• Title/Summary/Keyword: shape of the earth

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Climatological Characteristics in the Variation of Soil temperature in Korea (우리나라 지중온도 변동의 기후학적 특성)

  • Kim Seoung-Ok;Suh Myoung-Seok;Kwak Chong-Heum
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2005
  • Climatological characteristics in the variation of soil temperatures in Korea were investigated using Korea Meterological Administration's observation data. And the impacts of soil moisture on the variation of soil temperature were examined using observed precipitation data. The climatological averages of soil temperatures are ranged from 14.4 to $15.0^{\circ}C$ regardless of depths. And they showed an latitudinal gradient with a warm temperature at the southern region and 'U' shape as in the air temperature with a high value along the coastal region. The relatively higher heat capacity and low conductivity of soil compared to those of the air resulted in the significant delay of the maximum and minimum date with depth. As a results, soil acts as a heat source during winter while a heat sink during summer. Global warming and urban heat island have increased the soil temperatures with an average rate $0.3\~0.5^{\circ}C/10-year$ as in the air temperature during last 30 years $(1973\~2002)$. However, the warming rate is maximized during spring contrary to the winter in the air temperature. The temporal variation of soil temperatures is strongly affected by that of soil moisture through an modification of the heat capacity and heat convection. In general, the increased soil moisture clearly decreased the temporal variations and increased the deep layer soil temperatures during cold season.

Evaluation of Side-ditch Erosion Factors and Judgment of Side-ditch Stability in Forest Road (임도(林道) 옆도랑의 침식요인(浸蝕要因) 평가(評價)와 안정성(安定性) 판별(判別)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Hae-Joo;Ji, Byoung-Yun;Jung, Do-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Yoon;Cha, Du-Song
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.3
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    • pp.397-404
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to investigate the influence of the road structure and site conditions on side-ditch stability of forest road. For experimental purposes, the forest road in the Kwangrung Experimental Forest, Korea Forestry Research Institute, was chosen as a study site. A total of 556 plots wes set up as every longitudinal gradient changing points by belt-transect method. Data of 10 road structural characteristics and side-ditch stability were collected from each plot and analysed by Quantification II. The main factors in order of partial correlation coefficient were longitudinal gradient, road position, inclination of cut-slope, constituent material of cut-slopes, distance of surface flow, cross-sectional shape of road, pavement material, vegetation of cut-slopes and length of cut-slope. The erosion of side-ditch of forest road occurred in the following cases; more than 8% of the longitudinal gradient, road position of hill under side and foot hill, more than $50^{\circ}$ of inclination of cut-slope, constituent material of cut-slopes of hard soil and gravel soil, more than 80m of distance of surface flow, pavement material with earth or gravel, more than medium covered of vegetation of cut-slopes, and the straight and convex form of road-bed.

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The Applicability of Minimum Entropy Deconvolution Considering Spatial Distribution of Sampling Points (지하수 함양량 추정시 공간상에서의 자료 Sampling 방법에 따른 Minimum Entropy Deconvolution의 적용성에 관한 검토)

  • Kim Tae-Hee;Kim Yong-Je;Lee Kang-Keun
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2006
  • Kim and Lee (2005) suggested Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MED) to estimate the temporal sequence of the relative recharge. However this study by Kim and Lee (2005) was just related to the verification of the conceptual approach with MED. In this study, we try to characterize the applicability of MED in the case of spatially heterogeneous recharge (distance from recharge area). Simulated results were recorded with some specific sampling points. Estimated results from this study show higher than 0.8 in cross-correlation with the original recharge sequence. In addition, the physical and mathematical meanings of the applied filter length was also investigated. It was revealed that the length of filter is highly related to the spatial distance between recharge area and the monitoring site, and the apparent shape of hydraulic head change.

Morphologic Response of Gravel Beach to Typhoon Invasion - A Case Study of Gamji Beach Taejongdae in Busan (태풍 내습 시 자갈 해빈의 지형반응 - 부산 태종대 감지 해빈의 사례)

