• Title/Summary/Keyword: seed paper

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Self-Updating One-Time Password Mutual Authentication Protocol for Ad Hoc Network

  • Xu, Feng;Lv, Xin;Zhou, Qi;Liu, Xuan
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1817-1827
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    • 2014
  • As a new type of wireless network, Ad hoc network does not depend on any pre-founded infrastructure, and it has no centralized control unit. The computation and transmission capability of each node are limited. In this paper, a self-updating one-time password mutual authentication protocol for Ad hoc network is proposed. The most significant feature is that a hash chain can update by itself smoothly and securely through capturing the secure bit of the tip. The updating process does not need any additional protocol or re-initialization process and can be continued indefinitely to give rise to an infinite length hash chain, that is, the times of authentication is unlimited without reconstructing a new hash chain. Besides, two random variable are added into the messages interacted during the mutual authentication, enabling the protocol to resist man-in-the-middle attack. Also, the user's identity information is introduced into the seed of hash chain, so the scheme achieves anonymity and traceability at the same time.

The Research of Mini-Game by Using Online Image Automatic Detection Technology (온라인 이미지 자동 검색 기술을 이용한 미니게임에 관한 연구)

  • Huang, Chun-Hua;Cho, Kwang-Hyeon;Kim, Gye-Young;Choi, Hyung-Il
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.115-129
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we will introduce some method about retrieving suitable images to game or adjusting game difficulty in enjoying some contents like mini-game. It will use the technology about extracting color and texture features in content-based image retrieval in image processing. So in card game, it select card image automatically. And by controlling seed image number, we can adjusting game difficulty. Through the experiment, it shows that our image retrieval method can retrieve more useful images that can be used in game than others.

Depth Interpolation Method using Random Walk Probability Model (랜덤워크 확률 모델을 이용한 깊이 영상 보간 방법)

  • Lee, Gyo-Yoon;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.12C
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    • pp.738-743
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    • 2011
  • For the high quality 3-D broadcasting, depth maps are important data. Although commercially available depth cameras capture high-accuracy depth maps in real time, their resolutions are much smaller than those of the corresponding color images due to technical limitations. In this paper, we propose the depth map up-sampling method using a high-resolution color image and a low-resolution depth map. We define a random walk probability model in an operation unit which has nearest seed pixels. The proposed method is appropriate to match boundaries between the color image and the depth map. Experimental results show that our method enhances the depth map resolution successfully.

Growth of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on Co-Ni Alloy Metal (Co-Ni 합금위에서 수직방향으로 정렬된 탄소나노튜브의 성장)

  • Ryu, Jae-Eun;Lee, Cheol-Jin;Lee, Tae-Jae;Son, Gyeong-Hui;Sin, Dong-Hyeok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.49 no.8
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    • pp.451-454
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    • 2000
  • We have grown vertically aligned carbon nanotubes in a large area of Co-Ni codeposited Si substrates by the thermal CVD usign $C_2H_2$ gas. Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes, growth of carbon nanotubes has been achieved by several methods such as laser vaporization, arc discharge, and pyrolysis. In particular, growth of vertically aligned nanotubes is important to flat panel display applications. Recently, vertically aligned carbon nanotubes have been grown on glass by PECVD. Aligned carbon nanotubes can be also grown on mesoporous silica and Fe patterned porous silicon using CVD. In this paper, we demonstrate that carbon nanotubes can be vertically aligned on catalyzed Si substrate when the domain density of catalytic particles reaches a certain value. We suggest that steric hindrance between nanotubes at an initial stage of the growth forces nanotubes to align vertically and each nonotubes are grown in bundle.

