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Qualitative Inquiry into the Characteristics of Science Teacher Learning Communities: Cases Within and Across Schools (과학 교사 학습공동체 특성에 대한 질적 탐구 -학교안과 학교밖 공동체 사례-)

  • Kwak, Youngsun;Lee, Ki-Young;Jeong, Eunyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.297-310
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    • 2021
  • This study explores the characteristics of within-school and across-school science teacher professional learning communities (hereafter, PLC) qualitatively. In-depth focus group interviews were conducted with science teachers belonging to seven PLCs within the science core school and three PLCs across schools. Interview questions include identity and motivation, major activities, and outcomes of PLC, as well as shortcomings and support plans for PLC. The results include both within-school and across-school science teacher PLCs formed for professional development related to science teaching and learning. Both science PLCs participated in the study showed the characteristics of a 'practice community' that developed a cooperative relationship through reciprocal participation, focusing on shared issues among members. Regarding issues, within-school PLCs focused on microscopic problems such as curriculum reconstruction of subject-matter, while across-school PLCs focused on macro problems such as teacher professional development. Regarding activities and roles as PLC, within-school and across-school science PLCs shared such features as collaborative professional development, and interpersonal education such as mentoring for novice teachers. In terms of PLC's influence and outcomes, science teacher PLCs has a positive effect not only on the teachers themselves, but also on the students and the teacher culture in the school. In addition, science teacher PLCs need improvement of the physical conditions for community operation, and software support such as protocol provision for PLC operation and joint research or re-education with universities. In particular, joint research between universities and science teacher PLCs shows the future orientation of the PLC as an 'inquiry community'. Based on the results, the necessity of active support for science PLC, the necessity of developing a cooperative system between science teacher PLC and universities, and ways to spread the PLC of science core schools to that of general schools were proposed.

An Analysis of the Competency Exam for College Education : Area of Science Inguiry (대학수학능력시험 실험 평가 문제의 분석 : 과학 탐구를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Eun-Jin;Kim, Young-Soo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to point out the problems of the competency exam for college education, a new college entrance exam, and to suggest the improvement ideas for it For this purpose, the test items of science inquiry were taken from the first, the second and the third pilot studies of the competency exam for college education which National Institute of Educational Evaluation had done. These tests were administered to 1,223 students of the general high school(422 for the 1st 400 for the 2nd, and 401 for the 3rd test). Also, those students' and the high school science teacher's opinions about the tests and the new college entrance exam were surveyed. The evaluation objectives of those test items were analyzed and the test item analyses were done. The results were as follows; (1) The evaluation objective analysis showed that most of the test The purpose of this study was to point out the problems of the competency exam for college education, a new college entrance exam, and to suggest the improvement ideas for it For this purpose, the test items of science inquiry were taken from the first, the second and the third pilot studies of the competency exam for college education which National Institute of Educational Evaluation had done. These tests were administered to 1,223 students of the general high school(422 for the 1st, 400 for the 2nd, and 401 for the 3rd test). Also, those students' and the high school science teacher's opinions about the tests and the new college entrance exam were surveyed. The evaluation objectives of those test items were analyzed and the test item analyses were done. The results were as follows; (1) The evaluation objective analysis showed that most of the test items were constructed based on the evaluation framework which was composed of scientific inquiry thinking ability, science concept, and scientific inquiry context dimensions. But, those items were unevenly distributed into a few areas of the evaluation framework. (2) The boys had higher mean scores than the girls in all of the tests, but these differences were not statistically significant. The natural science course students had significantly higher mean than the humanities course students in all of the test:(1st, F=12.643, p=0.0004 ; 2nd, F=45.757, p=0.0001 ; 3rd, F=36.162, p=0.0001). A significant interaction of sex and course was found in only 1st test( F=11.352. p=0.0008). (3) Most students answered the test was difficult and they needed more time to finish it Also, they added they had to study in a different way from the traditional one in order to prepare the new college entrance exam. Science teachers answered that those evaluation objectives of the tests corresponded well with the educational objectives of high school science and that the tests were suitable as measuring instruments of the scientific thinking abilities. But they pointed out it would be very difficult for them to teach students for preparing the exam under the exsting educational conditions. To carry out successfully the competency exam for college education, the following improvements were suggested. (1) Good evaluation methodology should be developed. (2) In-service science teacher training models on evaluation should be put in force. (3) Effective teaching models and strategies should be developed.(4) The high school science curriculum should be revised.

