• 제목/요약/키워드: social and economic effects

검색결과 957건 처리시간 0.029초

멕시코의 관광산업과 감정노동의 다차원성 (Tourism Industry and the Multidimensionality of Emotional Labor in Mexico)

  • 주종택
    • 이베로아메리카
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.73-109
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    • 2020
  • 관광산업에서는 종사자들이 고객들과 직접 대면 접촉을 할 기회가 빈번하다는 점에서 감정노동과 관련된 문제가 발생할 가능성이 매우 높은 분야이다. 그렇지만 감정노동이 유사한 상황에서 항상 모두에게 동일한 형태로 인식되는 것은 아니다. 조사지에서 보는 것과 같이 감정노동은 개인의 특성과 사회문화적, 경제적 상황에 따라 다양하게 나타난다. 감정노동에 영향을 미치는 요소가 대단히 많고, 또 이런 요소들이 미치는 영향력의 수준은 시기와 장소에 따라 상이하게 표출될 수도 있다. 감정노동에 대한 생각이나 감정 노동으로 인한 스트레스 등 심리적, 정신적 고통은 여러 가지 요인에 의해 달라진다. 연령, 근무기간, 성별에 따라 감정노동에 대한 판단은 분명한 차이를 보인다. 특히 미국으로의 국제노동이주의 경험이나 향후에 국제노동 이주에 참여할 의사가 있는 사람들의 경우에는 감정노동을 심각한 문제로 인식하지 않거나 오히려 긍정적인 사회문화적 경험으로 받아들이는 경우가 많았다. 실제로 오아하카에 다양한 형태의 관광분야 종사자들이 존재하고, 이들이 겪는 경험은 개인과 경제적, 사회문화적 환경에 따라 매우 다르다. 오아하카의 관광 분야 종사자들의 감정노동도 여러 가지 조건에 따라 다양한 형태를 지니고 있다. 감정노동의 긍정적 혹은 부정적 인식과 결과는 개인과 작업조건의 상황에 따라 상이하게 표출된다. 즉 개인의 인성이나 경험, 사회문화적 특성, 작업장에서의 자율성 등 사회경제적 조건이 상당한 영향을 미친다. 결과적으로 개인에게 표현되고 이해되는 감정노동의 형태와 영향은 상당히 다양하고 상황에 따라 변화할 수도 있다. 이런 문제들을 고려하면 감정노동이 나타나는 방식은 경제적 요소 뿐 아니라 사회문화적 혹은 개인적 요소에 의해 상당한 영향을 받는다. 또 특정 업종이나 일의 성격에 따라 감정노동의 존재와 심각성을 주어진 것으로 간주하기보다, 개인에 따른 감정노동의 차이를 인지하고, 감정노동으로 인한 문제의 심각성을 경험하는 방식과 내용이 개인마다 상당히 다르다는 점도 함께 인식해야 한다. 이런 의미에서 감정노동의 역동성과 다양성, 다차원성을 분명하게 새로운 시각으로 파악할 필요가 있다.

조선시대(朝鮮時代) 철비(鐵碑)의 조영(造營) 연구(硏究) (A Study on The Iron Monument in The era of Joseon Dynasty)

