• 제목/요약/키워드: scheduling management

검색결과 1,293건 처리시간 0.031초

Architectural Design of Terminal Operating System for a Container Terminal Based on a New Concept

  • Singgih, Ivan Kristianto;Jin, Xuefeng;Hong, Soondo;Kim, Kap Hwan
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.278-288
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    • 2016
  • Automation ensures accurate and well-organized container transportation in container terminals. This paper addresses operational issues such as equipment scheduling and the coordination between various pieces of equipment in a rail-based automated container terminal. Containers are relayed using multiple types of equipment from road trucks to a vessel and vice versa. Therefore, handshaking is required during a container transfer between different pieces of equipment. Synchronization between the schedules of all the equipment is important to reduce equipment waiting times and the time required for transporting containers, which results in a short turnaround time for a vessel. This paper proposes an integrated control system with the objective of synchronizing the operations of different types of equipment, provides a list of decisions to be made by the control module of each type of equipment, and shows all the required information transfers between control modules. A scheme for the integrated scheduling of multiple types of equipment is proposed. The decisions made by each control module in a real-time fashion are listed with detailed explanations, and the information transfer between managers in a real-time situation at the proposed terminal is described.

A Multiversion Timestamp Order Scheduling Method for Improving Commit Ratio of Mobile Transactions (이동 트랜잭션의 완료율 향상을 위한 다중버전 타임스탬프 순서화 스케줄링 기법)

  • Kim, Chi-Yeon;Hwang, Bu-Hyeon
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • 제6권5호
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    • pp.1143-1152
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    • 1999
  • A Mobile computing environment is a new paradigm which provides users with the access to information irrespective of users' location. A transaction scheduling method for the mobile computing environment must be designed so that database consistency is maintained with considering the limited performance of mobile hosts and the narrow bandwidth of a wireless network. The scheduling method using a lock has some problems: the high message overhead between a server and a mobile host for maintaining a lock and the high abort ratio of the mobile transactions owing to violating the serializability when a mobile host uses a cache. So, in this paper, we propose an efficient transaction management method using timestamp to resolve these problems. The proposed method is used in the environment under which a mobile host uses a cache having two versions for each cached data item and a server maintains several versions for each data item. So, even though a mobile transaction is executed during several broadcasting interval, can be committed. As a result, the proposed method can improve the commit ratio of the mobile transactions by maintaining multiversion for each data item and does not require the additional message exchange to schedule transactions by using timestamp.

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A Task Scheduling Strategy in Cloud Computing with Service Differentiation

  • Xue, Yuanzheng;Jin, Shunfu;Wang, Xiushuang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제12권11호
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    • pp.5269-5286
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    • 2018
  • Task scheduling is one of the key issues in improving system performance and optimizing resource management in cloud computing environment. In order to provide appropriate services for heterogeneous users, we propose a novel task scheduling strategy with service differentiation, in which the delay sensitive tasks are assigned to the rapid cloud with high-speed processing, whereas the fault sensitive tasks are assigned to the reliable cloud with service restoration. Considering that a user can receive service from either local SaaS (Software as a Service) servers or public IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud, we establish a hybrid queueing network based system model. With the assumption of Poisson arriving process, we analyze the system model in steady state. Moreover, we derive the performance measures in terms of average response time of the delay sensitive tasks and utilization of VMs (Virtual Machines) in reliable cloud. We provide experimental results to validate the proposed strategy and the system model. Furthermore, we investigate the Nash equilibrium behavior and the social optimization behavior of the delay sensitive tasks. Finally, we carry out an improved intelligent searching algorithm to obtain the optimal arrival rate of total tasks and present a pricing policy for the delay sensitive tasks.

