• Title/Summary/Keyword: rural spatial planning

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Semantic Segmentation of Hazardous Facilities in Rural Area Using U-Net from KOMPSAT Ortho Mosaic Imagery (KOMPSAT 정사모자이크 영상으로부터 U-Net 모델을 활용한 농촌위해시설 분류)

  • Sung-Hyun Gong;Hyung-Sup Jung;Moung-Jin Lee;Kwang-Jae Lee;Kwan-Young Oh;Jae-Young Chang
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_3
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    • pp.1693-1705
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    • 2023
  • Rural areas, which account for about 90% of the country's land area, are increasing in importance and value as a space that performs various public functions. However, facilities that adversely affect residents' lives, such as livestock facilities, factories, and solar panels, are being built indiscriminately near residential areas, damaging the rural environment and landscape and lowering the quality of residents' lives. In order to prevent disorderly development in rural areas and manage rural space in a planned manner, detection and monitoring of hazardous facilities in rural areas is necessary. Data can be acquired through satellite imagery, which can be acquired periodically and provide information on the entire region. Effective detection is possible by utilizing image-based deep learning techniques using convolutional neural networks. Therefore, U-Net model, which shows high performance in semantic segmentation, was used to classify potentially hazardous facilities in rural areas. In this study, KOMPSAT ortho-mosaic optical imagery provided by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute in 2020 with a spatial resolution of 0.7 meters was used, and AI training data for livestock facilities, factories, and solar panels were produced by hand for training and inference. After training with U-Net, pixel accuracy of 0.9739 and mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) of 0.7025 were achieved. The results of this study can be used for monitoring hazardous facilities in rural areas and are expected to be used as basis for rural planning.

A Gap Analysis Using Spatial Data and Social Media Big Data Analysis Results of Island Tourism Resources for Sustainable Resource Management (지속가능한 자원관리를 위한 섬 지역 관광자원의 공간정보와 소셜미디어 빅데이터 분석 결과를 활용한 격차분석)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Lee, Ju-Kyung;Son, Yong-Hoon;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2024
  • This study conducts an analysis of social media big data pertaining to island tourism resources, aiming to discern the diverse forms and categories of island tourism favored by consumers, ascertain predominant resources, and facilitate objective decision-making grounded in scientific methodologies. To achieve this objective, an examination of blog posts published on Naver from 2022 to 2023 was undertaken, utilizing keywords such as 'Island tourism', 'Island travel', and 'Island backpacking' as focal points for analysis. Text mining techniques were applied to sift through the data. Among the resources identified, the port emerged as a significant asset, serving as a pivotal conduit linking the island and mainland and holding substantial importance as a focal point and resource for tourist access to the island. Furthermore, an analysis of the disparity between existing island tourism resources and those acknowledged by tourists who actively engage with and appreciate island destinations led to the identification of 186 newly emerging resources. These nascent resources predominantly clustered within five regions: Incheon Metropolitan City, Tongyeong/Geoje City, Jeju Island, Ulleung-gun, and Shinan-gun. A scrutiny of these resources, categorized according to the tourism resource classification system, revealed a notable presence of new resources, chiefly in the domains of 'rural landscape', 'tourist resort/training facility', 'transportation facility', and 'natural resource'. Notably, many of these emerging resources were previously overlooked in official management targets or resource inventories pertaining to existing island tourism resources. Noteworthy examples include ports, beaches, and mountains, which, despite constituting a substantial proportion of the newly identified tourist resources, were not accorded prominence in spatial information datasets. This study holds significance in its ability to unearth novel tourism resources recognized by island tourism consumers through a gap analysis approach that juxtaposes the existing status of island tourism resource data with techniques utilizing social media big data. Furthermore, the methodology delineated in this research offers a valuable framework for domestic local governments to gauge local tourism demand and embark on initiatives for tourism development or regional revitalization.

Pattern and process in MAEUL, a traditional Korean rural landscape

  • Kim, Jae-Eun;Hong, Sun-Kee
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.237-249
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    • 2011
  • Land-use changes due to the socio-economic environment influence landscape patterns and processes, which affect habitats and biodiversity. This study considers the effects of such land-use changes, particularly on the traditional rural "Maeul" forested landscape, by analyzing landscape structure and vegetation changes. Three study areas were examined that have seen their populations decrease and age over the last few decades. Five types of plant life-forms (Raunkier life-forms) were distinguished to investigate ecosystem function. Principle component analysis was used to understand vegetation dynamics and community characteristics based on a vegetation similarity index. Ordination analysis transformed species-coverage data was introduced to clarify vegetation dynamics. Landscape indices, such as area metrics, edge metrics, and shape metrics, showed that spatial heterogeneity has increased over time in all areas. Pinus densiflora was the main land-use plant type in all study areas but decreased over time, whereas Quercus spp. increased. Over a decade, P. densiflora communities shifted to deciduous oak and plantation. These findings indicate that the impact of human activities on the Maeul landscape is twofold. While forestry activities caused heavy disturbances, the abandonment of traditional human activities has led to natural succession. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the type and intensity of these human impacts on landscape heterogeneity relate differently to vegetation succession. This reflects the cause and consequence of patch dynamics. We discuss an approach for sustainable landscape planning and management of the Maeul landscape based on traditional management.

