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A Study of Consulting Demands Analysis in Vocational Education and Training High Schools Participating the Apprenticeship System (산학일체형 도제학교의 컨설팅 요구 분석 연구)

  • Ahn, Jae-Yeong
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.24-47
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the this study is to analyze consulting demands in vocational education and training (VET) high schools participating the apprenticeship system in Korea. The results of the study are as follows. Firstly, there are 9 sections of consulting that teachers in charge of apprenticeship program in VET high schools demanded. Especially, the demands for the consulting that related with 'student evaluation', 'apprenticeship program development and organization planning of schools' curriculum', 'selection and management of enterprises', 'organization of apprentices classes and student management', 'teaching & learning activities and textbook development' were relatively high. Secondly, there were differences in demands of consulting by VET high schools' current management status. By the type of organization, demands for consulting of both 'training center in main school' of organization and 'training center in common' of organization were higher than 'independent school' of organization generally. By the type of apprenticeship program hours, demands for consulting of both 'above 1400 hours' and '1200 ~ 1400 hours' were higher than 'less than 1200 hours' generally. By the type of OJT operation, demands for consulting of 'a type of OJT that is operated in long term(more than 2 weeks)' were higher than 'a type of OJT that is operated weekly' generally. As a result from above, there are some pre-requisites for the stable operations of VET high schools. 1) The apprenticeship program shall be developed not to interrupt school's regular curriculum. 2) For the smooth management between apprenticeship program and school curriculum, the academic calender has to be established so as the type of OJT operation. 3) The cooperation among the participating schools in part of the organization is unavoidable.

Examination of the Restructuring of Korean Economy: Simulation of the Multisector Model (한국경제(韓國經濟)의 구조변화(構造變化) 전망(展望): 다부문모형(多部門模型)의 모의실험(模擬實驗))

  • Kim, Jung-ho;Park, Jun-kyung
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.155-187
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    • 1992
  • The Korean economy has sustained high growth rate for almost three decades, that have been associated with the rapid expansion of manufacturing industries. In the beginning stage of development, the high growth of the Korean economy has been based on improvements in productivity obtained by the economies of scale. In that period, the improvements in productivity could be secured by the economies of scale in the export-oriented industries which are the labor- and material-intensive industries. In the latter half of the 1980s, the Korean economy went through rapid transition. Now Korea is at another juncture in its development process, where economic restructuring is critical to sustain high growth. However, economic restructuring in the 1990s call for much more concerted effort than before, since changes in internal and external conditions have profoundly altered the environment for economic development. If Korea is to sustain high growth in the 1990s, it has to promote balanced economic and social development in coordination with the smooth facilitation of industrial restructuring. There are no inherent conflicts among the issues involved, so they can be resolved by restructuring the economy to facilitate, in a global context, the development of knowledge- and technology-intensive activities and to ensure that the benefts of growth are reflected of qualitative improvements in national living standards. In this paper, we examined a scenario of structural changes using a mid- and long-term multisector model, in order to understand the conditions needed for realizing the growth potential. This examination explains the important features of the development course and policy directions that will help sustain high growth in the 1990s.

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Effect of Crumb Rubber on the Wear Tolerance of Korean Lawngrass (폐타이어 칩이 한국들잔디의 내답압성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Chung-Hwan;Kim, Ki-Sun
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of crumb rubber recycled from used tires as a soil incorporation and topdressing materials on a trafficked Korean lawngrass‘Zenith’(Zoysia japonica). In Exp 1, incorporation treatments included three particle sizes (PS: coarse =4∼6.35 mm, medium =2∼4 mm, and One : less than 2 mm in diameter) and two incorporation rate (IR: 10 and 20%). Wear treatments were applied 30 passes per day by compactor weights being 60 kg with soccer shoes. Topdressing treatments included three PS and two topdressing depth (TD: 5 and 10 mm). Wear treatments were the same as described in Exp 1. In Exp 1, the treatment with medium PS+IR 20 resulted in the tendency to have high total clipping yield. There was no significant difference in clipping yield, turfgrass visual color, coverage, and root length among the treatments. Compared to control, tissue Zn levels increased about 6.5-fold by the treatments. The treatment with fine PS +IR 20 caused a less peak deceleration than coarse PS +IR 10. Total porosity, air-filled porosity, and capillary porosity increased with fine PS +IR 20. In Exp 2, compared to controls, however, there was a difference in turfgrass visual color after the termination of traffic treatment. There was no difference in root length. The treatment with fine PS + TD 10 resulted in the highest total clipping yield. As a result of soil physical analysis, soil penetration resistance was reduced by the treatments. The treatment with coarse PS resulted in a less peak deceleration than fine PS. In conclusion, turfgrass growth was increased by crumb rubber incorporation which enhanced soil physical properties. The crumb rubber topdressing was able to cushion the crown tissue area while still providing a smooth and uniform surface, improve overall turfgrass quality, and reduce compaction.