  • 홍대한
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제24호
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    • pp.215-274
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    • 2010
  • 우리사회에서 철을 자유로이 사용하게 된 것은 채 100년이 안 된다. 중세 이전 우리나라의 철 생산은 원시적인 행태를 벗어나지 못했다. 그러던 것이 "태종실록"의 기록에 따르면 1407년 전국적으로 대규모 철장[철광산] 증설을 시행하였는데, "세종실록지리지"에는 이 때 개발된 철장의 수를 전국적으로 78개 소였다고 기록하고 있다. 15세기에 편찬된 "농사직설"에 따르면 철재 농기구는 지주 등 일부만이 소유할 수 있는 중요한 재산이었음을 알 수 있다. 당시 가장 중요한 생산수단 이었던 농기구마저 지주 등 일부에게 한정되어 사용되던 시절이었기에 다른 용도로 철을 사용한다는 것은 많은 제약이 따랐다. 이러한 상황은 16세기 말~17세기 전반기에 거듭된 전쟁으로 관영수공업이 파괴되었으며, 국가로부터 제철업경영권을 위임 받은 '별장'이 세금을 내는 조건으로 철소(鐵所)를 사적으로 경영하게 되면서 획기적으로 변화하게 되었다. 조선시대 철비는 크게 현감, 관찰사 등 지방수령의 공덕을 기리기 위한 공덕비와 1684년 제작으로 서당을 운영하기 위하여 창립한 전남 진도 학계(學契)비 등의 사적(史蹟)비, 보부상 들이 세운 송덕비로 크게 나눌 수 있다. 철은 과거 부의 상징이자 나무나 돌에 비해 강하고 영원하다는 믿음의 대상이었다. 때문에 중요한 공덕비 건립이나, 맹세의 상징으로 철비를 건립하게 된 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 철은 동양사상에서 악한 것을 물리치고, 지기(地氣)가 강한 곳을 누른다는 비보풍수의 목적으로 사용되었는데, 철비가 세워진 가문은 최고의 영광이었다고 한다. 철비는 17~18세기 들어 제작이 급격히 증가하는 현상을 보인다. 이것은 선정을 베푼 수령의 증가가 아닌, 역설적으로 원성을 듣던 수령이 직접 세우는 사례가 증가하며, 부를 축적한 중인계층들이 양반으로 신분을 바꾼 후 조상의 정통성을 가공하기 위해 철비를 세우는 경우가 허다했다. 어떠한 이유로 철비를 제작하게 되었는지는 기록으로 남아 있지 않아 확인할 수 없으나, 오행(五行)사상과 관련 깊을 것으로 추정된다. 철은 곧 금(金)이다. 오행에 있어 '금'의 기운을 보면 '금'은 대지를 뜻하며, 그 색은 황금이며 황금은 모든 것을 포용하는 찬란한 휘광이다. 또한 금은 모든 쇠, 또는 철이기도 하기 때문에 음의 기운에 속한다. 금은 단단하고 변함없으며, 절대 부서지지 않는 강인한 기운을 지니고 있다. 이승이 양이라면 저승은 음이다. 이러한 오행사상과 철이 지니는 가치 때문에 철로 비를 제작했을 것으로 생각된다. 뿐만 아니라 조선시대에 들어서면 급격한 생산력의 증대가 이루어진다. 세종대 이후 농업기술의 발달에 기인한 바 크며, 17세기 이후 상업자본의 성숙과 함께 사대부와 견줄만한 재력을 모은 중인계층의 성장이 두드러진다. 이러한 사회여건 속에서 자신들의 권위와 부를 상징하기 위해 당시까지만 하여도 귀했던 철을 소재로 비를 건립한 것으로 판단된다.

국경을 넘는 해양환경오염에 대한 국가책임과 적용의 한계 -중국의 산샤댐 건설로 인한 동중국해 해양환경 영향을 중심으로- (Limitations of National Responsibility and its Application on Marine Environmental Pollution beyond Borders -Focused on the Effects of China's Three Gorges Dam on the Marine Environment in the East China Sea-)

