• Title/Summary/Keyword: road bridge

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Impact factors of an old bridge under moving vehicular loads

  • Liu, Yang;Yin, Xinfeng;Zhang, Jianren;Cai, C.S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.353-370
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents a new method to study the impact factor of an old bridge based on the model updating technique. Using the genetic algorithm (GA) by minimizing an objective function of the residuals between the measured and predicted responses, the bridge and vehicle coupled vibration models were updated. Based on the displacement relationship and the interaction force relationship at the contact patches, the vehicle-bridge coupled system can be established by combining the equations of motion of both the bridge and vehicles. The simulated results show that the present method can simulate precisely the response of the tested bridge; compared with the other bridge codes, the impact factor specified by the bridge code of AASHTO (LRFD) is the most conservative one, and the value of Chinese highway bridge design code (CHBDC) is the lowest; for the large majority of old bridges whose road surface conditions have deteriorated, calculating the impact factor with the bridge codes cannot ensure the reliable results.

Development of a Bridge Disaster Management System Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 교량재해관리시스템 개발)

  • Ahn, Ki-Won;Yoo, Hwan-Hee;Choi, Yun-Soo;Shin, Sok-Hyo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.7 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a Bridge Disaster Management System for bridge safety control using Geographic Information Systems(GIS). The constructed database includes several graphic layers such as basemap, road, bridge location, etc. and has related text attributes for 32 bridges and its facilities in Chinju City. Using the language of Visual Basic 5.0, personal computer based Bridge Disaster Management System which has several functions for bridge safety analysis was developed. The developed GIS based Bridge Disaster Management System has the functions of fast and efficient data searching, file management, searching and management of bridge characteristics, bridge related map viewing, searching and management of traffic survey, bridge inspection and repair work results, and evaluating the bridge safety grades, etc..

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Proposal of Domestic Road Bridge Deck Deterioration Models and Forecast of Replacement Demand (국내 도로교량 바닥판 열화모델 제안 및 교체 수요 예측)

  • Kim, Jin-Kwang;Jang, Il-Young
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2017
  • Bridge decks are members that rapidly deteriorated due to various environmental factors such as heavy vehicle and deicing salt, etc. As the lifespan of bridges built in Korea increases, it is expected that the demand for replacing the deteriorated bridge decks will increase. In other countries, Accelerated Bridge Construction technology using precast decks is already actively being used as a countermeasure for replacement demand of deteriorated bridge decks. In this study, bridge decks deterioration models are proposed by collecting and analysing the condition index data of domestic bridge decks. Also, the future replacement demands of deteriorated bridge decks in terms of replacement time and replacement scale are predicted.

Erection Method for Marine Section of Double Deck Warren Truss in Young Jong Grand Bridge (영종대교 복층 Warren Truss 해상구간 가설공법)

  • Kim Jeong-Woong;Seo Jea-Hwa;Yang Mu-Seok;Yuk Il -Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.232-239
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    • 2001
  • Young Jong Grand Bridge is approach traffic road of New Inchon International Airport which covers hub airport function in northeast asia. The total span length of this bridge is $4,420{\cal}m$ and this main bridge type is, the first in the world, Double Deck Self Anchored Suspension Bridge, designed as double deck systems to be arranged by road and railroad. Approach bridges to be connected with main span also are composed double deck steel truss and steel box girder to consider a continuity with this span. Our company erected $1,375{\cal}m$(about 60,000tons) of double deck steel truss bridge type which is composed by 6 traffic lane on upper deck and 4 traffic lane and Double track railroad on lower deck. The original installation method of this bridge was planed to install about 75 meters bridge blocks to use floating crane, after temporary bent was constructed between permanent piers. But this method which had to construct many temporary bents in the sea had the matter that construction periods can become lengthen and construction cost can be risen. To overcome the uncertainty to ensure high qualify of bridge and economic project execution, our company developed new bridge erection method to assure both quality control and economic construction work. The new erection method which was developed by us was one that could transport and install long bridge block, $120{\cal}m$ unit at a time and that temporary bent was not required. We hope that this paper is used as technical data which will erect bridge in the western sea and others marine region.

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Feasibility Study on the Road Bridge Passed by Military Heavy Vehicle (군용 중차량의 도로교 통과 타당성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Byung-Hee;Song, Jae-Ho;Jang, Il-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.6 no.2 s.21
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2006
  • Any vehicle and equipment whose total weight is more than 40ton and its axle weight is 10ton or above is banned to cross any bridge in our country under section 54 in the Highway law. This restriction results from the accumulation and application of safety factors about which there is type specification in the "standard design vehicle". And in "standard design vehicle", Vehicle load to bridge is assumed concentrating one. Based on this restriction, there is an issue that military tank which has a total weight of 51ton (63ton in case of the US tank) can not cross any bridge. However, many research and practical examples concerned manifest that it is possible for military tanks to cross these bridges. The reasons of this issue in the current Highway law's provisions are analyzed in this paper. Correspondingly, feasibility of military tanks passing these bridges are discussed here. At last, considering economical efficiency and practicability for military, several suggestions and improving measures are put forward. This research has certain reality significance to guide bridge design considering the passage of military heavy vehicles.

