• Title/Summary/Keyword: site productivity index (site index)

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Interannual and Seasonal Fluctuations of Nutrients, Suspended Solids, Chlorophyll, and Trophic Sate along with Other General Water Quality Parameters Near Two Intake Towers of Daechung Dam

  • Lee, Sun-Goo;Han, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Jae-Hoon;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.492-502
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    • 2010
  • The study objects were to analyze long-term and seasonal variations of nutrients (N, P), suspended solids, N:P ratios, algal chlorophyll, and trophic state along with general water quality parameters in four sampling sites including two intake tower sites supplying drinking water in Daechung Reservoir. For the analysis, we used water quality long-term data sampled during 1998~2007 by the Ministry of Environment, Korea. Interannual and seasonal trends in inflow and discharge near the intake tower facilities over the ten years were directly influenced by rainfall pattern. The distinct difference between wet year (2003) and dry year (2001) produced marked differences in water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, organic matter contents, nutrients, and these variables influenced algal biomass and trophic state. Values of TP varied depending on the year and locations sampled, but monthly mean TP always peaked during July~August when river inflow and precipitation were maxima. In contrast, TN varied little compared to TP, indicating lower influence by seasonal flow compared to phosphorus. The number of E. coli were highest in Site 2 (Chudong intake tower) and varied largely, whereas at other sites, the numbers were low and low variations. Contents of chlorophyll-${\alpha}$ (CHL), as an estimation of primary productivity, varied largely depending on the year and season. The maximum of CHL occurred at Muneu intake tower (S4) during 2006 when the precipitation and inflow were lowest. In contrast, another CHL peak was observed in Site 2 (Chudong intake tower) in 2006 when one of the largest typoons (Ewinia) occurred and river runoff were maximum. So the CHL maxima were associated with both wet year (high flow, high nutrient supply) and dry year (low flow, nutrient supply by littoral zone). Such conditions influenced trophic states, based on Trophic State Index of nutrients and CHL. Based on all analyses, we can provide some clues for management and protection strategies of two intake tower sites.

Review of Assessing Soil Quality Criteria for Environmentally-Sound Agricultural Practics and Future Use (환경적으로 안전한 농업과 미래용도를 위한 토질 기준 평가 검토)

  • Doug Young Chung
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.127-145
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    • 1998
  • Unlike water or air quality standards that have been established by legislation using potential human health impact as the primary criterion, soil quality depends on the soils primary function and its relevant environmental factors, which is much more site- and soil specific. A properly characterized soil quality assessment system should serve as an indicator of the soil capacity to produce safe and nutritious food, to enhance human and animal health, and to overcome degrative processes. For our proposed example, a high quality soil with regard to maintaining an adequate soil productivity as a food production resources must accommodate soil and water properties, food chain, sustainability and utilization, environment, and profitability, that (i) facilitate water transfer and absorption, (ii) sustain plant growth, (iii) resist physical degradation of soil, (iv) produce a safe food resources, (v) cost-effective agricultural management. Possible soil quality indicators are identified at several levels within the framework for each of these functions. Each indicator is assigned a priority or weight that reflects its relative importance using a multi-objective approach based on principles of systems to be considered. To do this, individual scoring system is differentiated by the several levels from low to very high category or point scoring ranging from 0 to 10, And then weights are multiplied and products are summed to provide an overall soil quality rating based on several physical and chemical indicators. Tlne framework and procedure in developing the soil quality assessment are determined by using information collected from an alternative and conventional farm practices in the regions. The use of an expanded framework for assessing effects of other processes, management practices, or policy issues on soil quality is also considered. To develop one possible form for a soil quality index, we should permit coupling the soil characteristics with assessment system based on soil properties and incoming and resident chemicals. The purpose of this paper is to discuss approaches to defining and assessing soil quality and to suggest the factors to be considered.

