• Title/Summary/Keyword: site conditions

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A Study on the Applicability of Soilremediation Technology for Contaminated Sediment in Agro-livestock Reservoir (농축산저수지 오염퇴적토의 토양정화기술에 대한 적용성 연구)

  • Jung, Jaeyun;Chang, Yoonyoung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.157-181
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    • 2020
  • Sediments from rivers, lakes and marine ports serve as end points for pollutants discharged into the water, and at the same time serve as sources of pollutants that are continuously released into the water. Until now, the contaminated sediments have been landfilled or dumped at sea. Landfilling, however, was expensive and dumping at sea was completely banned due to the London Convention. Therefore, this study applied contaminated sedimentation soil of 'Royal Palace Livestock Complex' as soil purification method. Soil remediation methods were applied to pretreatment, composting, soil washing, electrokinetics, and thermal desorption by selecting overseas application cases and domestically applicable application technologies. As a result of surveying the site for pollutant characteristics, Disolved Oxigen (DO), Suspended Solid (SS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Nitrogen (TN), and Total Phosphorus (TP) exceeded the discharged water quality standard, and especially SS, COD, TN, and TP exceeded the standard several tens to several hundred times. Soil showed high concentrations of copper and zinc, which promote the growth of pig feed, and cadmium exceeded 1 standard of Soil Environment Conservation Act. In the pretreatment technology, hydrocyclone was used for particle size separation, and the fine soil was separated by more than 80%. Composting was performed on organic and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) contaminated soils. TPH was treated within the standard of concern, and E. coli was analyzed to be high in organic matter, and the fertilizer specification was satisfied by applying the optimum composting conditions at 70℃, but the organic matter content was lower than the fertilizer specification. As a result of continuous washing test, Cd has 5 levels of residual material in fine soil. Cu and Zn were mostly composed of ion exchange properties (stage 1), carbonates (stage 2), and iron / manganese oxides (stage 3), which facilitate easy separation of contamination. As a result of applying acid dissolution and multi-stage washing step by step, hydrochloric acid, 1.0M, 1: 3, 200rpm, 60min was analyzed as the optimal washing factor. Most of the contaminated sediments were found to satisfy the Soil Environmental Conservation Act's standards. Therefore, as a result of the applicability test of this study, soil with high heavy metal contamination was used as aggregate by applying soil cleaning after pre-treatment. It was possible to verify that it was efficient to use organic and oil-contaminated soil as compost Maturity after exterminating contaminants and E. coli by applying composting.

The Effect of Aroma Therapy on Lower Extremity Edema of Terminal Cancer Patients: A Controlled Trial (아로마 요법이 말기 암 환자의 하지부종에 미치는 영향 - 대조군 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Ah;Kim, Sung-Ju;Chung, Ju-Hye;Lee, Soo-Young;Han, Myung-Suk;Oh, Seon-Hee;Kim, Se-Hong
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2009
  • This study was designed to examine the effect of aroma massage therapy on lower extremity edema of terminal cancer patients. Methods: A total of thirty-six terminal cancer patients with lower extremity edema were divided into two groups: the aroma massage group received massage with blending oil which was applied from toes to 10 cm above the knee of the subject for 15 to 20 minutes in each turn, while the control group received sham aroma massage (applied with carrier oil only). The circumferences of the fore-foot, ankle and calf were measured before massage and 30 minutes, 2 hours, and 12 hours after massage. The blood pressure, pulse and body temperature were also measured to find the change of subject's physiologic conditions. Results: There were no significant differences in blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and lower extremity circumferences between two groups. However, edema at each site was slightly improved in the treatment group after the aroma massage therapy, compared to baseline data (P<0.05). In addition, the reduction of lower extremity circumference was maximal at 2 hours in foot, 30 min in right ankle and 12 hours in right calf after aroma massage therapy (P<0.05). Conclusion: Our results suggest that aroma massage therapy is not effective on the lower extremity edema of terminal cancer patients.