Demand Response Based Optimal Microgrid Scheduling Problem Using A Multi-swarm Sine Cosine Algorithm

  • Chenye Qiu;Huixing Fang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제18권8호
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    • pp.2157-2177
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    • 2024
  • Demand response (DR) refers to the customers' active reaction with respect to the changes of market pricing or incentive policies. DR plays an important role in improving network reliability, minimizing operational cost and increasing end users' benefits. Hence, the integration of DR in the microgrid (MG) management is gaining increasing popularity nowadays. This paper proposes a day-ahead MG scheduling framework in conjunction with DR and investigates the impact of DR in optimizing load profile and reducing overall power generation costs. A linear responsive model considering time of use (TOU) price and incentive is developed to model the active reaction of customers' consumption behaviors. Thereafter, a novel multi-swarm sine cosine algorithm (MSCA) is proposed to optimize the total power generation costs in the framework. In the proposed MSCA, several sub-swarms search for better solutions simultaneously which is beneficial for improving the population diversity. A cooperative learning scheme is developed to realize knowledge dissemination in the population and a competitive substitution strategy is proposed to prevent local optima stagnation. The simulation results obtained by the proposed MSCA are compared with other meta-heuristic algorithms to show its effectiveness in reducing overall generation costs. The outcomes with and without DR suggest that the DR program can effectively reduce the total generation costs and improve the stability of the MG network.

Project Risk Assessment Through Construction Sequence Analyses for Industrial Plant Construction Projects (산업플랜트 건설 프로젝트의 주요 공정 시퀀스 분석을 통한 리스크 평가)

  • Lee, Kyusung;Choi, Jaehyun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.140-151
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    • 2013
  • In 2011 and 2012, Korean construction firms awarded around $ 64.5. Billion each year from the overseas market in 2011. This contract value accounted for overwhelming portion of total overseas construction contract values, and this growth is expected to continue for the next decade. However, contract scopes awarded to the Korean construction firms mainly involve detailed design and construction phases due to their competitiveness for the construction techniques. In other words, front-end-engineering-design and construction project management are not considered part of core business due to the lack of project management skills and experience. The researchers focused on development of construction sequence model required to improve construction planning and scheduling skills for the Korean construction firms. The model identifies critical work items and the sequence throughout project execution process. In addition, the researchers developed a risk evaluation method by applying fuzzy theory to the critical construction activities for the industrial plant construction projects. Developed methodology will help project practitioners to develop project schedule in a timely and effe ctive manner and evaluate project risks associated with scheduling process for the industrial plant construction projects.

A study on the scheduling of multiple products production through a single facility (단일시설에 의한 다품종소량생산의 생산계획에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Soo-Il;Lee, Kwang-Soo;Won, Young-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.151-170
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    • 1976
  • There are many cases of production processes which intermittently produce several different kinds of products for stock through one set of physical facility. In this case, an important question is what size of production run should be prduced once we do set-up for a product in order to minimize the total cost, that is, the sum of the set-up, carrying, and stock-out costs. This problem is used to be called scheduling of multiple products through a single facility in the production management field. Despite the very common occurrence of this type of production process, no one has yet devised a method for determining the optimal production schedule. The purpose of this study is to develop quantitative analytical models which can be used practically and give us rational production schedules. The study is to show improved models with application to a can-manufacturing plant. In this thesis the economic production quantity (EPQ) model was used as a basic model to develop quantitative analytical models for this scheduling problem and two cases, one with stock-out cost, the other without stock-out cost, were taken into consideration. The first analytical model was developed for the scheduling of products through a single facility. In this model we calculate No, the optimal number of production runs per year, minimizing the total annual cost above all. Next we calculate No$_{i}$ is significantly different from No, some manipulation of the schedule can be made by trial and error in order to try to fit the product into the basic (No schedule either more or less frequently as dictated by) No$_{i}$, But this trial and error schedule is thought of inefficient. The second analytical model was developed by reinterpretation by reinterpretation of the calculating process of the economic production quantity model. In this model we obtained two relationships, one of which is the relationship between optimal number of set-ups for the ith item and optimal total number of set-ups, the other is the relationship between optimal average inventory investment for the ith item and optimal total average inventory investment. From these relationships we can determine how much average inventory investment per year would be required if a rational policy based on m No set-ups per year for m products were followed and, alternatively, how many set-ups per year would be required if a rational policy were followed which required an established total average inventory inventory investment. We also learned the relationship between the number of set-ups and the average inventory investment takes the form of a hyperbola. But, there is no reason to say that the first analytical model is superior to the second analytical model. It can be said that the first model is useful for a basic production schedule. On the other hand, the second model is efficient to get an improved production schedule, in a sense of reducing the total cost. Another merit of the second model is that, unlike the first model where we have to know all the inventory costs for each product, we can obtain an improved production schedule with unknown inventory costs. The application of these quantitative analytical models to PoHang can-manufacturing plants shows this point.int.

