• Title/Summary/Keyword: self-control skills

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The Effects of Group Play Activities Based on Ayres Sensory Integration® on Sensory Processing Ability, Social Skill Ability and Self-Esteem of Low-Income Children With ADHD (Ayres의 감각통합(Ayres Sensory Integration®) 그룹 놀이 활동이 저소득층 ADHD 아동의 감각처리능력, 사회적 기술능력과 자아존중감에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Nahael;Chang, Moonyoung;Lee, Jaeshin;Kang, Jewook;Yeo, Seungsoo;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2018
  • Objective : The present study investigated the effects of group play activities based on Ayres Sensory $Integration^{(R)}$ (ASI) on sensory processing ability, social skill ability and self-esteem of low-income children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods : A total of 20 low-income participants with children with ADHD were recruited and divided into an experimental group (n=10) and a control group (n=10). Sensory processing ability was measured via the Short Sensory Profile (SSP). Social skill ability was measured via the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS). To measure self-esteem, the Rosenberg's self- esteem scale was used. The experimental group received the $ASI^{(R)}$ group play activities for 50 minutes, twice per week for six weeks, while the control group did not receive an intervention. Level of significance of all statistical analyses was .05. Results : Social skill ability (F=4.443, p=.05), cooperation (F=5.328, p=.035) and self-esteem (F=5.358, p=.033) differed significantly between groups after the intervention. Conclusion : Our findings indicate that the group play activities based on $ASI^{(R)}$ are effective in improving social skill ability and self-esteem. This study provided a theoretical basis for the claim that sensory integration therapy should be applied in general elementary schools.

A Study on Teaching-Learning and Evaluation Methods of Environmental Studies in the Middle School (중학교 "환경" 교과의 교수.학습 및 평가 방법 연구)

  • 남상준
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1994
  • This study was performed to determine appropriate teaching-learning and evaluation methods for Environmental Studies. To promote the relevance of our study to the needs of the schools and concerned educational communities of environmental education, we reviewed related literature, conducted questionnaire surveys, interviewed related teachers and administrator, held meetings with experts, and field-tested our findings. For selecting and developing teaching-learning methods of Environmental Studies, findings of educational research in general are considered. moreover, principles of environmental education, general aim of environmental education, orientations of environmental education, and developmental stages of middle school students in educational psychology were attended. In addition, relevance to the purpose of the Environmental Studies curriculum, appropriateness for value inquiry as well as knowledge inquiry, small group centered class organization, social interaction centered teaching-learning process, regional environmental situation, significance of personal environment, evaluation methods of Environmental Studies, multi- and inter-disciplinary contents of the Environmental Studies textbook, suitability to the evaluation methods of Environmental Studies, and emphasis on the social interaction in teaching-learning process were regarded. It was learned the Environmental Studies can be taught most effectively in via of holding discussion sessions, conducting actual investigation, doing experiment-practice, doing games and plate, role-playing and carrying out simulation activities, and doing inquiry. These teaching-learning methods were field-tested and proved appropriate methods for the subject. For selecting and developing evaluation method of Environmental Studies, such principles and characteristics of Environmental Studies as objective domains stated in the Environmental Studies curriculum, diversity of teaching-learning organization, were appreciated. We categorized nine evaluation methods: the teacher may conduct questionnaire surveys, testings, interviews, non-participatory observations; they may evaluate student's experiment-practice performances, reports preparation ability, ability to establish a research project, the teacher may ask the students to conduct a self-evaluation, or reciprocal evaluation. To maximize the effect of these methods, we further developed an application system. It considered three variables, that is, evaluates, evaluation objectives domains, and evaluation agent, and showed how to choose the most appropriate methods and, when necessary, how to combine uses of different methods depending on these variables. A sample evaluation instrument made on the basis of this application system was developed and tested in the classes. The system proved effective. Pilot applications of the teaching-learning methods and evaluation method were made simultaneously; and the results and their implications are as follows. Discussion program was applied in a lesson dealing with the problems of waste disposal, in which students showed active participation and creative thinking. The evaluation method used in this lesson was a multiple-choice written test for knowledge and skills. It was shown that this evaluation method and device are effective in helping students' revision of the lesson and in stimulating their creative interpretations and responces. Pupils showed great interests in the actual investigation program, and this programme was proved to be effective in enhancing students' participation. However, it was also turned out that there must be pre-arranged plans for the objects, contents and procedures of survey if this program is to effective. In this lesson, non-participatory observation methods were used with a focus on the attitudes of students. A scaled reported in general description rather than in grade. Experiment-practice programme was adopted in a lesson for purifying contaminated water and in this lesson, instruction objectives were properly established, the teaching-learning process was clearly specified and students were highly motivated. On the other hand, however, it was difficult to control the class when some groups of students require more times to complete their experiment, and sometimes different results. As regards to evaluation, performance observation test were used for assessing skills and attitudes. If teachers use well-prepared Likert scale, evaluation of all groups within a reasonablely short period of time will be possible. The most effective and successful programme in therms of students' participation and enjoyment, was the 'ah-nah-bah-dah-market' program, which is kind of game of the flea market. For better organized program of this kind, however, are essential, In this program, students appraise their own attitudes and behavior by responding to a written questionnaire. In addition, students were asked to record any anecdotes relating to self-appraisal of changes on one's own attitudes and behaviours. Even after the lesson, students keep recording those changes on letters to herself. Role-playing and simulation game programme was applied to a case of 'NIMBY', in which students should decide where to located a refuse dumping ground. For this kind of programme to e successful, concepts and words used in the script should be appropriate for students' intellectual levels, and students should by adequately introduced into the objective and the procedures of the lessons. Written questionnaire was used to assess individual students' attitudes after the lesson, but in order to acquire information on the changes of students' attitudes and skills, pre-test may have to be made. Doing inquiry programme, in which advantages in which students actually investigated the environmental influence of the areas where school os located, had advantages in developing students' ability to study the environmental problems and to present the results of their studies. For this programme to be more efficient, areas of investigation should be clearly divided and alloted to each group so that repetition or overlap in areas of study and presentation be avoided, and complementary wok between groups bee enhanced. In this programme, teacher assessed students' knowledge and attitudes on the basis of reports prepared by each group. However, there were found some difficults in assessing students' attitudes and behaviours solely on the grounds of written report. Perhaps, using a scaled checklist assessing students' attitudes while their presentation could help to relieve the difficulties.

