• 제목/요약/키워드: satellite images

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Intertidal DEM Generation Using Satellite Radar Interferometry (인공위성 레이더 간섭기술을 이용한 조간대 지형도 작성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Won;Choi, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2012
  • High resolution intertidal DEM is a basic material for science research like sedimentation/erosion by ocean current, and is invaluable in a monitoring of environmental changes and practical management of coastal wetland. Since the intertidal zone changes rapidly by the inflow of fluvial debris and tide condition, remote sensing is an effective tool for observing large areas in short time. Although radar interferometry is one of the well-known techniques for generating high resolution DEM, conventional repeat-pass interferometry has difficulty on acquiring enough coherence over tidal flat due to the limited exposure time and the rapid changes in surface condition. In order to overcome these constraints, we tested the feasibility of radar interferometry using Cosmo-SkyMed tandem-like one-day data and ERS-ENVISAT cross tandem data with very short revisit period compared to the conventional repeat pass data. Small temporal baseline combined with long perpendicular baseline allowed high coherence over most of the exposed tidal flat surface in both observations. However the interferometric phases acquired from Cosmo-SkyMed data suffer from atmospheric delay and changes in soil moisture contents. The ERS-ENVISAT pair, on the other hand, provides nice phase which agree well with the real topography, because the atmospheric effect in 30-minute gap is almost same to both images so that they are cancelled out in the interferometric process. Thus, the cross interferometry with very small temporal baseline and large perpendicular baseline is one of the most reliable solutions for the intertidal DEM construction which requires very accurate mapping of the elevation.

Grounding Line of Campbell Glacier in Ross Sea Derived from High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model (고해상도 DEM을 활용한 로스해 Campbell 빙하의 지반접지선 추정)

  • Kim, Seung Hee;Kim, Duk-jin;Kim, Hyun-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.545-552
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    • 2018
  • Grounding line is used as evidence of the mass balance showing the vulnerability of Antarctic glaciers and ice shelves. In this research, we utilized a high resolution digital elevation model of glacier surface derived by recently launched satellites to estimate the position of grounding line of Campbell Glacier in East Antarctica. TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X data in single-pass interferometry mode were acquired on June 21, 2013 and September 10, 2016 and CryoSat-2 radar altimeter data were acquired within 15 days from the acquisition date of TanDEM-X. The datasets were combined to generate a high resolution digital elevation model which was used to estimate the grounding line position. During the 3 years of observation, there weren't any significant changes in grounding line position. Since the average density of ice used in estimating grounding line is not accurately known, the variations of the grounding line was analyzed with respect to the density of ice. There was a spatial difference from the grounding line estimated by DDInSAR whereas the estimated grounding line using the characteristics of the surface of the optical satellite images agreed well when the ice column density was about $880kg/m^3$. Although the reliability of the results depends on the vertical accuracy of the bathymetry in this study, the hydrostatic ice thickness has greater influence on the grounding line estimation.

Sounding Observation with Wind Profiler and Radiometer of the Yeongdong Thundersnow on 20 January 2017 (2017년 1월 20일 영동 뇌설 사례에 대한 연직바람관측장비와 라디오미터 관측 자료의 분석)

  • Kwon, Ju-Hyeong;Kwon, Tae-Yong;Kim, Byung-Gon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.465-480
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    • 2018
  • On 20 January 2017, the fresh snow cover which is more than 20 cm, accompaning with lightning occurred over Yeongdong coastal region for the first 3-hour of the heavy snowfall event. This study analyzed sounding observations in the heavy snow period which were including the measurements of wind profiler, radiometer and rawinsonde. The features examined from the vertical wind and temperature data at the two adjacent stations, Bukgangneung and Gangneung-Wonju National University, are summarized as follows: 1) The strong (30-40 kts) north-east winds were observed in the level from 2 to 6 km. The Strong atmospheric instability was found from 4 to 6 km, in which the lapse rate of temperature was about $-18^{\circ}C\;km^{-1}$. These features indicate that the deep convective cloud develops up to the height of 6 km in the heavy snowfall period, which is shown in the satellite infrared images. 2) The cooling was observed in the level below 1 km. At this time, the surface air temperature at Bukgangneung station decreased by $4^{\circ}C$. The narrow cooling zone estimated from AWS and buoy data was located in east-west direction. These are the features observed in the cold front of extratropical cyclone. The distributions of radar echo and lightning also show the same shape in east-west direction. Therefore, the results indicate that the Yeongdong thundersnow event was the combined precipitation system of deep convective cloud and cold frontal precipitation.