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A Study on the Nurse Scheduling Optimization Model for Nurse Needs-Type Scheduling Automation System

  • Song, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2020
  • Today, with the development of information technology, hospitals are actively researching hospital information systems that are not limited by time and space to integrate mobile computing technology into the medical field to manage the bulk data of medical information. Nevertheless, most hospitals still spend a lot of time and effort creating manual schedules. In this paper, we studied an optimization model for organizing nurses' shift work and constructed an automated nurse-type job organization system. For nurses working in S hospital, information data, requirements and constraints of nurses were constructed. By applying this, we proposed an optimized scheduling method and built a web-based platform used by head nurses and a mobile app platform used by general nurses to enable real-time interchange and sharing around web servers. Therefore, through the developed nurse needs type automated system, the head nurses will increase the convenience of the nurses to organize the work every month, and general nurses will help them to work more accurately through personal schedule management. It is also expected to increase work efficiency by sharing work schedules among nurses.

Network Compression by Saying Idle Time of Resources and Spaces for Repetitive Activities (작업공간과 자원의 여유시간 최소화를 통한 반복작업 공정계획기법)

  • Yi Kyoo Jin
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2000
  • In scheduling multi-unit projects, several alternatives can exist in network construction due to repetitiveness of their activities. Project duration is affected not only by the duration of each activity but also by the arrangement of repeating activities in such projects. This paper provides a network compression method that assigns predecessors to each activity to minimize its float time. Different to the previous efforts that utilized line of balance as the base scheduling-model, this research adopts precedence diagram arranged in two coordinates, the space axis and the resource one. This method seeks the most appropriate predecessors for each activity in each direction of the two coordinates for the purpose of minimizing the idle resource and space. This activity arrangement method was applied to a multi-unit apartment-construction project, to prove its capability of network compression. The result shows that the method successfully sought room for saving construction duration by changing the activity arrangement. The network compression method presented in this research can be utilized in multi-unit construction projects such as apartment complex projects.

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A Computer Graphic Based Interactive Modeling System with Application to Ship Scheduling (선박운항 일정계획 문제에 대한 컴퓨터 그래픽 기반 상호대화식 모델링 시스템)

  • 이희용;김시화
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • 제4권5호
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    • pp.919-930
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    • 2000
  • This paper treats a development of visual interactive modeling(VIM) system for ship scheduling problem in integer formulation. The ship scheduling problem can be described as "A problem which assigns ships and cargos to achieve maximum revenue from transportation" in brief. Since late 1970s there has been rapid growth in development and use of VIM as MS10R technology due to the development of computer technology and now VIM has become a important discipline in MS/OR and MIS society. Visual Interactive Modeling is a process that decision maker takes part in modeling life cycle -data collection, formulation, derivation of optimal solution and representation of solution - and interacts with a modeling system to achieve a user-solution appropriate for his/her ultimate goal. This paper suggests the methodology how to collect data, build and modify model, and represent solution using computer graphics as a major driving tool and demonstrates effective performance of a prototype system.pe system.

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Projection of Activity Duration Utilizing Historical Cost Data (자원투입 비용을 고려한 공정관리 작업기간 산정)

  • Moon, Sung-Woo;Kang, Sang-Rae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 한국건설관리학회 2006년도 정기학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.444-447
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    • 2006
  • Construction managers need to pay a close attention to the resource utilization in order to deliver the construction project successfully. Construction scheduling is crucial for resource control in that it provides information when and how much to bring down work force to sites. In scheduling, activity duration is projected based on the productivity of historical data or the intuition of scheduler. This paper studies the opportunity of applying cost-based productivity for estimating activity duration. For cost-based productivity, the cost of resource is used as an input and the work quantities as an output. Out of historical data, regression model has been developed to understand the validity of applying cost-based productivity in projecting activity duration. The result of study will work as a prerequisite for implementing the environment of database-based construction scheduling.

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