• Title/Summary/Keyword: sea transport

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The Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Volume Transport through the Western Channel of the Korea Strait

  • Kim, Young-Ju;Takikawa, Tetsutaro;An, Hui-Soo;Yoon, Jong-Hwan
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2004
  • The variation of volume transport during the period from 1965 to 2000 through the western channel of the Korea Strait was estimated by obtaining an relation function between the ADCP volume transport and the geostrophic volume transport estimated by the sea level difference between Pusan and Izuhara. The estimated climatological mean volume transport during past 36 years has seasonal variation with a minimum of 1.15 Sv in February and a maximum of 1.88 Sv in October. The mean volume transport for 36 years is 1.51 Sv. The annual mean volume transport has an interannual variation with a minimum of 1.26 Sv in 1968 and maximum of 1.90 Sv in 1973, with three dominant periods of variations of 14.96 years, 4.96 years and 2.99 years.


  • Le, Thanh Van;Kim, Sung-June
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2014.06a
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2014
  • The report analyze the current situation of shipping industry in Viet Nam, including information about Viet Nam seaborne trade, shipping companies, sea-going fleets, seafarers, major seaports. Afterward it will be disclosed the policy of sea transport in Viet Nam. And finally, the author will give summary and conclusion about shipping industry in Viet Nam.

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A Study on Digitization of Sea Transport Document - Focusing on ESS-Databridge - (해상운송서류 전자화에 관한 소고 - ESS-Databridge를 중심으로 -)

  • LIM, Sung-Chul
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    • v.65
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    • pp.95-116
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    • 2015
  • So far several attempts have been made to digitalizing sea transport documents. Three notable examples are SeaDocs, Bolero, e-B/L Korea and Ess-Databridge. Ess-Databridge was established in 2003, with the aim of promoting the use of electronic alternative to shipping documents. The ESS-Databridge system was piloted from 2005 and went live in January 2010. The ESS-Databridge operates under a private legal outline, the Databridge Services and Users Agreement (DSUA). In the Ess-Databridge system, only the user who is in control of the original bill of lading will be able to indorse it on to another user. Once the indorsement is effected and unless the indorsee decide store turn the documents, the indorser loses control and retains access only to an electronic document marked 'copy' for its records. A feature that appears to have been crucial to the success of the CargoDocs service is that visually, e-B/Ls produced using ESS-Databridge appear identical to the paper documents. The ESS-Databridge may be even more successful if the legislators take certain steps that will increase uniformity and certainty in electronic transport documentation.

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Distribution of Suspended Particulate Matters in the East China Sea, Southern Yellow Sea and South Sea of Korea During the Winter Season

  • Choi, Jin-Yong;Kim, Seok-Yun;Kang, Hyo-Jin
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.212-221
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    • 2004
  • Concentrations of suspended particulate matters (SPM) and their distribution patterns were monitored three times in the East China Sea during the winter season in 1998 and 1999. SPM concentrations showed significant temporal variations controlled by the atmospheric conditions and sea states. In coastal area, SPM values were about 10-20 mg/l in fair weather conditions, but exceeded 100mg/l during the storm periods. Turbid waters were distributed widespread in the continental shelf of the East China Sea and the coastal area of the Korean Peninsula, and these two areas were connected along a NE-SW direction. The distribution patterns of turbid waters were interpreted as representing the transport behavior of suspended matter. Although the primary source of inner shelf mud deposits of Korea seems to be the Korean Peninsula, contribution from the East China Sea to the coastal area of Korea increases especially during the winter season.

Development of Korea-China Train Ferry System An Example of Short Sea Shipping in Northeast Asia

  • Lee, Jae-Wook;Lee, Seung-Hee;Kang, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.36-48
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    • 2006
  • The train ferry, accommodating trains roll on and off, is often called as 'Railway on the Sea' or 'Blue High-way' since she can connect the railways or roads segregated by the sea and improve the accessibility and continuity of land transport systems. The ferry is especially appropriate to the intermodal transport routes mostly passing through the land but have relatively short sea segment. As the train ferry can considerably reduce the cost and time for cargo handling and modal shift and unnecessitates excessive initial investment on infrastructures such as large harbor cranes or vast container yards, introduction of train Ro-Ro ferries lessen the total transport cost for door-to-door transportation with full exploitation of the existing railway system. All the ports placed in Shandong, Liaoning and Jiangsu provinces of China are connected to the hinterlands via well developed railway and road systems. Therefore, realization of the Incheon-Yantai train ferry system will link Korea railways to TCR and the 4,131-kilometer-long Longhai-Lanxin Railway, along the famous Eurasian Continental Bridge. In the present paper, the Incheon-Yantai train ferry will be introduced as a good example of an efficient multimodal short sea shipping system for Northeast Asia.