A Study of CNN-based Super-Resolution Method for Remote Sensing Image (원격 탐사 영상을 활용한 CNN 기반의 초해상화 기법 연구)

  • Choi, Yeonju;Kim, Minsik;Kim, Yongwoo;Han, Sanghyuck
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2020
  • Super-resolution is a technique used to reconstruct an image with low-resolution into that of high-resolution. Recently, deep-learning based super resolution has become the mainstream, and applications of these methods are widely used in the remote sensing field. In this paper, we propose a super-resolution method based on the deep back-projection network model to improve the satellite image resolution by the factor of four. In the process, we customized the loss function with the edge loss to result in a more detailed feature of the boundary of each object and to improve the stability of the model training using generative adversarial network based on Wasserstein distance loss. Also, we have applied the detail preserving image down-scaling method to enhance the naturalness of the training output. Finally, by including the modified-residual learning with a panchromatic feature in the final step of the training process. Our proposed method is able to reconstruct fine features and high frequency information. Comparing the results of our method with that of the others, we propose that the super-resolution method improves the sharpness and the clarity of WorldView-3 and KOMPSAT-2 images.


  • Wu, Mu-Lin;Wang, Yu-Ming;Wong, Deng-Ching;Chiou, Fu-Shen
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.551-554
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    • 2006
  • House management is very important in water resource protection in order to provide sustainable drinking water for about four millions population in northern Taiwan. House management can be a simple job that can be done without any ingredient of remote sensing or geographic information systems. Remote sensing and GIS integration for house management can provide more efficient management prescription when land use enforcement, soil and water conservation, sewage management, garbage collection, and reforestation have to be managed simultaneously. The objective of this paper was to integrate remote sensing and GIS to manage houses in a water resource protection district. More than four thousand houses have been surveyed and created as a house data base. Site map of every single house and very detail information consisting of address, ownership, date of creation, building materials, acreages floor by floor, parcel information, and types of house condition. Some houses have their photos in different directions. One house has its own card consists these information and these attributes were created into a house data base. Site maps of all houses were created with the same coordinates system as parcel maps, topographic maps, sewage maps, and city planning maps. Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET have been implemented to develop computer programs for house information inquiry and maps overlay among house maps and other GIS map layers. Remote sensing techniques have been implemented to generate the background information of a single house in the past 15 years. Digital orthophoto maps at a scale of 1:5000 overlay with house site maps are very useful in determination of a house was there or not for a given year. Satellite images if their resolutions good enough are also very useful in this type of daily government operations. The developed house management systems can work with commercial GIS software such as ArcView and ArcPad. Remote sensing provided image information of a single house whether it was there or not in a given year. GIS provided overlay and inquiry functions to automatically extract attributes of a given house by ownership, address, and so on when certain house management prescriptions have to be made by government agency. File format is the key component that makes remote sensing and GIS integration smoothly. The developed house management systems are user friendly and can be modified to meet needs encountered in a single task of a government technician.

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Microwave Radiation Characteristics of Glacial Ice in the AMSR-E NASA Team2 Algorithm (AMSR-E NASA Team2 알고리즘에서 빙하빙의 마이크로파 복사특성)