A Study on the Architectural Characteristics of the Eucharistic Adoration of the Catholic Churches in Rural Areas - Analysis of Architectural Elements of Eucharistic Adoration in Catholic Church in Gwangju and Jeonnam - (농어촌지역 성당 내 성체조배실의 건축적 특성에 관한 연구 - 광주·전남지역 천주교성당의 성체조배실을 중심으로 건축 요소 분석 -)

  • Kang, Hyung-Ju;Shin, Woong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2021
  • Religious architecture in the Gwangju and Jeonam regions played the role of local culture, and in particular, cathedral architecture maintains a consistent religious context and seeks to integrate with the local community. This study is to investigate and analyze the overall data to find out the characteristics and meaning of the Eucharistic adoration, which played a central role in the religious aspect and the space in the cathedral, and used it as basic data for the study of local cathedral architecture. The Eucharistic adoration was activated starting from the time when the Eucharist storage room was placed in the Middle Ages, and in 1979, when Pope John Paul II published a letter, and Bishop Na Gilmo of Incheon introduced the Eucharist, the Eucharistic adoration movement was activated in parishes across the country. However, regarding the Eucharistic adoration, a way to use its spatial meaning and religious use is still unknown, even to its believers. The Eucharistic adoration of the cathedral contains the main spiritual function of managing faith rather than the functions of mission, fellowship, and office work. An approach which composes the liturgical spaces in various architectural planning methods is necessary, but the fundamental and religious meaning must not be abandoned.

Analysis of changes in the risk of extinction in Haengjeong-ri unit villages using the local extinction index - A case study on Chungcheongnam-do - (지방소멸지수를 이용한 행정리 마을 소멸위험 변화 분석 - 충청남도를 대상으로 -)

  • Yun, Jeong-mi;Cho, Young-jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze and diagnose the actual state of extinction risk in rural villages by analyzing time series population characteristics and extinction risk index of rural villages(Haengjeong-ri). As a research method, a time series analysis was performed on the 'population over 65' and the 'female population aged 20 to 39' related to the local extinction index. In addition, the disappearance of Haengjeong-ri village was analyzed using the existing local extinction index. For the study, Haengjeong-ri village-level GIS spatial data was constructed, and population attribute data in 2010, 2015, and 2020 were constructed. In order to derive implications, the change of the 'high risk of extinction 'village in the 2020 local extinction index, the distribution of the population of 'high risk of extinction' villages by three years, the population analysis of 'high risk of extinction' villages continuously from 2010 to 2020, and 'high risk of extinction' An analysis of the increase and decrease of the population of the village and the change of the local extinction index of Haengjeong-ri, where the city, county, and towns are located were analyzed. As a result of the analysis of this study, it was found that the number of villages with an aging of more than 50% increased by 2 to 3 times over 10 years. As a result of the analysis of the local extinction index, in 2010, the southwestern and central regions of South Chungcheongnam-do were high-risk extinction areas, but in 2020, all cities except Cheonan and Asan were converted to high risk extinction areas. Research has shown that Chungnam is facing a serious aging and village extinction crisis, and since the disappearance of villages gradually spreads, an initial response policy is needed. This result will be the same not only in Chungcheongnam-do but also in other rural villages. Therefore, in the case of rural villages, it is necessary to analyze and diagnose the Haengjeong-ri village unit, not the Eup-Myeon unit, and a response policy through diagnosis must be prepared urgently.

Accuracy Assessment of Reservoir Depth Measurement Data by Unmanned Boat using GIS (GIS를 이용한 무인보트의 저수지 수심측정자료 정확도 평가)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2024
  • This study developed the procedure and method for the accuracy assessment of unmanned boat survey data, based on the reservoir water depth data of Misan Reservoir, measured by the manned and unmanned boats in 2009 by Korea Rural Community Corporation. In the first step, this study devised the method to extract the contour map of NGIS data in AutoCAD to generate easily the reservoir boundary map used to set the survey range of reservoir water depth and to test the survey accuracy. The surveyed data coordinate systems of the manned and the unmanned boat were also unified by using ArcGIS for the standards of accuracy assessment. In the accuracy assessment, the spatial correlation coefficient of the grid maps of the two measurement results was 0.95, showing high pattern similarity, although the average error was high at 78cm. To analyze in more detail assessment, this study generated randomly the 3,250m transverse profile route (PR), and then extracted grid values of water depth on the PR. In the results of analysis to the extracted depth data on PR, the error average difference of the unmanned boat measurements was 73.18cm and the standard deviation of the error was 55cm compared to the manned boat. This study set these values as the standard for the correction value by average shift and noise removal of the unmanned boat measurement data. By correcting the unmanned boat measurements with these values, this study has high accuracy results, the reservoir water depth and surface area curve with R2 = 0.97 and the water depth and storage volume curve with R2 = 0.999.