  • 양희철
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.341-356
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    • 2015
  • A nation has a sovereign right to develop and use its natural resources according to its policies with regard to development and the relevant environment. A nation also has an obligation not to harm other countries or damage environments of neighboring countries as consequences of such actions of developments or use of natural resources. However, international precedents induce a nation to take additional actions not to cause more damages from the specific acts causing environmental damages beyond national borders, when such acts have economic and social importance. That is to say that there is a tendency to resolve such issues in a way to promote the balance between the mutual interests by allowing such actions to continue. A solution to China's Three Gorges Dam dilemma based on a soft law approach is more credible than relying on a good faith approach of national responsibilities and international legal proceedings since the construction and operation of the dam falls within the category of exercising national sovereign rights. If a large scale construction project such as the Three Gorges Dam or operation of a nuclear power plant causes or may cause environmental damage beyond the border of a nation engaged in such an undertaking, countries affected by this undertaking should jointly monitor the environmental effects in a spirit of cooperation rather than trying to stop the construction and should seek cooperative solutions of mutual understanding to establish measures to prevent further damages. If China's Three Gorges Dam construction and operation cause or contain the possibility of causing serious damages to marine environment, China cannot set aside its national responsibility to meet international obligations if China is aware of or knows about the damage that has occurred or may occur but fail to prevent, minimize, reverse or eliminate additional chances of such damages, or fails to put in place measures in order to prevent the recurrence of such damages. However, Korea must be able to prove a causal relationship between the relevant actions and resulting damages if it is to raise objections to the construction or request certain damage-prevention actions against crucial adverse effects on the marine environment out of respect for China's right to develop resources and acts of use thereof. Therefore, it is essential to cumulate continuous monitoring and evaluations information pertaining to marine environmental changes and impacts or responses of affected waters as well as acquisition of scientific baseline data with observed changes in such baseline. As China has adopted a somewhat nonchalant attitude toward taking adequate actions to protect against marine pollution risks or adverse effects caused by the construction and operation of China's Three Gorges Dam, there is a need to persuade China to adopt a more active stance and become involved in the monitoring and co-investigation of the Yellow Sea in order to protect the marine environment. Moreover, there is a need to build a regular environmental monitoring system that includes the evaluation of environmental effects beyond borders. The Espoo Convention can serve as a mechanism to ease potential conflicts of national interest in the Northeast Asian waters where political and historical sensitivities are acute. Especially, the recent diplomatic policy advanced by Korea and China can be implemented as an important example of gentle cooperation as the policy tool of choice is based on regional cooperation or cooperation between different regions.

농업기계화(農業機械化)의 투자효과분석(投資效果分析)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -충남논산지역(忠南論山地域) 새마을 기계화영농단(機械化營農團)을 중심(中心)으로- (A Study on Analysis of Investment Effects of Farm Mechanization, Korea -Mainly on the Case Study of Saemaeul Farm Mechanization Groups in Nonsan Area, Chungnam Province-)

  • 임재환;한관순
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.164-185
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    • 1987
  • The Korean economy has been developed rapidly in the course of implementing the five year economic development plans since 1962. Accordingly the industrial and employment structure have been changed from the traditional agriculture to modem industrial economy. In the course of implementing export oriented industrialization policies, rural farm economy has been encountered labour shortage owing to rural farm population drain to urban areas, rural wage hike and pressure on farm operation costs, and possibility of farm productivity decrease. To cope with the above problems the Korean government has supplied farm machinery such as power tillers, tractors, transplanters, binders, combines, dryers and etc. by means of the favorable credit support and subsidies. The main objectives of this study are to identify the investment effects of farm mechanization such as B/C and Internal Rate of Return by machinery and operation patterns, changes of labour requirement per 10a for rice culture since 1965, partial farm budget of rice with and without mechanization, and estimation labour input with full mechanization. To achieve the objectives Saemaeul farm mechanization groups, common ownership and operation, and farms with private ownership and operation were surveyed mainly in Nonsan granary area, Chungnam province. The results of this study are as follows 1. The national average of labor input per 10a of paddy has decreased from 150.1Hr in 1965 to 87.2Hr in 1985 which showes 42% decrease of labour inputs. On the other hand the hours of labour input in Nonsan area have also decreased from 150.1Hr to 92.8Hr, 38% of that in 1965, during the same periods. 2. The possible labor saving hours per 10a of Paddy was estimated at 60 hours by substituting machine power for labor forces in the works of plowing, puddling, transplanting, harvesting and threshing, transporting and drying The labor savings were derived from 92.8 hours in 1986 deducting 30 hours of labor input with full mechanization in Nonsan area. 3. Social benefits of farm mechanization were estimated at 124,734won/10a including increment of rice (10%): 34,064won,labour saving: 65,800won,savings of conventional farm implements: 18,000 won and savings of animal power: 6,870won. 4. Rental charges by works prevailing in the area were 12,000won for land preparation, 15,000won for transplanting with seedlings, 19,500won for combine works and 6,000won for drying paddy. 5. Farm income per 10a of paddy with and without mechanization were amounted to 247,278won and 224,768won respectively. 6. Social rate of return of the machinery were estimated at more than 50% in all operation patterns. On the other hand internal rate of return of the machinery except tractors were also more than 50% but IRR of tractors by operation patterns were equivalent to 0 to 9%. From the view point of farmers financial status, private owner-operation of tractors is considered uneconomical. Tractor operation by Saemaeul mechanization groups would be economical considering the government subsidy, 40% of tractor price. 7. Farmers recommendations for the government that gained through field operation of farm machinery are to train maintenance technology for rural youth, to standardize the necessary parts of machinery, to implement price tag system, to intercede spare parts and provide marketing information to farmers by rural institutions as RDA,NACF,GUN office and FLIA.

