2-D Limit Equilibrium and Plane Strain Analysis (2차원 한계평형 및 평면변형해석을 통한 지오텍스타일 튜브 복합구조물의 거동분석)

  • Shin, Eunchul
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2006
  • The geotextile have been used in filtration and drainage for over 30 years in many applications of civil and environmental projects. Geotextile tube is compound technology of filtration and drainage property of geotextile. Geotextile have been used for various types of containers, such as small hand-filled sandbags, 3-dimensional fabric forms for concrete paste, large soil and aggregate filled geotextile gabion, prefabricated hydraulically filled containers, and other innovative systems involving containment of soils using geotextile. They are hydraulically filled with dredged materials. It have been applied in coastal protection and scour protection, dewatering method of slurry, and isolation of contaminated material. Recently, geotextile tube technology is no longer alternative construction technique but suitable desired solution. This paper presents the behavior of geotextile tube composite structure by 2-D limit equilibrium and plane strain analysis. 2-D limit equilibrium analysis was performed to evaluate the stability of geotextile tube composite structure for the lateral load and also the plane strain analysis was conducted to determine the design and construction factors. Based on the results of this paper, the three types of geotextile tube composite structure is stable. And the optimum tensile strength of geotextile is 151kN/m and maximum pumping pressure is 22.7kN/m.

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A Trend of Back Ground Surface Settlement of Braced Wall Depending on the Joint Dips in Rocks under the Soil Strata (복합지반 굴착 시 암반층 절리경사 각도별 흙막이 벽체 배후 지표침하의 경향)

  • Bae, Sang-Su;Lee, Sang-Duk
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.32 no.11
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2016
  • The surface settlement of the back ground of a braced wall due to the ground excavation has the great influence on the safety of the surrounding area. But it is not easy to predict the settlement of the surrounding area due to proud excavation. Estimation of the settlement of the surface ground induced by the deformation of the braced wall is performed by FEM and empirical method (Peck, Clough etc). In this research, surface settlement of the back ground braced wall depending on the joint dips in rocks during excavating the composit ground was measured at the large scale model test (standard: $0.3m{\times}0.3m{\times}0.5m$). The scale of model test was 1/14.5 and the ground was excavated in ten steps. Earth pressure on the braced wall and ground surface settlement on the back ground of a braced wall were investigated. The surface settlement during the excavation depended on the joint dips in rocks on of the ratio of rock layer. Maximum earth pressure and maximum surface settlement were masured at the same excavation step. In accordance with the increase of the rock layer dips and rock layer ratio, the ground surface settlement increased. The maximum ground surface settlement was 17 times larger at 60 degree joint dips in rocks than that of the horizontal ground conditions. And the position of the maximum surface settlement by empirical method was calculated at the point, which was 17%~33% of excavation depth. In accordance with the increase of the rock layer dips and rock layer ratio, the ground maximum surface settlement increased. The ground surface settlement of composite ground is smaller than that of the empirical.

Analysis on the characteristics of the earth pressure distribution induced by the integrated steel pipe-roof construction (일체형 강관 파이프루프 시공에 따른 주변 지반의 토압 분포 특성 분석)

  • Sim, Youngjong;Jin, Kyu-Nam;Song, Ki-Il
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.455-468
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    • 2013
  • In recent, various types of steel pipe-roof methods, which is reinforced by mortar after propulsion of steel pipe into the ground, have been used for the construction of trenchless underpass. Integrated steel pipe-roof has flexural stiffness and can resist against overburden load and reduce the stress acting on the concrete underpass structures. Due to arching effect, vertical and horizontal stress distribution around the steel pipe-roof is changing. In this study, therefore, the characteristic of stress distribution around the underpass induced by the construction of integrated steel pipe-roof is investigated by using numerical method. To examine the soil-structure interaction, interface element is introduced. Results show that vertical stress acting on the concrete structure placing inside the steel pipe-roof is significantly reduced due to arching effect and flexural stiffness of integrated steel pipe-roof. Design load can be reduced and effective design of underpass will be available if the earth pressure reduction due to arching effect is considered in the design stage.

Real-scale Accelerated Testing to Evaluate Long-term Performance for Bridge/Earthwork Transition Structure Reinforced by Geosynthetics and Cement Treated Materials (토목섬유와 시멘트처리채움재로 보강한 교량/토공 접속구조의 장기공용성 평가를 위한 실물가속시험)

  • Lee, Il-Wha;Choi, Won-Il;Cho, Kook-Hwan;Lee, Kang-Myung;Min, Kyung-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2014
  • The transition zone between an earthwork and a bridge effect to the vehicle's running stability because support stiffness of the roadbed is suddenly changed. The design criteria for the transition structure on ballast track were not particular in the past. However with the introduction of concrete track is introduced, it requires there is a higher performance level required because of maintenance and running stability. In this present paper, a transition structure reinforced with geosynthetics is suggested to improve the performance of existing bridge-earthwork transition structures. The suggested transition structure, in which there is reinforcing of the approach block using high-tension geosynthetics, has a structure similar to that of earth reinforced abutments. The utilized backfill materials are cement treated soil and gravel. These materials are used to reduce water intrusion into the approach block and to increase the recycling of surplus earth materials. An experiment was performed under the same conditions in order to allow a comparison of this new structure with the existing transition structure. Evaluation items are elastic displacement, cumulative settlement, and earth pressure. As for the results of the real-scale accelerated testing, the suggested transition structure has excellent performance for the reduction of earth pressure and settlement. Above all, it has high resistance the variation of the water content.