Three-Dimensional Brain Surface Rendering Imaging of Cortical Dysplasia (뇌피질 이형성증의 3차원 뇌표면 연출영상)

  • Hwang, Seung-Bae;Kwak, Hyo-Sung;Lee, Sang-Yong;Jin, Gong-Yong;Han, Young-Min;Chung, Gyung-Ho
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : The study was to evaluate the localization of the abnormal gyral and sulcal patterns obtained by means of brain surface rendering imaging. Materials and Methods : Nineteen patients with cortical dysplasia who underwent brain surface rendering MR imaging were included in this study. We acquired MP-RAGE sequence and created the 3-D surface rendering MR images by using $VoxelPlus^{(R)}$. Anatomical locations and configurations of abnormal gyri and sulci were reviewed. Results : Abnormal gyral and sulcal patterns were seen 18 in 19 patients. The configuration and orientation of affected gyri and sulci were clearly evaluated in the brain surface rendering images. In a lissencephaly, the a cortex was not delineated and showed markedly thick and smooth gyral pattern. In a schizencephaly, there were wheel shaped broad gyral pattern around the cleft. In a hemimegalencephaly, an affected hemisphere were enlarged and displayed thick and wide gyral pattern. In CBPS, the insular cortex was exposed and the gyri of the lesion were thickened. In focal cortical dysplasia, there were irregular serrated or thick and enlarged gyri. Conclusion : Brain surface rendering MR imaging is useful for the evaluation of a detailed gyral pattern and accurate involvement site of abnormal gyri.

Improvement of Reverse-time Migration using Homogenization of Acoustic Impedance (음향 임피던스 균질화를 이용한 거꿀시간 참반사보정 성능개선)

  • Lee, Gang Hoon;Pyun, Sukjoon;Park, Yunhui;Cheong, Snons
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2016
  • Migration image can be distorted due to reflected waves in the source and receiver wavefields when discontinuities of input velocity model exist in seismic imaging. To remove reflected waves coming from layer interfaces, it is a common practice to smooth the velocity model for migration. If the velocity model is smoothed, however, the subsurface image can be distorted because the velocity changes around interfaces. In this paper, we attempt to minimize the distortion by reducing reflection energy in the source and receiver wavefields through acoustic impedance homogenization. To make acoustic impedance constant, we define fake density model and use it for migration. When the acoustic impedance is constant over all layers, the reflection coefficient at normal incidence becomes zero and the minimized reflection energy results in the improvement of migration result. To verify our algorithm, we implement the reverse-time migration using cell-based finite-difference method. Through numerical examples, we can note that the migration image is improved at the layer interfaces with high velocity contrast, and it shows the marked improvement particularly in the shallow part.

Role of Buffer Layer in Ba-Ferrite/α-Al2O3/SiO2 Magnetic Thin Films (Ba-페라이트/α-Al2O3/SiO2 자성박막에서 버퍼층의 역할)

  • Cho, Tae-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.283-286
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    • 2006
  • We have studied the role of ${\alpha}-Al_{2}O_{3}$ buffer layer as a diffusion barrier in the Ba-ferrite/$SiO_{2}$ magnetic thin films for high-density recording media. In the interface of amorphous Ba-ferrite $(1900-{\AA}-thick)/SiO_{2}$ thin film during annealing, the interfacial diffusion started to occur at ${\sim}700^{\circ}C$. As the annealing temperature increased up to $800^{\circ}C$, the interfacial diffusion abruptly proceeded resulting in the high interface roughness and the deterioration of the magnetic properties. In order to control the interfacial diffusion at the high temperature, we introduced ${\alpha}-Al_{2}O_{3}$ buffer layer ($110-{\AA}-thick$) in the interface of Ba-ferrite/$SiO_{2}$ thin film. During the annealing of Ba-ferrite/${\alpha}-Al_{2}O_{3}/SiO_{2}$ thin film even at ${\sim}800^{\circ}C$, the interface was very smooth. The magnetic properties, such as saturation magnetization and intrinsic coercivity, were also enhanced, due to the inhibition of interfacial diffusion by the ${\alpha}-Al_{2}O_{3}$ buffer layer. Our study suggests that the ${\alpha}-Al_{2}O_{3}$ buffer layer act as a useful interfacial diffusion barrier in the Ba-ferrite/$SiO_{2}$ magnetic thin films.