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Development of Curriculum for Dept. of Environmental Education toward a Sustainable Green Society (지속가능한 녹색 사회를 향한 환경교육과 교육과정 개발)

  • Choi, Don-Hyung;Kim, Dae-Hee;Lee, Jae-Young;Cheong, Cheol;Kim, Kee-Dae;Cho, Seong-Hoa;Ahn, Jae-Jung;Park, Hye-Gyeong;Hong, Hyun-Jin
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.111-128
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    • 2011
  • This study was aimed at developing a common curriculum for the department of environmental education from 5 colleges of education. The need and background of curriculum reform can be summarized as follow; first, it has been recognized that new national curriculum of 2009 and 2011 created need for training teachers equipped with more integrated competency. Second, global environmental problems such as climate change and energy crisis asked for more responsible choice and action from all citizens. Third, the extremely low hiring rate resulted in the consideration of new working fields for teacher students majoring in environmental education. Fourth, the expansion of new environmental education paradigms including education for sustainable development called for practicing reconstruction of both contends and methods. From a series of research processes including analysis of current curriculum, DACUM, opinion survey and interest groups review, several new approaches for developing new curriculum had been identified as follow; first, content areas of environmental education should be extended beyond environmental natural science. Second, new learning approaches such as project-based learning need to be emphasized for strengthening the identity of environment as a separate subject. Third, more selective majoring system need to be applied in connection with environment government officials, researchers, and social environmental educators. It was recommended that the application of new curriculum developed by the study would be evaluated and managed by teaching conditions surrounding each of the five university members joined this developing processes. However, it needs to be noted that there is not much time because we had experienced zero hiring rate for the last 4 years and environmental policy and education programs are moving rapidly toward sustainable development.

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Effects of Nursing Interventions on Anxiety and / or Stress : A Meta-Analysis (불안 및 스트레스에 대한 간호중재 효과의 메타 분석)

  • 이은옥;송혜향;김주현;이병숙;이은희;이은주;박재순;전경자;정면숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.526-551
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the commonalities of various nursing interventions and effective intervention methods in each intervention through analysis and synthesis of many accumulated research papers. The study analyzed the effects of various nursing interventions on anxiety and /or stress. For this purpose, 64 experimental studies with randomized or nonequivalent control group pre-test-posttest design were selected from journals of medical and nursing schools, the Korean Nurse, the Korean Nurses' Academic Society Journal, the Cetnral Journal of Medicine, the New Medical Journal, the Nurse Monthly, and from theses and dissertations conducted from 1970 to 1991. The selected studies nor classified according to three characteristics : 1) the research samuel, 2) types and methods of nursing interventions, and 3) statistical tests. The following analysis was done : 1) Confirmation of the accuracy of data drawn from each study by paired review, 2) Estimation of the homogenity of pre-test scores of the dependent variable between control and experimental groups warranted the effect size of post-scores, 3) If the homogenity of pre-test scores did not warrant, the change scores from pre-test to post-test were used to estimate the effect size, 4) Use of the effect size of each study among homogenious studies was tested for each intervention method, such as relaxation, information, and touch and /or support. Finally, for the studies not showing homogenity, an ANOVA test was used to identify patterns for each intervention. Some findings are summarized as follow : The effect sizes for relaxation and information were greater than those for touch and /or supportive technique. Studies using random assignment had greater effect sizes than nonrandomized sample studies using the same intervention. For healthy people, group education was more effective than individual teaching. However, for patients, relaxation and touch and /or supportive techniques given on individual basis were more effective than when given in a group situation. Measuring anxiety and stress by biological indicators was less effective than by self-report. Budzynski's relaxation method was the most effective. The more frequently the techniques applied, the larger the effect size. On the bases of these findings, the following recommendations were made : 1. A combination of information, relaxtion, and touch-supportive techniques should be used for greater effect in reducing the level of anxiety and /or stress. 2. Information is the first choice of intervention to reduce the level of anxiety and /or stress of healthy People : other interventions may be added depending on the conditions of the subjects.

