• Title/Summary/Keyword: sedimentary environmental change

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Analysis of Paleo Sedimentary Environment of Gochang Coast Using Grain Size Distribution Characteristics (입도분포 특성을 기반으로 한 고창 연안의 과거 퇴적환경 분석)

  • Han, Min;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Park, Chanhyeok
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to identify different sedimentary environments of Gochang coast according to geomorphic conditions of each bore hole. To achieve the aim, this study utilized the classification of sedimentary environmental conditions of surface sediment, which was based on grain size distribution characteristics.In other words, three sedimentary environmental conditions ofsandy flat + sand beach, coastal sand dune and weathered bedrock soil, which were distinguished based on grain size distribution characteristics of mean-sorting for surface sediments, were applied to the sediments of bore holes. Four sedimentary environments could be identified in Gochang coast. First, the lake sedimentary environment originated from terrestrial sediments seems to have been dominated by weathered bedrock soil that the surface flow has deposited in a coastal wetland or a boundary, which is affected by the sea. Second, the lake sedimentary environment that is little affected by coastal sand dunes is located at the center of a valley, which is connected to the land, and the dune slack of Saban-ri. The surface flow of weather bedrock soil is the main source of deposits. However, there seems to have been a temporary influence of the sea. Third, the lake sedimentary environment that is strongly affected by coastal sand dunes is located at the dune slack of Yeongjeong-ri. This environment shows traces of a change from a coastal sand dune into the dune slack. Finally, the coastalsand dune sedimentary environment, which wasinvestigated by boring the current coastal sand dune, shows a temporary influence of the land but seems to have maintained the overall stability. Consequently, this study demonstrated that the grain size distribution characteristics of the present surface sediments could be effectively applied to identify the sedimentary environments of the paleo bore hole sediments. In addition, the paleo change of sedimentary environment could also be identified in many places of Gochang coast. If the results of this study are combined with the age dating and geochemical analysis in future works, the paleo environmental change in Gochang coast will be restored more precisely.

Sedimentary Environment Change in Mid-channel Bar of the Lower Geum River Using Multi-temporal Satellite Data (다중시기 영상자료를 이용한 금강하류의 하중도 퇴적환경 변화)

  • Hong, Ki-Byung;Jang, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to analyze the sedimentary environment change in mid-channel bar of the lower Geum river basin after the construction of the estuary barrage using multi-temporal satellite data and GIS. The sedimentary environment changes were observed in mid-channel bar areas. The mid-channel bar F was found to have been newly formed for 10 years(1996-2006), whereas the mid-channel bar B located between mid-channel bar A and C has disappeared by erosion during the same periods. When examined by section, the areas of the mid-channel bar in the upper stream section from the Yipo's reference point generally increased due to the prevailing sedimentary environments, and those of the downstream section decreased where corrosive environments are dominant. In ternms of the centroid movement, the mid-channel bars grew up toward the downstream by switching erosion and accumulation, as sedimentation was prevailing in the downstream area of mid-channel bars and corrosion was dominant in the upper stream. Through grain size analysis, the study areas are divided into three sections according to the average grain size. In Section I, the mid-channel bars were formed as a result of sedimentary process of tides in the past. In Section II, the mid-channel bars were formed partly through the sedimentary process of rivers although the sedimentary process of tides is prevailing. In Section III, the mid-channel bars were formed mainly through the sedimentary process of rivers, even if it showed the sedimentary process of tides in the past.

Importance and Application of Ichnology (생흔학의 중요성 및 활용)

  • Kim, Jong-Kwan;Chun, Seung-Soo;Baek, Young-Sook;Chang, Eun-Kyong;Shin, Sun-Ja
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2006
  • Ichnology is the study of traces made by various organisms, which includes classification and description of traces, and interpretation of sedimentary process, behavior of organism and depositional environment based on traces and organism behavior. Ichnofacies, which is defined as the association of several traces related together with substrate characteristics and sedimentary processes, is closely related to depositional environment. Ichnology has been applied to sedimentology (to understand physical characteristics of depositional environment, sedimentation pattern and event bed), sequence stratigraphy (to recognize sequence boundaries and biostratigraphic discontinuities such as MFS, TSE and RSE), oil exploration (providing of many information without big cost) and palaeocology. Preliminary ichnological study on the Ganghwa intertidal flat shows that dominant ichofacies are changing with season and location, suggesting that their seasonal variation would be a good indicator to understand the seasonal change of sedimentary processes, the small- scale change of sedimentary environment and the preservation potential of such units. Ichnology on intertidal flat in western coast of Korea has a great potential to apply its results to petroleum geology as well as sedimentology.