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Prediction of Rice Yield in Korea using Paddy Rice NPP index - Application of MODIS data and CASA Model - (논벼 NPP 지수를 이용한 우리나라 벼 수량 추정 - MODIS 영상과 CASA 모형의 적용 -)

  • Na, Sang Il;Hong, Suk Young;Kim, Yi Hyun;Lee, Kyoung Do;Jang, So Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.461-476
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    • 2013
  • Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (CASA) model is one of the most quick, convenient and accurate models to estimate the NPP (Net Primary Productivity) of vegetation. The purposes of this study are (1) to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation NPP of the paddy field area in Korea from 2002 to 2012, and (2) to investigate how the rice productivity responded to inter-annual NPP variability, and (3) to estimate rice yield in Korea using CASA model applied to MOderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products and solar radiation. MODIS products; MYD09 for NIR and SWIR bands, MYD11 for LST, MYD15 for FPAR, respectively from a NASA web site were used. Finally, (4) its applicability is to be reviewed. For those purposes, correlation coefficients (linear regression for monthly NPP and accumulated NPP with rice yield) were examined to evaluate the spatial and temporal patterns of the relations. As a result, the total accumulated NPP and Sep. NPP tend to have high correlation with rice yield. The rice yield in 2012 was estimated to be 526.93kg/10a by accumulated NPP and 520.32 kg/10a by Sep. NPP. RMSE were 9.46kg/10a and 12.93kg/10a, respectively, compared with the yield forecast of the National Statistical Office. This leads to the conclusion that NPP changes in the paddy field were well reflected rice yield in this study.

Estimation of Benthic Microalgae Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Mudflat Surfaces of Geunso Bay Using Ground-based Hyperspectral Data (지상 초분광자료를 이용한 근소만 갯벌표층에서 저서성 미세조류의 엽록소-a 공간분포 추정)

  • Koh, Sooyoon;Noh, Jaehoon;Baek, Seungil;Lee, Howon;Won, Jongseok;Kim, Wonkook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1111-1124
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    • 2021
  • Mudflats are crucial for understanding the ecological structure and biological function of coastal ecosystem because of its high primary production by microalgae. There have been many studies on measuring primary productivity of tidal flats for the estimation of organic carbon abundance, but it is relatively recent that optical remote sensing technique, particularly hyperspectral sensing, was used for it. This study investigates hyperspectral sensing of chlorophyll concentration on a tidal flat surface, which is a key variable in deriving primary productivity. The study site is a mudflat in Geunso bay, South Korea and field campaigns were conducted at ebb tide in April and June 2021. Hyperspectral reflectance of the mudflat surfaces was measured with two types of hyperspectral sensors; TriOS RAMSES (directionalsensor) and the Specim-IQ (camera sensor), and Normal Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Contiuum Removal Depth (CRD) were used to estimate Chl-a from the optical measurements. The validation performed against independent field measurements of Chl-a showed that both CRD and NDVI can retrieve surface Chl-a with R2 around 0.7 for the Chl-a range of 0~150 mg/m2 tested in this study.

Estimation of Stand Yield and Carbon Stock for Robinia pseudoacacia Stands in Korea (아까시나무 임분의 임목수확량 및 탄소저장량 추정)

  • Son, Yeong Mo;Kim, So Won;Lee, Sun Jeoung;Kim, Jeong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.2
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    • pp.264-269
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to determine the current distribution area of Robinia pseudoacacia habitat and to estimate its stand yield as well as its carbon stocks. In order to do so, the area of R. pseudoacacia distribution is obtained based on the large-scaled forest type map (1:5,000). Also, Weibull diameter distribution model is used to predict the yield of R. pseudoacacia stands. In addition, carbon emission factor is applied to calculate carbon stocks and removals. To obtain the stand yield of R. pseudoacacia, we developed estimation equation considering growth factors of the stand, e.g. mean diameter, the basal area, maximum and minimun diameter and etc. and tested it to ensure accuracy. Consequently, estimation equation derived from all growth factors have shown significance that could also be used for analysis. Site index was also established to determine the productivity of the forestland that later turned out to be ranging from 16 to 22. Based on these results, stand yield tables were drawn up. R. pseudoacacia is widely distributed in inland areas of Gyeongsang, Chungcheong and Gyeonggi provinces which covers total area of 26,770 ha. And when it is converted into carbon stocks, it amounts to 2,517,598tC with annual carbon uptake of 3.76tC/ha which is comparable to Querqus species that is known to storer large amounts of carbon. Therefore, R. pseudoacacia is also expected to serve as a viable carbon pool that would contribute to the mitigation of climate change. Furthermore, stand yield tables, an outcome of this survey would assist not only in proper management but also in sustainable management policy of R. pseudoacacia.