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An Ethnographic Study about Taegyo Practice in Korea (태교 실천에 대한 일상생활 기술적 연구)

  • 김현옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.411-422
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is twofold : (i) to investigate how much effort the married couples are making for the good health of both the pregnant woman and her unborn child from the time of their marriage to and during the period of conception : and (ii) to comprehensive investigate socio-cultural back-grounds which affect prenatal effort. Result of this study provide a basis for the prenatal care program which will be appropriate to our culture. This study has been done by the ethnographic research method. The subjects of this study are 53 people in all consisting of 33 pregnant women and 20 husbands. In order to investigate socio-cultural factors which influence Taegyo, producers of Taegyo music were interviewed. In addition the researcher surveyed the markets of Taegyo music, participated in special courses of prenatal education, analyzed the content of the books and periodicals dealing with Taegyo, and collected the concept of Taegyo distributed by the mass media. The full-fledged study continued for eight months from February to August.1996. The data were analyzed as soon as they were collected. Spradly's(1979, 1980) developmental, sequential method of domain analysis. taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and theme analysis in this order was adopted as the procedure of analyzing the data. To obtain the exactness of study, Sandelowski's (1986) four criteria, that is, Credibility, Fittingness, Auditability, and Confirmability were applied to all stages of data collection, data analysis, the interpretation of the result, and the description of the result. The following are the result : 1. The couples' Taegyo at the stage of preconception was related to their physical, psychological, spiritual conditions under which a healthy baby will be born. Specific methods they prefer are : "the choice of one's spouse." "physical check-up," "physical good health, " "praying, " and so on. 2. When the marriod couple have sex in order to conceive, their Taegyo was related to the imposition of their physical, psychological, and environmental conditions. Specific methods they prefer are : "having sex at specific time, " "having sex in nice place." "to purify their minds while having sex," and so on. 3. The married couples' Taegyo while they are in pregnancy was related to the imposition of their physical. psychological, emotionmental. environmental, social and spiritual conditions. Specific methods they prefer are : "listening to music. " "reading," "looking at beautiful things only," "to avoid looking at or listening to bad things." "to eat food in good shape, " "to avoid drugs," "eating Korean herbal medicine." "sexual abstinence," "to avoid dangerous places," "to keep emotional tranquility," "moderate exercises and rest." "leading a pure life." "praying." "being aware of their words and behavior." "for the couple to keep a good relationship." "interaction with their unborn child," "to support Taegyo for pregnant women," and so on. 4. The married couple put Taegyo into practice on the basis of the following principles : the principle of respecting an unborn child, the principle of forming a good disposition. the principle of top-down parental love, the principle of synergy between a pregnant woman and her unborn child, the principle of expecting a good child, the principle of forming a good habit, and the principle of acquiring a parental role. 5. The practice of Taegyo is influenced by such factors as the married couple, the supporting system, and the mass media. As the husband -and-wife factor, their information of Taegyo, the degree of importance is assigned to their characters, their time to spare, their healthiness, the age of pregnant woman, their conception plan, their religion, their belief of the Taegyo effects, and the birth of a baby in this order. The factor of the supporting system consists of her husband's support, her family support, and her neighbor's support. The mass media factors include the broadcasting media, books specialized in Taegyo, periodicals for pregnant women, booklets for advertizing powdered milk, Taegyo music of record manufacturing companies, and the teaching materials for gifted children. Among these the mass media is especially taking advantage of Taegyo as its main source of economic profits are leading the public behavior pattern to a prodigal one. Taegyo is a self-control behavior which requires practice for the following : the physical and psychological good health of the pregnant woman and her unborn child, the development of the unborn child's good character, the development of the unborn child's intelligence and talents, the expectation of the unborn child's good features. shape a good habit, the expectation of the unborn child's bright future, and the learning of a parental role, the expectation of male birth. Above all it is a type of our good cultural tradition which pursues a value higher than the one that the prenatal care does. The principles of pregnancy care inherent in the habit of Taegyo will provide us a guideline for the development of the prenatal care.

