• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil model

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Dynamic Shear Behavior Characteristics of PHC Pile-cohesive Soil Ground Contact Interface Considering Various Environmental Factors (다양한 환경인자를 고려한 PHC 말뚝-사질토 지반 접촉면의 동적 전단거동 특성)

  • Kim, Young-Jun;Kwak, Chang-Won;Park, Inn-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2024
  • PHC piles demonstrate superior resistance to compression and bending moments, and their factory-based production enhances quality assurance and management processes. Despite these advantages that have resulted in widespread use in civil engineering and construction projects, the design process frequently relies on empirical formulas or N-values to estimate the soil-pile friction, which is crucial for bearing capacity, and this reliance underscores a significant lack of experimental validation. In addition, environmental factors, e.g., the pH levels in groundwater and the effects of seawater, are commonly not considered. Thus, this study investigates the influence of vibrating machine foundations on PHC pile models in consideration of the effects of varying pH conditions. Concrete model piles were subjected to a one-month conditioning period in different pH environments (acidic, neutral, and alkaline) and under the influence of seawater. Subsequent repeated direct shear tests were performed on the pile-soil interface, and the disturbed state concept was employed to derive parameters that effectively quantify the dynamic behavior of this interface. The results revealed a descending order of shear stress in neutral, acidic, and alkaline conditions, with the pH-influenced samples exhibiting a more pronounced reduction in shear stress than those affected by seawater.

A study on automated soil moisture monitoring methods for the Korean peninsula based on Google Earth Engine (Google Earth Engine 기반의 한반도 토양수분 모니터링 자동화 기법 연구)

  • Jang, Wonjin;Chung, Jeehun;Lee, Yonggwan;Kim, Jinuk;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.9
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    • pp.615-626
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    • 2024
  • To accurately and efficiently monitor soil moisture (SM) across South Korea, this study developed a SM estimation model that integrates the cloud computing platform Google Earth Engine (GEE) and Automated Machine Learning (AutoML). Various spatial information was utilized based on Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and the global precipitation observation satellite GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) to test optimal input data combinations. The results indicated that GPM-based accumulated dry-days, 5-day antecedent average precipitation, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), the sum of LST (Land Surface Temperature) acquired during nighttime and daytime, soil properties (sand and clay content, bulk density), terrain data (elevation and slope), and seasonal classification had high feature importance. After setting the objective function (Determination of coefficient, R2 ; Root Mean Square Error, RMSE; Mean Absolute Percent Error, MAPE) using AutoML for the combination of the aforementioned data, a comparative evaluation of machine learning techniques was conducted. The results revealed that tree-based models exhibited high performance, with Random Forest demonstrating the best performance (R2 : 0.72, RMSE: 2.70 vol%, MAPE: 0.14).

Surface Tension-Water Saturation Relationship as the Function of Soil Particle Size and Aquifer Depth During Groundwater Air Sparging (대수층 폭기공정에서 토양입경 및 지하수 깊이에 따른 표면장력과 함수율의 상관관계)

  • Kim, Heon-Ki;Kwon, Han-Joon
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2009
  • Reduction of groundwater surface tension prior to air sparging (SEAS, surfactant-enhanced air sparging) was known to increase air saturation in the aquifer under influence, possibly enhancing the removal rates of volatile contaminants. Although SEAS was known to be efficient for increasing air saturation, little information is available for different hydrogeological settings including soil particle sizes and the depth of aquifer. We investigated water saturations in the sparging influence zone during SEAS using one-dimensional column packed with sands of different particle sizes and different aquifer depths. An anionic surfactant was used to suppress the surface tension of water. Two different sands were used; the air entry pressures of the sands were measured to be $15.0\;cmH_2O$, and $36.3\;cmH_2O$, respectively. No significant difference was observed in the water saturation-surface tension relationship for sands with different particle sizes. As the surface tension decreased, the water saturation decreased to a lowest point and then it increased with further decrease in the surface tension. Both sands reached their lowest water saturations when the surface tension was set approximately at 42 dyne/cm. SEAS was conducted at three different aquifer depths; 41 cm, 81 cm, and 160 cm. Water saturation-surface tension relationship was consistent regardless of the aquifer depth. The size of sparging influence zone during SEAS, measured using two-dimensional model, was found to be similar to the changes in air saturation, measured using one-dimensional model. Considering diverse hydrogeological settings where SEAS to be applied, the results here may provide useful information for designing SEAS process.

