• Title/Summary/Keyword: root rot disease

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Direct Detection of Cylindrocarpon destructans, Root Rot Pathogen of Ginseng by Nested PCR from Soil Samples

  • Jang, Chang-Soon;Lim, Jin-Ha;Seo, Mun-Won;Song, Jeong-Young;Kim, Hong-Gi
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2010
  • We have successfully applied the nested PCR to detect Cylindrocarpon destructans, a major pathogen causing root rot disease from ginseng seedlings in our former study. The PCR assay, in this study, was used to detect the pathogen from soils. The nested PCR using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1, 4 primer set and Dest 1, 4 primer set maintained the specificity in soils containing various microorganisms. For a soil DNA extraction method targeting chlamydospores, when several cell wall disrupting methods were tested, the combination of lyophilization and grinding with glass beads, which broke almost all the chlamydospores, was the strongest. The DNA extraction method which was completed based on the above was simple and time-saving because of exclusion of unnecessary stages, and efficient to apply in soils. As three ginseng fields whose histories were known were analyzed, the PCR assay resulted as our expectation derived from the field information. The direct PCR method will be utilized as a reliable and rapid tool for detecting and monitoring C. destructans in ginseng fields.

Characteristics of Soil Groups Basd on the Development of Root Rot of Ginseng Seedlings (인삼 유묘 뿌리썩음병 진전에 따른 토양군별 특성)

  • 박규진;정후섭
    • Korean Journal Plant Pathology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 1997
  • Based on the principal component analysis (PCA) of Richards' parameter estimates, ginseng field soils were grouped as the principal component 1 (PC1) and the principal component 2 (PC2). The microflora and physico-chemical characteristics of each soil group were compared to elucidate soil environmental factors affecting the disease development of root rot of ginseng seedling. Among 3 soil groups by PC1, there were differences in the populations of total fungi (TF) and Cylindrocarpon plus Fusarium (C+F), and the population ratio of Cylindrocarpon plus Fusarium to total fungi or total bacteria (C+F/TF, C+F/TB) in rhizoplane of ginseng seedlings, the population of total actinomycetes (TA) and the population ratio of total Fusarium to total actinomycetes (Fus/TA) in soil, and soil chemical properties (EC, NO3-N, K, Mn, ect.). Among 4 soil groups by PC2, there were differences in TF, C+F, TB, C+F/TF and C+F/TB in the rhizoplane, Trichoderma plus Gliocladium (T+G) in soil, and P2O5 content in soil. Especially, EC, NO3-N, K, K/Mg and Mn were positively correlated to PC1, and TA was negatively to PC1; however, TF, C+F, TB, C+F/TF and C+F/TB in the rhizoplane were significantly correlated to PC2 positively. On the other hand, microbes in the rhizoplane were not significantly correlated to the stand-missing rate (SMR), although TA and Fe/Mn were negatively correlated, and pH and Ca were positively correlated to SMR.

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Virulence Assays and Genetic Reclassification to Assess the Pathogenicity of Cylindrocarpon destructans Isolated from Peony in Ginseng (작약에서 분리한 Cylindrocarpon destructans의 인삼에 대한 병원성 검정 및 분류학적 고찰)

  • Seo, Mun Won;Song, Jeong Young;Kang, Kwang Hoon;Park, Soo Yeon;Kim, Sun Ick;Kim, Hong Gi
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.132-138
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    • 2017
  • To obtain useful data on root rot in Korean ginseng, we performed phylogenetic analysis and pathogenicity test for Cylindrocarpon destructans isolated from peony. Cylindrocarpon destructans isolates from peony were proven to cause ginseng root rot. The isolate KACC44663 was identified as Ilyonectria robusta under the new classification system, which belongs to the I. radicicola species complex. This is the first report of the pathogenic isolate, which was isolated from another host plant, but not ginseng, that can cause root rot disease on ginseng in Korea.

Studies on Rhizina Root Rot Disease of Pinus densiflora : Physiological Characteristics and Pathogenicity of Rhizina undulata (소나무 리지나뿌리썩음병(病)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) : Rhizina undulata의 생리적(生理的) 특성(特性) 및 병원성(病原性))

  • Lee, Sang Yong;Kim, Wan Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.79 no.3
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    • pp.322-329
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    • 1990
  • A group of Pinus densiflora trees attacked by Rhizina root rot were observed at Kangnung. Diseased roots are characterized by rot patches, radial rot traces or formation of adhesive soil masses. The damage has proceeded about 6m per annum, and the pathogen in the infected soil was detected by trap logs. Ascospores of Rhizina undulata was germinated by heat shock at $37^{\circ}C$ for 24 hours or at $40^{\circ}C$ for 17 hours. The mycerial growth was optimum on PDA medium at $25-30^{\circ}C$and pH 5.6-6.3. Coniferous trees were more susceptible than non-coniferous trees in inoculation test in vitro.

