• 제목/요약/키워드: saturation remanent magnetization

검색결과 28건 처리시간 0.023초

개선된 변류기 보상알고리즘을 적용한 모선보호용 비율전류차동 계전방식 (A Percentage Current Differential Relaying Algorithm for Bus Protection Using an Advanced Compensating Algorithm of the CTs)

  • 강용철;윤재성;강상희
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전력기술부문A
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    • 제52권3호
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    • pp.158-164
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a percentage current differential relaying algorithm for bus protection using an advanced compensating algorithm of the secondary current of current transformers (CTs). The compensating algorithm estimates the core flux at the start of the first saturation based on the value of the second-difference of the secondary current. Then, it calculates the core flux and compensates distorted currents using the magnetization curve. The algorithm Is unaffected by a remanent flux. The simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm can discriminate internal faults from external faults when the CT saturates. This paper concludes by implementing the algorithm into a TMS320C6701 digital signal processor. The results of hardware implementation are also satisfactory. The proposed algorithm can improve not only stability of the relay in the case of an external fault but sensitivity of the relay in the case of an internal fault.

자철석의 저온 자화특성 (Magnetic Properties of Magnetites at Low Temperatures)

  • 홍화빈;유용재
    • 한국광물학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2011
  • 지구의 암권에서 가장 중요한 자성광물은 자철석이다. 암석 내에 존재하는 자철석의 성분과 입자 크기에 관한 정보를 알아내는데 저온 자화특성을 이용하려 한다. 물리적 방법의 하나인 저온 자화특성 실험은 비파괴적이며 운석과 같이 연구 대상 시료의 수량이 제한된 경우 특히 유용하게 사용된다. 금번 연구에서는 세 종류의 합성 자철석 시료와 세 종류의 자철석 함유 암석 시료에 대해 저온포화잔류자화의 가열실험과 실온포화잔류자화의 냉각/가열 실험을 수행하였다. 실험 결과 저온포화잔류자화는 가열함에 따라 자철석의 버웨이변환온도(~105~120 K)를 지나며 급격히 감소한다. 자철석의 버웨이변환온도와 등방점(135 K)를 모두 거치는 실온포화잔류자화의 냉각과 가열 실험 결과에서는 저온포화잔류자화의 가열 실험 결과와 비교하였을 때 자화회복력이 뛰어나고, 자화상실이 상대적으로 완만히 진행된다. 저온포화잔류자화와 실온포화잔류자화 모두 자철석의 입자 크기가 증가할수록 소실되는 포화잔류자화의 비가 증가한다. 결국 저온포화잔류자화기억도와 실온포화잔류자화기억도 모두 자철석의 입자가 커질수록 감소한다. 따라서 저온 자화특성을 이용하면 암석 내 자철석 입자의 크기를 비파괴적인 방법으로 유추할 수 있다.

개선된 변류기 2차 전류 보상 알고리즘 (An Advanced Compensating Algorithm of the Secondary Current of CTs)

  • 강용철;임의재;윤재성
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2002년도 하계학술대회 논문집 A
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    • pp.213-215
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    • 2002
  • This paper proposes an advanced compensating algorithm of the secondary current of CTs. The exiting compensating algorithm for the current transformers calculates magnetic flux using the magnetization curve. In such a case, it is difficult to compensate for distorted secondary current when a remanent flux exists in a core at the beginning of the calculation. To make up for the drawback in the existing compensating algorithm, the algorithm detects the instant of saturation using difference of the secondary current and estimates flux at the instant of the beginning of the first saturation. After that, the algorithm calculates flux and compensates for distorted secondary current.

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AAO를 이용한 Ni 나노구조체의 자기적 특징 (Magnetic Properties of Ni Nanostructures Made by using Nanoporous Anodic Alumina)

