• Title/Summary/Keyword: runoff-water

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Investigating the Impact of Best Management Practices on Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agricultural Lands

  • ;Saied Mostaghimi
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.32 no.E
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 1990
  • Abstract Over the last several decades, crop production in the United States increased largely due to the extensive use of animal waste and fertilizers as plant nutrient supplements, and pesticides for crops pests and weed control. Without the application of animal waste best management, the use of animal waste can result in nonpoint source pollution from agricultural land area. In order to increase nutrient levels and decrease contamination from agricultural lands, nonpoint source pollution is responsible for water quality degradation. Nonpoint source pollutants such as animal waste, ferilizers, and pesticides are transported primarily through runoff from agricultural areas. Nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, can be a major water quality problem because they cause eutrophic algae growth. In 1985, it was presented that Watershed/Water Quality Monitoring for Evaluation BMP Effectiveness was implemented for Nomini Creek Watershed, located in Westmoreland County, Virginia. The watershed is predominantly agricultural and has an aerial extent of 1505 ha of land, with 43% under cropland, 54% under woodland, and 3% as homestead and roads. Rainfall data was collected at the watershed from raingages located at sites PNI through PN 7. Streams at stations QN I and QN2 were being measured with V-notch weirs. Water levels at the stream was measured using an FW-l Belfort (Friez FWl). The water quality monitoring system was designed to provide comprehensive assessment of the quality of storm runoff and baseflow as influenced by changes in landuse, agronomic, and cultural practices ill the watershed. As this study was concerned with the Nomini Creek Watershed, the separation of storm runoff and baseflow measured at QNI and QN2 was given by the master depletion curve method, and the loadings of baseflow and storm runoff for TN (Total Nitrogen) and TP (Total Phosphorus) were analyzed from 1987 through 1989. The results were studied for the best management practices to reduce contamination and loss of nutrients, (e.g., total nitrogen and total phosphorus) by nonpoint source pollution from agricultural lands.

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Analysis of Baseflow at Four Major Rivers using Web-based SWAT Bflow System (Web 기반 SWAT Bflow을 이용한 4대강 유역 기저유출 분석)

  • Kum, Dong-Hyuk;Moon, Jong-Pil;Ryu, Ji-Chul;Kang, Hyun-Woo;Jang, Won-Seok;Lim, Kyoung-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.373-373
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    • 2011
  • Korean Government has been promoting Four River Restoration Project (i.e., Han, Geum, Nakdong, and Yeongsan rivers) since the second half of 2008. This project is expected to protect against floods and droughts by water resources management. Many researchers have study water resources management, but most studies were focused on direct runoff. However, in order to efficiently protect against floods and droughts, baseflow should be studied as well as direct runoff. Because baseflow has a great effect on streamflow, it needs to be correctly analyzed. For more accurate analysis of baseflow, direct runoff and baseflow from streamflow should be separated first. In this study, 12 flow gauging stations of four major rivers were selected, and flow data from them were obtained (2004-2010) through WAMIS and Web-based SWAT Bflow system (http://www.envsys.co.kr/~swatbflow) which was used to separate direct runoff and baseflow. Baseflow values of Pass 2 in SWAT Bflow system were used. As a result of this study, baseflow contribution was ranged from 23.4% to 68.6% and accounted for about 50% of streamflow. Through this study, it shows that in the case of the flow fluctuation, baseflow is more affected than direct runoff by changes in streamflow in a flood or dry season. Thus, baseflow estimation should not be overlooked for efficient water resources management. However, it has a limitation in this study that because this study used to select randomly 12 flow gauging stations, it did not show a common tendency on each watershed. It is important that flow gauging stations reflected on topographic characteristics of each watershed should be selected in a rigorous manner for further reliable and accurate baseflow estimation on four major rivers.

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Analysis of Rainfall-Runoff Characteristics on Bias Correction Method of Climate Change Scenarios (기후변화 시나리오 편의보정 기법에 따른 강우-유출 특성 분석)

  • Kum, Donghyuk;Park, Younsik;Jung, Young Hun;Shin, Min Hwan;Ryu, Jichul;Park, Ji Hyung;Yang, Jae E;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.241-252
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    • 2015
  • Runoff behaviors by five bias correction methods were analyzed, which were Change Factor methods using past observed and estimated data by the estimation scenario with average annual calibration factor (CF_Y) or with average monthly calibration factor (CF_M), Quantile Mapping methods using past observed and estimated data considering cumulative distribution function for entire estimated data period (QM_E) or for dry and rainy season (QM_P), and Integrated method of CF_M+QM_E(CQ). The peak flow by CF_M and QM_P were twice as large as the measured peak flow, it was concluded that QM_P method has large uncertainty in monthly runoff estimation since the maximum precipitation by QM_P provided much difference to the other methods. The CQ method provided the precipitation amount, distribution, and frequency of the smallest differences to the observed data, compared to the other four methods. And the CQ method provided the rainfall-runoff behavior corresponding to the carbon dioxide emission scenario of SRES A1B. Climate change scenario with bias correction still contained uncertainty in accurate climate data generation. Therefore it is required to consider the trend of observed precipitation and the characteristics of bias correction methods so that the generated precipitation can be used properly in water resource management plan establishment.