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Evaluation of Durum Wheat Genotypes for Resistance against Root Rot Disease Caused by Moroccan Fusarium culmorum Isolates

  • Bouarda, Jamila;Bassi, Filippo M.;Wallwork, Hugh;Benchacho, Mohammed;Labhilili, Mustapha;Maafa, Ilyass;El Aissami, Aicha;Bentata, Fatiha
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2022
  • Fusarium culmorum is one of the most important causal agents of root rot of wheat. In this study, 10 F. culmorum isolates were collected from farms located in five agro-ecological regions of Morocco. These were used to challenge 20 durum wheat genotypes via artificial inoculation of plant roots under controlled conditions. The isolate virulence was determined by three traits (roots browning index, stem browning index, and severity of root rot). An alpha-lattice design with three replicates was used, and the resulting ANOVA revealed a significant (P < 0.01) effect of isolate (I), genotype (G), and G × I interaction. A total of four response types were observed (R, MR, MS, and S) revealing that different genes in both the pathogen and the host were activated in 53% of interactions. Most genotypes were susceptible to eight or more isolates, while the Moroccan cultivar Marouan was reported resistant to three isolates and moderately resistant to three others. Similarly, the Australian breeding line SSD1479-117 was reported resistant to two isolates and moderately resistant to four others. The ICARDA elites Icaverve, Berghisyr, Berghisyr2, Amina, and Icaverve2 were identified as moderately resistant. Principal component analysis based on the genotypes responses defined two major clusters and two sub-clusters for the 10 F. culmorum isolates. Isolate Fc9 collected in Khemis Zemamra was the most virulent while isolate Fc3 collected in Haj-Kaddour was the least virulent. This work provides initial results for the discovery of differential reactions between the durum lines and isolates and the identification of novel sources of resistance.

Dieback of Apple Tree by Major Soil Borne Diseases in Chungbuk Province from 2013 to 2015 (2013-2015년 충북에서 주요 토양병에 의한 사과나무 고사 실태)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Kwon, Yeuseok;Shin, Hyunman;Kim, Ik-Jei;Nam, Sang-Yeong;Hong, Eui Yon;Kwon, Soon-Il;Kim, Daeil;Cha, Jae-Soon
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.198-201
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    • 2016
  • Recently, severe dieback of apple tree has occurred in the apple orchards of Chungbuk province. Dieback rate and its casual agents have been investigated on the Chungbuk province apple orchards in 2013-2015. Out of 29,265 apple trees in the 27 orchards throughout Chungbuk province, 4,000 apple trees (13.7%) showed dieback symptoms. The causes of dieback were Phytophthora rot (50.4%), violet root rot by Helicobasidium sp. (27.1%), rodents (10%), white root rot by Rosellinia sp. (6.3%), and freezing injury (6.3%). Compared to previous reports published in 1995 and 2006, Phytophthora rot was the most dominant disease, which is thought to be due to high temperature during growing season and the increase of lowland cultivation. Results of this study will be useful to establish of the management strategy of apple tree dieback that has been increased recently.

P-hydroxybenzoic acid positively affect the Fusarium oxysporum to stimulate root rot in Panax notoginseng

  • Jing Zhao;Zhandi Wang;Rong Jiao;Qionglian Wan;Lianchun Wang;Liangxing Li;Yali Yang;Shahzad Munir
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2024
  • Background: Plant health is directly related to the change in native microbial diversity and changes in soil health have been implicated as one of the main cause of root rot. However, scarce information is present regarding allelopathic relationship of Panax notoginseng root exudates and pathogenic fungi Fusarium oxysporum in a continuous cropping system. Methods: We analyzed P. notoginseng root exudate in the planting soil for three successive years to determine phenolic acid concentration using GC-MS and HPLC followed by effect on the microbial community assembly. Antioxidant enzymes were checked in the roots to confirm possible resistance in P. notoginseng. Results: Total 29 allelochemicals in the planting soil extract was found with highest concentration (10.54 %) of p-hydroxybenzoic acid. The HPLC showing a year-by-year decrease in p-hydroxybenzoic acid content in soil of different planting years, and an increase in population of F. oxysporum. Moreover, community analysis displayed negative correlation with 2.22 mmol. L-1 of p-hydroxybenzoic acid correspond to an 18.1 % population of F. oxysporum. Furthermore, in vitro plate assay indicates that medium dose of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (2.5-5 mmol. L-1) can stimulate the growth of F. oxysporum colonies and the production of macroconidia, as well as cell wall-degrading enzymes. We found that 2-3 mmol. L-1 of p-hydroxybenzoic acid significantly increased the population of F. oxysporum. Conclusion: In conclusion, our study suggested that p-hydroxybenzoic acid have negative effect on the root system and modified the rhizosphere microbiome so that the host plant became more susceptible to root rot disease.