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A Study on Gradual Attitudes Change College of Nursing Students (간호대학생의 학년별 태도 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 한정석
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 1973
  • Introduction : Nursing as a profession is gelling wide acceptance today, especially among independent -minded women with necessary physical, mental and academic qualifications. This is particularly true of "comprehensive nursing", which requires to total dedication on the part if the nurse herself-physical, mental and sociocultural. Such comprehensive approach is like-wise called for in the institutional training of professional nurses. Undergraduate nursing courses nowadays place an increasing emphasis on the microscopic approach of training a nurse as an intelligent and well-balanced human being with an optimum degree of cultural sophistication. Greater attention then ever before is now paid to close observation of the individual traits and aptitude of nursing students, so as to permit full development of individual capabilities, interests and propensities within the concept of "comprehensive human education. " Purpose of study 1. To determine the degree of understanding of the part of nursing students of the various aspects of the subject taught in undergraduate nursing course. 2. To determine the motivation of nursing students in choosing the profession and possible subsequent change or attitude and outlook in the course of under graduated studies, as a means of presenting a new practical approach in nursing training based on the concept of "comprehensive human education. " Problems of study 1. The environments of nursing training will impinge on individual nursing students with different psychological impacts from lower to upper classes of under graduated studies. 2. Educational environments will have varying psychological impacts on students: a. Difference in religious faith among students. b. Difference in campus environments. c. Difference in domestic (family) circumstances. d. Difference in innate capabilities of students, 3. The understanding and attitude of individual nursing students towards the science of nursing will Have a close correlation with their respective motivations in choosing-nursing as a profession, and will also be closely influenced by the peculiarities of the subject taught, tile campus environments, etc, Delimitations of the study 1. Two universities offering 4-year nursing courses were selected. Due to the limited number of potential subjects, the optimum conditions of sample collection could not be fulfilled. 2. Subjects were confined to two classes in each university (sophomores and seniors) but without regard to the ages or scholastic achievements of individual students. 3. The conclusions derived from this study should be limited in application to the subject groups covered by the present study: they should not in any event be extended or applied to other groups. Procedures 1. Subjects: 40 nursing students each from the sophomore and senior classes of the "Y" and "K" universities situated in Seoul, aggregating 160 students altogether. 2. Instruments: Use has been made of questionnaires on (1) family backgrounds and (2) general information concerning. 3. Statistical Method: The findings of the present survey have been subjected to critical analysis as to the means, percentages, Cgi squares (X), standard deviations and the significance of the difference in means. Findings 1. Nursing students have chosen their subject of study with a confident outlook towards their future in society. 2. Horsing students have the necessary abilities to complete the prescribed courses of study. 3. The campus life of nursing students has been judged as very constructive, not with-standing certain in adequacies in the available educational facilities and the shortages of teaching staff. 4. The achievement levels of nursing trainees varied greatly according to their respective educational environments as well as their school years. 5. Clear and definite distinctions were discernible between the two universities as regards certain aspects of this survey, while no signifiant difference was observed in other: a. Sophomores and seniors in both universities gave nearly identical answers to questions concerning (1) motivation in choosing nursing as a profession, and (2) the way of spending leisure hours. b. Both universities revealed similar respective differences between sophomores and seniors as regards the abilities of fulfilling academic requirements ill the basic subjects. c. Educational environments have been found to be somewhat superior in the "Y"university to those of the "K" university, particularly as regard general campus and dormitory conditions. d. The high degree of dissatisfaction with the faculty, found in both universities, was considered to be a consequence of the universal phenomenon of "brain drain" and the relative neglect of the "comprehensive approach"in education.

