• Title/Summary/Keyword: scheduling management

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Impact of User Convenience on Appliance Scheduling of a Home Energy Management System

  • Shin, Je-Seok;Bae, In-Su;Kim, Jin-O
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2018
  • Regarding demand response (DR) by residential users (R-users), the users try to reduce electricity costs by adjusting their power consumption in response to the time-varying price. However, their power consumption may be affected not only by the price, but also by user convenience for using appliances. This paper proposes a methodology for appliance scheduling (AS) that considers the user convenience based on historical data. The usage pattern for appliances is first modeled applying the copula function or clustering method to evaluate user convenience. As the modeling results, the comfort distribution or representative scenarios are obtained, and then used to formulate a discomfort index (DI) to assess the degree of the user convenience. An AS optimization problem is formulated in terms of cost and DI. In the case study, various AS tasks are performed depending on the weights for cost and DI. The results show that user convenience has significant impacts on AS. The proposed methodology can contribute to induce more DR participation from R-users by reflecting properly user convenience to AS problem.

Optimal Energy Consumption Scheduling in Smart-Grid Considering Storage Appliance : A Game-Theoretic Approach (스마트 그리드에 있어서 저장 장치를 고려한 최적 에너지 소비 스케줄링 : 게임 이론적 접근)

  • Yeo, Sangmin;Lee, Deok-Joo;Kim, Taegu;Oh, Hyung-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.414-424
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    • 2015
  • In this research, we consider a smart grid network of electricity with multiple consumers connected to a monopolistic provider. Each consumer can be informed the real time price changes through the smart meter and updates his consumption schedule to minimize the energy consumption expenditures by which the required power demand should be satisfied under the given real time pricing scheme. This real-time decision making problem has been recently studied through game-theoretic approach. The present paper contributes to the existing literature by incorporating storage appliance into the set of available household appliances which has somewhat distinctive functions compared to other types of appliances and would be regarded to play a significant role in energy consumption scheduling for the future smart grid. We propose a game-theoretic algorithm which could draw the optimal energy consumption scheduling for each household appliances including storage. Results on simulation data showed that the storage contributed to increase the efficiency of energy consumption pattern in the viewpoint of not only individual consumer but also whole system.

Branch-and-Bound Based Heuristic Scheduling for the Single-Hoist and Multiple-Products Production System (단일 호이스트 생산시스템에서 다양한 주문을 처리하기 위한 분지한계 기반의 휴리스틱 일정계획)

  • Lee, Jungkoo;Kim, Jeongbae;Koh, Shiegheun
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2016
  • This paper deals with the single-hoist and multiple-products scheduling problem. Although a mixed integer linear programming model for the problem was developed earlier, a branch-and-bound based heuristic algorithm is proposed in this paper to solve the big-size problems in real situation. The algorithm is capable of handling problems incorporating different product types, jobs in the process, and tank capacities. Using a small example problem the procedure of the heuristic algorithm is explained. To assess the performance of the heuristic we generate a bigger example problem and compare the results of the algorithm proposed in this paper with the optimal solutions derived from the mathematical model of earlier research. The comparison shows that the heuristic has very good performance and the computation time is sufficiently short to use the algorithm in real situation.

Implementation of the Mobile Device Management for Updating the Cellphone Software (효과적인 단말 Software 업데이트를 위한 Mobile Device Management 기법)

  • Jee, Chang-Woo;Kim, Hyeong-Doo;Lee, Uk-Jae;Seo, Tae-Sam;Kim, Min-Seok
    • 한국정보통신설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.08a
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    • pp.371-375
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we have implemented the device management system to upgrade T-PAK software in mobile phone. The hybrid scheduling method and selective upgrade method are proposed. Hybrid scheduling method is based on distribution of delivery data in accordance with network traffic load and service priority from device management server to mobile phone. Selective upgrade method manages DSL classified by T-PAK software version to be upgrade using version management established in OMA DM SCOMO. Key mechanism of selective upgrade method is to only deliver DSL to be replaced to the mobile phone. We made an experiment on two methods using MS-700T terminals. The experimental result shows that the proposed method is faster than normal from delivery time standpoint.

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Challenges and Issues of Resource Allocation Techniques in Cloud Computing

  • Abid, Adnan;Manzoor, Muhammad Faraz;Farooq, Muhammad Shoaib;Farooq, Uzma;Hussain, Muzammil
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.2815-2839
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    • 2020
  • In a cloud computing paradigm, allocation of various virtualized ICT resources is a complex problem due to the presence of heterogeneous application (MapReduce, content delivery and networks web applications) workloads having contentious allocation requirements in terms of ICT resource capacities (resource utilization, execution time, response time, etc.). This task of resource allocation becomes more challenging due to finite available resources and increasing consumer demands. Therefore, many unique models and techniques have been proposed to allocate resources efficiently. However, there is no published research available in this domain that clearly address this research problem and provides research taxonomy for classification of resource allocation techniques including strategic, target resources, optimization, scheduling and power. Hence, the main aim of this paper is to identify open challenges faced by the cloud service provider related to allocation of resource such as servers, storage and networks in cloud computing. More than 70 articles, between year 2007 and 2020, related to resource allocation in cloud computing have been shortlisted through a structured mechanism and are reviewed under clearly defined objectives. Lastly, the evolution of research in resource allocation techniques has also been discussed along with salient future directions in this area.