  • 이성구;신상원;이재용;이종한;김태곤;송종한
    • 한국자기학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.105-108
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    • 2004
  • 나노크기의 기공을 갖는 AAO(Anodic Aluminum Oxide)를 이용하여 Si 기판 위에 열 증착 방식으로 Ni 나노구조체를 제작하였다. 제작된 나노구조체는 직경과 높이가 80nm정도로 거의 비슷한 원기둥 형태를 보였다. Ni 나노구조체의 자기적 특성은 광자기효과(Magneto-Optic Kerr effect)를 이용하여 측정하였고, 함께 성장시킨 박막(continuous film)과 비교하였다. 종횡비(aspect ratio)가 1 : 1 정도인 나노구조체의 자화용이축은 평면방향으로 자화용이축을 보이는 박막과는 달리 수직자기이방성을 보여주었으며, 수직 및 수평방향으로 자기장을 가하면서 얻은 자기이력곡선(hysteresis loop)으로부터 나노구조체의 포화자기장(saturation field)과 보자력(coercivity)이 박막과는 많은 차이를 보였다. 박막에서 거의 무시할 만한 값을 갖는 수직방향의 자기이력곡선에서 측정된 잔류자화(remanent magnetization) 나노구조체에서는 0.3으로 크게 증가했다.

저온변환에 따른 적철석의 자화안정도 (Magnetic Stability of Hematite on Low-temperature Magnetic Phase Transition)

  • 장수진;유용재
    • 한국광물학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2013
  • 지난 10여 년간 미항공우주국 주도로 진행된 화성탐사 연구는 화성 암권의 주요 자성광물임을 적철석으로 판명하였다. 금번 연구에서는 적철석의 열잔류자화와 저온 실온포화잔류자를 이용하여 화성 암권에 존재하는 적철석의 자화안정도 검증을 시도하였다. 적철석의 실온포화잔류자화는 모린변환온도인 260 K를 기점으로 급격히 감소한다. 10 K까지 냉각시킨 적철석 시료를 가열하면 260~265 K에서 자화회복이 발생하며, 잔류자화기억도는 37%이다. 실제 화성지표의 일교차는 모린변환온도를 포함하므로, 화성 지표에서 적철석을 함유하는 암체의 자화는 모린변환에 의한 자화안정도가 고려되어야 한다. 지표용암의 고결과 동시에 생성되는 열잔류자화의 강도는 50 ${\mu}m$ 이하 크기에서 적철석 입자반경에 비례하며 증가한다. 화성의 온도구배가 관측된 적은 없지만, 지구의 온도구배를 기준으로 유추하면 대략 1.5 km 이하의 화성 암권은 모린변환온도와 무관하게 적철석의 자화보유가 상시 가능하다. 따라서 행성의 진화가 멈춰진 대략 40억 년 이전에 존재하던 내부기원의 화성자기장 기록이 화성의 암권에 현재까지 보전되어 화성 암권의 자기이상을 유지해온 것으로 해석된다.

유기금속 전구체로부터 초미립 $Fe_2O_3$ 분말의 저온 합성 (Low-Temperature Preparation of Ultrafine Fe2O3 Powder from Organometallic Precursors)

  • 김정수;김익범;강한철;홍양기
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제29권12호
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    • pp.942-948
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    • 1992
  • Ultrafine iron oxide powder, {{{{ gamma }}-Fe2O3 and $\alpha$-Fe2O3, were prepared by the thermal decomposition of organometallic compounds. The formation process of powder includes the thermal decomposition and oxidation of the organometallic precursors, Fe(N2H3COO)2(N2H4)2 (A) and N2H5Fe(N2H3COO)3.H2O (B). The organometallic precursors, A and B, were synthesized by the reaction of ferrous ion with hydrazinocarboxylic acid, and characterized by quantitative analysis and infrared spectroscopy. The mechanistic study for the thermal decomposition was performed by DAT-TG. The iron oxide powder was obtained by the heat treatment of the precursors at 20$0^{\circ}C$ and $600^{\circ}C$ for half an hour in air. The phases of the resulting product were proved {{{{ gamma }}-Fe2O3 and $\alpha$-Fe2O3 respectively. The particle shape was equiaxial and the particle size was less than 0.1 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. Magnetic properties of the {{{{ gamma }}-Fe2O3 powder obtained from A and B was 234 Oe of coercivity, 64.26 emu/g of saturation magnetization, 23.59 emu/g of remanent magnetization and 24.1 Oe, 47.27 emu/g, 3.118 emu/g respectively. The value of $\alpha$-Fe2O3 powder was 1.494 Oe, 0.4862 emu/g, 0.1832 emu/g and 1,276 Oe, 0.4854 emu/g, 0.1856 emu/g respectively.