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An Operations Study on a Home Health Nursing Demonstration Program for the Patients Discharged with Chronic Residual Health Care Problems (추후관리가 필요한 만성질환 퇴원환자 가정간호 시범사업 운영 연구)

  • 홍여신;이은옥;이소우;김매자;홍경자;서문자;이영자;박정호;송미순
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.227-248
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    • 1990
  • The study was conceived in relation to a concern over the growing gap between the needs of chronic patients and the availability of care from the current health care system in Korea. Patients with agonizing chronic pain, discomfort, despair and disability are left with helplessly unprepared families with little help from the acute care oriented health care system after discharge from hospital. There is a great need for the development of an alternative means of quality care that is economically feasible and culturally adaptible to our society. Thus, the study was designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of home heath care as an alternative to bridge the existing gap between the patients' needs and the current practice of health care. The study specifically purports to test the effects of home care on health expenditure, readmission, job retention, compliance to health care regime, general conditions, complications, and self-care knowledge and practices. The study was guided by the operations research method advocated by the Primary Health Care Operations Research Institute(PRICOR) which constitutes 3 stages of research : namely, problem analysis solution development, and solution validation. The first step in the operations research was field preparation to develop the necessary consensus and cooperation. This was done through the formation of a consulting body at the hospital and a steering committee among the researchers. For the stage of problem analysis, the Annual Report of Seoul National University Hospital and the patients records for last 5 years were reviewed and selective patient interviews were conducted to find out the magnitude of chronic health problems and areas of unmect health care needs to finally decide on the kinds of health problems to study. On the basis of problem analysis, the solution development stage was devoted to home care program development asa solution alternative. Assessment tools, teaching guidelines and care protocols were developed and tested for their validity. The final stage was the stage of experimentation and evaluation. Patients with liver diseases, hemiplegic and diabetic conditions were selected as study samples. Discharge evaluation, follow up home care, measurement and evaluation were carried out according to the protocols of care and measurement plan for each patient for the period of 6 months after discharge. The study was carried out for the period from Jan. 1987 to Dec. 1989. The following are the results of the study presented according to the hypotheses set forth for the study ; 1. Total expenditures for the period of study were not reduced for the experimental group, however, since the cost per hospital visit is about 4 times as great as the cost per home visit, the effect of cost saving by home care will become a reality as home care replaces part of the hospital visits. 2. The effect on the rate of readmission and job retention was found to be statistically nonsignificant though the number of readmission was less among the experimental group receiving home care. 3. The effect on compliance to the health care regime was found to be statistically significant at the 5% level for hepatopathic and diabetic patients. 4. Education on diet, rest and excise, and medication through home care had an effect on improved liver function test scores, prevention of complications and self - care knowledge in hepatopathic patients at a statistically significant level. 5. In hemiplegic patient, home care had an effect on increased grasping power at a significant level. However. there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the level of compliane, prevention of complications or in self-care practices. 6. In diabetic patients, there was no difference between the experimental and control groups in scores of laboratory tests, appearance of complications, and self-care knowledge or self -care practices. The above findings indicate that a home care program instituted for such short term as 6 months period could not totally demonstrate its effectiveness at a statistically significant level by quantitative analysis however, what was shown in part in this analysis, and in the continuous consultation sought by those who had been in the experimental group, is that home health care has a great potential in retarding or preventing pathological progress, facilitating rehabilitative and productive life, and improving quality of life by adding comfort, confidence and strength to patients and their families. For the further studies of this kind with chronic patients it is recommended that a sample of newly diagnosed patients be followed up for a longer period of time with more frequent observations to demonstrate a more dear- cut picture of the effectiveness of home care.