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Characteristics of Fish Community in Gap Stream by Habitat Type (서식처 유형에 따른 갑천의 어류군집 특성)

  • Lee, Dong-Jun;Byeon, Hwa-Kun;Choi, Jun-Kill
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.340-349
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    • 2009
  • The natural type section of Gap Stream was divided into 7 sites, such as, closed pool, runs, riffle, opened pool, pool, reek-scattered riffle, and Dam-type pool. The ecological characteristics of fish community at each site was examined from April, 2007 to October, 2008. During the survey period, 29 species belonging to 8 families were collected, and Carassius auratus (St. 1), Coreoleuciscus splendidus (St. 3), Acheilognathus lanceolatus (St. 4) and Zacco platypus (St. 2, 5, 6, 7) were characteristic species that represent each habitat. The species of C. auratus preferred physical habitat with sand-bottom pool, moderate depth of 65$\sim$90 cm, and stagnant water. The species of C. splendidus mainly preferred physical habitat with cobbles and pebbles are scattered riffles (St. 3), moderate depth of 65$\sim$90 cm, and flow velocity is 0.14$\sim$0.85 m $sec^{-1}$. It also preferred where concentration of BOD, COD, TN, TP and SS is low and DO's value is high, because the flow velocity is fast. A. lanceolatus preferred where the depth of water is low (3$\sim$44 cm) like an opened pool (St. 4) and the flow velocity is slow (0.01$\sim$0.02 m $sec^{-1}$). Z. platypus dominated in a variety of habitats such as runs (St. 2), pool (St. 5), rock-scattered riffles (St. 6) and D-type pool (St. 7), and it preferred places where flow is abundant and riverbed structure is diverse. On the other hand, 4 individuals of Iksookimia choii appeared at reek-scattered riffles (St. 6). I. choii appeared in this research lived in where the width of river is 24 m, the depth of water is 3$\sim$35 cm and the flow velocity is 0.01$\sim$0.49 m $sec^{-1}$, and riverbed structure was diversely formed with boulder to sand. Also, water temperature, EC, BOD, COD, TN and TP was low, but concentrations of DO and SS were high comparatively. Therefore, it seems that I. choii can live only in physical and chemical environment with similar conditions.

A Study on Suitable Site for Day Nursery in Tae-gu (대구의 보육시설 현황과 입지선정)

  • Bae, Sook-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 1996
  • As the proportion of women's participation in economic activities is rising, the increase of husband and wife both working and nuclear families makes children up-bringing a social problem. But many families have difficulties by the shortage of day nurseries which can solve it. As we can see in the research, the most urgent problem is the extension of nurseries in quantity. In Taegu, since it became a wide-area city, there are 473 nurseries. But in the respect of distribution, only less than 10% of Dongs have more than 7 nurseries and more than 90% of Dongs have less than 7 nurseries. Consequently nurseries are extremely insufficient. Moreover 29 Dongs don't have any nurseries at all and they take 18.6% of Dongs. The second problem is the unbalanced distribution of nurseries. West and north ward which are industrial complex and swarmed with low-income families, and Tal-sung county which is recently included in the wide-area city keenly need the establishment of nurseries. Besides, Bi-san 1 Dong and Non-gong which have only $1{\sim}2$ nurseries though they have high proportion of children and women who can be pregnant are also the areas which take precedence of nursery establishment. The third problem is that government support must be increased in the areas which have many small, petty and profit-making private nurseries so that good quality teachers can make breeding activities in nice facilities and environment. In materials which are obtained by the interviews with publich servants in charge of family welfare in some ward offices. Young and unexperienced persons who aquired certificate of qualification take day-nursery permits and run nurseries only a few months. and if the profits are insufficient, they sell the nurseries for premiums to third persons who are not qualified. Then the third managers only think of profits without thought of good quality childcare. As the result, the nurseries become asylums not nurseries. That is why the conditions of nursery establishment must be restricted to suitable scale and experienced persons. The fourth problem is that the nurseries in work places are extremely insufficient. The women who have jobs have many things to do before they go to work such as preparing meals and leaving children in the care of someone. Hence the childcare problem of working women must be solved. In nuclear families, childcare is the most serious problem for working women. The fifth one is the reduction of childcare expenses. Women must sacrifice themselves a lot to make social activities. To say nothing of physical and mental burden, they have to spend much of their salaries on childcare. And yet they don't take the benefit of good quality childcare. For the participation of women in public affairs, society must support the childcare problem to have then be devoted to their jobs without worries about their children. Therefore Taegu wide-area city must select west, north ward which are industrial complex and the low-income swarmed area before everything and establish many national, public and corporate nurseries which cost less expenses.