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The Effect of College-Language Small Group Cooperative Learning on English Reading Comprehension, English Reading Motivation and Cooperative Learning Awareness (대학 교양영어 소집단 협동학습이 영어독해력, 영어읽기동기, 협동학습인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Young-Eun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of group co-learning on English reading ability and motivation and the change in group co-learning perception after planning and applying a group co-study class program that can be applied in university liberal arts English class. In order to achieve this goal, the experiment team (34 students) conducted the class from September 2 to December 13, 2019 for 62 freshmen who participated in the compulsory liberal arts English class at the four-year university in North Chungcheong Province, and the control team (28 students) conducted the class as a typical lecture class based on the basis of cooperative learning. The English proficiency of the learners was approached by dividing the area of academic proficiency into English reading skills and the area of justice into English reading motivations. The pre-experimental learners' English reading skills were measured by excerpting the national level educational achievement assessment (high 2). The research results are as follows. First, it was shown that the English reading ability score of a group that applied group cooperative learning and the English reading ability score of a group that did not apply group cooperative learning were statistically significant differences. Second, there was a difference between the English reading motivation score of the group applying the convocation group cooperative learning and the English reading motivation score of the group not applied. Third, the change in the perception of groups applying the convocation group cooperative learning occurred before and after the experiment. This study found that the awareness of English reading, English reading motivation, and cooperative learning increased through cooperative learning among university students during liberal arts English classes, which has a positive effect on self-identity and so on.

A Case Study on the Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Intervention Plan of a Community Asperger Syndrome Child Receiving Coping Model (지역사회 아스퍼거 장애 아동을 대상으로 대처모델(coping model)을 적용한 작업치료 평가 및 중재계획수립: 사례연구)

  • Lee, Mi Ji
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 2013
  • Objective : This case study examined the evaluation of occupational therapy and plan to intervention of community asperger syndrome child receiving coping model. Methods : We selected child which 7-year-old boy. Evaluation periods were 2weeks which consisted of external factors and internal factors. External factors were made up interaction of subject, environments and participation of school and community. Internal factors were made up observation and structured evaluation about development state and medical conditions. Also it included observation of appropriate mood and emotions. Results : After evaluation receiving coping model, we planed to intervention. First, subject able to use his time effectively. Second, we'll have intervention program about delayed fine motor areas. Third, we'll educate self-control skills and coping skills of subject's action which not controlled himself. Fourth, we'll find the personal and physical sources to care subject. Conclusion : Our research has planed occupational therapy intervention receiving coping model of asperger syndrome subject. Future research need to practical applications.