Characterizations of Yields and Seed Components of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) as Affected by Soil Moisture from Paddy Field Cultivation

  • Chun, Hyen Chung;Jung, Ki Yuol;Choi, Young Dae;Lee, Sanghun;Kim, Sung-Up;Oh, Eunyoung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.369-382
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    • 2017
  • Accurate and optimal water supply to cereal crop is critical in growing stalks and producing maximum yields. Recently, upland crops are cultivated in paddy field soils to reduce overproduced rice in Korea. In order to increase productivity of cereal crops in paddy fields which have poor percolation and drainage properties, it is necessary to fully understand crop response to excessive soil water condition and management of soil drainage system in paddy field. The objectives of this study were to investigate effects of excessive soil water to sesame growth and to quantify stress response using groundwater levels. Two cultivars of sesame were selected to investigate; Gunbak and Areum. These sesames were planted in paddy fields located in Miryang, Gyeongnam with different soil drainage levels and drainage systems. The experiment site was divided into two plots by drainage class; very poorly and somewhat poorly drained. Two different drainage systems were applied to alleviate excessive soil water in each plot: open ditch and pipe drainage system. Soil water contents and groundwater levels were measured every hour during growing season. Pipe drainage system was significantly effective to alleviate wet injury for sesame in paddy fields. Pipe drainage system decreased average soil moisture content and groundwater level during sesame cultivation. This resulted in greater yield and lignan contetns in sesame seeds than ones from open ditch system. Comparison between two cultivars, Gunbak had greater decrease in growth and yield by excessive soil water and high groundwater level than Areum. Seed components (lignan) showed decrease in seeds as soil water increased. When soil moisture content was greater than 40%, lignan content tended to decrease than ones from less soil moisture content. Based on these results, pipe drainage system would be more effective to reduce wet injury to sesame and increase lignan component in paddy field cultivation.

Evaluation of Community Land Model version 3.5-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model over Deciduous Forest in Gwangneung, Korea (광릉 활엽수림에서 Community Land Model 3.5-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model의 평가)

  • Lim, Hee-Jeong;Lee, Young-Hee;Kwon, Hyo-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2010
  • The performance of Community Land Model version 3.5 - Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CLM-DGVM) was evaluated through a comparison with the observation over temperate deciduous forest in Gwangneung, Korea. Influence of plant phenology, composition of plant functional type, and climate variability on carbon exchanges was also examined through sensitivity test. To get equilibrium carbon storage, the model was run for 400 years driven by the observed atmospheric data at the deciduous forest of the year 2006. We run the model for 2006 with the equilibrium carbon storage at Gwangneung forest and compared the model output with the observation. A comparison of leaf area index (LAI) between the model and observation indicated that the simulated phenology poorly represented the timing of budburst, leaf-fall, and evolution of LAI. Senescence of the phenology was delayed about four weeks and the simulated maximum LAI (of 5.8 $m^2$ $m^{-2}$) was greater than the observed value (of 4.5 $m^2$ $m^{-2}$). The overestimated LAI contributed to overestimation of both gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration $(R_e)$ through increased photosynthesis and foliar autotropic respiration $(R_a)$, respectively. Despite the discrepancy between the simulated and observed LAI, the simulated tree carbon storage amounts were comparable with the reported values at the site. Change in plant phenology from the simulated to the observed reduced more than six weeks of the plant growth period, resulting in the decreased amount of GPP and $R_e$. These values, however, were still higher (~10% of GPP and 40% of $R_e$) than the observed values. The effect of change in plant functional type composition (from dominant temperate deciduous forest to the coexistence of temperate deciduous and needle leaf forests) on the estimated amount of GPP and $R_e$ was marginal. The influence of climate variability on carbon storage amounts was not significant. The simulated inter-annual variation of GPP and $R_e$ from 1994 to 2003 depended on annual mean air temperature and total radiation but not on precipitation. Other deficiencies of CLM3.5-DGVM have been discussed.