A Study on the Surface-Modification of Barium Sulfate/TiO$_2$/Dimethicone Composite Powder and its Application in Color Cosmetics (바륨설페이트/티타늄디옥사이드/디메치콘의 복합화 및 메이크업에서의 응용)

  • Kyung-Ho, Choi;Seung-Yong, Ko;Hak-Hee, Kang;Ok-Sub, Lee
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.197-200
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    • 2004
  • Sensor and optical properties have become critical features in powder foundation. The flaky barium sulfate powder shows good smooth texture, adhesion and natural looking characteristics. However, it has limitations abilities in UV shielding, hiding and blooming effect. Thus we adopt TiO$_2$ that has excellent hiding power and blooming effect as well as UV shielding ability, but TiO$_2$ has still intrinsic problems in dispersion and texture. To overcome this disadvantages, the barium sulfate/TiO$_2$/dimethicone composite powder was prepared. The flaky barium sulfate powder was coated with TiO$_2$ in nanoscale and followed by coated with dimethicone. When this surface-modified powder was applied for make-up cosmetics, especially in powder foundation, the powder gave powder foundation more good characteristics than the original flaky barium sulfate, Ti02 powder, dimethicone in abovementioned optical and sensory properties. To characterize the distinctive features of this surface-modified powder, we measured its characteristics with UV in vitro tester, hiding powder test method, goniophotometer, consumer panel test and so on.

Beneficial effect of Combination with Korean Red Ginseng, Gastrodia Rhizoma and Polygoni Multiflori on Cholesterol and Erectile Dysfunction in Hyperlipidemia rats (홍삼, 천마, 적하수오 병용투여에 의한 고지혈증 랫드에서의 콜레스테롤 및 발기부전 개선효과)

  • Lee, Yun Jung;Kho, Min Chul;Tan, Rui;Lee, Jae Yun;Hwang, Jin Seok;Cha, Jeong Dan;Choi, Kyung Min;Kang, Dae Gill
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : This study was designed to investigate effects of the combination with Korean Red Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer), Gastrodia Rhizoma (Gastrodia elata Blume) and Polygoni Multiflori Radix (Polygonum multiflorum Thunberg) on metabolic disorders including cholesterol and erectile dysfunction in hyperlipidemia rats.Methods : Animals were divided into six groups; Control with normal diet, high fat/cholesterol-diet (HFCD), fluvastatin, Korean Red Ginseng treated (KRG), and the combination treated (Korean Red Ginseng, Gastrodia Rhizoma and Polygoni Multiflori Radix; 1:1:1 for KGP1 and 2:1:1 for KGP2). The experimental groups initially received HFCD for 10 weeks and then treated orally with fluvastatin, KRG, KGP1 and KGP2 during the final 6 weeks. Erectile function was determined by the measurements of intracavernosal pressure (ICP) and maximal arterial pressure (MAP) after electrical stimulation of the cavernosal nerve.Results : KGP2 decreased the level of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the sera of HFCD rats without no changes of body weights. KRG, KGP1 and KGP2 decreased the level of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels except of fluvastatin, synthetic HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor. KRG, KGP1 and KGP2 significantly increased the ICP, ICP/MAP ratio, area under the curve (AUC) compared with those of normal rat. Morphometric analyses showed that KRG, KGP1 and KGP2 increased the volume of smooth muscle and the regular arrangement of collagen fibers in corpus cavernosum of HFCD rats. The penile expression of eNOS was increased by KRG, KGP1 and KGP2.Conclusions : Based on these results, we suggest that the combination with Korean Red Ginseng, Gastrodia Rhizoma and Polygoni Multiflori may improve hyperlipidemia through regulating the lipid profiles and erectile dysfunction in rats.