Occupational Therapists' Perception and Communication of the Elderly (작업치료사를 대상으로 한 노인 인식 및 의사소통 현황)

  • Park, Sung-Ji;Han, Hee-Won;Jung, Yu-Jin;Woo, Hee-Soon
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2020
  • Objective : Due to the rapid aging of the country, the elderly population is increasing and the ratio of face-to-face meetings with the elderly in major areas of occupational therapy is high. The purpose of this study was to investigate the overall perception of the elderly and the status of communication with the elderly. Methods : This survey was conducted From April to June 2020. Occupational therapists who provide interventions for the elderly in hospitals and public health centers across the country were collected using online questionnaires. A total of 91 questionnaires were collected through a self-administered questionnaire, of which 82 were used for data analysis, excluding 9 with insufficient responses. Results : Occupational therapists generally had a lot of negative perceptions of the elderly. In addition, as factors that hindered communication with the elderly, they responded in order of hearing-related, language understanding related, and articulation related. Lastly, occupational therapists were found to induce smooth communication with the elderly in the order of conversation response management, emotional expression, understanding enhancement, and relationship control. Conclusions : Occupational therapists are health care professionals who play a major role in improving the subjects' social participation and quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to provide professional therapeutic interventions and related education using improved communication skills along with an understanding of the elderly's communication skills and their level of communication.

Development of a Home-based Nursing Intervention, Mothering Program for Low-Birth-Weight Infants (저체중출생아를 위한 가정간호형 모성역할중재 프로그램 개발과 그 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a parenting intervention program and determine the efficacy of the program with low-birth weight infants and their mothers. Nine dyads for the experimental group and twelve dyads for the control group discharged from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a University Hospital in Seoul were recruited for the study. For the intervention group, programmed education and support which focused on the maternal sensitivity of the infant's behavior. rearing environment. motherinfant interaction and infant care were given to each subject. Individual counseling and home visits were provided at discharge, one week after discharge. and one and three months of corrected age in every infant. Structured questionaires were administered and feeding interactions were videotaped and coded by a blinded certified observer. A Quasi-experimental design was conducted for this study. Postpartum depression, maternal self esteem. infant care burden, HOME. mother-infant interaction, and infant development were measured. Results were in favor of the intervention versus the control group. On the Beck depression inventory, intervention mothers showed decreasing trends in depressive symptom vs control mothers although, there were statistically no significant differences between the two groups at each time. The mean score of experimental group was 11.55(mild depression state) at discharge and became 8,6(normal state) at 1 month of corrected age. On the other hand, the mean score of the control group was 13.92(mild depression state) at discharge and became 14.0. Maternal self esteem in both groups improved over time. Infant care burden in both groups was also shown to increase over time. There was a significant difference between the two groups in HOME(p=.0340) at 3 months of corrected age. HOME scores of the experimental group and the control's were 31.10 and 25.58, respectively. Mothers' emotional and language responses were significantly high in the intervention group compared with the control group(p=.0155). Intervention group (53.33) showed a significantly high quality of motherinfant interaction compared with the in control group (42.80)(p =.0340). Intervention group mothers appeared have a better quality of mother-infant interaction behaviors. On the other hand, there was no statistical difference in the infant part between groups. Intervention group infants had higher trends in a general developmental quotient: although, there was no statistical difference between groups. The general developmental quotient of intervention infants was 102.56 and control's was 91.28. However, the developmental quotient of the domain of 'individuality-sociality' was higher in the intervention group infants compared with the control's(p=.0155). The concerns identified by parents revealed two domains of an infants' health management -knowledge and skills in caregiving of lowbirthweight-infants, characteristics of lowbirthweight infants, identifying a developmental milestone, coping with emergency situations and relaxation strategies of mothers from the infant care burden. Interview data with the mothers of low-birth weight infants can be used to develop intervention program contents. Limited intervention time and frequency due to time and cost limitations of this study should be modified. The intervention should be continuously implemented when low-birth weight infants become three years old. An NNNS demonstration appeared to be a very effective intervention for the mothers to improve the quality of mother-infant interactions. Therefore intervening in the mothers of low-birth weight infants as early after delivery as possible is desirable. This study has shown that home visit interventions are worthwhile for mothers only beyond the approach as an essential factor in ability of facilitating a growth fostering environment. In conclusion. the intervention program of this study was very effective in enhancing the parenting for the mothers of low-birth weight infants, resulting in health promotion of low-birth weight infants. The home-visit outreach intervention program of this study will contribute to the health delivery system in this country where there is a lack of continuous follow-up programs for low-birth weight infants after discharge from NICU, if it is activated as part of the home visit programs in community health systems.