  • Lee, Young Yun;Chang, Tae Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2020
  • To understand the impact of typhoons on Gamji gravel beach Taejongdae in Busan, we carried out beach profiling using a VRS-GPS system and a Drone photogrammetry for the typhoons 'Kong-rey' invaded in October 2018 and 'Danas' in July 2019. In addition, grain sizes are analyzed to investigate the overall distribution pattern of gravels on the beach, and the beach topography is surveyed periodically to confirm the recovery rate of the beach. Grain-size analysis reveals that mean gravel sizes, in general, become finer from -6.2Φ to -5.4Φ towards the east in the seashore line direction. Variation in mean sizes is obviously observed in the cross-shore direction. Gravels in the swash zone are relatively fine about -4.5Φ in size and equant in shape, whereas the coarse and oblate gravels ranged from -5Φ to -6Φ are found in the berm. Gamji gravel beach particularly has two lines of berms: a lower berm situated facing beach and an upper berm about 10 m landward. After the typhoon Kong-rey passed by, about 1.4 m of severe erosion in upper berm occurred, and the berm eventually disappeared. On the backshore of the upper berm about 50 cm of erosion took place so that the elevation became lower. However, tangible erosion was not observed in the lower berm. When typhoon Danas hit, rated as mild storm, both upper and lower berm were eroded out. However, about 50 cm of deposition occurred only in the backshore. Only three days later, the new lower berm was formed, meaning that sedimentation rate must be high. This result indicates that Gamji gravel beach is recovered very fast from erosion caused by the typhoons when it is under the fair-weather condition even though beach morphology changes dramatically in a short period of time. Gravel beach is estimated to be or evaluated very resilient to typhoon erosion.

A Preliminary Study of Flume Experiments on the Flow Velocity for Initial Formation of Bedforms on Bimodal Sand-sized Sediments (이정 사질 퇴적물의 층면구조 형성 속도에 대한 수조 실험 예비 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun Woo;Choi, Su Ji;Choi, Ji Soo;Kwon, Yoo Jin;Lee, Sang Cheol;Kwak, Chang Hwan;Kwon, Yi Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.218-229
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    • 2016
  • The bedform stability diagram indicates the shape and size of bedforms that will occur to a given grain size and flow velocity. The diagram has been constructed from experimental data which have been mostly acquired by flume experiments. Generally, the flume experiments have been performed on well sorted sediments with unimodal grain size distribution, in order to understand relationship between grain size and flow velocity. According to the diagram, a ripple structure initiates to be formed from lower flow regime flat bed, as the flow velocity increases on the surface of fine-sand or medium-sand sediments. This study aims to verify that the experimental result of bedform stability diagram will be reproduced in our flume experimental systems, and also to confirm that the result is consistent not only on well-sorted sand sediments but also on poorly-sorted sand sediments with bimodal grain size distribution. The experimental results in this study show that initiation of 2D or 3D ripple structure on poorly-sorted sand sediments requires higher flow velocity and shear stress than those for initiation of the structure on well-sorted sand sediments. In general, carbonate sediments are characterized by poor sorting due to inactive hydraulic sorting and bimodal grain size distribution with allochems and matrices. The results suggest that the carbonate depositional system possibly need a higher flow velocity for initial formation of 2D or 3D bedform structures. The reason might be the fact that pulling off and lifting of a grain in poorly sorted sediments require more energy due to sorting, friction, stabilization, armour effects, and their complex interaction. This preliminary study warrants additional experiments under various conditions and more accurate analysis on the relationship between formation of bedforms and grain size distribution.

Automatic Extraction of Roof Components from LiDAR Data Based on Octree Segmentation (LiDAR 데이터를 이용한 옥트리 분할 기반의 지붕요소 자동추출)

  • Song, Nak-Hyeon;Cho, Hong-Beom;Cho, Woo-Sug;Shin, Sung-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2007
  • The 3D building modeling is one of crucial components in building 3D geospatial information. The existing methods for 3D building modeling depend mainly on manual photogrammetric processes by stereoplotter compiler, which indeed take great amount of time and efforts. In addition, some automatic methods that were proposed in research papers and experimental trials have limitations of describing the details of buildings with lack of geometric accuracy. It is essential in automatic fashion that the boundary and shape of buildings should be drawn effortlessly by a sophisticated algorithm. In recent years, airborne LiDAR data representing earth surface in 3D has been utilized in many different fields. However, it is still in technical difficulties for clean and correct boundary extraction without human intervention. The usage of airborne LiDAR data will be much feasible to reconstruct the roof tops of buildings whose boundary lines could be taken out from existing digital maps. The paper proposed a method to reconstruct the roof tops of buildings using airborne LiDAR data with building boundary lines from digital map. The primary process is to perform octree-based segmentation to airborne LiDAR data recursively in 3D space till there are no more airborne LiDAR points to be segmented. Once the octree-based segmentation has been completed, each segmented patch is thereafter merged based on geometric spatial characteristics. The experimental results showed that the proposed method were capable of extracting various building roof components such as plane, gable, polyhedric and curved surface.