A Study on the Derivation of Policy Implications of Environment-friendly Agriculture through the Survey on Awareness of Farmers (농가 인식 조사를 통한 친환경농업의 정책적 시사점 도출 연구)

  • Eom, Hyeseon;Shin, Ye-Eun;Shin, Eun-Seo;Han, Seokjun;Jung, Myeongchul;An, Kyungjin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the value and awareness of Environment-friendly agriculture in terms of sustainability are gradually increasing not only globally but also in South Korea. Accordingly, several previous studies have mentioned the necessity of expanding Environment-friendly agriculture and supporting farmers. But studies reflecting the opinions of actual farmers are insufficient. In this study, opinions on the status of Environment-friendly agriculture, overall perception, and certification system were investigated and analyzed for those engaged in Environment-friendly agriculture and Conventional agriculture. It was intended to derive humanities and social implications that could be generalized through a quantitative approach of the national population, and basic data based on the field were prepared that could be reflected in future agricultural policies. To this end, a regression analysis of satisfaction with the Environment-friendly certification system was conducted to derive significant variables. As a result, it was found that age and the expertise of the certification authority and the role of the related agency had a positive relationship with the satisfaction of the certification system. On the other hand, duration of Environment-friendly agriculture, the strictness of the certification standards and the lack of benefits for certified farmers had a negative relationship with the satisfaction of the certification system. From this, although the reliability of the certification system and the certification authority itself is high, the necessity of improving the system further considering the reality of the rural environment was derived. From a mid to long-term perspective, this study, which investigated the perceptions and conditions of actual farmers to expand Environment-friendly agriculture, can contribute to improving Environment-friendly agriculture policies in the future.

The Spatiotemporal Impact of Urban Growth based on Landuse Pattern (도시성장에 따른 토지이용패턴의 시공간적 영향 평가)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Choe, Hye-Yeong;Oh, Kyushik
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2009
  • As urban growth continues, the earth ecosystem is increasingly dependent on the patterns of urban growth. The impact intensity from urban growth is expected to change predictably with distance from the urban center. However we can't fully understand yet how urban development pattern affects urban ecosystem. In researches about urban ecosystem, it is important to relate the spatial pattern of urbanization to ecological processes. So we used gradient analysis with time data; 1980's, 1990's and 2000's. We attempted to quantify the urban spatiotemporal impacts in Daejeon-city and Cheonan-city, Korea, along a 75km long and 3km wide transect. Through the results, we found the impacts range of urbanization with urban development process of two cities. When the urban growth was concentrated on in both cities, the impacts intensity and range were much stronger and wider. As a result, in urban planning or green space planning, we have to consider suitable urban development forms with surrounding areas, and make legal clauses which limits landuse change. This quantifying the urban gradient is an important step in understanding urban ecology.

Spatial Distribution of Urban Heat Island based on Local Climate Zone of Automatic Weather Station in Seoul Metropolitan Area (자동기상관측소의 국지기후대에 근거한 서울 도시 열섬의 공간 분포)

  • Hong, Je-Woo;Hong, Jinkyu;Lee, Seong-Eun;Lee, Jaewon
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.413-424
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    • 2013
  • Urban Heat Island (UHI) intensity is one of vital parameters in studying urban boundary layer meteorology as well as urban planning. Because the UHI intensity is defined as air temperature difference between urban and rural sites, an objective sites selection criterion is necessary for proper quantification of the spatial variations of the UHI intensity. This study quantified the UHI intensity and its spatial pattern, and then analyzed their connections with urban structure and metabolism in Seoul metropolitan area where many kinds of land use and land cover types coexist. In this study, screen-level temperature data in non-precipitation day conditions observed from 29 automatic weather stations (AWS) in Seoul were analyzed to delineate the characteristics of UHI. For quality control of the data, gap test, limit test, and step test based on guideline of World Meteorological Organization were conducted. After classifying all stations by their own local climatological properties, UHI intensity and diurnal temperature range (DTR) are calculated, and then their seasonal patterns are discussed. Maximum UHI intensity was $4.3^{\circ}C$ in autumn and minimum was $3.6^{\circ}C$ in spring. Maximum DTR appeared in autumn as $3.8^{\circ}C$, but minimum was $2.3^{\circ}C$ in summer. UHI intensity and DTR showed large variations with different local climate zones. Despite limited information on accuracy and exposure errors of the automatic weather stations, the observed data from AWS network represented theoretical UHI intensities with difference local climate zone in Seoul.