• 제목/요약/키워드: sentence interpretation strategy

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.018초

말 늦은 아동의 문장 이해 전략 (Sentence interpretation strategies by typically developing and late-talking Korean toddlers)

  • 조수정;황민아;최경순
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2014
  • Late talkers are young children who are delayed in their expressive language skills despite normal nonverbal cognitive ability, adequate hearing and typical personality development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the sentence interpretation strategies used by Korean-speaking late talkers and age-matched normal children. Nine late talkers and nine normal children matched by age at 30-35months were participated in this study. 27 simple noun-noun-verb(NNV) sentences were generated by factorial combination of case-marker [nominal case-marker on the first noun and accusative on the second (C1), accusative on the first noun and nominative on the second (C2), and no case markers on both nouns (C0)], and animacy of the nouns [animate-inanimate(AI), inanimate-animate(IA), animate-animate(AA)]. All the children were asked to "act out" their interpretation of the given sentence. For each type of sentences the percentage of choices of the first noun as the agent was calculated. The results of group (2) ${\times}$ animacy(3) ${\times}$ case-marker(3) mixed ANOVA showed a significant main effect for 'animacy', 'case marker' and 'group(2) ${\times}$ case-marker (3)'. The late talkers relied on semantic (animacy) cues in their interpretation of the sentences, while the normal peers utilized both animacy and grammatical morpheme (case-marker) cues. The results indicated that the late-talkers' comprehension skills were also delayed.

Multidimensional Analysis of Consumers' Opinions from Online Product Reviews

  • Taewook Kim;Dong Sung Kim;Donghyun Kim;Jong Woo Kim
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.838-855
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    • 2019
  • Online product reviews are a vital source for companies in that they contain consumers' opinions of products. The earlier methods of opinion mining, which involve drawing semantic information from text, have been mostly applied in one dimension. This is not sufficient in itself to elicit reviewers' comprehensive views on products. In this paper, we propose a novel approach in opinion mining by projecting online consumers' reviews in a multidimensional framework to improve review interpretation of products. First of all, we set up a new framework consisting of six dimensions based on a marketing management theory. To calculate the distances of review sentences and each dimension, we embed words in reviews utilizing Google's pre-trained word2vector model. We classified each sentence of the reviews into the respective dimensions of our new framework. After the classification, we measured the sentiment degrees for each sentence. The results were plotted using a radar graph in which the axes are the dimensions of the framework. We tested the strategy on Amazon product reviews of the iPhone and Galaxy smartphone series with a total of around 21,000 sentences. The results showed that the radar graphs visually reflected several issues associated with the products. The proposed method is not for specific product categories. It can be generally applied for opinion mining on reviews of any product category.

이중언어와 문장 처리 전략: 한국어-중국어 이중언어자의 전략후행전이 (Bilingualism and Processing Strategies: Backward Transfer in Korean-Chinese Bilinguals)

  • Lee, Kwee-Ock;Jun, Jong-Sup;Park, Hye-Won;Ahn, Jung-Ok
    • 인지과학
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2003
  • 이 논문은 한국어-중국어(=KC) 이중언어자의 문장 처리 전략을 실험적으로 연구하여 한국어 단일언어자의 문장 처리 전략과 비교함으로써 (1) KC 이중 언어에 나타나는 문장 처리 전략의 전반적 특징을 밝히고, (2) 제 1 언어 처리 전략과 제 2 언어 처리 전략 간의 간섭이 이중 언어 발달에 영향을 줄 수 있음을 보이는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 우리는 중국 연변 조선족 집거촌의 만 3세부터 성인에 이르는 다양한 연령 집단에서 166 명의 피험자를 모집하여 실시간 주어/행동주 판정 실험을 실시하였다 (cf. Liu, Bates & Li, 1992). 실험 결과를 한국어 단일언어자 대상의 이전 연구와 비교하여 다음 결론에 도달하였다. 첫째, 한국어 단일언어 아동은 3-4세 경 생물성 (animacy)에 근거해 문장의 주어/행동주를 판별하는 반면, KC 이중언어 아동은 생물성 전략 이외에도 어순 전략을 많이 활용한다. 둘째. KC 이중언어자가 주어/행동주 판별에 형태소를 활용하는 시기는 10세 이후로 한국어 단일언어 아동의 5세 경과 비교하여 많이 늦다. 셋째, 한국어 단일언어자 성인은 형태소 전략을 최우선적으로 활용하는 반면, KC 이중언어자는 성인이 되어서도 형태소 전략 이외에 생물성 전략과 어순 전략을 적극적으로 활용한다. KC 이중언어자의 언어 수행은 생물성과 어순이 중요한 중국어의 영향을 받은 것으로 보이며, 이는 Liu, Bates & Li (1992)가 제안하는 조기이중언어자의 전략 후행 전이를 지지하는 결과라 할 수 있다.

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