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Reconsideration on the Origins, Changes, and Constructive Principle of Taeeumjowi-tang (태음조위탕(太陰調胃湯)의 기원(基源), 변천과정(變遷過程) 및 구성원리(構成原理) 재고(再考))

  • Shin, Seungwon;Hwang, Minwoo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2016
  • Objectives This paper was aimed to review the preceding research on the origins, changes and constructive principle of Taeeumjowi-tang.Methods We reviewed Jema Lee's original works including Dongyisusebowon and relevant books to analyze Taeeumjowi-tang-related items. To compensate insufficient evidence of literature, we also refocued physiological and pathological pecularities of Taeeumin and relevant symptomatology.Results and Conclusions 1) The origins of Taeeumjowi-tang should be Mahwang-tang, Saengmaek-san, Seokchangpowonji-san, and Gondam-san. 2) Taeeumjowi-tang went through Saengmaek-san, Sanyakhwawi-jeon, Bopyesaengmaek-tang, Gilgyungsaengmaek-san, and Bopyewon-tang before it was built as the final version. 3) Taeeumjowi-tang consists of a) big blue lilyturf (麥門冬) and Omija (五味子) which are directly of help to exhale and disperse qi-fluid of Lung, b) balloon-flower (桔梗) which helps circulation of qi-fluid from Head to Lung, c) adlay (薏苡仁) and dry nut (乾栗) which are directly of help to raise up qi-fluid of Wiwan, d) ephedra (麻黃) which helps circulation of qi-fluid from Wiwan to skin, e) calamus (石菖蒲) which directly helps the psychological function of Ear, and f) radish seed (蘿葍子) which slightly eliminate the excessive function of Small intestine, treating Wiwanhan symptomatology in Taeeumin.


  • Pirouzmand, Ahmad;Hadad, Kamal;Suh, Kune Y.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.243-256
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    • 2011
  • This paper considers the concept of analog computing based on a cellular neural network (CNN) paradigm to simulate nuclear reactor dynamics using a time-dependent second order form of the neutron transport equation. Instead of solving nuclear reactor dynamic equations numerically, which is time-consuming and suffers from such weaknesses as vulnerability to transient phenomena, accumulation of round-off errors and floating-point overflows, use is made of a new method based on a cellular neural network. The state-of-the-art shows the CNN as being an alternative solution to the conventional numerical computation method. Indeed CNN is an analog computing paradigm that performs ultra-fast calculations and provides accurate results. In this study use is made of the CNN model to simulate the space-time response of scalar flux distribution in steady state and transient conditions. The CNN model also is used to simulate step perturbation in the core. The accuracy and capability of the CNN model are examined in 2D Cartesian geometry for two fixed source problems, a mini-BWR assembly, and a TWIGL Seed/Blanket problem. We also use the CNN model concurrently for a typical small PWR assembly to simulate the effect of temperature feedback, poisons, and control rods on the scalar flux distribution.

The Origin, Change of the time and Constructive principle of Taeumjowitang(太陰調胃湯) (태음조위탕(太陰調胃湯) 기원(基源), 변천과정(變遷過程) 및 구성원리(構成原理))

  • Jeong, Yong-Jae;Koh, Byung-Hee;Lee, Eui-Ju
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2009
  • 1. Objects : This paper was written in order to understand of Taeumjowitang(太陰調胃湯). 2. Methods : We analysis prescription's combination of Taeumin's experior diseases through pathology and new prescription in DongyiSuseBowonSasangChoBonKywun(東醫壽世保元 四象草本卷), DongyiSuseBowon GabObon(東醫壽世保元 甲午本), DongyiSuseBowon ShinChukBon(東醫壽世保元 辛丑本). 3. Results and Conclusions : 1) The origin of Taeumjowitang(太陰調胃湯) is BoPyeSaengMacTang(補肺生脈湯) which is combination of SaengMacSane(生脈散) and SanYakHwaWiJun(山藥和胃煎). 2) BoPyeSaengMacTang(補肺生脈湯) was changed to GilGyungSaengMacSan(桔梗生脈散) in DongyiSuseBowon GabOBon(東醫壽世保元 甲午本). GilGyungSaengMacSan(桔梗生脈散) was changed to HanDaYulSoTang(寒多熱少湯) and Taeumjowitang(太陰調胃湯) in DongyiSuseBowon ShinChukBon(東醫壽世保元 辛丑本). 3) Taeumjowitang(太陰調胃湯) is combination of BoPyeWonTang(補肺元湯) which help Exhale Dispersing Qi of Lung, and adlay(薏苡仁), dry nut(乾栗) and radish seed(羅葍子) which help Stomach Qi, calamus(石葍蒲) which regular Qi, ephedra(麻黃) which is exhale experior cold Qi.