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A survey on sex life behavior and factors of low back pain (요통환자들의 성생활 행태와 영향 요인 조사)

  • Nam, Chul-Hyun;Woo, Kwang-Seog
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate discomforts and sexual life and to identify the relation between the discomforts and sexual life with low back pain. The data were collected from March 2 through July 31, 2001. Four hundred forty-two questionnaires were returned (response rate=88.0%). Analysis of the data was done with SPSS PC+ and use descriptive statistics, x2-test, t-test, ANOVA. regression. The statistics shows that over than 80% of the adults experienced lumbago at least one time in their life, and Back pain is known as one of the most common complaints made by the patients of all ages in the general hospital or local medical clinics throughout. However, in certain case it leads to a chronic condition which can cause a great deal of problems in management and in financial burden to individuals and society. The result of this study was summarized as follows: 1) It appeared that regarding the distribution of gender, male was the higher(63.6%) then that of female, the portion of forties was 28.5%. Sitting for long time was 23.1% in men and 21.7% in women. Unknown reason including sexual behaviour was 12.9% in men and 15.5% in women. Patients treated medicine and physical therapy were 36.4%. In level of educational background, the rate of high school was 31.0%, technical college was 28.5%. The highest proportion by occupation was 18.3% of office workers, occupation posture was 41.9% of sitting. 2) Men(26.0%) and most of women(34.8%) were not satisfied in the explanation satisfaction rate of sex life concerned disease. 23.8% in men and 23.6% in women considered flexibility of waist good. Man(33.3%) and most of woman(35.0%) considered that Health education is necessary. 32.7% in men and 27.3% in women did't mind educator is whoever. Preventing of lower back pain(LBP) and proper Health education of sex life are demanded in daily life. 3) 58.0% of man and 64.0% of woman mostly had a posture which is man over woman. 28.5% in men and 27.8% in women considered that proper information finding of LBP and sex life was very few and few. 37.7% in men and 42.7% in women have acquired information about sex life flung their friends. 4) The number of sex life was decreased from 2.96 0.98 to 2.61 1.63 and also the time of sex life was decreased from 3.65 1.89 to 226 1.64. The satisfaction rate of sex life changed from 3.60 0.86 to 2.77 1.10. In the number of sex life, The non correct group was 2.62 1.91 and the correct group was higher in 2.68 1.65. In the time of sex life, The non correct group was 2.02 1.47 and the correct group was higher in 229 1.65. The satisfaction rate of sex life was 2.76 0.86 in non correct group and 2.88 1.10 in correct group. So there was a difference. 5) In the satisfaction rate of sex life, Men who have a lower back pain were higher than women and no attack group was higher than attack group. As they had many sex life, the satisfaction rate was higher significantly in statistics. As the time of sex life was short, the satisfaction rate was lower significantly in statistics. As the age was low, the demand rate of Health education was high and as means of patient who had a lower back pain was high, the demand rate of Health education was high. As the patient who had a lower back pain had a long married life, the demand rate of Health education was high and as education level was high, the demand rate of Health education was high. It is necessary to provide patients with conservative treatment, educational teaching, and training to prevent further injuries in the future. In general, it is important to educate the public how to prevent back injuries and how to treat themselves in an onset period to prevent further injuries sliding into a chronic state. Sexuality is an integral part of normal and healthy relationships, but patients are unable to enjoy sex because they are riot able to get into a comfortable position due to back pain. Many conditions of the spine can make certain positions uncomfortable. Health educator should make the education program of the discomforts and the sexual pattern for low back pain in workplace and/or hospital. Further study Is needed on how to integrate the educational program on sexuality into the total rehabilitation program.

