• Title/Summary/Keyword: seismic performance and design

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Seismic Behavior Characteristics of Spherical Storage Tanks Supported by Inelastic Members and Performance-Based Seismic Design Based on Reliability (비선형지지구조 저장탱크의 지진거동 특성과 신뢰도 기반의 성능기반 내진설계)

  • Jang jeong min;Sun chang ho;Kim ick hyun;Choi jeong in
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2023
  • In a petrochemical plant, various mechanical equipments and structures are interconnected to ensure operability. Since the production activities of petrochemical plants have a great impact on the national economy, it is very important to maintain not only structural safety but also the operability of the facilities. However, the current seismic design standards present the design requirements of facilities mainly aimed at preventing collapse, and do not provide the requirements for securing operability of facilities. Depending on the behavioral characteristics of the facility, operability of the facility can be secured by seismic performance levels other than the collapse prevention level, so it is necessary to present seismic design methods that can apply various seismic performance levels. Spherical (ball) storage tanks are supported by columns and braces and exhibit complex nonlinear behavior because of buckling and yielding of support members. In this study, nonlinear seismic behavior characteristics were statistically analyzed and a new performance-based seismic design method was proposed based on them.

A Study on the Bending and Seismic Performance of High Performance Cold Forming Composite Beam

  • Choi, Young Han;Kim, Sung Bae;Hong, Hyung Ju;Kim, Sang Seup
    • International journal of steel structures
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1772-1783
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    • 2018
  • Nowadays, the researches about composite structure system are being implemented in various fields, and many steel structures are designed based on that. In this study, the bending and seismic performance of the newly developed high-performance cold forming composite beam are evaluated by several experiments. As a result of the bending performance test, the bending moment of beam was increased stably depending on the depth and plate thickness of beam, and it is considered that the bending moment can be evaluated by the equation of a composite beam design. As a result of the seismic performance test, it was verified that sufficient seismic performance was obtained despite the increase of a negative moment rebar and depth of beam. In addition, the nominal bending moment has obtained the strength above the plastic bending moment, and also the plastic rotation angle has satisfied the requirement of composite intermediate moment frame.

Seismic isolation performance sensitivity to potential deviations from design values

  • Alhan, Cenk;Hisman, Kemal
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.293-315
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    • 2016
  • Seismic isolation is often used in protecting mission-critical structures including hospitals, data centers, telecommunication buildings, etc. Such structures typically house vibration-sensitive equipment which has to provide continued service but may fail in case sustained accelerations during earthquakes exceed threshold limit values. Thus, peak floor acceleration is one of the two main parameters that control the design of such structures while the other one is peak base displacement since the overall safety of the structure depends on the safety of the isolation system. And in case peak base displacement exceeds the design base displacement during an earthquake, rupture and/or buckling of isolators as well as bumping against stops around the seismic gap may occur. Therefore, obtaining accurate peak floor accelerations and peak base displacement is vital. However, although nominal design values for isolation system and superstructure parameters are calculated in order to meet target peak design base displacement and peak floor accelerations, their actual values may potentially deviate from these nominal design values. In this study, the sensitivity of the seismic performance of structures equipped with linear and nonlinear seismic isolation systems to the aforementioned potential deviations is assessed in the context of a benchmark shear building under different earthquake records with near-fault and far-fault characteristics. The results put forth the degree of sensitivity of peak top floor acceleration and peak base displacement to superstructure parameters including mass, stiffness, and damping and isolation system parameters including stiffness, damping, yield strength, yield displacement, and post-yield to pre-yield stiffness ratio.

Development of Seismic Performance Estimation Service of Bridge through Seismic Risk Assessment (지진위험도평가 방법을 통한 교량의 내진성능 추정 서비스 개발)

  • Cho, Han Min;Lee, Jin Hyuk;Park, Ki Tae;Kim, Kun Soo;Jung, Kyu San;Kim, Jae Hwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.535-542
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    • 2023
  • In order to understand the seismic performance of a bridge, it is common to review through seismic performance evaluation and numerical analysis of the target bridge. Seismic performance evaluation and review through numerical analysis are analysis methods for specific target bridges, and many problems can arise in each management body managing bridges nationwide. Therefore, in this study, research was conducted to estimate the seismic performance of public bridges with various types and characteristics. Seismic performance was estimated by applying the seismic risk assessment method, calculating the seismic fragility curve for the type and specifications of the bridge, and estimating the seismic performance of the bridge in use by applying the domestic seismic design standard. In addition, by installing it on the platform, service items were established so that users can easily review the estimation of seismic performance of domestic bridges.