The application of tact time at finish work for building construction - Focused on Office Building - (건축마감공사에서의 택트타임 설정을 통한 작업조정 프로세스 개발 - 오피스 건축물을 중심으로-)

  • Yoon, You-Sang;Suh, Sang-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.6 no.6 s.28
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2005
  • Poor usage of work-continuity for planning and management is one of the leading causes of decreased productivity in high-rise and complexity construction projects. For efficient finish work, tact scheduling method needs to be implemented according to tact time. But there are the studies about zoning of work area, daily construction information and tact planning and management, there are not the studies about tact time yet. The purpose of this study is to help implementation of tact scheduling by tact time and adjusted work-plan. The main contents of this study are as follow; (1)Tact time has been calculated as coordination of work-plan between a general contractor and specialties. (2)Project-plan can be without delay by tact time calculation method.

Hands-on Education Module for Modular Construction, 3D Design, and 4D Schedule

  • Kithas, Kyle A.;Choi, Jin Ouk
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.484-491
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    • 2022
  • A paradigm shift in teaching modular construction in higher education and K-12 is proposed as a means to increase the future adoption of the modular construction technique. To this effect, a new education module is presented to STEM educators. This education module is based on LEGOs and directed towards educators in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. The main objectives of the education module are to increase interest and knowledge of modular construction, acknowledge the benefits of using 3D design with 4D scheduling, and create a simulating hands-on educational opportunity. The education module is designed to allow participants to experience a hands-on simulation of modular construction and stick-built construction through building a LEGO project. Participants are challenged to find the advantages and disadvantages in both construction systems first-hand and record their findings. Results are presented from the preliminary testing of this education model on a group of construction management students at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Overall, the survey results showed that the LEGO education module was successful at achieving the project's three main objectives: 1) increasing the participants' interest and knowledge of modular construction through an interactive project; 2) increasing the participants' understanding of the benefits of 3D design with 4D scheduling over the use of 2D drawings; and 3) creating a simulating hands-on educational opportunity to help participants compare modular construction to stick-built construction. In the end, this proposed a new LEGO education module addressing the problems identified from this study with more participants.

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An Efficient Cell Scheduling Scheme for GFR Service in ATM Networks (ATM 망에서 GFR 서비스를 위한 효율적인 셀 스케쥴링 기법)

  • 곽현민;김남희
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.9C
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    • pp.853-860
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we proposed a new buffer management and cell scheduling scheme for GFR service in ATM networks. The proposed scheme is able to satisfy fairness criteria and efficient cell service in GFR. Performance analysis through the simulation presents that the proposed scheme can meet fairness 2(MCR plus equal share), which are not met by conventional scheduling mechanisms such as WRR. Also, the proposed scheme is superior to WRR about 29% in throughput and more efficency in fairness criteria.

Application of Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization to Bi-level Job-Shop Scheduling Problem

  • Kasemset, Chompoonoot
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2014
  • This study presents an application of adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO) to solving the bi-level job-shop scheduling problem (JSP). The test problem presented here is $10{\times}10$ JSP (ten jobs and ten machines) with tribottleneck machines formulated as a bi-level formulation. APSO is used to solve the test problem and the result is compared with the result solved by basic PSO. The results of the test problem show that the results from APSO are significantly different when compared with the result from basic PSO in terms of the upper level objective value and the iteration number in which the best solution is first identified, but there is no significant difference in the lower objective value. These results confirmed that the quality of solutions from APSO is better than the basic PSO. Moreover, APSO can be used directly on a new problem instance without the exercise to select parameters.

Batch Scheduling Problem with Multiple Due-dates Constraints

  • Mohri, Shintaro;Masuda, Teruo;Ishii, Hiroaki
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2011
  • This paper describes the issue of batch scheduling.In food production, the lead-time from produc-tion to sale should be decreased becausefreshness of the product is important. Products are shipped at diverse times depending on a demand of sellers, because the types of sellers has become diversified such as super-markets, convenience stores and etc. production of quantity demanded must be completed by time to ship it then. The authors consider a problem with due-dates constraints and construct the algorithm to find the opti-mal schedule that satisfy the due-dates constraint, batch size constraint, inventory time constraint and mini-mize total flow time.