• Title/Summary/Keyword: shear-thinning fluid flow

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Studies on The Flow Properties of Semi-Solid Dosage Forms (II) : Temperature-Dependent Flow Behavior of Vaseline (반고형제제의 유동특성에 관한 연구 (제2보) : 바셀린의 온도의존성 유동거동)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hwa;Song, Ki-Won;Jang, Gap-Shik;Lee, Jang-Oo;Lee, Chi-Ho
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 1997
  • Using a concentric cylinder type, rheometer. the steady shear flow properties of vaseline were measured over the temperature range of 20~70${\circ}$C. In this paper, the shea rate and temperature dependencies of its flow behavior were investigated and the validity of some flow models was examined. In addition, the flow characteristics over a wide temperature range were quantitatively evaluated by calculating the various material parameters. Main findings obtained from this study can be summarized as follows: (1) At relatively lower temperature range, vaseline is a plastic fluid with a yield stress and its flow behavior shows shear-thinning characteristics. (2) As the temperature increases, the value of a yield stress and the degree of shear-thinning become smaller, consequently, the Newtonian flow behavior occurs at a lower shear rate range. (3) At temperature range lower than 45${\circ}$C, the flow behavior shows much stronger temperature dependence, and a larger activation energy is needed for flow. (4) The Herschel-Bulkley model is the most effective one g$^3$ to predict the flow behavior of vaseline having a yield stress. The validity of the Bingham and Casson models becomes more available with increasing temperature. The flow behavior of vaseline at temperature range higher than 45${\circ}$C can be perfectly described by the Newton model.

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Useful Guide to Solve Herschel-Bulkley Model in a Flow Mode Damper (유동 모드 댐퍼에서의 Herschel-Bulkley 모델의 유용한 해법)

  • 이덕영;박성태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.784-787
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    • 2003
  • Electrorheological(ER) and magnetorheological(MR) fluid-based dampers are typically analyzed using Bingham-plastic shear model under quasi-steady fully developed flow conditions. A Herschel-Bulkley constitutive shear flow relationship is that the linear shear stress vs. strain rate behavior of Bingham model is replaced by a shear stress that is assumed to be proportional to a power law of shear rate. This power is called the flow behavior index. Depending on the value of the flow behavior index number, varying degrees of post-yield shear thickening or thinning behavior can be analyzed. But it is not practical to analyze the damping force in a flow mode damper using Herschel-Bulkley model because it is needed to solve a polynomial equation. A useful guide is suggested to analyze the damping force in a damper using the Herschel-Bulkley model.

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A Numerical Analysis on the Hemodynamic Characteristics in Elastic Blood Vessel with Stenosis (협착이 있는 탄성혈관을 흐르는 혈액의 유동특성에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • 정삼두;김창녕
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.281-286
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    • 2002
  • In this study, blood flow in a carotid artery supplying blood to the human's brain has been numerically simulated to find out how the blood flow affects the genesis and the growth of atherosclerosis and arterial thrombosis. Velocity Profiles and hemodynamic parameters have been investigated for the carotid arteries with three different stenoses under physiological flow condition. Blood has been treated as Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid. To model the shear thinning properties of blood for non-Newtonian fluid, the Carreau-Yasuda model has been employed. The result shows that the wall shear stress(WSS) increases with the development of stenosis and that the wall shear stress in Newtonian fluid is highly evaluated compared with that in non-Newtonian Fluid. Oscillatory shear index has been employed to identify the time-averaged reattachment point and this point is located farther from the stenosis for Newtonian fluid than for non-Newtonian fluid The wall shear stress gradient(WSSG) along the wall has been estimated to be very high around the stenosis region when stenosis is developed much and the WSSG peak value of Newtonian fluid is higher than that of non-Newtonian fluid.

Rheological Models for Describing Fine-laden Debris Flows: Grain-size Effect (세립토 위주의 토석류에 관한 유변학적 모델: 입자크기 효과)

  • Jeong, Sueng-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents the applicability of rheological models for describing fine-laden debris flows and analyzes the flow characteristics as a function of grain size. Two types of soil samples were used: (1) clayey soils - Mediterranean Sea clays and (2) silty soils - iron ore tailings from Newfoundland, Canada. Clayey soil samples show a typical shear thinning behavior but silty soil samples exhibit the transition from shear thinning to the Bingham fluid as shear rate is increased. It may be due to the fact that the determination of yield stress and plastic viscosity is strongly dependent upon interstructrual interaction and strength evolution between soil particles. So grain size effect produces different flow curves. For modeling debris flows that are mainly composed of fine-grained sediments (<0.075 mm), we need the yield stress and plastic viscosity to mimic the flow patterns like shape of deposition, thickness, length of debris flow, and so on. These values correlate with the liquidity index. Thus one can estimate the debris flow mobility if one can measure the physical properties.