Calibration and Validation of SWAT for the Neponset River Watershed in Boston (보스턴 넷폰셋강의 수질체계에 대한 스왓모델의 교정과 유효성 검증)

  • Lee, Ja-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2008
  • A validation study has been performed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) model with data collected for the Neponset River watershed, which includes roughly 130 square miles of land located southwest of Boston. All of this land drains into the Neponset River, and ultimately into Boston Harbor. This paper presents the methodology of a SWAT model. The calculated contribution of the baseflow to the streamflow is far too high whereas the interflow is strongly underestimated. Alternatively, the modified and calibrated model yields far better results for the catchment. The modification allows hydrological processes to be modeled while not restraining the applicability of the model to catchments with other characteristics. For this study, the SWAT 2005 model is used with ArcGIS 9.1 as an interlace, and sensitivity analysis is performed to provide rough estimated values before adjusting sensitive input parameters during calibration period.

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Evaluation and Analysis of Gwangwon-do Landslide Susceptibility Using Logistic Regression (로지스틱 회귀분석 기법을 이용한 강원도 산사태 취약성 평가 및 분석)

  • Yeon, Young-Kwang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.116-127
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    • 2011
  • This study conducted landslide susceptibility analysis using logistic regression. The performance of prediction model needs to be evaluated considering two aspects such as a goodness of fit and a prediction accuracy. Thus to gain more objective prediction results in this study, the prediction performance of the applied model was evaluated considering two such evaluation aspects. The selected study area is located between Inje-eup and Buk-myeon in the middle of Kwangwon. Landslides in the study area were caused by heavy rain in 2006. Landslide causal factors were extracted from topographic map, forest map and soil map. The evaluation of prediction model was assessed based on the area under the curve of the cumulative gain chart. From the results of experiments, 87.9% in the goodness of fit and 84.8% in the cross validation were evaluated, showing good prediction accuracies and not big difference between the results of the two evaluation methods. The results can be interpreted in terms of the use of environmental factors which are highly related to landslide occurrences and the accuracy of the prediction model.

Visualization Technology of GIS Associated with Seismic Fragility Analysis of Buried Pipelines in the Domestic Urban Area (국내 도심지 매설가스배관의 지진취약도 분석 연계 GIS 정보 가시화 기술)

  • Lee, Jinhyuk;Cha, Kyunghwa;Song, Sangguen;Kong, Jung Sik
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2015
  • City-based Lifeline is expected to cause significant social and economic loss accompanied the secondary damage such as paralysis of urban functions and a large fire as well as the collapse caused by earthquake. Earthquake Disaster Response System of Korea is being operated with preparation, calculates the probability of failure of the facility through Seismic Fragility Model and evaluates the degree of earthquake disaster. In this paper, the time history analysis of buried gas pipeline in city-based lifeline was performed with consideration for ground characteristics and also seismic fragility model was developed by maximum likelihood estimation method. Analysis model was selected as the high-pressure pipe and the normal-pressure pipe buried in the city of Seoul, Korea's representative, modeling of soil was used for Winkler foundation model. Also, method to apply developed fragility model at GIS is presented.

Behaviour of geogrid reinforced model retaining wall in active failure state by execution of parallel movement (병진이동으로 인한 주동파괴 시 지오그리드 보강토 모델벽체의 거동)

  • Lee, Kang-Man;Kong, Suk-Min;Lee, Dae-Young;Lee, Yong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2015
  • Recently, there has been a string of negligent accidents for the retaining wall and slope. In order to measure the ground deformation for the MSE wall, the authors carried out the model test to assess behavioral characteristics of geogrid MSE walls in active failure state with different conditions of geogrid reinforcement. The models are built in the soil container box having dimension, 100 cm long, 90 cm height, and 10 cm wide. The reinforcement used in the model test is geogrid (polyvinyl chloride, PVC). Three geogrids are sized by $30cm{\times}60cm$, $30cm{\times}70cm$, $30cm{\times}80cm$ (width ${\times}$ length) respectively. In this study, the laboratory model tests represented for several conditions of the MSE wall, and then its results were compared to 2D FE analysis.