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Monitoring of Restaurant Beef Labeling System (음식점 식육 원산지 표시 모니터링)

  • Hong, Jin;Leem, Dong-Gil;Kim, Mi-Gyeong;Park, Kyoung-Sik;Yoon, Tae-Hyung;No, Ki-Mi;Jeong, Ja-Young
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.162-169
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    • 2010
  • The compulsory beef labelling system has launched from January 1st 2007 by the amended Food Hygiene Law, we were checked the actual conditions of beef origin with a nationwide scale by the Hanwoo differentiation specific test method which was developed by Korea FDA using 90 SNP biomarkers. The test method is useful tool to differentiate the beef origin carrying out the mission of KFDA's annual food safety management guidance. Also we have technically transferred the Hanwoo differentiation specific test method to other institutes as well regional KFDA and established the training program as a regular course in Korea Human Resource Development Institute for Health and Welfare. The beef used in this study were collected according to the 2009 Food safety guidance in roast beef restaurants where business site area greater than 100 $m^2$. Total 216 samples were consisted of 48 samples of the Seoul area and 168 of the region. The monitoring result from restaurants in all the region of Korea showed that 3 of 216 Hanwoo-labelled beefs were found out as a non-Hanwoo (1.3%). This results are gradually deceasing trend compared with 34.0% in 2005, 30.1% in 2006, 3.2% in 2007 and 5.14% in 2008. From these data, the Hanwoo differentiation specific test method on the settlement of the compulsory beef labelling system has an important role. As a outcome of this project, we might be considered the early settlement of the compulsory beef labelling system, technically transferred to other institutes and the establishment of regular training program of the test method.

Distribution Status and Age Structure of Abies holophylla Population in Sudo-Am Temple Forest (수도암 사찰림의 전나무 개체군 분포현황과 연령구조분석)

  • Choi, Byoung-Ki;Lee, Chang-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.160-166
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    • 2014
  • This study was aimed at looking into the distribution status and age structure of Abies holophylla population in Sudo-Am temple forest. It was found that a total of 302 individuals of Abies holophylla existed which were more than 2m in height within the study area. Furthermore the population size is one of the largest in the southern region of Korea. The CBH of Abies holophylla ranged from 1.5 cm to 500.8 cm. Age structure of Abies holophylla looks like a gourd-shaped bottle. This means that they have an unstable structure status and do not survive very long. This status results from a variety of factors including, vegetation succession, anthropogenic activities, and global warming. The environmental characteristics of Abies holophylla population was $931{\pm}64.5m$ in mean altitude, $19.2{\pm}8.7^{\circ}$ in mean slope in the northeastern and southeastern area of the slope direction, and $1,324,323{\pm}174,459wh\;m^{-2}$ in average of direct normal irradiation. Among the site environmental factors, the significant ones which influence the potential habitat for Abies holophylla distribution were chosen using the MaxEnt model. According to the results of this study, altitude and slope were found as the important factors. The average value of environmental conditions by ROC analysis were altitude 903.2 m, slope $20.04^{\circ}$, irradiation $1,352.248wh\;m^{-2}$, and the southeastern aspect.

Fragipan Formation within Closed Depressions in Southern Wisconsin, United States (미국 위스콘신 남부지방의 소규모 저습지에 나타나는 이쇄반층(Fragipan)의 형성과정에 관한 연구)

