• Title/Summary/Keyword: sensor noise

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Development of the Compact Smart Device for Industrial IoT (산업용 IoT를 위한 초소형 스마트 디바이스의 개발)

  • Ryu, Dae-Hyun;Choi, Tae-Wan
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.751-756
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    • 2018
  • In smart factories and industrial IoT, all facilities in a factory are monitored over the Internet, thereby facility can reduce the downtime and increase the availiability by preventive maintenance before it breaks down. The abnormal conditions of the major facilities in the plant are caused by abnormal temperature rise, vibration, and variations in noise. Consequently, it is critical to develop a very small smart device that is easily installed in a small space to enable real-time monitoring of the vibration status of the facility. In this study, smart devices were developed for smart factory fault prediction and robustness management using ultra small micro-controllers with WiFi capabilities and MEMS acceleration sensors.

Measurement of Basis Signal with HFCT for Diagnosing Partial Discharge in Middle Joint Box of 154kV Grade (154kV급 중간접속부내의 부분방전 진단을 위한 HFCT 적용 기준신호 측정)

  • Ahn, Jong-Hyun;Yun, Ju-Ho;Choi, Yong-Sung;Park, Dae-Hee;Lee, Kyung-Sup
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.04b
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    • pp.75-78
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    • 2007
  • To detect partial discharge of 154kV joint box, we have made experiment by using the HFCT sensor. Generally the signals which are detected in partial discharge test of underground power transmission cable are accompanied with both noises of high voltage and noises of surrounding power cable. The most noise in near to end part of joint box is corona, beside other noises flowed from surrounding area. Partial discharge test is difficulty due to these noises. First, we test reliability on both injection of calibration signal in NJB and removal of low frequency. After that, we had analyzed frequencies by measuring signals in IJB with 300[m] distance from NJB. Also we had measured S/N ratio by using the indirected injection method of calibration signal in IJB. In this experiment, two measurement methods were difference of detection acquisition, but these had the equal frequency properties.

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Sensorless Driving System of Switched Reluctance Motor Using Impressed Voltage Pulse (전압펄스 주입방식을 이용한 SRM 센서리스 제어)

  • Yoon Yong-Ho;Kim, Yuen-Chung;Won Chung-Yuen
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.388-396
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    • 2005
  • SRM has not been put into practical applications widely because of its large torque ripple, acoustic noise and low power factor. In addition, a traditional position sensor is needed for the drive control. So we propose an improved sensorless drive method of Switched Reluctance Motors using impressed voltage pulses. Conventional impressed voltage pulse method has a problem of phase delay because of low-pass filter. So in this paper we propose an unproved sensorless driving method based on the impressed voltage pulse using new pulse-shift circuit technique that overcomes the phase delay and start-up problem. Proposed method is implemented in a simple analog circuit instead of using an expensive DSP.

A Study on the Characteristics of PCN-PZT Piezoelectric Acceleration Sensor (PCN-PZT 압전형 가속도센서의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeong-Deok;Kim, Gwang-Il;Jeong, U-Cheol;Go, Jae-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.354-360
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    • 1999
  • PCN-PZT piezoelectric acceleration sensors of annular shear mode voltage type were fabricated and their characteristics have been investigated. Field tests are also carried out. To avoid noise problems from the environmental conditions, acceleration sensors employed solid state micro-electronics for pre-amplifier. The calibration procedures based on the principle of the comparison method were adopted for investigating the characteristics of fabricated acceleration sensors. The voltage sensitivity and resonant frequency of fabricated acceleration sensors were 83mv/g, 23kHz, respectively. The lower and upper frequency limit were 4Hz and 9kHz, respectively. The variation of the voltage sensitivity showed 10% at $-406{\circ}C\; and\; 9%\; at\; 121^{\circ}C$ compared to that of reference temperature at $40^{\circ}C$.

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State Estimation Technique for VRLA Batteries for Automotive Applications

  • Duong, Van Huan;Tran, Ngoc Tham;Choi, Woojin;Kim, Dae-Wook
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.238-248
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    • 2016
  • The state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-health (SOH) estimation of batteries play important roles in managing batteries for automotive applications. However, an accurate state estimation of a battery is difficult to achieve because of certain factors, such as measurement noise, highly nonlinear characteristics, strong hysteresis phenomenon, and diffusion effect of batteries. In certain vehicular applications, such as idle stop-start systems (ISSs), significant errors in SOC/SOH estimation may lead to a failure in restarting a combustion engine after the shut-off period of the engine when the vehicle is at rest, such as at a traffic light. In this paper, a dual extended Kalman filter algorithm with a dynamic equivalent circuit model of a lead-acid battery is proposed to deal with this problem. The proposed algorithm adopts a battery model by taking into account the hysteresis phenomenon, diffusion effect, and parameter variations for accurate state estimations of the battery. The validity of the proposed algorithm is verified through experiments by using an absorbed glass mat valve-regulated lead-acid battery and a battery sensor cable for commercial ISS vehicles.