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일부 노인의 치과보철물 상태가 구강건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 (The effects of dental prostheses to the quality of life among the elderly)

  • 허익강;이태용;동진근;홍송희
    • 대한치과보철학회지
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2010
  • 연구목적: 사회복지관 이용 노인들을 대상으로 치과보철물 상태를 역학적으로 조사하고 이러한 치과보철물 상태가 구강건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 살펴봄으로써, 향후 노인들의 치과보철물과 관련된 연구에 필요한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 연구 재료 및 방법: 대전광역시 소재 7개 사회 복지관을 이용하는 60세 이상의 노인 표본 275명을 대상으로, 주관적으로 느끼는 구강건강인식 및 삶의 질에 대한 설문조사와 치아 및 치과보철물 상태에 대한 구강검사를 실시하여 통계 분석하였으며, 삶의 질은 노인구강건강평가지수 (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index; GOHAI)를 이용하여 측정하였다. 결과:1. 연령이 낮을수록, 교육수준이 높을수록, 주관적인 경제상태가 좋을수록, 부부가 함께 사는 가족형태에서GOHAI는 높게 나타났다. 2. 가철성 의치를 처음 사용한 평균연령은 62.11세였고 의치의 평균사용수명은 10.76년이었다. 전체 조사 대상자의 57.5%가 가철성 의치를 사용하고 있었으며 총의치 사용자는 전체의 13.8%이었다. 3. 가철성 의치를 사용하지 않고 고정성 보철물로 수복한 경우나 총의치에서 편악 보다는 상 하악을 함께 총의치로 사용하는 경우에 저작 불편감과 발음문제를 적게 느끼며 저작능력지수와GOHAI는 높게 나타났다. 4. 의치 만족도가 높고, 항상 의치를 사용할 수 있으며 새로운 의치의 필요성이 없고 의치적합도가 양호한 경우에 GOHAI는 높게 나타났다. 결론: 본 연구의 결과로 볼 때 구강건강관련 삶의 질에 가장 관련이 있는 것은 저작이 가능한 기능 치아를 구강 내에 많이 가지고 있는 것이었다. 자연치아의 상실이 많은 노인의 구강건강관련 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위해서는 적절한 치과보철물을 통하여 치아를 수복하여 줌으로 정상적인 저작기능을 회복하여 주는 것이 필요함을 보여준다.

한국 대학생들의 자기효능감에 대한 시교차적 메타분석, 1999-2022 (A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis of Korean College Students' Self-Efficacy, 1999-2022)

  • 조수진;박혜경
    • 한국심리학회지 : 문화 및 사회문제
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.361-404
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구에서는 시교차적 메타분석을 통해 1999년부터 2022년까지 한국 대학생들의 자기효능감 수준이 변화하였는지 살펴보았다. 구체적으로, 한국 부모들의 민주적인 양육 태도 증가, 한국 대학생들의 나르시시즘 수준 상승 및 한국의 개인주의화로 인하여 대학생들의 자기효능감이 증가했을 가능성과, 경제적 불평등의 증가, 계층 이동 가능성의 감소 및 취업 시장 불안정성의 증가로 인하여 대학생들의 자기효능감이 감소했을 가능성을 모두 고려하였다. 연구 문제를 검증하기 위하여 1999년부터 2022년 사이에 출판된 한국 대학생 대상 자기효능감 연구 293개(연구 참가자 수 총 88,904명)를 분석하였다. 분석에는 국내에서 가장 많이 사용되는 자기효능감 척도 세 가지를 사용한 연구, 연구 참가자가 한국 대학생들인 연구, 자기효능감을 1회 측정한 횡단 조사 연구 및 분석에 필요한 통계치를 제시한 연구들이 포함되었다. 분석 결과, 1999년부터 2022년까지 한국 대학생들의 자기효능감 수준에서 시간의 흐름에 따른 변화가 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 추가적으로 20년 전, 15년 전, 10년 전, 5년 전 및 동 시점의 사회적 지표들과 자기효능감의 상관 관계를 살펴본 결과, 모든 시점에서 출생률과 소비자 물가등락률은 자기효능감과 부적 상관을 보였으며, 국민총소득은 자기효능감과 정적 상관을 보였다. 본 연구는 최초로 한국 대학생들의 자기효능감 수준을 시교차적으로 분석하고, 시교차적 메타분석 기법의 적용과 다양한 후속 연구를 위한 기초 자료를 제공하였으며, 세대론을 간접적으로 검증하였다는 의의를 지닌다. 마지막으로, 본 연구의 한계점 및 후속 연구 방향을 논하였다.