  • Park S.J.;Almond P.;McSweeney K.;Lowery B.
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.2 s.113
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    • pp.150-167
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to determine the pedogenesis of dense subsurface horizons (denoted either Bx or Bd) observed within closed depressions and in toeslope positions at loess-covered glacial tillplains in southern Wisconsin. Some of these dense subsurface horizons, especially those occurring within depressions, show a close morphological resemblance to fragipans elsewhere, even though the existence of fragipans has not been previously reported in southern Wisconsin. The spatial occurrence of fragipans was first examined over the landscape to characterize general soil-landscape relationships. Detailed physico-chemical and micromorphological analyses were followed to investigate the development of fragipans within a closed depression along a catenary sequence. The formation of fragipans at the study site is a result of sequential processes of physical ripening and accumulation of colloidal materials. A very coarse prismatic structure with a closely packed soil matrix was formed via physical ripening processes of loess deposited in small glacial lakes and floodplains that existed soon after the retreat of the last glacier. The physically formed dense horizons became hardened by the accumulation of colloidal materials, notably amorphous Si. The accumulation intensity of amorphous Si varies with mass balance relationships, which are governed by topography and local drainage conditions. Well-developed Bx horizons evolve at closed depressions where net accumulation of amorphous Si occurs, but the collapsed layers remain as Bd horizons at other locations where soluble Si has continuously been removed downslope or downvalley. Hydromorphic processes caused by the presence of fragipans are degrading upper parts of the prisms, resulting in the formation of an eluvial fragic horizon (Ex).

Topographic Placement(Structure) and Macro Benthos Community in Winter for the Shellfish Farm of Namsung-ri, Goheung (고흥 남성리 패류양식장의 지형 구조와 저서생물 현장 조사)

  • Jo, Yeong-Hyun;Kim, Yun;Ryu, Cheong-Ro;Lee, Kyeong-Sig;Lee, In-Tae;Yoon, Han-Sam;Jun, Sue-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2010
  • To understand the variation of macro benthos community according to the installation of structure and topographic placement in the shellfish farm on tidal flat, the practical example of the tidal shellfish growing area at Namsung-ri Goheung was observed. The results of the research for the field observation were summarized as follows. (1) The ground gradient of the shellfish farm was very flat below about $1^{\circ}$. The shellfish farm ground took the shape of $\sqcup$ from the shoreline to the place of 150 m seawards, and the shape of $\sqcap$ from there to the low tide line. During ebb tide, the $\sqcup$ shape ground stored the sea water, and the $\sqcap$ shape ground was supposed to act as the effect factor to leak slowly or to prevent the outflow. (2) The oyster shell bag or the type of riprap wall as the boundary in the shellfish farm was classified into five types. The air exposure time and flooding time were 181 and 434 minutes, respectively. (3) In the numerical experiment, the deep-sea water wave coming in the study area had 0.5 m of maximum wave height to show the very stable conditions and the wave direction pattern of S-direction was dominant at Naro great ridge, and SE, SSW and S-direction were distributed strongly around the shellfish farm. (4) By the grain size analysis, the sediment around tidal flat consisted of gravel 0.00~5.81(average 1.70)%, sand 14.15~18.39(average 13.23)%, silt 27.59~47.15(average 30.84)% and clay 35.79~55.73(average 36.19)%, and the sediment type was divided into (g)M(lightly gravelly mud), sM(sandy mud) and gM(gravelly mud) by Folk's diagram. (5) The macro benthos community survey conducted in this site in January, 2010 showed that 1 species of Mollusca, 8 species of Polychaeta and 2 species of Crustacea appeared, and 11 species occupying over 1% of total abundance were dominant.

Disinfection of Fusarium-infected Rice Seeds by Prochloraz and Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide

  • Jeon, Young-ah;Lee, Young-yi;Lee, Ho-sun;Sung, Jung-sook;Lee, Seokyoung
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.25-25
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    • 2014
  • Three species of Fusarium, F. fujikuroi, F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum, are known to be associated with bakanae disease of rice [1, 2]. F. fujikuroi infects rice flowers and survive in endosperm and embryo of the seeds. Infected seed is an important source of primary inoculum of pathogens [3]. Seeds of rice (Oryza sativa cv. Boramchan) collected from bakanae-infected field were found to be 96% infected with Fusarium sp., 52% with F. fujikuroi, 42% with F. verticillioides, and 12% with F. proliferatum as determined by incubation method and species-specific PCR assays. F. fujikuroi was detected at lemma/palea, endosperm and embryo whereas F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum were recovered only from lemma/palea by means of component plating test. Seed disinfection methods have been developed to control bakanae disease and prochloraz has been most widely used for rice seeds. Two chemicals formulated with prochloraz (PC 1) and prochloraz + hexaconazole (PC 2) that inhibit biosynthesis of ergosterol strongly reduced the incidence of Fusarium spp. on selective media to 4.7% and 2.0%, respectively. Disease symptoms of rice seedlings in nursery soil were alleviated by chemical treatment; seedlings with elongated leaves or wide angle between leaf and stem were strikingly reduced from 15.6 to 3.2% (PC 1) and 0 (PC 2), stem rots were reduced from 56.9 to 26.2% (PC 1) and 32.1% (PC 2), and normal seedling increased from 0.4 to 13.3% (PC 2). Prochloraz has some disadvantages and risks such as the occurrence of tolerant pathogens [4] and effects on the sterol synthesis in animals and humans [5]. For these reasons, it is necessary to develop new disinfection method that do not induce fungal tolerance and are safe to humans and animals. Chlorine dioxide ($ClO_2$), that is less toxic, produces no harmful byproducts, and has high oxidizing power, has been reported to be effective at disinfection of several phytopathogenic fungi including Colletotrichum spp. and Alternaria spp. [6]. Gaseous $ClO_2$ applied to rice seeds at a concentration of 20 ppm strongly suppressed mycelial growth of Fusarium fujikuroi, F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum. The incidence of Fusarium spp. in dry seed with 8.7% seed moisture content (SMC) tended to decrease as the concentration of $ClO_2$ increased from 20 to 40 ppm. Applying 40 ppm $ClO_2$ at 90% relative humidity, incidence was reduced to 5.3% and resulted in significant reduction of disease symptoms on MS media. In nursery soil, stem rot was reduced from 56.9 to 15.4% and the number of normal seedlings increased from 0.4 to 25.5%. With water-soaked seeds (33.1% SMC) holding moisture in the endosperm and embryo, the effectiveness of disinfection using $ClO_2$ increased, even when treated with only 20 ppm for four hours. This suggests that moisture was a key element for action of $ClO_2$. Removal of the palea and lemma from seeds significantly decreased the incidence of Fusarium spp. to 3.0%. Seed germination appeared to decrease slightly by water-soaking at $30^{\circ}C$ because of increased SMC and by physical damage of embryos from hulling. These results indicate that the use of gaseous $ClO_2$ was effective as a means to disinfect rice seeds infected with Fusarium spp. and that moisture around the pathogens in the seed was an important factor for the action of $ClO_2$. Further investigations should be conducted to ascertain the best conditions for complete disinfection of Fusarium spp. that infect deep site of rice seeds.

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Research on the current conditions of cultural heritage management in North Korea - an example of the management of provincial sites - (북한의 문화유산 관리 현황 연구 - 지방의 유적 관리 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyunwoo;Yi, Seonbok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.4-17
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    • 2019
  • Both as a means of improving North-South relations, as well as a necessary component for carrying out research on the past of the Korean peninsula, interest in North Korean cultural resources has been growing in South Korean society. As a result, studies have begun to look beyond North Korean cultural resources themselves and attempt to determine how cultural resources are managed in North Korea. Such studies have tended to investigate laws related to the management of cultural heritage in North Korea, but information gleaned from laws alone is limited. To provide a more complete picture, research must also investigate how cultural resource management laws are applied and enforced and also take into consideration aspects of cultural resource management that are not directed or regulated by law. In this study, we refer to the current National Cultural Resources Protection Laws in order to investigate systems of cultural resource management in North Korea. Furthermore, we conducted interviews with a former North Korean national who had until recently worked as a director of historical sites in North Korea. Through comparisons of information relating to organization, labor power, responsibilities, budget, and other factors of cultural resource management gained through the interviews and the 'National Cultural Resources Protection Laws,' we hoped to gain a fuller understanding of the reality of cultural resource management in North Korea. As a result, we were able to gain a better understanding of the organization and tasks related to cultural resource management and, at the same time, clarify some of the provisions that were unclear in the laws. Throughout the process, we were also able to determine that the management of cultural resources in North Korea is currently inadequate. However, because this study focuses on a specific region and is limited only to historical sites, it is difficult to generalize our findings to the entirety of cultural resource management in North Korea. In order to gain an objective and more accurate understanding of the current state of cultural resource management in North Korea, information must be collected at many levels to be synthesized and compared.