  • Han, Hyang-Sun;Lee, Hoon-Yol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.543-553
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    • 2011
  • Sea ice concentration calculated from the AMSR-E onboard Aqua satellite by using NASA Team2 sea ice algorithm has proven to be very accurate over sea ice in Antarctic Ocean. When glacial ice such as icebergs and ice shelves are dominant in an AMSR-E footprint, the accuracy of the ice concentration calculated from NASA Team2 algorithm is not well maintained due to the different microwave characteristics of the glacial ice from sea ice. We extracted the concentrations of sea ice and glacial ice from two ENVISAT ASAR images of George V coast in southern Antarctica, and compared them with NASA Team2 sea ice concentration. The result showed that the NASA Team2 algorithm underestimates the concentration of glacial ice. To interpret the large deviation of estimation over glacial ice, we analyzed the characteristics of microwave radiation of the glacial ice in PR(polarization ratio), GR(spectral gradient ratio), $PR_R$(rotated PR), and ${\Delta}GR$ domain. We found that glacial ice occupies a unique region in the PR, GR, $PR_R$, and ${\Delta}GR$ domain different from other types of ice such as ice type A, B, and C, and open water. This implies that glacial ice can be added as a new category of ice to the AMSR-E NASA Team2 sea ice algorithm.

Agricultural drought monitoring using the satellite-based vegetation index (위성기반의 식생지수를 활용한 농업적 가뭄감시)

  • Baek, Seul-Gi;Jang, Ho-Won;Kim, Jong-Suk;Lee, Joo-Heon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a quantitative assessment was carried out in order to identify the agricultural drought in time and space using the Terra MODIS remote sensing data for the agricultural drought. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) were selected by MOD13A3 image which shows the changes in vegetation conditions. The land cover classification was made to show only vegetation excluding water and urbanized areas in order to collect the land information efficiently by Type1 of MCD12Q1 images. NDVI and EVI index calculated using land cover classification indicates the strong seasonal tendency. Therefore, standardized Vegetation Stress Index Anomaly (VSIA) of EVI were used to estimated the medium-scale regions in Korea during the extreme drought year 2001. In addition, the agricultural drought damages were investigated in the country's past, and it was calculated based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using the data of the ground stations. The VSIA were compared with SPI based on historical drought in Korea and application for drought assessment was made by temporal and spatial correlation analysis to diagnose the properties of agricultural droughts in Korea.

A study on the realtime renewal and update of digital map using general survey (일반측량 성과도를 활용한수치지도의 실시간 수정갱신 체계화 연구)

  • Lee Sang-Gil;Kwon Jay-Hyoun;Yang Hyo-Jin;Cho Seong-Kil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2006
  • 현재 국가지리정보유통망을 통해 유통되고 있는 수치지도(Digital map)는 대부분 항공 측량사진(Air survey Photographs)이나 위성영상(Satellite images)을 통해 취득된 토지 피복의 형상을 기반으로 제작된 지도들이다. 정사사진으로부터 취득된 지형정보를 기호화, 단순화한 수치지도는 실제 사물의 형태와 많은 차이가 있어 지형과 시설물의 변이를 사실대로 반영하지 못한다. 특히 최근 들어 지하시설물이나 건축기술의 발달로 층별 구조가 다양해진 건축물의 형태 등은 정사사진으로는 식별이 불가능하고 건물의 경우 지붕의 형태로 묘사되는 등 표현에 한계가 있다. 도심지역을 대상으로 제작된 1/1,000수치지형도나 일부 지자체나 공공기관 등에서 제작된 $1/500{\sim}1/2,500$ 수치지형도는 상세한 지형정보를 포함하고 있는 높은 정밀도의 수치지도이지만, 도시지역의 변이가 빠르게 일어나고 있기 때문에 자료 신뢰성과 최신성을 유지하는데 한계가 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 현지조사나 측량에 의존하고 있는 정사사진으로부터 취득이 불가능한 지형자료의 취득이나 수년단위인 갱신주기의 한계를 극복하고 실시간으로 수치지도를 수정갱신 할 수 있는 대안으로 일반측량성과도의 활용방안을 제시하고자 한다. 일반측량업에서 생산되는 일반측량성과도는 임시 도근점에 의해 측량을 실시하고 지적경계점과 현황기지점을 도해법에 의해 지적도와 중첩시켜 제작한 측량도로서, 일반측량 성과도에 절대좌표체계를 부여하고 수치지도와 매칭 기법을 제시함으로서 경제적이고 신속한 실시간 수치지도 수정갱신체계를 확립할 수 있고, 자료의 공유함으로써 중복측량을 방지할 수 있다.보 등)를 활용, 구축된다. 교통분석용 네트워크는 구축시점에 따라 현재 및 장래 네트워크로 구분되며 장래 네트워크는 기준년도부터 2031년까지 5년 단위로 계획된 장래도로를 반영하여 구축된다. 교통주제도 및 교통분석용 네트워크는 국가교통DB구축사업을 통해 구축된 자료로서 교통체계효율화법 제9조의4에 따라 공공기관이 교통정책 및 계획수립 등에 활용할 수 있도록 제공하고 있다. 건설교통부의 승인절차를 거쳐 제공하며 활용 후에는 갱신자료 및 활용결과를 통보하는 과정을 거치도록 되어있다. 교통주제도는 국가의 교통정책결정과 관련분야의 기초자료로서 다양하게 활용되고 있으며, 특히 ITS 노드/링크 기본지도로 활용되는 등 교통 분야의 중요한 지리정보로서 구축되고 있다..20{\pm}0.37L$, 72시간에 $1.33{\pm}0.33L$로 유의한 차이를 보였으므로(F=6.153, P=0.004), 술 후 폐환기능 회복에 효과가 있다. 4) 실험군과 대조군의 수술 후 노력성 폐활량은 수술 후 72시간에서 실험군이 $1.90{\pm}0.61L$, 대조군이 $1.51{\pm}0.38L$로 유의한 차이를 보였다(t=2.620, P=0.013). 5) 실험군과 대조군의 수술 후 일초 노력성 호기량은 수술 후 24시간에서 $1.33{\pm}0.56L,\;1.00{\ge}0.28L$로 유의한 차이를 보였고(t=2.530, P=0.017), 술 후 72시간에서 $1.72{\pm}0.65L,\;1.33{\pm}0.3L$로 유의한 차이를 보였다(t=2.540, P=0.016). 6) 대상자의