A Multiple Regression Model for the Estimation of Monthly Runoff from Ungaged Watersheds (미계측 중소유역의 월유출량 산정을 위한 다중회귀모형 연구)

  • 윤용남;원석연
    • Water for future
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 1991
  • Methods of predicting water resources availiability of a river basin can be classified as empirical formula, water budget analysis and regression analysis. The purpose of this study is to develop a method to estimate the monthly runoff required for long-term water resources development project. Using the monthly runoff data series at gaging stations alternative multiple regression models were constructed and evaluated. Monthly runoff volume along with the meteorological and physiographic parameters of 48 gaging stations are used, those of 43 stations to construct the model and the remaining 5 stations to verify the model. Regression models are named to be Model-1, Model-2, Model-3 and Model-4 developing on the way of data processing for the multiple regressions. From the verification, Model-2 is found to be the best-fit model. A comparison of the selected regression model with the Kajiyama's formula is made based on the predicted monthly and annual runoff of the 5 watersheds. The result showed that the present model is fairly resonable and convinient to apply in practice.

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Runoff Characteristics of NPS Pollution on Field in Rainy Season (강우시 밭의 비점오염물질 유출 특성)

  • Won, Chul-hee;Choi, Yong-hun;Shin, Min-hwan;Shin, Dong-suk;Kang, Dong-Gu;Choi, Joong-dae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.572-579
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    • 2011
  • We have examined the runoff characteristics of nonpoint source (NPS) in fields. Two monitoring sites were equipped with an automatic velocity meter and water sampler. Monitoring was conducted at fields 1 and field 2 during the rainfall event. Ten rainfall-runoff events were monitored and analyzed during the study period. The results show that runoff occurred if daily rainfall and intensity were higher than 40 mm and 1.6 mm/hr except a few extreme rainfall events with very high intensity. Runoff of field 1 was approximately twice of that of field 2. Event mean concentrations (EMC) and pollution load of analyzed water quality indices were also higher in field 2 than in field 1. Especially, TN load from field 2 was $75.4 mg/m^2$ and was about 5 times higher than that from field 1. Analysis of Pearson correlation coefficient of water quality parameter indicates that besides of TN all items in fields 1 have tight relationship respectively (p < 0.01). But those of fields 2 have a significant (p < 0.05). Estimating units loading of NPS, we suggested that variable such as soil texture, rainfall amount and intensity and slope were needed to be considered from agricultural landuses. The results of this study can be used as a basic data in the development and implementation of total maximum daily loads (TMDL) in Korea.

Development of the Engineered Filter Media for Reducing Pollutants in Urban Runoff (도시지역 불투수면의 오염물질 유출저감을 위한 여재 개발 및 처리 특성 평가)

  • Kang, Sung Won;Lee, Jai Young;Kim, Seog Ku
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.391-396
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    • 2011
  • Recently it revealed that urban runoff was one of the major source that contaminates the river, lake and estuary because it contains toxic compounds such as heavy metals and Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) as well as suspended solids, organic compounds and nutrients. The engineered polymetric media in this research were developed for reducing pollutants in urban runoff and would be used to be charged in the storm water treatment equipment. The engineered media that were composed of the polypropylene was foamed to have the buoyancy and then shattered by mechanical for the efficient filtration. In this study, Spherical Expanded Polypropylene Media (SEPM), Crushed Polypropylene Media (CPM), Large Crushed Expanded Polypropylene Media (LCEPM), Small Crushed Expanded Polypropylene Media (SCEPM) were made from polypropylene. Surface characteristics of the developed media were determined by scanning electron microscopy analyses. Also, removal efficiencies of SS, $COD_{Cr}$ in the artificial road runoff and the bed headloss by media and particle pollutants captured by media were examined. Results on the surface characteristics of media indicated that SCEPM had the largest specific surface area, $0.80m^2/g$, the lowest specific gravity, 0.091, and the biggest porosity, 0.63, because of crushing the media at the process of manufacturing. And the SCEPM's removal efficiencies of TSS and $COD_{Cr}$ in the artificial road runoff were 92.9% and 83.6%, respectively and the headloss of SCEPM was the least of them.