Development of Performance-Based Seismic Design in U.S.A (미국의 차세대 내진설계 개념의 발전 동향)

  • 이한선
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 1998
  • The objective of this paper is to review the current state of practice in the seismic codes in the U.S.A. and to investigate its trend in the development of performance-based seismic design for the 21st century. This study is supposed to be eventually utilized as a basis material to establish the new seismic code appropriate in our country having the moderate seismic hazard. To do this, the history of the seismic codes in U.S.A. is first briefly investigated and then the critical review on the recent codes is made. Finally, the conceptual framework of the performance-based seismic design and the development of the guideline documents to implement this to the rehabilitation of existing building structures are introduced.

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Evaluation on the Seismic Performance of Port Structures using GIS (GIS를 이용한 항만구조물의 내진성능 평가기법)

  • Kim, Na Young;Kang, In Joon;Choi, Hyun;Kim, Tae Hyo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2014
  • Seismic of the Korean Peninsula is terrible about 1,900 times. Lately, because of a world-occurring seismic, investment of seismic design about ground & structures come to the force as means to protect national life and property. This study evaluated having seismic performance above design criteria among the existing port structures not applied seismic design. Based on the results, classified apprehensive area of liquefaction from seismic performance evaluation and made hazards according to liquefaction risk & structural performance using the analysis of seismic performance and GIS method. After Establishing quantitative & detailed input database through liquefaction evaluation and seismic performance, analysed all seismic data are used directly valuation data on repair reinforcement for apprehensive area of earthquakes.

A study on the Seismic Performance Evaluation Process for Urban Railway Bridges (도시철도 교량의 내진성능 평가체계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Beom-Ho;Lee, Tae-Hyung;Kim, Kee-Dong;Lim, Nam-Hyoung
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.1143-1147
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    • 2010
  • The verification of the seismic performance of many urban railway bridges will be done or is done by the regulations of "Seismic Performance Evaluation Methods(Tips) of Existing Bridges" developed by KISTEC in 2004. This present process may involve some of the issues such as the unreflecting of the characteristics of the urban railway bridge and the appearance of ductility-based seismic design method. In this paper, the new and improved seismic performance evaluation system is proposed.

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Development of a bridge-specific fragility methodology to improve the seismic resilience of bridges

  • Dukes, Jazalyn;Mangalathu, Sujith;Padgett, Jamie E.;DesRoches, Reginald
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2018
  • This article details a bridge-specific fragility method developed to enhance the seismic design and resilience of bridges. Current seismic design processes provide guidance for the design of a bridge that will not collapse during a design hazard event. However, they do not provide performance information of the bridge at different hazard levels or due to design changes. Therefore, there is a need for a supplement to this design process that will provide statistical information on the performance of a bridge, beyond traditional emphases on collapse prevention. This article proposes a bridge-specific parameterized fragility method to enable efficient estimation of various levels of damage probability for alternative bridge design parameters. A multi-parameter demand model is developed to incorporate bridge design details directly in the fragility estimation. Monte Carlo simulation and Logistic regression are used to determine the fragility of the bridge or bridge component. The resulting parameterized fragility model offers a basis for a bridge-specific design tool to explore the influence of design parameter variation on the expected performance of a bridge. When used as part of the design process, these tools can help to transform a prescriptive approach into a more performance-based approach, efficiently providing probabilistic performance information about a new bridge design. An example of the method and resulting fragility estimation is presented.

Seismic evaluation of isolated skewed bridges using fragility function methodology

  • Bayat, M.;Daneshjoo, F.;Nistico, N.;Pejovic, J.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2017
  • A methodology, based on fragility functions, is proposed to evaluate the seismic performance of seismic isolated $45^{\circ}$ skewed concrete bridge: 1) twelve types of seismic isolation devices are considered based on two different design parameters 2) fragility functions of a three-span bridge with and without seismic isolation devices are analytically evaluated based on 3D nonlinear incremental dynamic analyses which seismic input consists of 20 selected ground motions. The optimum combinations of isolation device design parameters are identified comparing, for different limit states, the performance of 1) the Seismic Isolated Bridges (SIB) and 2) Not Seismic Isolated Bridge (NSIB) designed according to the AASHTO standards.

Optimum distribution of steel frame assembly for seismic retrofit of framed structures

  • Michael Adane;Seungho Chun;Jinkoo Kim
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 2024
  • This research proposed a particle swarm optimization (PSO) based seismic retrofit design of moment frame structures using a steel frame assembly. Two full scale specimens of the steel frame assembly with different corner details were attached to one-story RC frames for seismic retrofit, and the lateral load resisting capacities of the retrofitted frames subjected to cyclic loads were compared with those of a bare RC frame. The open source software framework Opensees was used to develop an analytical model for validating the experimental results. The developed analytical model and the optimization scheme were applied to a case study structure for economic seismic retrofit design, and its seismic performance was assessed before and after the retrofit. The results show that the developed steel frame assembly was effective in increasing seismic load resisting capability of the structure, and the PSO algorithm could be applied as convenient optimization tool for seismic retrofit design of structures.