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Development of the Home Location Register/Authentication Center in the CDMA Mobile System

  • Lim, Sun-Bae;Shin, Kyeong-Suk;Kim, Hyun-Gon
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.186-201
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, a home location register (HLR) for CDMA mobile communication system (CMS) is introduced. It stores the mobile station (MS) subscribers locations and supplementary service information. Call processing procedures for HLR are developed to receive and store subscriber's location coming from mobile exchange (MX) during the location registration, and to transfer subscriber's location and supplementary service information to the MX during the mobile-terminated call setup. For fast call processing by increasing database access speed, a memory-resident database management system is devised. For Easy and secure HLR operation, administration and maintenance functions and overload control mechanisms are implemented. Designed HLR hardware platform is expandable and flexible enough to reallocated software blocks to any subsystems within the platform. It is configurable according to the size of subscribers. An authentication center (AC) is developed on the same platform. It screens the qualified MS from the unqualified. The calls to and from the unqualified MS are rejected in CMS. To authenticate the MS, the AC generates a new authentication parameter called "AUTHR" using shared secret data (SSD) and compared it with the other AUTHR received from the MS. The MC also generates and stores seed keys called "A-keys" which are used to generate SSDs. The HLR requirements, the AC requirements, software architecture, hardware platform, and test results are discussed.

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A Study on the Reinforcement of the competitive power of Korean Inland Fisheries (우리나라 내수면어업의 경쟁력 강화 방안)

  • Kim, Dae-Young
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.111-137
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    • 2008
  • Fisheries resources living in inland have continuously reduced due to over-fishing and development thoughtless for the environment. Inland fisheries that target the fisheries resources have been also confronted by several problems such as insufficiency of inland fisheries management systems, inconsistent fisheries management system, inferior infrastructure of inland fisheries, and decreasing fishermen's real income. These problems have demotivated fishermen who want to focus on fishing and farming activation. Therefore, this paper provides alternatives of reorganization for turning to sound and healthy inland fisheries industries by reviewing Korean inland fisheries management systems. The reorganization should be preferentially granted resource management by water system considering geographical conditions, seed release, and establishment of fisheries order for maintenance of sound and healthy inland fisheries. Also, the reorganization should be moved toward the competitive strengthening of "company unit" for inland fisheries, the nourishment of fisher-oriented fisheries management system, strong relationship among inland fishermen, the systematic management of inland fisheries, the strengthening of guidance service for inland fisheries, the extension of infrastructure related to fisheries production, the development of inland fisheries policy including public people, and the improvement of inland fisheries system and law reflecting various users of inland fisheries.

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Studies on Genetic Diversity of Buckwheat Germplasms

  • Gao, Xiu-Dong;Kim, Jae-Hak;Park, Cheol-Ho;Hong, Soon-Kwan
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.214-222
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    • 2010
  • Many research results have indicated that many kinds of useful ingredients are rich in buckwheat, which have high nutritional values and medicinal properties, so, buckwheat has been cultivated around Asia and Europe. In this paper, genetic diversity of common and tartary buckwheat germplasms were studied based on morphological and molecular markers in order to provide useful information for conservation and utilization of buckwheat genetic resources. The length, width, thick, value and weight of the seed of the common and tartary buckwheat were measured and analyzed by the statistics methods. The result has shown that there are morphological variation both in common buckwheat and tartary buckwheat seeds collected from different regions. It also has shown that the morphological variation of tartary seeds was significantly correlated to geographical regions. The nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the tartary buckwheat collected from different countries were cloned, sequenced and statistically analyzed. The data showed that ITS sequences were informative to analyze the phylogeny of the tartary buckwheat and the data also showed that the genetic distances varied among different tartary buckwheat seeds collected from different countries.