The Runoff Characteristics of Non-point Pollution Sources in Industrial Complex(I): Focusing on the analysis of runoff water according to the initial rainfall of the C Industrial Complex (산업단지 비점오염원의 유출특성(I): C산업단지의 초기강우에 따른 유출수 분석을 중심으로)

  • Woo, Jae-Suk;Shin, Hyun-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2022
  • In this study, rainfall water outlet water quality monitoring was performed on the C industrial complex to evaluate the characteristics of non-point pollutant runoff from the industrial complex during rainfall and to use it as basic data for calculating the load and unit of non-point pollutant. As a result of the IETD analysis, it was selected as a representative rainfall event for simulating non-point pollutants when the rainfall duration was about 21 hours and the rainfall was 26.44mm. Also as a result of monitoring the flow and water quality survey, the first rainfall was 12.2 mm, the rainfall duration was 12 hr, the number of preceding dry days was 3 days, the second rainfall was 22.1 mm, the rainfall duration was 12 hr, and the number of preceding dry days was 7 days.

Hydrograph Separation using Geochemical tracers by Three-Component Mixing Model for the Coniferous Forested Catchment in Gwangneung Gyeonggido, Republic of Korea

  • Kim, Kyongha;Yoo, Jae-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.5
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    • pp.561-566
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to clarify runoff production processes in forested catchment through hydrograph separation using three-component mixing model based on the End Member Mixing Analysis (EMMA) model. The study area is located in the coniferous-forested experimental catchment, Gwangneung Gyeonggido near Seoul, Korea (N 37 45', E 127 09'). This catchment is covered by Pinus Korainensis and Abies holophylla planted at stocking rate of 3,000 trees $ha^{-1}$ in 1976. Thinning and pruning were carried out two times in the spring of 1996 and 2004 respectively. We monitored 8 successive events during the periods from June 15 to September 15, 2005. Throughfall, soil water and groundwater were sampled by the bulk sampler. Stream water was sampled every 2-hour through ISCO automatic sampler for 48 hours. The geochemical tracers were determined in the result of principal components analysis. The concentrations of $SO_4{^{2-}$ and $Na^+$ for stream water almost were distributed within the bivariate plot of the end members; throughfall, soil water and groundwater. Average contributions of throughfall, soil water and groundwater on producing stream flow for 8 events were 17%, 25% and 58% respectively. The amount of antecedent precipitation (AAP) plays an important role in determining which end members prevail during the event. It was found that ground water contributed more to produce storm runoff in the event of a small AAP compared with the event of a large AAP. On the other hand, rain water showed opposite tendency to ground water. Rain water in storm runoff may be produced by saturation overland flow occurring in the areas where soil moisture content is near saturation. AAP controls the producing mechanism for storm runoff whether surface or subsurface flow prevails.

The Influence on the Runoff Charateristics by the Land Use in Small Watersheds (II) (소유역의 토지이용이 유출특성에 미치는 영향 (II))

  • Choi, Ye-Hwan;Choi, Joong-Dae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.178-182
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    • 2005
  • In the forthcoming 21C, the development of cultural lives depends on that the water demand will increase or not. On the opposite site of that circumstance, many factors of the small watersheds will influence directly on how to cover the surface of watersheds with land use, no planning developing watersheds, and the rearrangement of small rivers. Especially as the extraordinary climatic Phenomena, exhaust of $CO_2$ and destruction of 03 layer, water resource and water foresting content of the small watersheds will be decreased by confusing on the malting a plan of water resources. For example, those are Typhoon Rusa in 2002, Typhoon Maemi in 2003 and heavy storms in 2004. This study area has three group and one of them having three small watersheds, total five small watersheds. That is, Sabukmyeon small watersheds in Chuncheon, Three small watersheds in Wonju(Jeoncheon, Jupocheon and Hasunamcheon), and Suipcheon in Yanggu-Gun which are located far away each other three group and different precipitation data. According to the land use such as dry field(or farm), rice field, forest land. building site and others in small watersheds, the amount of runoff will be impacted by monthly precipitation. The comparison between the runoff was getting from Kajiyama Formula and calculated runoff from multi-linear regressed equations by land use Percentage was performed with different precipitation data and different small watersheds. Its correlations which are estimated by coefficient of correlation will be accepted or not, as approached 1.0000 values. As the monthly water resources amount is estimated by multi-linear regressed equations with different precipitation data and different small watersheds having no gauging station, we make a plan in order to demand and supply the water quantity from small river watersheds during return periods.

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Trace elements in the rainwater runoff of the urban catchment of Guwahati, India

  • Devi, Upama;Bhattacharyya, Krishna G.
    • Advances in environmental research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2013
  • Rainwater runoff has been identified as a significant source of contaminants having tremendous impact on the receiving aquatic environment. In the present study, trace element transport by the surface runoff in the predominantly urban catchment of Guwahati city, India was monitored with a view to determine the chemical denudation rates of the land surface. A number of trace metals, namely Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were measured in the runoff after 70 major rain events within the city. Cadmium was found to be the least abundant metal and Iron was the most abundant metal in the runoff. The results are interpreted on the basis of temporal and spatial variations in their concentrations. These variations are quite large in some of the events and reflect changes in the local environmental setting, differences in water utilization, variations in runoff volume, gradient and quality.