• Title/Summary/Keyword: salted-dried flathead

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The Characteristics of Sensory Evaluation by Various Cooking Methods of Salted-Dried Flathead (염건양태의 조리방법에 따른 관능적 특성(I))

  • 신애숙;이현덕;김경자
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.512-523
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    • 1999
  • A purpose of this study was to figure out the best cooking conditions of salted-dried fish by a sensory evaluation on cooked salted-dried flathead. Cooking of the salted-dried fish is traditional and popular in Korea, and salted-dried flathead is a favorite with southern Korea. The raw material for the examination were a raw flathead and 3 degrees salted(2%, 4%, 6%)-dried flathead which added 3 kinds cooking treatment (steaming, boiling, baking) within three different times(5, 10 and 15 min.) respectively. The category scaled descriptive test and response surface methodology were applied for the evaluation, and the results of the evaluation were analyzed by SAS program. The result of the study were as follows : 1. For the steaming cooking, scale at 6% salt concentration and 5 minutes cooking time were the best conditions of the salted-dried flathead cooking. 2. For the boiling, 6% salt concentration and 10 minutes cooking time were the best conditions. 3. For the baking, 6% salt concentration and 10 minutes cooking time were the best conditions. 4. The baking group got higher estimations on the items of browning, cooked condition and meaty aroma than steaming and boiling group on Duncan's multiple range test. According to the result of the Duncan's test, baking is better cooking way for the salted-dried flathead.

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The Changes in Fatty Acids and Free Amino Acids of Raw and Salted-dried Flathead by Various Cooking Methods (생양태와 염건양태의 조리과정 중 지방산과 유리아미노산의 변화)

  • 신애숙;김우성;김경자
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 1998
  • The changes in fatty acids and free amino acids of raw and salted-dried flatheads were determined during steaming, boiling and baking process. 1. Raw flathead was composed of 74.9% of moisture, 1.9% of ash, 0.9% of crude lipid, and 21.6% of crude protein. 2. The main fatty acids of raw and salted-dried flathead were palmitic acid (21.5%) and lignoceric acid (52.4%) which covered 73.9% of total fatty acid. The fatty acid contents of raw and salted-dried flathead were higher in the steaming than in the boiling and baking. 3. The main free amino acids of .aw and salted-dried flathead were aspartic acid (12.2%), glutamic acid(14.8%), leuicine (8.4%), Iysine (9.8%) and arginine (6.8%), which covered 52% of total free amino acids. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in the contents of free amino acids between raw and salted-dried flatheads as well as among steaming, boiling and baking processes.

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The Characteristics of Sensory Evaluation by various Cooking Methods of Salted-Dried Flathead (II) (염건양태의 조리방법에 따른 관능적 특성(II))

  • 신애숙;이현덕;김경자
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.521-529
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the best cooking condition for salted-dried flathead by sensory evaluation. Raw flathead and 3 different kinds of salted(2%, 4%, 6%)-dried flathead were cooked by various methods such as steaming, boiling, baking and different cooking times(5, 10, and 15min). The results of this study were as follows: 1. In steamed samples, the meaty flavor was significantly related with brown color, cooled level, and softness at 5% level. 2. In boiled samples, meaty flavor was significantly related with cooked level, moistness, and fishy odor at 5% level. 3. For broiled samples, meaty flavor was significantly related with fishy odor, meaty aroma, and bitter taste at 1% level. 4. The best cooking conditions determined by a quantitative descriptive analysis(QDA) were steaming 6% salted-dried samples for 5min, and boiling or broiling 6% salted-dried samples for 10min. The most favored cooking method was broiling. 5. In comparison of the samples by QDA, 2% salted-dried samples cooked 15 min gave better scores in the order of boiled > overall score > steamed > broiled, 4% samples cooked 5min were boiled > steamed > overall score > broiled, and 6% samples showed similar scores among all conditions. The 6% samples cooked for 5min gave high scores in 7 terms of QDA in steaming, and 6% samples cooked for 10min for boiled and baked.

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