Petiole and Root Rot on Spathiphyllum Caused by Cylindrocladium spathiphylli in Korea (Cylindrocladium spathiphylli에 의한 스파티필럼 뿌리썩음병)

  • Han, Kyung-Sook;Park, Jong-Han;Han, You-Kyoung;Cheong, Seung-Ryong
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 2008
  • In 2005 and 2007, petiole and root rot of Spathiphyllum spp. was occurred at commercial greenhouse during summer (June-September) in Koyang city and Yongin city, Kyunggi-do, Korea. The pathogenic fungus was isolated from diseased plants and the cultural and morphological chracteristic were observed. Conidia were rod in shape, 1-3 septa and $67.5-95.0{\times}4.8-6.5\;{\mu}m$ (av. $82.0{\times}6.0\;{\mu}m$) in size. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth of the isolates was $27^{\circ}C$. According to result the pathogenicity test, first disease symptoms appeared five days after inoculation. On the basis of mycological characteristics and pathogenicity test on host plants, the fungus was identified as Cylindrocladium spathiphylli. This is the first report on Spathiphyllum spp. caused by C spathiphylli in Korea.

Bacterial Microbiome Differences between the Roots of Diseased and Healthy Chinese Hickory (Carya cathayensis) Trees

  • Xiao-Hui Bai;Qi Yao;Genshan Li;Guan-Xiu Guan;Yan Fan;Xiufeng Cao;Hong-Guang Ma;Mei-Man Zhang;Lishan Fang;Aijuan Hong;Dacai Zhai
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.1299-1308
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    • 2023
  • Carya cathayensis is an important economic nut tree that is endemic to eastern China. As such, outbreaks of root rot disease in C. cathayensis result in reduced yields and serious economic losses. Moreover, while soil bacterial communities play a crucial role in plant health and are associated with plant disease outbreaks, their diversity and composition in C. cathayensis are not clearly understood. In this study, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria were found to be the most dominant bacterial communities (accounting for approximately 80.32% of the total) in the root tissue, rhizosphere soil, and bulk soil of healthy C. cathayensis specimens. Further analysis revealed the abundance of genera belonging to Proteobacteria, namely, Acidibacter, Bradyrhizobium, Paraburkholderia, Sphaerotilus, and Steroidobacter, was higher in the root tissues of healthy C. cathayensis specimens than in those of diseased and dead trees. In addition, the abundance of four genera belonging to Actinobacteria, namely, Actinoallomurus, Actinomadura, Actinocrinis, and Gaiella, was significantly higher in the root tissues of healthy C. cathayensis specimens than in those of diseased and dead trees. Altogether, these results suggest that disruption in the balance of these bacterial communities may be associated with the development of root rot in C. cathayensis, and further, our study provides theoretical guidance for the isolation and control of pathogens and diseases related to this important tree species.

Stem Rot of Kalanchoe Caused by Phytophthora nicotianae (Phytophthora micotianae 에 의한 칼랑코에 역병)

  • 한경숙;이중섭;지형진
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.8-10
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    • 2001
  • A stem and root rot disease of kalanchoe (Kalanchoe sp.) which is a succulent plant that provides consumers with a durable flowering pot was found in Koyang, Kyounggi province, Korea in May 1998. We found that stems and roots of potted kalanchoe had dark brown spots at the soil level. The causal organism was identified as Pjytophtora nicotianae on the basis of mycological characteristics. The fungus produced markedly papillate, ovoid to spherical sporangia, and abundant chlamydospores. Sporangia were 20∼48$\times$24∼64㎛(avg. 35.0$\times$47.3㎛) in size, and optimum temperature for the mycelial growth of the isolate was 30$\^{C}$. The fungus showed relatively different pathogenicity to 14 kalanchoe cultivars including K. blossfelana cv. Florus. cultivars florsu, calypso, Maya, and Redsing were susceptible to thedisease in root dip inoculation. This is the first report demonstrating the stem rot on kalanchoe caused by P. nicotianae in Korea.

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