The status quo and developing measurement of water reuse in China

  • Li, Wei;Li, Jing;Wang, Yiwen;Zhong, Yuxiu;Liu, Hongxian;Li, Peilei
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2015년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.228-228
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    • 2015
  • Water reuse plays significant role in water saving and water environmental protection, and it helps alleviate the shortage of water resources. China's water reuse was put into practice since 1980s by means of pilot and promotion in National Fifth-year Plan and other strategies. The effects of water reuse is beneficial in both economic, social and environmental aspects. But some shortcomings still undermine future development of water reuse in China. To overcome and boost water reuse, Ministry of Water Resources conducted a successive survey across China. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the current condition of water reuse in China in construction, funds, legislation, planning, policy aspects, to summarize problems and its reasons underneath, to make suggestions for further development. Basically, in 2010, China's water reuse is 2.83 billion cubic meters and the utilization rate is 10.35%. Water reuse in China has four major characteristics: the first one is water reuse differences in amount occur national-widely and North of China has the main percentage as 47.3%; the second one is water reuse is mainly in environment maintenance (42.1%) and industry cooling (29.8%); the third one is funds for water reuse station and pipe construction is main in non-fiscal budget which take percentage as 56.8%; the fourth one is progresses of administrative system, political system, price management, standard system and technologies go rapidly recently. The problems of water reuse such as lack in water reuse station, delay in pipe constriction and limits on water reuse amount still exist due to some reasons. As a think tank of Ministry of Water Resources, we give some suggestions: firstly, water reuse needs to be integrated with traditional water resources allocation; secondly, public budgets need to be strengthened and income mechanism should also be constructed; thirdly, water resources integrated administrative of city and county should be boosted and roles as water reuse need to be clear and precise; fourthly, national, provincial and regional water reuse planning should be made in time; fifthly, regulations on water reuse should be programmed as soon as possible.

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커피전문점의 서비스스케이프가 고객충성도에 미치는 영향 - 전주 지역을 중심으로 (The Effect of Coffee Shop's Servicescape on the Customer Loyalty - Focused on Jeonju Area)

  • 심향동;배병렬
    • 산경연구논집
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - Despite the global economic crisis, the numbers of coffee shops used for providing a place for social and cultural interactions show an upward trend and have become an indispensable part in people's daily life in recent years. Under the circumstance of tremendous efforts of searching new management strategies and projects, the concept of servicescape(which has physical environment characteristics) may provide a better alternative. Therefore, the purpose of this study can be broadly divided into 3 key points. First is to investigate the effects of servicescape on customer satisfaction, service value and customer loyalty about Coffee Shops in Jeonju area. Second is to examine the mediating effect of customer satisfaction and service value between servicescape and customer loyalty. Third, there is evidence that indicates the moderating effect among the interaction of customer and staff, brand image and the composition of servicescape, customer satisfaction, service value and customer loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology - This study begins empirical research about users of coffee shops' services. The data of the study is collected from 285 samples of a questionnaire which has been made from Korea and analysed by IBM SPSS 24.0 and IBM AMOS 24.0. Results - The results are reported below: First of all, the composition of condition, functionality, cleanliness and aesthetic characteristics of the servicescape has a significant impact on customer satisfaction and service value. Furthermore, customer satisfaction is identified as a factor to influence service value. Moreover, customer satisfaction and service value are identified as the causal relationship with customer loyalty. Besides, customer satisfaction and service value illustrated the mediation effect between the composition of servicescape and customer loyalty. Finally, the interaction between customer and staff, brand image illustrates the moderated effect. Conclusions - The composition of servicescape contributes to the formation of customer satisfaction and enhancing the customer's perceived service value in coffee shops. By meeting diverse and complex needs of consumers in coffee shop, the service value will not only attract loyal customers, but also increase customer loyalty and profitability. In a word, managers should rely on servicescape to enhance service experience by making differences with other competitors.

