• Title/Summary/Keyword: secondary materials

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A Case Study on the Changes in Teaching Professionalism of Beginning Science-gifted Education Teachers through Mentoring in the Aspects of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (멘토링을 통한 초임 과학영재교육 담당교사들의 PCK 측면에서의 수업 전문성 변화에 대한 사례연구)

  • Noh, Taehee;Lee, Jooseok;Kang, Hunsik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1187-1203
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the changes in teaching professionalism of beginning science-gifted education teachers through mentoring in the aspects of pedagogical content knowledge. We selected two beginning teachers whose teaching careers in science-gifted education were less than five years. The teachers planed, performed and reflected on science instructions for secondary science-gifted students through mentoring during nine class hours over three times respectively. We observed their instructions and analyzed the taped videos, the materials, the transcripts for in-depth interviews with mentees, and discussions between mentor and mentee, researcher's field notes by using the constant comparative method. This study revealed that the mentoring, although there were many limitations, positively changed the mentees' practical knowledge about the curriculum for science-gifted education, the instructional strategies for science-gifted education, the assessment in science-gifted education, the science-gifted students, and the science content. These results suggest that the mentoring will be useful in improving the teaching professionalism of beginning science-gifted education teachers and provide meaningful implications in finding the ways to use it effectively in science-gifted education.

An Analysis of Teaching Strategies of Science Teacher's Teaching in Science Museum (과학관 학습 실행에서 나타난 과학 교사의 교수 전략 분석)

  • Han, Moonjung;Yang, Chanho;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.559-569
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    • 2014
  • In this case study, we investigated teaching strategies of science teacher's teaching in science museum. Two secondary science teachers who completed a teacher training course on teaching in science museums participated in this study. We conducted interviews about their perceptions on teaching in science museum and their teaching plans before teaching. Then, we observed and recorded their teaching practices in the science museum throughout one semester, and collected all of the teaching materials. The interviews were also conducted after every lessons and at the end of the semester. For the analysis of teaching strategies, we used a framework that was revised from the framework for museum practice (FMP). The analysis of results revealed that the teachers understood the significance of planning the activities in a series of pre-visit, during-visit, and post-visit, so that they structured their teaching as continuous activities, not as an one-time event. However, they showed differences in the extent of connecting the activities with the national science curriculum according to their teaching objectives. In addition, there were differences in strategies such as promoting social interaction, evoking students' curiosity and interest, providing students with choices and control, and inducing engagement and challenge depending on each teacher's perceptions and experiences on teaching in science museum. These results suggest that science teacher education for the professional development of teaching in science museum should systematically provide knowledge and experiences on teaching strategies based on appropriate perceptions on teaching in science museum.

A study on the Need for Curriculum Contents in each Sub-area of High School Home Economics Education (고등학교 가정과 교육을 위한 교과과정 영역별 필요도)