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Implementation of Real Time P2P Framework for Spatial Data Sharing between Mobile Devices using SIP (모바일 기기 간의 SIP기반 실시간 공간정보 공유 프레임워크 구현)

  • Park, Key-Ho;Jung, Jae-Gon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2008
  • Mobile Collaboration is an enabling technology that makes users share information between mobile devices and various Mobile P2P platforms have been designed and implemented for it. There are, however, few research papers on application of SIP protocol to spatial data sharing on mobile devices. In this paper, SIP based real time sharing framework is proposed to compose a mobile P2P platform on which spatial data can be trans(erred. A new protocol based on WKT and WKB is defined to send and receive spatial objects with SIP MESSAGE method. Base maps such as digital maps and parcel maps can be provided by a map server that is integrated with SIP server after a new SIP session established and client agents are registered. The framework proposed based onSIP enables users to transfer spatial data such as maps and satellite images directly between mobile devices during VoIP based voice call and therefore, mobile applications can be applied in various domains such asforest management and national defense.

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Biotope Mapping and Evaluation in Gangseo-Gu of Busan Metropolitan City (부산광역시 강서구의 비오톱 지도작성 및 평가)

  • Choi, Song-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.92-106
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to identify land use types and to develop and evaluate biotope maps for Gangseo-Gu (ward) in Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, using the Degree of Hemeroby. Hemeroby is a measurement concept or tool to assess the magnitude of human impact on ecosystems. Gangseo-Gu is the second largest Gu in Busan and is under strong development pressure. Before the field survey, biotopes were pre-classified based on digital maps, aerial photos and high-resolution satellite images. The method employed in biotope survey and mapping was adopted from the modified method used in Seoul, which carried out the first biotope mapping in Korea in 2000. In the field survey, a comprehensive biotope mapping method was used. The results showed that the total surface area of biotopes in Gangseo-gu was $172,620,207m^2$(42,655 acres) and there were 29 biotope types with 13,631 polygons. The ratio of urban or built-up area 22.6% and the remaining areas were forest and open spaces, of which 22.6% were actual forest areas and 35.6% were paddy fields and other field areas. The Hemeroby Index of Gangseo-gu was 54.7, which suggests that Gangseo-gu has not yet been developed extensively and needs a long-term conservation and coordinated development plan.

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