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Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal-implanted ZnO Nanotips Grown on Sapphire and Quartz

  • Raley, Jeremy A.;Yeo, Yung-Kee;Hengehold, Robert L.;Ryu, Mee-Yi;Lu, Yicheng;Wu, Pan
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2008
  • ZnO nanotips, grown on c-$Al_2O_3$ and quartz, were implanted variously with 200 keV Fe or Mn ions to a dose level of $5{\times}10^{16}cm^{-2}$. The magnetic properties of these samples were measured using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. Fe-implanted ZnO nanotips grown on c-$Al_2O_3$ showed a coercive field width of 209 Oe and a remanent field of 12% of the saturation magnetization ($2.3{\times}10^{-5}emu$) at 300K for a sample annealed at $700^{\circ}C$ for 20 minutes. The field-cooled and the zero-field-cooled magnetization measurements also showed evidence of ferromagnetism in this sample with an estimated Curie temperature of around 350 K. The Mn-implanted ZnO nanotips grown on c-$Al_2O_3$ showed superparamagnetism resulting from the dominance of a spin-glass phase. The ZnO nanotips grown on quartz and implanted with Fe or Mn showed signs of ferromagnetism, but neither was consistent.

Use of copper tungsten oxide as a liquid phase sintering aid for barium hexaferrite

  • Fisher, John G.;Le, Phan Gia;Meng, Meng;Heo, Sang-Hyeon;Bak, Tae-Jin;Moon, Byeol-Lee;Park, In-San;Lee, Dong-Kyu;Lee, Wu-Hui
    • Journal of Ceramic Processing Research
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.434-438
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    • 2018
  • The sintering behavior of $BaFe_{12}O_{19}$ with the addition of one and three weight % of $CuWO_4$ as a liquid phase sintering aid is studied. Samples are sintered in the temperature range $900-1250^{\circ}C$ and the effect of $CuWO_4$ addition on density, microstructure, phase composition and magnetic properties is examined. Compared to $BaFe_{12}O_{19}$ with no sintering aid addition, addition of 1 wt % $CuWO_4$ retards densification. Addition of 3 wt % $CuWO_4$ promotes densification at lower sintering temperatures but retards densification at temperatures > $1050^{\circ}C$. Three wt % $CuWO_4$ addition induces the formation of $BaWO_4$ and $Ba_3WFe_2O_9$ secondary phases at temperatures ${\geq}1100^{\circ}C$. Addition of $CuWO_4$ causes a decrease in saturation magnetization, remanent magnetization and coercivity.

잔류자속에 무관한 보상 알고리즘을 적용한 모선보호용 전류차동 계전방식 (A Percentage Current Differential Relay for Bus Protection Using a Compensation Algorithm Unaffected by a Remanent Flux)

  • 강용철;윤재성;임의재
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2003년도 하계학술대회 논문집 A
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    • pp.308-310
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a percentage current differential relaying algorithm for bus protection with a compensation algorithm of a CT. The compensating algorithm estimates the core flux at the start of the first saturation based on the value of the third-difference of the secondary current. It calculates the core flux and compensates distorted currents in accordance with the magnetization curve. The test results indicate that the algorithm can discriminate internal faults from external faults when the CT saturates. It can improve not only stability of the relay in the case of an external fault but sensitivity of the relay in the case of an internal fault.

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Estimation of Delta Winding Current and Its Application to a Compensated-Current-Differential Relay for a Y-Δ Transformer

  • Kang, Yong-Cheol;Lee, Byung-Eun;Jin, En-Shu
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2010
  • The compensated-current-differential relay uses the same restraining current as a conventional relay, but the differential current is modified to compensate for the effects of the exciting current. Delta winding current is necessary to obtain the modified differential current for a $Y-\Delta$ transformer. This paper describes an estimation algorithm of the delta winding current and its application to a compensated-current-differential relay for a $Y-\Delta$ transformer. Prior to saturation, the core-loss current is calculated and used to modify the differential current. When the core first enters saturation, the initial value of the core flux is obtained by inserting the modified differential current into the magnetization curve. This flux value is used to derive the magnetizing current and consequently the modified differential current. The operating performance of the proposed relay was compared against a conventional current differential relay with harmonic blocking. Test results indicate that the proposed relay remained stable during severe magnetic inrush and over-excitation, and its operating time is significantly faster than a conventional relay. The relay is unaffected by the level of remanent flux and does not require an additional restraining or blocking signal to maintain stability. This paper concludes by implementing the proposed algorithm into a prototype relay based on a digital signal processor.