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Menstrual Experience of Adolescent Girls (사춘기 여성들의 월경경험)

  • 정현숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.257-270
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    • 1996
  • Studies on menstruation have focused only on menstruation itself and menstrual disorders. The menstruating girls or women have been neglected. So, the purpose of this study was to understand menstrual experience of adolescent girls in their perspective and build a theory on it, The specific purpose of this study were to find initial reaction of the girls, their strategies to adapt to menstruation. consequences of their efforts, influencing factor, and patterns of experience. The subjects of this study were eleven adolescent girls who experienced menarche three months to twenty-six months before the interview time. They were selected purposively. Their ages were in range of twelve and sixteen. One of them was a elementary school girl, three high school girls, and seven middle school girls. Two girls were handicapped because of cerebral palsy. All of them had some knowledge about menstrual physiology and hygiene during menstruation. Data were collected from September, 1994 to July, 1995. Data collection & analysis were done according to the grounded theory methodology by Strauss & Corbin(1990). Data collecting method was the long interviews and observation. Each interview took from 1 hour to 2 hours. Interview were tape-recorded and transcribed later by author. Data were analyzed immediately after interviews. Based on the results of previous interview, next interview were planned until gathered data reached the saturation point. Results were as follows. One hundred and six concepts were found. Those concepts were grouped into twenty eight categories and then fourteen higher categories. Twenty eight categories were as follows. “want to hide”, “bewildered”, “sense of burden”, “sense of heterogeneity”. “gladness”. “sense of superiority”, “negative empathy”, “positive empathy”, “limited hygenic control”, “sense of timing”, “lack of knowledge”, “lack of support”, “advance knowledge”, “informational support”, “emotional support”, “endurance”, “prayer”, “disclosing”, “avoidance”, “diversion”, “sense of powerlessness”, “discovery of sex identity”, “sense of maturation”, “sense of stability”, “acceptance of menstruation ”. fourteen higher categories were as follows. “negative feeling”, “posive feeling”, “exchange of feeling”, “limited hygenic control”, “sense of timing”, “accumulated experience”, “dysmenorrhea”, “level of knowledge”, “need for support”, “perceived support”, “sharing of feeling”, “self-control”, “passive acceptance”, “active acceptance”. The core category was “emotional shaking”, which consisted of “positive feeling” and “negative feeling”. “Emotional shaking”comes up to every adolescent girls experiencing menarche, independently of any contextual conditions, and its dimension has two directions : positive one and negative one. Its influencing factors were time of menarche, advance knowledge, support from the significant persons, expression and self-regulation. Even if they showed different process of adaptation to menstruation, general process of adaptation were as follows : 1. stage of emotional shaking 2. stage of acceptance 3. stage of internalization of the menstrual experience. Seven patterns existed on the process of adaptation to menstruation after menarche. Those are as follows. 1. If girls thought their menarche came too early and they had not much knowledge on menstruation, they had a kind of negative feeling. If they did not get enough support and dysmenorrhea superimposed, they came to accept menstruation passively. 2. If girls had menarche too early. they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge. But support helped them accept menstruation easily. 3. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. But by experiencing subsequent menstruations and disclosing feeling, they began to accept menstruation. 4. If girls had menarche too lately and they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. they had positive feeling. If dysmenorrhea superimposed later, their feeling turned in to negative one. But they came to accept menstruation positively by disclosing feeling and getting support. 5. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. In addition to this. if dysmenorrhes superimposed while they did not get enough support, they felt powerless and came to accept menstruation passively. 6. If girls had menarche too early and did not get enough advance knowledge, they had negative feeling. But disclosing feeling and support made them get sense of homogeneity and began to accept menstruation. 7. If girls had handicap, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge and menarche was late. But Menarche made them get feel sexual identity. Their limited hygenic control and negative empathy from their mothers made them accept menstruation passively. To let adolescent girls take their menstrual experience as a part of their lives forming a positive sense of feminine identity, it needs qualified teaching and, support and deep concern of the significant others. Nurses including school nurses should try to develop an educational program, which include menstrual physiology. hygiene during menstrual period, meaning of menstruation and impact of menstruation on the development of female sexual identity.

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