Interpretation on the subsurface velocity structure by seismic refraction survey in tunnel and slope (탄성파 굴절법 탐사를 이용한 지반 속도분포 해석-터널 및 절토 사면에의 적용 사례)

  • You Youngjune;Cho Chang Soo;Park Yong Soo;Yoo In Kol
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.08a
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    • pp.48-64
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    • 1999
  • For quantitative evaluation of geotechnical engineering properties such as rippability and diggability, clear interpretation on the subsurface velocity structures should be preceded by figuring out top soil, weathered and soft rock layers, shape of basement, fracture zones, geologic boundary and etc. from the seismic refraction data. It is very important to set up suitable field parameters, which are the configuration of profile and its length, spacings of geophones and sources and topographic conditions, for increasing field data quality Geophone spacing of 3 to 5m is recommended in the land slope area for house land development and 5 to 10m in the tunnel site. In refraction tomography technique, the number of source points should be more than a half of available channel number of instrument, which can make topographic effect ignorable. Compared with core logging data, it is shown that the velocity range of the soil is less than 700m/s, weathered rock 700${\~}$1,200m/s, soft rock 1,200${\~}$1,800m/s. And the upper limit of P-wave velocity for rippability is estimated 1,200 to 1,800m/s in land slope area of gneiss. In case of tunnel site, it is recommended in tunnel design and construction to consider that tunnel is in contact with soft rock layer where three lineaments intersecting each other are recognized from the results of the other survey.

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Dipole-Dipole Array Geoelectric Survey for Gracture Zone Detection (전기비저항 탐사법을 이용한 지하 천부 파쇄대 조사)

  • Kim, Geon Yeong;Lee, Jeong Mo;Jang, Tae U
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 1999
  • Although faults can be found by geological surveys, the surface traces of faults are not easily discovered by traditional geological surveys due to alluvia. In and around faults and fracture zones, the electrical resistivity appears to be lower than that of the surroundings due to the content of groundwater and clay minerals. Therefore, electrical resistivity surveys are effective to search buried faults and fracture zones. The dipole-dipole array electrical resistivity surveys, which could show the two dimensional subsurface electrical resistivity structure, were carried out in two areas, Yongdang-ri, Woongsang-eup, Yangsan-si, Kyungsangnam-do and Malbang-ri, Woedong-eup, Kyungju-si, Kyungsangpook-do. The one was next to the Dongrae Fault and the other near the Ulsan Fault was close to the region in which debatable quaternary fault traces had been found recently. From each measured data set, the electrical resistivity cross-section was obtained using the inversion program the reliability of which was analyzed using analytic solutions. A low resistivity zone was found in the inverted cross-section from the Yongdang-ri area survey data, and two low resistivity zones were found in that from the Malbang-ri area survey data. They were almost vertical and were 15∼20 m wide. Accounting the shape and the very low resistivity values of those zones (<100 Ωm)in the inverted section, they were interpreted as fracture zones although they should be proven by trenching. The reliability of the interpretation might be improved by adding some more parallel resistivity survey lines and interpreting the results in 3 and/or adding other geophysical survey.

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Georadar System Using Network-Analyzer (네트웍 분석기를 이용한 레이다탐사 시스템의 구현)

  • Cho Seong-Jun;Kim Jung-Ho;Lee Seoung Kon;Son Jeong-Sul;Chung Seung-Hwan
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 2002
  • During field survey of ground penetrating radar or borehole radar, we often encounter some problems which could be solved easily by modifying structure of the system such as antenna length, shape or array. In addition, it is necessary that the user could easily modify configuration of the radar system na test various array of antennas in order to verify and confirm numerical modeling results concerning radar antennas. We have developed network-analyzer-based, stepped-frequency georadar system. This system had been comprised with coaxial cable to confirm possibility of the system, then we have upgraded the system to use optical cable that is composed of optical/electric transducers, electric/optical transducers, amp, pre-amp and antennas. The software for the aquisition of data has been developed to control the system automatically using PC with GPIB communication and to display the obtained data graphically. We have tested the system in field survey na the results have been compared with those of RAMAC/GPR system.

Synthesis and photoluminescence characteristics of SrAl2O4:Mn4+ phosphor for LED applications (LED용 SrAl2O4:Mn4+ 형광체 합성 및 발광특성 연구)

  • Byoung Su Choi;Jun Ho Lee;Sungu Hwang;Jin Kon Kim;Byeong Woo Lee;Hyun Cho
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2023
  • A non-rare earth-based strontium-aluminate red light emitting phosphor was synthesized by a solid-state reaction method and the effect of synthesis temperature and Mn4+ activator concentration on the photoluminescence characteristics of the phosphor was studied. The synthesized SrAl2O4:Mn4+ phosphor showed broad band absorption characteristics in the near-ultraviolet and blue regions with peaks at wavelengths of near 330 and 460 nm, and a triple band deep red emission consisted of three peaks at near 644, 658, and 673 nm. The SrAl2O4:Mn4+ phosphor synthesized at a temperature 1600℃ and a Mn4+ activator concentration of 0.5 mol% showed the strongest PL emission intensity, and concentration quenching was observed at concentrations higher than 0.7 mol%. FE-SEM and DLS particle size distribution analysis showed that the synthesized SrAl2O4:Mn4+ phosphor had a particle size distribution of 2~6.4 ㎛ and an irregular spherical shape with an average particle size of ~4 ㎛.