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The Evidence of Coastal Flooding Within the Coastal Depositsin Hasa-ri, Yeonggwang (영광 하사리 해안 퇴적층 내의 연안 범람 증거)

  • Shin, Won Jeong;Yang, Dong Yoon;Kim, Jong Yeon;Choi, Jeong-Heon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.83-103
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    • 2017
  • Sand deposit with shell units is exposed in Hasa-ri, Yeonggwang-gun, Jeonnam province. We investigated the characteristics of sand sediment topography in the Yeonggwang coastal area to collect evidence of the paleo-environmental change. We performed analysis on particle characteristics, chemical composition, and the age of deposition of sediments. The deposit comprise moderately well sorted medium and fine sand ($1.00{\sim}2.19{\varphi}$). Various sedimentary structures can be observed. Geochemical characteristics change by depth and the degree of variation with depth is small. The results obtained from OSL dating show that sand layers below shell units are deposited 0.32-0.43 ka. As the elevation of the shell unit far mean high water levels or highest high water level, the extensive shell layers could only have been deposited during storm surge conditions. Aeolian processes are discounted due to the size of clasts and the location at which they occur. Results of age dating of the surrounding deposits indicate shell deposits formed after around 300 years age. There is a distinct difference between sedimentary layers including dark brown-black layer. The sedimentary characters such as particle size and geochemistry show difference with depth. It is presumed that depositional environmental in Hasa-ri has changed several times before. This study is expected to contribute to finding an evidence about occurrence of storm surges.

Characteristics of Core Sedimentary Facies at the Ulleung Basin in the East Sea of Korea (한국 동해 울릉분지 코어 퇴적상 특성)

  • Lee, Byoung-Kwan;Lee, Su-Woong;Kim, Hong-Tae;Kim, Seok-Yun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.829-837
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    • 2011
  • A study on the grain size change, sedimentary facies and age indicator of volcanic tephra was analysis through four cores (P1 ~ P4) at the Ulleung Basin in the East Sea of Korea. The two cores (P1 and P2) were collected in the northeastern side of the Ulleung Basin (about 2,000 m in water depth), while the other two cores (P3 and P4) with the water depth of about 1,500 m and 1,700 m, respectively, were collected from the continental slope of the southwestern and western side of the Ulleung Basin. Four sedimentary facies and eight sedimentary subfacies were identified. The four facies were massive sand, bioturbated mud, homogeneous mud, and laminated mud. The eight subfacies were further divided as pumiceous ash massive sand, scorieaous massive sand, plain bioturbated mud, pyrite filamented bioturbated mud, distinctly laminated mud, indistinctly laminated mud, thinly laminated mud and homogeneous mud. The homogeneous mud was not found in the core of P3 which is located in the western side of Ulleung Basin (close to the Korean coast). In the case of laminated mud facies, the thinly laminated mud facies was dominated in the lower part of core sequences of the Ulleung Basin (P1 and P2), while the indistinctly laminated mud were overally distributed in the core sequences from the continental slope of Ulleung Basin. The Tephra layers from the core sequences of central Ulleung Basin were more dominated and distinctive than those from the core sequences of continental slope. This is related to the distance from the volcanic source and the amount of sediment supply. The core locations of Ulleung-Oki Tephra layers in the central Ulleung Basin were in the upper part of core sequences, while those in the continental slope were in the lower part of core sequences. This is indicated that the amounts of sediment supply in the continental slope after the Ulleung-Oki eruption were very high and different sedimentary environment between upper and lower of Tephra layer.

Effect of RMR and rock type on tunnel drilling speed (RMR과 암석종류가 터널 천공속도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hae-Mahn;Lee, In-Mo;Hong, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.561-571
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    • 2019
  • Drilling and charging of the blast holes during NATM tunneling works take more than 30% of construction time among the whole tunneling work process. Prediction of ground condition ahead of tunnel face has been studied by several researchers by correlating percussion pressure and drilling speed during tunneling work with the ground condition and/or RMR values. However, most of the previous researches were conducted in the granite rock condition which is the most representative igneous rock in the Korean peninsula. In this study, drilling speeds in igneous rocks were analyzed and compared with those in sedimentary rocks (most dominantly composed of conglomerates, sandstones, and shales) under the similar RMR ranges; it was identified that the drilling speed is pretty much affected by rock types even in a similar RMR range. Under the similar RMR values, the drilling speed was faster in sedimentary rocks compared with that in igneous rock. Moreover, while the drilling speed was not much affected by change of the RMR values in igneous rocks, it became faster in sedimentary rocks as the RMR values got lower.