RADIOGRAPHIC STUDY OF AMELOBLASTOMA (법랑아세포종에 관한 방사선학적 연구 -특히 함치성낭종과의 감별을 위한-)

  • Shin Jong Sub;You Dong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 1982
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain some informations for the differential diagnosis of ameloblastoma from dentigerous cyst by analysis of the radiographic findings of these lesions. The author studied age and sex distribution, the site of the lesion, tooth behavior and several radiographic features of ameloblastoma and dentigerous cyst. The material consisted of 65 patients of ameloblastoma and 37 patients of dentigerous cyst. The results were obtained as followings. 1) The incidence was highest in 2nd decade (29.2%) and total 65 cases consists of 35 males (53.8%) and 30 females (46.2%) in ameloblastoma. 62 cases were found in lower jaw (95.4%) and the highest site of occurence of ameloblastoma was mandibular molar. region 27 cases. (41.5%) 2) In 65 cases of amelobl!!stoma, 18 cases were seen in association with tooth and 15 cases (83.2%) out of those were associated with mandibular molar teeth. Mandibular molar were most frequently involved in dentigerous cyst (11/31 cases, 29.7%). 3) (a) 23 cases (35.3%) of tooth resorption were found in ameloblastoma and 11 cases (29.7%) of tooth resorption were found in dentigerous cyst. (b) 15 cases (23.1%) of tooth migration were found in ameloblastoma and 10 cases (27.0%) of tooth migration were found in dentigerous cyst. 4) Several radiographic features. (a) Monolocular type ameloblastoma were seen in 23 cases (35.4) and multilocular type of ameloblastoma were seen in 42 cases (64.6%). Monolocular type of dentigerous cyst were seen in 33 cases (89.2%) and multilocular type was seen in 4 cases. (b) Monolocular type ameloblastoma showed 20 cases (87.0%) of scalloped border but 32 cases (97.0%) of dentigerous cyst showed smooth border. (c) 34 cases (81.0%) of ameloblastoma showed honey-comb appearance, soap-bubble appearance or mixed appearance. but all 4 cases of dentigerous cyst showed multicystic appearance. (d) 12 cases (52.2%) of monolocular type ameloblastoma showed slightly increased radiopacity in surrounding bone, and 22 cases (66.7%) of monolocular type dentigerous cyst showed sharp osteosclerotic border. 27 cases (64.3%) of multilocular type ameloblastoma and 3 cases (75.0%) of multilocular type dentigerous cyst showed no changes in surrounding bone.

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The Effect of a Au Based Bonding Agent Coating on Non-Precious Metals-Ceramic Bond Strength (비귀금속 합금에 적용한 Au Based Bonding Agent가 금속-도재 결합에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwan;Ahn, Jae-Seok
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study investigated the effect of Au coating on adhesion between porcelain matrix and metal substructure interface. Titanium, Ni-Cr alloy and Co-Cr alloy are well known as proper metal for the dental restorations. The success of a porcelain fused to metal (PFM) restoration depends upon the quality of the porcelain-metal bond. However, adhesion between dental alloys and porcelain is related to diffusion of oxygen during ceramic firing. The excessive oxidized layers make hard adhesion between dental alloy and ceramic. Ni-Cr and Co-Cr specimens were divided into test and a control group and Titanium specimens were divided into three test groups and a control group. Each group had 20 specimens. The adhesion characteristics of porcelain and metal with Au coating layer and without Au coating layer were observed with scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The adhesion was evaluated by a biaxial flexure test and volume fraction of adherent porcelain was determined by SEM/EDS analysis. Result of this study suggest that Au coating layer is effective barrier to diffuse oxide layer completely protect non-precious alloys from oxidation during the porcelain firing. The SEM photomicrographs of cross-section specimens showed a smooth interface between Au coating layer and metals and porcelain which suggested proper chemical bonding, and no gap, porosity were observed. The mode of failure was mainly adhesive for Ti tested specimens, but mixed failures with adhesive and cohesive were observed in Ni-Cr and Co-Cr specimens. The adhesion between non-precious metals and porcelain would not be improved by Au coating agent. However, It is suggested that the continuous study is required further investigation and development.

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