Grid Based Nonpoint Source Pollution Load Modelling

  • Niaraki, Abolghasem Sadeghi;Park, Jae-Min;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Lee, Chul-Yong
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.246-251
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a grid based model for calculating the critical nonpoint source (NPS) pollution load (BOD, TN, TP) in Nak-dong area in South Korea. In the last two decades, NPS pollution has become a topic for research that resulted in the development of numerous modeling techniques. Watershed researchers need to be able to emphasis on the characterization of water quality, including NPS pollution loads estimates. Geographic Information System (GIS) has been designed for the assessment of NPS pollution in a watershed. It uses different data such as DEM, precipitation, stream network, discharge, and land use data sets and utilizes a grid representation of a watershed for the approximation of average annual pollution loads and concentrations. The difficulty in traditional NPS modeling is the problem of identifying sources and quantifying the loads. This research is intended to investigate the correlation of NPS pollution concentrations with land uses in a watershed by calculating Expected Mean Concentrations (EMC). This work was accomplished using a grid based modelling technique that encompasses three stages. The first step includes estimating runoff grid by means of the precipitation grid and runoff coefficient. The second step is deriving the gird based model for calculating NPS pollution loads. The last step is validating the gird based model with traditional pollution loads calculation by applying statistical t-test method. The results on real data, illustrate the merits of the grid based modelling approach. Therefore, this model investigates a method of estimating and simulating point loads along with the spatially distributed NPS pollution loads. The pollutant concentration from local runoff is supposed to be directly related to land use in the region and is not considered to vary from event to event or within areas of similar land uses. By consideration of this point, it is anticipated that a single mean estimated pollutant concentration is assigned to all land uses rather than taking into account unique concentrations for different soil types, crops, and so on.

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Hydrologic Calibration of HSPF Model using Parameter Estimation (PEST) Program at Imha Watershed (PEST를 이용한 임하호유역 HSPF 수문 보정)

  • Jeon, Ji-Hong;Kim, Tae-Il;Choi, Donghyuk;Lim, Kyung-Jae;Kim, Tae-Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.802-809
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    • 2010
  • An automatic calibration tool of Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF), Parameter Estimation (PEST) program, was applied at the Imha lake watershed to get optimal hydrological parameters of HSPF. Calibration of HSPF parameters was performed during 2004 ~ 2008 by PEST and validation was carried out to examine the model's ability by using another data set of 1999 ~ 2003. The calibrated HSPF parameters had tendencies to minimize water loss to soil layer by infiltration and deep percolation and to atmosphere by evapotranspiration and maximize runoff rate. The results of calibration indicated that the PEST program could calibrate the hydrological parameters of HSPF with showing 0.83 and 0.97 Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NS) for daily and monthly stream flow and -3% of relative error for yearly stream flow. The validation results also represented high model efficiency with showing 0.88 and 0.95, -10% relative error for daily, monthly, and yearly stream flow. These statistical values of daily, monthly, and yearly stream flow for calibration and validation show a 'very good' agreement between observed and simulated values. Overall, the PEST program was useful for automatic calibration of HSPF, and reduced numerous time and effort for model calibration, and improved model setup.

Source Identification of Ambient PM-10 Using the PMF Model (PMF 모델을 이용한 대기 중 PM-10 오염원의 확인)

  • 황인조;김동술
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.701-717
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study was to extensively estimate the air quality trends of the study area by surveying con-centration trends in months or seasons, after analyzing the mass concentration of PM-10 samples and the inorganic lements, ion, and total carbon in PM-10. Also, the study introduced to apply the PMF (Positive Matrix Factoriza-tion) model that is useful when absence of the source profile. Thus the model was thought to be suitable in Korea that often has few information about pollution sources. After obtaining results from the PMF modeling, the existing sources at the study area were qualitatively identified The PM-10 particles collected on quartz fiber filters by a PM-10 high-vol air sampler for 3 years (Mar. 1999∼Dec.2001) in Kyung Hee University. The 25 chemical species (Al, Mn, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Cd, Ba, Ce, Pb, Si, N $a^{#}$, N $H_4$$^{+}$, $K^{+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Ca^{2+}$, C $l^{[-10]}$ , N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ , S $O_4$$^{2-}$, TC) were analyzed by ICP-AES, IC, and EA after executing proper pre - treatments of each sample filter. The PMF model was intensively applied to estimate the quantitative contribution of air pollution sources based on the chemical information (128 samples and 25 chemical species). Through a case study of the PMF modeling for the PM-10 aerosols. the total of 11 factors were determined. The multiple linear regression analysis between the observed PM-10 mass concentration and the estimated G matrix had been performed following the FPEAK test. Finally the regression analysis provided source profiles (scaled F matrix). So, 11 sources were qualitatively identified, such as secondary aerosol related source, soil related source, waste incineration source, field burning source, fossil fuel combustion source, industry related source, motor vehicle source, oil/coal combustion source, non-ferrous metal source, and aged sea- salt source, respectively.ively.y.