Modern Paradigm of Organization of the Management Mechanism by Innovative Development in Higher Education Institutions

  • Kubitsky, Serhii;Domina, Viktoriia;Mykhalchenko, Nataliia;Terenko, Olena;Mironets, Liudmyla;Kanishevska, Lyubov;Marszałek, Lidia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권11호
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2022
  • The development of the education system and the labor market today requires new conditions for unification and functioning, the introduction of an innovative culture in the field of Education. The construction of modern management of innovative development of a higher education institution requires consideration of the existing theoretical, methodological and practical planes on which its formation is based. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the modern paradigm of organizing the mechanism of managing the innovative development of higher education institutions. Innovation in education is represented not only by the final product of applying novelty in educational and managerial processes in order to qualitatively improve the subject and objects of management and obtain economic, social, scientific, technical, environmental and other effects, but also by the procedure for their constant updating. The classification of innovations in education is presented. Despite the positive developments in the development of Education, numerous problems remain in this area, which is discussed in the article. The concept of innovative development of higher education institutions is described, which defines the prerequisites, goals, principles, tasks and mechanisms of university development for a long-term period and should be based on the following principles: scientific, flexible, efficient and comprehensive. The role of the motivational component of the mechanism of innovative development of higher education institutions is clarified, which allows at the strategic level to create an innovative culture and motivation of innovative activity of each individual, to make a choice of rational directions for solving problems, at the tactical level - to form motives for innovative activity in the most effective directions, at the operational level - to monitor the formation of a system of motives and incentives, to adjust the directions of motivation. The necessity of the functional component of the mechanism, which consists in determining a set of steps and management decisions aimed at achieving certain goals of innovative development of higher education institutions, is proved. The monitoring component of the mechanism is aimed at developing a special system for collecting, processing, storing and distributing information about the stages of development of higher education institutions, prediction based on the objective data on the dynamics and main trends of its development, and elaboration of recommendations.

중국에서의 호텔예약 시스템의 블록체인 특성이 사용의도에 미치는 영향 (The Impact of Block Chain Characteristics on the Intention to Use Hotel Reservation System in China)

  • 김붕유;이종호
    • 산경연구논집
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    • 제10권8호
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - As the scope of existing digital transformation expanded to various degrees, the Fourth Industrial Revolution came into being. In 2016, Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), said that the new technologies that lead the fourth industrial revolution are AI, Block chain, IoT, Big Data, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality. This technology is expected to be a full-fledged fusion of digital, biological and physical boundaries. Everything in the world is connected to the online network, and the trend of 'block chain' technology is getting attention because it is a core technology for realizing a super connective society. If the block chain is commercialized at the World Knowledge Forum (WKF), it will be a platform that can be applied to the entire industry. The block chain is rapidly evolving around the financial sector, and the impact of block chains on logistics, medical services, and public services has increased beyond the financial sector. Research design, data, and methodology - Figure analysis of data and social science analytical software of IBM SPSS AMOS 23.0 and IBM Statistics 23.0 were used for all the data researched. Data were collected from hotel employees in China from 25th March to 10th May. Results - The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the block chain characteristics of the existing hotel reservation system on the intention to use and to examine the influence of the block chain characteristics of the hotel reservation system on the intention to use, We rearranged the variables having the same or similar meaning and analyzed the effect of these factors on the intention to use the block chain characteristic of the hotel reservation system. 339 questionnaires were used for analysis. Conclusions - There are only sample hotel workers in this study, and their ages are in their 20s and 30s. In future studies, samples should be constructed in various layers and studied. In this study, the block chain characteristics are set as five variables as security, reliability, economical efficiency, availability, and diversity. Among them, Security and reliability made positive effects on the perceived usefulness. Also, security and economics did on the perceived ease. Availability and diversity did on both perceived usefulness and perceived ease. Perceived ease did on perceived usefulness. And perceived ease and perceived usefulness did on user intent. But security and economics did not on the perceived usefulness