Laminar Film Condensation Model of Pure Steam in a Vertical Tube (수직관 내 순수 증기의 층류 액막 응축 모델)

  • Kim, Dong Eok
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2014
  • In this study, a new model for calculating the liquid film thickness and condensation heat transfer coefficient in a vertical condenser tube is proposed by considering the effects of gravity, liquid viscosity, and vapor flow in the core region of the flow. In order to introduce the radial velocity profile in the liquid film, the liquid film flow was regarded to be in Couette flow dragged by the interfacial velocity at the liquid-vapor interface. For the calculation of the interfacial velocity, an empirical power-law velocity profile had been introduced. The resulting liquid film thickness and heat transfer coefficient obtained from the proposed model were compared with the experimental data from other experimental study and the results obtained from the other condensation models. In conclusion, the proposed model physically explained the liquid film thinning effect by the vapor shear flow and predicted the condensation heat transfer coefficient from experiments reasonably well.

Hydrodynamic interaction between two cylinders in planar shear flow of viscoelastic fluid

  • Jung, Hyun-Wook;Daejin Won;Kim, Chongyoup
    • Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.203-207
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    • 2002
  • Particle-particle interaction is of great importance in the study of suspension rheology. In this research we have investigated the hydrodynamic interaction between two identical cylinders in viscoelastic fluids numerically as a model problem for the study of viscoelastic suspension. We confine two neutrally buoyant cylinders between two parallel plates and impose a shear flow. We determine the migration velocity of two cylinders. The result shows that cylinders move toward or away from each other depending upon the initial distance between them and that there is an equilibrium distance between two cylinders in viscoelastic fluids regardless of the initial distance. In the case of Newtonian fluid, there is no relative movement as expected. The results partly explain the chaining phenomena of spherical particles in shear flows of viscoelastic fluids.

Experimental studies on the axisymmetric sphere-wall interaction in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids

  • Lee, Sang-Wang;Sohn, Sun-Mo;Ryu, Seung-Hee;Kim, Chongyoup;Song, Ki-Won
    • Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2001
  • In this research, experimental studies leave been performed on the hydrodynamic interaction between a spherical particle and a plane wall by measuring the force between the particle and wall. To approach the system as a resistance problem, a servo-driving system was set-up by assembling a microstepping motor, a ball screw and a linear motion guide for the particle motion. Glycerin and dilute solution of polyacrylamide in glycerin were used as Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, respectively. The polymer solution behaves like a Boger fluid when the concentration is 1,000 ppm or less. The experimental results were compared with the asymptotic solution of Stokes equation. The result shows that fluid inertia plays all important role in the particle-wall interaction in Newtonian fluid. This implies that the motion of two particles in suspension is not reversible even in Newtonian fluid. In non-Newtonian fluid, normal stress difference and viscoelasticity play important roles as expected. In the dilute solution weak shear thinning and the migration of polymer molecules in the inhomogeneous flow field also affect the physic of the problem.

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  • Kim, Hyung Min
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2014
  • Since the most of the existing non-Newtonian models are not adequate to apply to the lattmce Boltzmann method, it is a challenging task from both the theoretical and the numerical points of view. In this research the hydro-kinetic model was modified and applied to the 3-D moving sphere in the circular channel flow and the characteristics of the shear thinning effect by the HK-model was evaluated and the condition of ${\Gamma}$ in the model was suggested for the stable simulation to generate non-trivial prediction in three dimension strong shear flows. On the wall boundaries of circular channel the curved wall surface treatment with constant velocity condition was applied and the bounceback condition was applied on the sphere wall to simulate the relative motion of the sphere. The condition is adequate at the less blockage than 0.7 but It may need to apply a multi-scale concept of grid refinement at the narrow flow region. to obtain the stable numerical results.


  • Lee, S.W.;Steinman, D.A.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.181-185
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we attempted to quantify the relative importance of assumptions regarding blood rheology. Three patient-specific carotid bifurcation geometries and time-varying flow rates were obtained using magnetic resonance imaging. For each subject, CFD simulations were carried out assuming two different non-Newtonian rheology models Carreau and Ballyk models) and rescaled Newtonian viscosities based on characteristic shear rates to account for the shear-thinning property of blood. The sensitivity of WSS and oscillatory shear index (OSI) were contextualized with respect to the reproducibility of the reconstructed geometry and to assumptions regarding the inlet boundary conditions. We conclude that the assumption of Newtonian fluid is reasonable for studies aimed at quantifying the distribution of WSS-based extrema in an image-based CFD model of carotid bifurcation.

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  • Lee, S.W.;Steinman, D.A.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.181-185
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we attempted to quantify the relative importance of assumptions regarding blood rheology. Three patient-specific carotid bifurcation geometries and time-varying flow rates were obtained using magnetic resonance imaging. For each subject, CFD simulations were carried out assuming two different non-Newtonian rheology models (Carreau and Ballyk models) and rescaled Newtonian viscosities based on characteristic shear rates to account for the shear-thinning property of blood. The sensitivity of WSS and oscillatory shear index (OSI) were contextualized with respect to the reproducibility of the reconstructed geometry and to assumptions regarding the inlet boundary conditions. We conclude that the assumption of Newtonian fluid is reasonable for studies aimed at quantifying the distribution of WSS-based extrema in an image-based CFD model of carotid bifurcation.

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