  • 이금남;김행자;안영희;이남기
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1996
  • This study aims at finding a new home economics education which will include male and female students as its teaching objects, and then providing home economics teachers with useful materials. For this purpose I examined analized male and female the upper secondary school students’and parents’recognition and demand to the home economics education The conclusion of this study is summarized as follows: 1. There was significant difference between male students(73.7%) and female students(89.8%) in the necessity for studying Home Economics(P<.001). In the necessity of Home Economics education, male students emphasized the spiritual part but female students emphasized the functional part. In part of parents, there was no significant difference between fathers(95.5%) and mothers(96.4%). 2. The necessity of each part in the contents of Home Economics 1) In the part of family, there was significant difference between male and female students in the true nature of family, the role and responsibility of family, and the laws relating to family(P<.001). There was significant difference between mothers and fathers in the true nature of family and the role and responsibility of family. Fathers and male students emphasized the true nature of family and the role and responsibility of family more than mothers and female students did. 2) In the Home management and economy parts, there was significant difference between male and female students in the significance of home management(P<.001), the relation of family to society(P<.001), and fluctuating measures for home economy. There was significant difference between fathers and mothers in the relation of family to society(P<.05). Fathers and male students emphasized the relation of family to society more than mothers and female students did. Mothers, male and female students emphasized the importance of the protection of consumers. 3) In the clothes part, male students emphasized the role of clothes, the disign and making of clothes(P<.001), the present situation of the resources of clothing and the distribution of clothes (P<.05) more than female students did. 4) In the part of food, there was significant difference between male and female students in the kinds and function of nutritive elements(P<.05). Parents and students emphasized the importance of selecting good food. 5) In the part of housing, male students emphasized home planning, and arrangements and facilities of house more than female students did. Female students emphasized the interior of the house(P<.05). Fathers emphasized the planning of a residential space and arrangements and facilities of a house(P<.05) more than mothers did. 6) In the parts of human development and upbringing, and upbringing, male students emphasized the significance of being parents, family planning and the population problem(P<.001), pregnancy and delivery(P<.01), and the chracteristic of juvenile development(P<.05) more than female students did. Parents and students emphasized the importance of prevention and countermeasures for diseases and the significance of being parents.

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Determination of HONO Concentration and Investigation on Its Formation Mechanism Using a Continuous Measurement System in Indoor Environment of an Apartment (아파트 실내 환경에서 실시간 측정시스템을 활용한 HONO 농도 측정 및 생성기작 연구)

  • Park, Seung-Shik;Hong, Jin-H.;Lee, Jai-H.;Kim, Young-J.;Cho, Sung-Y.;Kim, Seung-J.
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.16-29
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    • 2008
  • Nitrous acid (HONO) can be produced by heterogenous reactions of nitrogen dioxide on surface materials and direct emission from combustion sources. However, a little is known of indoor HONO levels or the relationship between residential HONO, NO, and $NO_2$ concentrations in occupied houses. Therefore, we measured simultaneously NO, $NO_2$, and HONO concentrations in living room of an apartment using continuous analyzers to study the production of HONO (June $22{\sim}30$, 2006). The 4-min average concentrations of indoor NO, $NO_2$, and HONO were 4.3 (range: $0.4{\sim}214.3$), 10.3 ($2.0{\sim}87.3$), and 1.8 ppb ($0.3{\sim}7.7$), respectively. Peak levels of HONO up to 7.7 ppb and 24-hr averages as high as 1.7 ppb were measured. In agreement with previous studies, indoor HONO concentrations increased during operation of an unvented gas range. Examination of the observed kinetics suggests that the secondary production of indoor HONO, possibly as a result of heterogeneous reactions involving $NO_2$ and $H_2O$ is associated with $[NO_2]^2[H_2O]\;(r^2=0.88)$ rather than with $[NO][NO_2][H_2O]\;(r^2=0.75)$. Three combustion experiments at nighttime were also carried out to investigate the effects of vented combustion on the HONO, NO, and $NO_2$ concentrations. It was found to release HONO for $10{\sim}15$ minutes after NO and $NO_2$ source was turned off, and peak values were finally attained. Compared to unvented combustion, peak $NO_2$ and HONO concentrations were 3.2 and 2.0 times lower at weak vented combustion (air flow: $340\;m^3/hr$) and 4.9 and 2.4 times lower at strong vented combustion (air flow: $540\;m^3/hr$), respectively, emphasizing importance of operating ventilation hood fan during combustion to improve indoor air quality.