Studies on the Morphological, Physical and Chemical Properties of the Korean Forest soil in Relation to the Growth of Korean White Pine and Japanese Larch (한국산림토양의 형태학적 및 이화학적성질과 낙엽송, 잣나무의 성장(成長)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, In-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.189-213
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    • 1980
  • 1. Aiming at supply of basic informations on tree species siting and forest fertilization by understanding of soil properties that are demanded by each tree species through studies of forest soil's morphological, physical and chemical properties in relation to tree growth in our country, the necessary data have been collected in the last 10 years, are quantified according to quantification theory and are analyzed in accordance with multi-variate analysis. 2. Test species, larch and the Korean white pine, are plantable in extensive areas from mid to north in the temperate zone and are the two most recommended reforestation tree species in Korea. However, their respective site demands are not known and they have been in confusion or considered demanding the same site during reforestation. When the Korean white pine is planted in larch sites, it has shown relatively good growth. But, when larch is planted in the Korean white pine site it can be hardly said that the larch growth is good. To understand on such a difference soil factors have been studied so as to see how the soil's morphological, physical and chemical factors affect tree growth helped with the electronic computer. 3. All the stands examined are man-made mature forests. From 294 larch plots and 259 white pine plots dominant trees are cut as samples and through stem analysis site index is determined. For each site index soil profiles are made in the related forest-land for analysis. Soil samples are taken from each profile horizon and forest-land productivity classification tables are worked out through physical and chemical analysis of the soil samples for each tree species for the study of relationships between physical, chemical and the combined physical/chemical properties of soil and tree growth. 4. In the study of relationships between physical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of deposit form, soil depth, soil moisture, altitude, relief, soil type, depth of A-horizon, soil consistency content of organic matter soil texture bed rock gravel content aspect and slope. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type, soil consistency bed rock aspect depth of A-horizon soil moisture altitude relief deposit form soil depth soil texture gravel content and slope. 5. In the study of relationships between chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of base saturation organic matter CaO C/N ratio, effective $P_2O_5$ PH.exchangeable $K_2O$ T-N MgO C E C Total Base and Na. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is effective $P_2O_5$ Total Base T-N Na C/N ratio PH CaO base saturation organic matter exchangeable $K_2O$ C E C and MgO. 6. In the study of relationships between the combined physical and chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of soil depth deposit form soil moisture PH relief soil type altitude T-N soil consistency effective $P_2O_5$ soil texture depth of A-horizon Total Base exchangeable $K_2O$ and base saturation. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type soil consistency aspect effective $P_2O_5$ depth of A-horizon exchangeable $K_2O$ soil moisture Total Base altitude soil depth base saturation relief T-N C/N ratio and deposit from. 7. In the multiple regression of forest soil's physical properties larch's correlation coefficient is 0.9272 and for the Korean white pine it is 0.8996. With chemical properties larch has 0.7474 and the Korean white pine has 0.7365. So, the soil's physical properties are found out more closely related with tree growth than chemical properties. However, this seems due to inadequate expression of soil's chemical factors and it is proved that the chemical properties are not less important than the physical properties. In the multiple regression of the combined physical and chemical properties consisting of important morphological and physical factors as well as chemical factors of forest soils larch's multiple correlation coefficient is found out to be 0.9434 and for the Korean white pine it is 0.9103 leading to the highest correlation. 8. As shown in the partial correlation coefficients larch needs deeper soil depth than the Korean white pine and in the deposit form colluvial and creeping soils are demanded by the larch. Adequately moist to too moist should be soil moisture and PH should be from 5.5 to 6.1 for the larch. Demands of T-N soil texture and soil nutrients are higher for the larch than the Korean white pine. Thus, soil depth, deposit form, relief soil moisture PH N altitude and soil texture are good indicators for species sitings with larch and the Korean white pine while soil type and soil consistency are indicative only limitedly of species sitings due to their wide variation as plantation environments. For larch siting soil depth deposit form relief soil moisture PH soil type N and soil texture are indicators of good growth and for Korean white pine they are soil type soil consistency effective $P_2O_5$ and exchangeable $K_2O$, which is demanded more by the Korean white pine than larch generally. 9. Physical properties of soil has been known as affecting tree growth to greatest extent so far. However, as a result of this study it is proved through computer analysis that chemical properties of soil are not less important factors for tree growth than chemical properties and site demands for larch and the Korean white pine that have been uncertain So far could be clarified.