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Verification of the Theory of Planned Behavior that Predicts the Intention for Gambling Abstinence of Problem Gamblers (문제도박자의 단도박 의도를 예측하는 계획된 행동 이론 검증)

  • Park, Keun-Woo;Seo, Mi-kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.232-238
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the feasibility of a model, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), that predicts the intention of a problem gambler to abstain from gambling. In order to investigate attitudes toward gambling abstinence, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, and intentions to abstain from gambling, we surveyed 100 problem gamblers who used community-based service centers. Furthermore, we analyzed by the structural equation model whether attitude toward gambling abstinence, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control can influence the intention to abstain from gambling. The analysis of the study model revealed that the most powerful predictor of the gambling abstinence intention is perceived behavior control, followed by a positive attitude toward gambling abstinence. In contrast, subjective norms did not show a significant influence on intentions for gambling abstinence. Based on these results, we propose cognitive-behavioral interventions to improve attitudes and self-efficacy toward gambling abstinence in order to help problem gamblers recover. In other words, continuous support and coping-skills training are needed to reinforce the belief that people can recover from a gambling problem, and information and education on problem gambling to improve positive attitudes can also be helpful. Therefore, it is possible to consider not only the treatment of gambling problems, but also to provide preventive interventions centering on the addiction management institution.

Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among School-aged Children in Korea: A Meta-Analysis (한국 학령기 ADHD 아동을 위한 인지행동중재의 효과 연구: 메타분석)

  • Park, Wan-Ju;Park, Shin-Jeong;Hwang, Sung-Dong
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.169-182
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was a meta-analysis designed to identify effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions in alleviating main symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among school-aged children in Korea. Methods: Examination of several databases including Research Information Sharing Service, Korean Studies Information Service System, Data Base Periodical Information Academic and hand-searched article references, resulted in identification of 1,298 studies done between 2000 and 2013 of which 21 met the inclusion criteria. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 2.0 was used to analyze effect sizes, explore possible causes of heterogeneity, and check publication bias with a funnel plot and its trim-and-fill analysis. Results: Overall effect size of CBT intervention was large (g=1.08) along with each outcome of self-control (g=1.26), lack of attention (g=1.02), social skills (g=0.92), and hyperactivity (g=0.92). For heterogeneity, moderator analysis was performed, but no significant differences were found between the RCT (Randomized Controlled Trials) group and the NRCT (Non RCT) group. Also, meta-regression was performed using sample size, number of sessions, and length of session as predictors, but no statistically significant moderators were found. Finally, a funnel plot along with trim-and-fill analysis was produced to check for publication bias, but no significant bias was detected. Conclusion: Based on these findings, there is clear evidence that CBT intervention has significant positive effects on the main symptoms of school-aged children suffering ADHD. Further research is needed to target diverse age groups with ADHD along with more RCT studies to improve the effectiveness of the CBT intervention.

Factors Affecting Quality of life in the Elderly with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain (근골격계 만성통증 노인의 삶의 질 영향요인)

  • Jeong, Hyesun;Lee, Yoonju
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.92-103
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify factors affecting the quality of life of the elderly people with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Methods: The data were collected from 307 older adults aged 65 years or older with chronic musculoskeletal pain, who visited senior welfare centers in two cities. We used self-rated questionnaires including NRS for pain, WHOQOL-BREF for quality of life, Pain Response Inventory for coping responses to pain, and MSPSS for social support. Stepwise multiple regression analysis were performed using SPSS/WIN 23.0 to identify factors affecting the study subjects' quality of life. Results: The regression model explained 43% of quality of life, which was statistically significant (F=34.11, p<.001). Educational level of high school (${\beta}=.13$, p=.006), pain (${\beta}=-.13$, p=.013), restriction of function (${\beta}=-.13$, p=.028), accommodative pain coping (${\beta}=.24$, p<.001), family support (${\beta}=.18$, p<.001), colleague's support (${\beta}=.25$, p<.001), and perceived health status (${\beta}=.25$, p<.001) were identified as influential factors on subjects' quality of life. Conclusion: Developing integrative interventions is necessary to improve accommodative pain coping skills and to engage family and colleague in support for positive perception of older adults' health status and management of symptoms.

The Effect of CPS Programming Model on promoting Elementary school students' divergent thinking (초등학생의 확산적 사고 촉진을 위한 CPS 프로그래밍 수업의 효과 분석)

  • Jeon, Seong-Kyun;Lee, Young-Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • General form of the programing education is finding and realizing algorithm to solve problems faster and more efficiently. In other words, it is based on convergent thinking. However, the programming education must have different characteristics to education targets. For elementary school students, it is needed to provide various experience-centered investigation environments. They should learn how to find the most efficient problem solving method by themselves. This study had adopted divergent thinking strategy where divergent thinking and convergent thinking can be repeated at the same time to suit a programming education with great importance of convergent thinking to elementary school leaners, and analyzed its effects. This study was applied to 5th graders, and 12 times of experimental measure classes were conducted by dividing them into the control group that conducted general programming class and the experimental group that conducted a programming class including divergent thinking of CPS model. As a result, CPS model had significant effect on the subordinate elements of creative problem solving skills, self-assurance, independence, and divergent thinking.

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