Performance Verification of the Gas Insulated Switchgear using UHF Partial Discharge Diagnosis Method (UHF 부분방전 진단법에 의한 가스절연 개폐장치의 성능검증)

  • Kim, J.B.;Jung, J.R.;Kim, M.S.;Song, W.P.;Kim, M.H.;Ko, H.S.;Choi, I.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.132-135
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    • 2004
  • In generally, compared with VHF band, electromagnetic waves of UHF band have a low influence for external noise. We can detect the real abnormality with several pC in GIS using UHF method. Recently, it has applied to use the external UHF sensor attached on spacer to GIS of existing substation. In this paper, we firstly described the technique of the partial discharge measurement using frequency analysis and phase analysis in UHF band. Secondly, we presented the results of sensitivity, the relationship of dBm-pC and diagnosis of the reason of PD source by phase analysis. And then, we report the diagnosis result of partial discharge on 800kV GIS in domestic substation. rge diagnosis of GIS.

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Design of Sensorless Controller for Interior Permanent-Magnet BLDC Motor (영구 자석 매립형 BLDC Motor의 Sensorless 제어기 설계)

  • Kim, Hag-Wone;Yeum, Kwan-Ho;Cho, Kwan-Youl;Ahn, Jun-Ho;Shin, Hyoun-Jeong;Byun, Il-Soo;Kim, Jung-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.11a
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    • pp.299-301
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    • 1996
  • Recently, as a result of the progress in power electronics and magnet technology, the applications of inverter fed BLDC Motor have increased for industry and home appliance. Also because of the high efficiency, good acoustic noise characteristic, BLDC Motor applications are growing. However, BLDC Motor requires position sensor, which has many problems such as high cost, more space and difficult to install. Therefore, sensorless control algorithm is being studied. In this paper, sensorless algorithm for interior permanent magnet BLOC motor adaptable for home appliance is proposed. The maximum torque per amp operation with advance angle considering load torque and speed was simulated and verified through the experiment.

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Path Tracking for AGV using Laser guidance system (레이저 유도 시스템을 이용한 AGV의 경로추적)

  • Park, Jung-Je;Kim, Jung-Min;Do, Joo-Cheol;Kim, Sung-Shin;Bae, Sun-Il
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.120-126
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents to study the path tracking method of AGV(autonomous guided vehicle) which has a laser guidance system. An existing automatic guided vehicles(AGVs) which were able to drive on wired line only had a automatic guidance system. However, the automatic guidance systems that those used had the high cost of installation and maintenance, and the difficulty of system change according to variation of working environment. To solve such problems, we make the laser guidance system which is consisted of a laser navigation and gyro, encoder. That is robust against noise, and flexible according to working environment through sensor fusion. The laser guidance system can do a perfect autonomous driving. However, the commercialization of perfect autonomous driving system is difficult, because the perfect autonomous driving system must recognize the whole environment of working space. Hence, this paper studied the path tracking of AGV using laser guidance system without wired line. The path tracking method is consisted of virtual path generation method and driving control method. To experiment, we use the fork-type AGV which is made by ourselves, and do a path tracking experiments repeatedly on same experimental environment. In result, we verified that proposed system is efficient and stable for actual fork-type AGV.

Measurements of Dark Area in Sensing RFID Transponders

  • Kang, J.H.;Kim, J.Y.
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2012
  • Radiofrequency(RF) signal is a key medium to the most of the present wireless communication devices including RF identification devices(RFID) and smart sensors. However, the most critical barrier to overcome in RFID application is in the failure rate in detection. The most notable improvement in the detection was from the introduction of EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol, but the fundamental problems in the physical properties of the RF signal drew less attention. In this work, we focused on the physical properties of the RF signal in order to understand the failure rate by noting the existence of the ground planes and noise sources in the real environment. By using the mathematical computation software, Maple, we simulated the distribution of the electromagnetic field from a dipole antenna when ground planes exist. Calculations showed that the dark area can be formed by interference. We also constructed a test system to measure the failure rate in the detection of a RFID transponder. The test system was composed of a fixed RFID reader and an EPC Class1 Gen2 transponder which was attached to a scanner to sweep in the x-y plane. Labview software was used to control the x-y scanner and to acquire data. Tests in the laboratory environment showed that the dark area can be as much as 43 %. One who wants to use RFID and smart sensors should carefully consider the extent of the dark area.

Improvement of INS-GPS Integrated Navigation System using Wavelet Thresholding (웨이블릿 임계화 기법을 이용한 INS-GPS 결합항법 시스템의 성능향상)

  • Kang, Chul-Woo;Park, Chan-Gook;Cho, Nam-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.767-773
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    • 2009
  • This research have introduced wavelet signal processing technic for improving navigation signals. INS signals can be distorted with conventional pre-filtering method such as low-pass filtering by unwanted smoothing on real signals. But in this paper, wavelet thresholding method is implemented to INS signal to denoise for INS-GPS integrated system. This method reduces signal noise but not distorts the rapid varing signal. And this paper applied thresholding to INS-GPS integrated navigation system and improved navigation performance.