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Analysis on the Relation between the Morphological Physical and Chemical Properties of Forest Soils and the Growth of the Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc. and Larix leptolepis Gord by Quantification (수량화(數量化)에 의(依)한 우리나라 삼림토양(森林土壤)의 형태학적(形態学的) 및 이화학적(理化学的) 성질(性質)과 잣나무 및 낙엽송(落葉松)의 생장(生長) 상관분석(相關分析))

  • Chung, In Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 1981
  • 1. Aiming at supply of basic informations on tree species siting and forest fertilization by understanding of soil properties that are demanded by each tree species through studies of forest soil's morphological, physical and chemical properties in relation to tree growth in our country, the necessary data have been collected in the last 10 years, are quantified according to quantification theory and are analyzed in sccordance with multi-variate analysis. 2. Test species, japanese larch (Larix leptolepis Gord) and the Korean white pine, (pinus koraiensis S et Z.) are plantable in extensive areas from mid to north in the temperate forest zone and are the two most recommended reforestation tree species in Korea. However, their respective site demands are little known and they have been in confusion or considered demanding the same site during reforestation. When the Korean white pine is planted in larch sites, it has shown relatively good growth, but, when Japanese larch is planted in Korean white pine site it can be hardly said that the Japanese Larch growth is good. To understand on such a difference soil factors have been studied so as to see how th soil's morphological, physical and chemical factors affect tree growth helped with the electronic computer. 3. All the stands examined are man-made mature forests. From 294 Japanese larch plots and 259 Korean white pine plots dominant trees are cut as samples and through stem analysis site index is determined. For each site index soil profiles are made in the related forest-land for analysis. Soil samples are taken from each profile horizon and forest-land productivity classification tables are worked out through physical and chemical analyses of the soil samples for each tree species for the study of relationships between physical, chemical and the combined physical/properties of soil and tree growth. 4. In the study of relationships between physical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that Japanese larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the decreasing order of weight deposit form, soil depth, soil moisture, altitude, relief, soil type, depth a A-horizon, soil consistency, content of organic matter, soil texture, bed rock, gravel content, aspect and slope. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type, soil consistency, bed rock, aspect, depth of A-horizon, soil moisture, altitude, relief, deposit form, soil depth, soil texture, gravel content and slope. 5. In the study of relationships between chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that Japanese larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of base saturation, organic matter, CaO, C/N ratio, effective $P_2O_5$, PH, exchangeable, $K_2O$, T-N, MgO, CEC, Total Base and Na. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is effective $P_2O_5$, Total Base, T-N, Na, C/N ratio, PH, CaO, base saturation, organic matter, exchangeable $K_2O$, CEC and MgO. 6. In the study of relationships between the combined physical and chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that Japanese larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of soil depth, deposit form, soil moisture, PH, relief, soil type altitude, T-N, soil consistency, effective $P_2O_5$, soil texture, depth of A-horizon, Total Base, exchangeable $K_2O$ and base saturation. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type, soil consistency, aspect, effective $P_2O_5$, depth of A-horizon, exchangeable $K_2O$, soil moisture, Total Base, altitude, soil depth, base saturation, relief, T-N, C/N ratio and deposit form. 7. In the multiple correlation of forest soil's physical properties larch's correlation coefficient for Japanese Larch is 0.9272 and for Korean white pine, 0.8996. With chemical properties larch has 0.7474 and Korean white pine has 0.7365. So, the soil's physical properties are found out more closely related with tree growth than chemical properties. However, this seems due to inadequate expression of soil's chemical factors and it is proved that the chemical properities are not less important than the physical properties. In the multiple correlation of the combined physical and chemical properties consisting of important morphological and physical factors as well as chemical factors of forest soils larch's multiple correlation coefficient is found out to be 0.9434 and for Korean white pine it is 0.9103 leading to the highest correlation. 8. As shown in the partial correlation coefficients Japanese larch needs deeper soil depth than Korean white pine and in the deposit form of colluvial and creeping soils are demanded by the larch. Moderately moist to not moist should be soil moisture and PH should be from 5.5 to 6.1 for the larch. Demands of T-N, soil texture and soil nutrients are higher for the larch than the Korean white pine. Thus, soil depth, deposit form, relief, soil moisture, PH, N, altitude and soil texture are good indicators for species sitings with larch and the Korean white pine while soil type and soil consistency are indicative only limitedly of species sitings due to their wide variations as plantation environments. For the larch siting soil depth, deposit form, relief, soil moisture, pH, soil type, N and soil texture are indicators of good growth and for the Korean white pine they are soil type, soil consistency, effective $P_2O_5$ and exchangeable $K_2O$. In soil nutrients larch has been found out demanding more than the Korean white pine except $K_2O$, which is demanded more by the Korean white pine than Japanese larch generally. 9. Physical properties of soil has been known as affecting tree growth to the greatest extent so far. However, as a result of this study it is proved through computer analysis that chemical properties of soil are not less important factors for tree growth than chemical properties and site demands for the Japanese larch and the Korean white pine that have been uncertain so far could be clarified.