The Comparision of the Volume Transport in the Korea Strait and in the Middle of the East Sea (Japan Sea) (大韓海峽과 東海 中部에서의 容積 輸送量 比較硏究)

  • 임창환;안효수
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 1985
  • With the serial observation data of the Fisheries Research and Development Agency in Korea and Japan Meteorological Agency from 1969 to 1974, the geostrophic current and volume transport were calculated in the Korea Strait and in the middle of the East Sea (Japan Sea), in order to compare the total volume transport in summer and winter seasons. The results are as follows. The annual mean of the net volume transport of the Korea Strait is 0.19${\times}$10$\^$6/m$\^$3/sec in winter season and 1.33${\times}$10$\^$6/m$\^$3/sec in summer season. The transport through the western and eastern channel of the Korea Srait is almost same in winter season, but the transport of the western channel is much larger than that of the eastern channel in summer season. The annual mean of the net volume transport of the middle section of the East Sea (Japan Sea) is 2.61${\times}$10$\^$6/m$\^$3/sec in winter season and 2.41${\times}$10$\^$6/m$\^$3/sec in summer season. Therefore the transorts are almost same in both seasons. Comparing the transports of the two sections, the transport through the middle section of the East Sea is 13.7 times as large as that of the Korea Strait in winter season and 1.8 times in summer season.

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A Study to Enhance Competitive Advantage on Sea & Air Intermodal Transport System of Incheon (인천지역 해공복합운송시스템(Sea & Air)의 경쟁우위 확보방안)

  • Chung, Tae-Won
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.733-739
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    • 2007
  • Demand for Sea & Air intermodal transport has increased between north-China costal cities and Incheon since China's international airline network was not established completely. It will be big opportunity for Incheon to be logistics hub of Sea & Air intermodal transport in the north-east Asia, musing large sea-air cargoes to be transferred at the port of Incheon. Therefore, this study aims to propose competitive strategy on Sea & Air intermodal transport system of Incheon. In this analysis results, this paper shows that sea & air cargoes rather from china to U.S. than from China to Europe is very significant, considering geographically for Incheon and is also devote to not only providing high quality services but also activating RFS(Road Feeder Service) system, enlarging toward Shanghai, Weihai, and Yantai.

A study on the problems of transport document as a proof of delivery on INCOTERMS 2000 (매도인(賣渡人)이 제공하는 인도증빙서류(引渡證憑書類)의 문제점(問題點)에 관한 연구(硏究) (INCOTERMS 2000을 중심(中心)으로))

  • Oh, Won-Suk
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    • v.14
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    • pp.7-35
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the meanings of delivery of each trade term in INCOTERMS 2000, to investigate various kinds of transport document as a proof of delivery, and finally to find their problems. As a result of examination, following problems are considered to happen practically. First, a multimodal transport document referred in FOB term seems to be unappropriate because FOB term can be used in sea or inland waterway transport. Second, Assuming resale in transit in CFR or CIF term, non-negotiable Sea Waybill seems to be inappropriate. Third, As Sea Waybill is not a document of title, it can not be a security when the bank negotiate seller's draft. Fourth, INCOTERMS 2000 deleted the reference to charter party in CFR or CIF term. This deletion may raise any legal problems for the liabilities of carrier when the contradictions happen between the charter party B/L and charter party. Finally, if CFR or CIF means symbolic delivery, other documents besides B/L can not be a symbols of goods.

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On large-scale Air Pollution in the Yellow Sea Region: Satellite and Ground Measurements

  • Y. S. Chung;Kim, H. S.;Kim, Y. S.
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.19 no.E2
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2003
  • The present study details air pollution measurements in the Yellow Sea of East Asia. Large-scale air pollution was observed through satellite images and ground monitors in Chongju-Chongwon of central Korea. Evidence of a duststorm transport and resulting dustfall from the Gobi Desert in north China and Mongolia is shown. Also, transport of anthropogenic air pollutants from China to the Yellow Sea, Korea, and Japan was detected and discussed. It was found that the level of air pollution concentrations at a regional back-ground site increased 2 ∼ 4 times than the values observed with the relatively clean air, when massive air pollution from China moved to the Korean Peninsula. Satellite measurements will be useful for monitoring regional- and global-scale air pollution in the future.

Monthly Wind Stress and Wind Stress Curl Distributions in the Eastern Sea(Japan Sea) (동해상의 월별 바람응력 및 바람응력컬 분포)

  • 김철호;최병호
    • Water for future
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.239-248
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    • 1986
  • Monthly wind stress, wind stress curl and volume transport stream functions are computed in the Eastern Sea(Japan Sea) based upon observed wind and atmospheric pressure data respectively. The presented two results show different distributios on locality and season but as common features the results reveal the northwesterly surface wind stress \ulcorner 새 the monsoon in winter, south to southwesterly wind stress \ulcorner 새 the southerly wind in summer and strond anticyclonic curl in the northern part on the Eastern Sea(Japan Sea) in winter. In the distributions obtained from the sea level atmospheric pressure data, the maximum value of the wind stress and of curls of small scales are shown off the southeast coast of Siberia and northeast coast of Korea. Volume transport distributions obtained from the Sverdrup relationship suggest that the strong northward boundary current can be formed along the northeast coast of Korea in winter and weak southward boundary current in summer.

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