Analysis on the Curriculum of Chemical Engineering Field in Specialized Vocational High School (특성화고 화공계열의 교육과정에 대한 실태 분석)

  • Lee, Kyu-Nyo;Yi, Kwang bok;Kim, So Yeon;Han, Soo Kyong;Rhee, Young-Woo
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.72-91
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    • 2015
  • This study is aimed at researching and analyzing the actual conditions of the curriculum and career path of chemical engineering field in specialized high school, and seeking for a curriculum improvement plan for activation by means of identity establishment of chemical engineering field. This study surveyed the actual conditions of school (department) regarding chemical engineering, and analyzed an adequacy among the curriculum, department name and acquired license. The results are as follows. Firstly, In order to the chemical engineering field to maintain the identity of chemical engineering and accept the changes in the industrial site, it is desirable for the department name to use the name of applied science, such as Applied Chemical Industry, Nano Chemical Industry, Environmental Chemical Industry, Energy Chemical Industry, Convergence Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Ceramic Chemical Engineering, Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering, and Food Bio-chemical Engineering, which are derived from chemical engineering, and the revision of curriculum should be included. Secondly, it is necessary to diversify relevant licenses by standard department of chemical engineering field, and clarify the purpose of human resources development and the image of talented, considering the future course of graduates and the demand of industry, for the purpose of improving school-leveled curriculum to raise the possibility of employment. Thirdly, in accordance with the changing paradigm that secondary vocational education is changed from 'just-to-know education (knowledge)' to 'can-do education (capability)', it is necessary to make the performance ability-centered curriculum in which 'chemical engineering industry - chemical engineering vocational education - chemical engineering qualification' are integrated.

Development and Application of Mobile-Based Math Learning Application (모바일 기반 수학 학습 어플리케이션 개발 및 활용 방안)

  • Kim, Bumi
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.593-615
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a mobile-based math learning application and explore its application. In order to develop a learning application, the present study included literature review on math education involving mobile learning, investigation of literature related to mathematics education conducted in a digital environment, and method of use and implementation environment of existing math learning applications by type. Based on these preliminary investigation and analysis, an android version application, 'Mathematics Classroom for Middle School 3rd Graders' was developed. This application can be used for learning units such as Quadratic Functions and Graphs, Representative Value, and Variance and Standard Deviation. For the unit on Quadratic Functions and Graphs, the application was constructed so that students can draw various graphs by using the graphic mode and discuss their work with other students in the chatting room. For the unit on Representative Value, the application was constructed with the mathematical concept of representative value explained through animation along with activities of grouping data acquired after playing archery games by points or arranging them according to size so that students can study when and how to use median value, mode, and average. The application for Variance and Standard Deviation unit was also constructed in a way that allowed students to study the concept of variance and standard deviation and solve the problems on their own. The results of this study can be used as teaching & learning materials customized for individual student in math classes and will provide anyone the opportunity to engage in an interesting self-directed learning of math at anytime. Developed in the format of real life study, the application will contribute to helping students develop a positive attitude about math.

An Analysis of High School Korean Language Instruction Regarding Universal Design for Learning: Social Big Data Analysis and Survey Analysis (보편적 학습설계 측면에서의 고등학교 국어과 교수 실태: 소셜 빅데이터 및 설문조사 분석)

  • Shin, Mikyung;Lee, Okin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.326-337
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the public interest in high school Korean language instruction and the universal design for learning (UDL) using the social big data analysis method. The observations from 10,339 search results led to the conclusion that public interest in UDL was significantly lower than that of high school Korean language instruction. The results of the Big Data Association analysis showed that 17.22% of the terms were found to be related to "curriculum." In addition, a survey was conducted on a total of 330 high school students to examine how their teachers apply UDL in the classroom. High school students perceived computers as the most frequently used technology tool in daily classes (38.79%). Teacher-led lectures (52.12%) were the most frequently observed method of instruction. Compared to the second-year and third-year students, the first-year students appreciated the usage of technology tools and various instruction mediums more frequently (ps<.05). Students were relatively more positive in their response to the query on the provision of multiple means of representation. Consequently, the lesson contents became easier to understand for students with the availability of various study methods and materials. The first-year students were generally more positive towards teachers' incorporation of UDL.