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Analysis of Changes in Tree Height-Diameter Allometry for Major Tree Species in South Korea (우리나라 주요 수종의 수고-직경 상대생장 변화 분석)

  • Moonil Kim;Taejin Park;Youngjin Ko;Go-Mi Choi;Soonchul Son;Yejun Kang;Jaehee Yoo;Minkyeong Kim;Hyeonji Park;Woo-Kyun Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.1
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2023
  • Forest biomass is used as a representative indicator of forest size, maturity, and productivity. Therefore, quantitative evaluation is important for management and harvest as well as the evaluation of ecosystem functions and services including CO2 absorption. The allometric equation is a widely used method for estimating the value of each component through the relative growth rate of plants. Recently, studies indicated that the relative growth of trees is changing because of the increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and the resulting climate change, raising the need to review the previously developed relative growth models and coefficients. In this study, the height-diameter at breast height (DBH) relationships of four major tree species in Korea [(Pinus densiflora (PD), Larix kaempferi (LK), Quercus variabilis (QV), and Quercus mongolica (QM)] were analyzed using the 5th-7th National Forest Inventory (NFI) data. Furthermore, these results were compared with the present yield table from the National Institute for Forest Science. This analysis revealed that the expected height for the same DBH increased as the NFI progressed. For example, in model analysis, the expected heights for PD, LK, QV, and QM for DBH of 25 cm were 12.48, 19.17, 14.47, and 13.19 m, respectively, in the 5th NFI data. In the 7th NFI data, these values were estimated as 13.61 (+9.1%), 21.58 (+12.7%), 15.76 (+8.9%), and 13.93 m (+5.6%), respectively. These results indicate that the major tree species in South Korean forests currently are more vigorous in height growth than in diameter growth when compared to the height-DBH development trends by tree species identified through past survey data.