Paleohydrologic Activity and Environmental Change on Mars (화성에서의 고수문학적 활동과 환경변화)

  • Dohm, James M.;Kim, Kyeong-Ja
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.38-41
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    • 2009
  • Results from the most recent decade of Mars' missions to Mars highlight a liquid water and water-ice sculpted landscape. Evidence includes layered sedimentary sequences with weathered outcrops, debris flows, fluvial valleys, alluvial fans, deltas, glacial and periglacial landscapes, and geochemical/mineralogical signatures of aqueous activity, including the formation of sulfates and clays, and the leaching and deposition of elements such as potassium, thorium,and iron. Such evidence indicates weathered zones and possible paleosols in stratigraphic sequences, transport of water and rock materials to sedimentary basins, and the possible formation of extensive transient lakes and possibly transient oceans on Mars. This new evidence is consistent with Viking-era geologic investigations that reported magmatic-driven flooding, ponding to form large water bodies in the northern plains, and transient (tens of thousand of years) hydrological cycles. It may even indicate aqueous activity at present. Both endogenic (magmatic driven) and exogenic (both impact cratering and changes in orbital parameters) have influenced paleohydrologic and environmental change on Mars. Abundance of water and dynamic activity would be decisively important for the possibility of past and present life on Mars.

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A Study on the Sedmentary Facies Change in the Tidal Flat Using High Spatial Resolution Remotely Sensed Data (고해상도 위성영상을 활용한 갯벌 퇴적상 변화 연구)

  • Choi, Jong-Kuk;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2011
  • The surface sediment distribution in a tidal flat in 2001 was compared with that of 2008 using high spatial resolution remote sensing images and a GIS-based analysis. Maps of the surface sedimentary facies for each time frame were induced by an IKONOS data acquired in February, 2001 and a KOMPSAT-2 data acquired in April, 2008 using an object-based classification method. The area ratio of each surface sedimentary facies were estimated, and the results were compared each other for deducing the change in the sedimentary facies during the time interval. The result showed that the percentage of grains larger than very fine sand (0.0625 mm) has increased considerably since the early 2000s in the Hwangdo tidal flat. Mud flat facies has decreased 5.81 % in the late 2000s compared with the early 2000s. However, mixed flat and sand flat have increased 4.46% and 2.14%, respectively. A field campaign also supported the result. This study showed that the monitoring of changes in the surface sedimentary facies in the tidal flat is possible through a GIS-based analysis using high spatial resolution remote sensing images.

Estimate on the Self-Weight Consolidation of Dredging Coarse Soil with Segregating Sedimentation Properties (분리퇴적특성을 고려한 조립준설토의 자중압밀 침하량 평가)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Joo;Lee, Min-Sun;Paek, Pil-Soon;Jeon, Hye-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2006
  • In general, the dredged ground was composed of a big difference of sediment shape through segregating sedimentary of finer soil in case of reclaiming by dredged coarse soils. Therefore, this study was performed to evaluate the change of settling velocity of flow, and the density of sedimentary which is based on settling tests and self-weight consolidation tests, and consolidation test by seepage force according to the percentage of coarse of Kunsan dredge soils. The Yano's method has been applied to estimate the settlement of self-weight consolidation in finer soils at design but it only considers pouring water content and elevation of interface, therefore the other method needs to be introduced for the exact prediction of the settlement of coarse soil in which the segregation sedimentation is occurring. In this study, the settlement of self-weight consolidation was calculated by the change of the density of segregating sedimentary of coarse and finer soils which was analyzed by Yano's method to extend a serious of researches. The self-weight consolidation by Yano's method will not reflect the segregated settling in dredging coarse soil under 40% of #200 passing percentage. As a result, the evaluation technique of settlement of self-weight consolidation considering a change of the density of segregating sedimentary is suggested as a reasonable method that considers the sediment shape of coarse soil.

Quantitative Reconstruction of Sea Level Change Using Diatom-Based Transfer Function at Sinduk-ri, Gochang-Gun Since the Middle Holocene (규조기반 전이함수를 활용한 Holocene 중기 이후 고창군 신덕리 일대의 정량적 해수면 변동)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yun;Yoon, Soon-Ock;Yang, Dong Yoon;Hwang, Sangill
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2017
  • This study is quantitative reconstruction of palaeo sea level records around Sinduk-ri, Gochang-Gun. 7 cores were collected from GC14 to GC18 in order to examine the entire sedimentary facies and reconstruct the sea level records. The cores were analysed by AMS, sedimentary facies, diatom and WA-pls. As a result of the diatom analysis, diatom zone were classified as No diatom zone, B1 zone, M zone and B2 zone. The result of WA-pls was that the sea level was about 1.5m lower than the present level around 6,000 BP and about 1m lower during last 5,000 BP. Thereafter, sea level rose to the present during the Mc sub-diatom zone period. Moreover, during the Md sub-diatom zone period, sea level was about 0.5m higher than the present.