Fiber-optic Temperature Sensor Using a Silicone Oil and an OTDR (OTDR을 이용한 실리콘 오일 기반의 광섬유 온도 센서)

  • Jang, Jae Seok;Yoo, Wook Jae;Shin, Sang Hun;Lee, Dong Eun;Kim, Mingeon;Kim, Hye Jin;Song, Young Beom;Jang, Kyoung Won;Cho, Seunghyun;Lee, Bongsoo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.64 no.11
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    • pp.1592-1597
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we developed a fiber-optic temperature sensor (FOTS) based on a silicone oil and an optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) to apply the measurement of a coolant leakage in the nuclear power plant. The sensing probe of the FOTS consists of a silicone oil, a stainless steel cap, a FC terminator, and a single mode optical fiber. Fresnel reflection arising at the interface between the silicone oil and the single mode optical fiber in the sensing probe is changed by varying the refractive index of the silicone oil according to the temperature. Therefore, we measured the optical power of the light signals reflected from the sensing probe. The measurable temperature range of the FOTS using a Cu-coated silica fiber is from $70^{\circ}C$ to $340^{\circ}C$ and the maximum operation temperature of the FOTS is sufficient for usage at the secondary system in the nuclear power plant.

Effect of Removed Peel from Sweet Persimmon on Nutritional Ingredients and Antioxidant Activities (단감의 박피가 영양성분 및 항산화 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Soo-Jung;Ryu, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Ra-Jeong;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Sung, Nak-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.10
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    • pp.1495-1502
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    • 2010
  • This study was for the industrial application of functional food ingredients from whole fruits of sweet persimmon. Whole fruit and pulp of sweet persimmons were divided, and then lyophilized and powdered. Contents of crude fiber, vitamin C, and mineral were significantly higher in whole fruit than pulp of sweet persimmon. The amino acid content of whole fruit was 1.4 times higher than those of sweet persimmon pulp. In the biological activities of water and ethanol extracts from whole fruit and pulp of sweet persimmon, ethanol extract was higher than water extract, and whole fruit was higher than its pulp. The result which compared the biological activities of the water and ethanol extract from lyophilized sweet persimmon showed that total phenolic content was significantly higher in whole fruit of sweet persimmon, but flavonoid contents were not significantly different. Especially ABTS, NO radical scavenging activity, reducing power and tyrosinase inhibition activity were significantly higher in whole fruit extract than pulp extract of sweet persimmon. The relatively high content of fiber and vitamin C, and biological activity of whole fruit than pulp of sweet persimmon may be make it preferable as functional food materials for secondary processed goods.

Distribution of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Naturally Infected Pinus densiflora and P. koraiensis and Migration of B. xylophilus in Artificially Inoculated P. densiflora Seedlings (자연감염된 소나무와 잣나무 내 소나무재선충 분포 및 인공접종한 소나무 묘목 내에서의 소나무재선충 이동)

  • Kim, Jae-Geun;Kim, Byung-Kwan;Lee, Seung-Kyu;Kim, Jin-Cheol;Han, Sang-Sub;Cha, Byeong-Jin
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2012
  • In 2006, pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, was isolated from about 50 years old trees of Pinus densiflora and P. koraiensis showing leaf-wilt and -drying symptoms in Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do and Chuncheon, Gangwon-do. Isolation of pinewood nematodes from sapwood of infected pine trees showed no difference in population density between tree species and among the sampling heights on the main stem. Migration of pinewood nematodes in the host tree were investigated by inoculation of red pine (P. densiflora, 3 years old) seedlings with B. xylophilus. The nematodes seemed to move in red pine seedlings prior to multiplication and it might have taken about 20 days to start multiplication and expression of symptoms including wilt and dieback. In initial time after inoculation, nematodes started migration through the cortical resin canal from inoculated site and further showed upward and downward movements. More nematodes were observed in cortical resin canal during early period of inoculation and later in resin canal of xylem and tracheid also while, the pith still remained free from nematode. The density of B. xylophilus was higher in seedlings of low-vigor with poor root growth than in seedlings of normal root growth. Seedlings showing high density of B. xylophilus exhibited stem discoloration and secondary infection by fungus at the inoculation site.