Dynamic Analysis of Highway Bridges by 3-D. Vehicle Model Considering Tire Enveloping (타이어 접지폭을 고려한 3차원 차량모델에 의한 도로교의 동적해석)

  • Chung, Tae Ju
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.6A
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    • pp.989-999
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, numerical analysis method to perform linear dynamic analysis of bridge considering the road surface roughness and bridge-vehicle interaction when vehicle is moving on bridge is presented. The vehicle and bridge are modeled as three-dimension where contact length of tire and pitching of tandem spring are considered and single truck with 2-axles and 3- axles, and tractor-trailer with 5-axles are modeled as 7-D.O.F., 8-D.O.F., and 14-D.O.F., respectively. Dynamic equations of vehicle are derived from the Lagrange's equation and solution of the equation is obtained by Newmark-${\beta}$ method. The surface roughness of bridge deck for this analysis is generated from power spectral density (PSD) function. Beam element for the main girder, shell element for concrete deck and rigid link between main girder and concrete deck are used. The equations of the motion of bridges are solved by mode-superposition procedures. The proposed procedure is validated by comparing the results with the experimental data by Whittemore and Fenves.

A Study for Developing of Rail Bridge Inspection Robot (철도교량 자동화 로봇 개발을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Koo, Ja-Kyung;Hwang, In-Ho;Lee, Jong-Seh;Lee, Tai-Sik
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.188-193
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    • 2008
  • According to introduce KTX in Korea, rail-road bridge section of KTX was increased approximately 50% of the total length. Bridge is required periodic inspection and check to prevent accident and hazard because various damage which have effects on traffic and replacement of damaged parts is difficult. Specifically, the train as large-scale transportation because accidents led to great damage, preventing these accidents are critical. Well-organized management and maintenance systems are required to prevent the accidents. In the case of roadway bridge, bridge inspection vehicle is used to deploy inspectors in roadway bridge. However, this method requires a lot of time and efforts, and inspectors are exposed to potential hazard. Also, surrounding environment like poor lighting system or electric wire could harm the inspector while repairing. Due to this reason, automatic repairing and inspecting system have been introduced to replace the old methods. Management system of the railroad bridge track for trains uses various advanced equipments, but whereas roadway bridge management system is lacking these efforts. As a result of that, this study looks over the existing management method. and review the method to apply the Bridge Inspection Robot in railroad bridge. Moreover, this study suggests future management technology using inspection robot.

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Optimal Toll Estimate of a Toll Road Using Fuzzy Approximate Reasoning - Forced on the Geoga Bridge - (퍼지근사추론을 이용한 유료도로의 적정요금 산정 - 거가대교를 중심으로 -)

  • Ha Man-Box;Kim Kyung-Whan;Kim Yeong
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3 s.29
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2006
  • For a private toll road project, deciding optimal toll is an important element of economic analysis for the project and a challengeable work. In this study, the optimal toll of a private toll bridge, Geoga Bridge which connects Geoje Island of Gyeongnam Province and Gaduk Island of Busan was estimated using Stated Preference (SP) data. The SP data were collected by interviewing the passenger car drivers travelling on the National Road 14. They are latent users of the bridge. A fuzzy approximate reasoning model to estimate the optimal toll was built using the SP data. For the input variable of the model, the saved travel time and toll level were employed and the diversion rate to the bridge was employed for the output variable. The diversion rates for each toll level and saved travel time were estimated and the toll level which had maximized the toll revenue was decided as optimal toll. The optimal toll was tested by comparing with the average pay rate of passenger car drivers. Since the optimal toll for passenger cars at one hour saving, the 6,250 won is about 50 % of the average pay rate of passenger car divers, the toll was evaluated not to be high. The technique employed in this study may be used for the estimation of the optimal tolls for other kinds of vehicles.

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Dynamic Load Allowance of Highway Bridges by Numerical Dynamic Analysis for LRFD Calibration (LRFD 보정을 위한 동적해석에 의한 도로교의 동적하중허용계수)

  • Chung, Tae Ju;Shin, Dong-Ku;Park, Young-Suk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3A
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2008
  • A reliability based calibration of dynamic load allowance (DLA) of highway bridge is performed by numerical dynamic analysis of various types of bridges taking into account of the road surface roughness and bridge-vehicle interaction. A total of 10 simply supported bridges with three girder types in the form of prestressed concrete girder, steel plate girder, and steel box girder is analyzed. The cross sections recommended in "The Standardized Design of Highway Bridge Superstructure" by the Korean Ministry of Construction are used for the prestressed concrete girder bridges and steel plate girder bridges while the box girder bridges are designed by the LRFD method. Ten sets of road surface roughness for each bridge are generated from power spectral density (PSD) function by assuming the roadway as "Average Road". A three dimensionally modeled 5-axle tractor-trailer with its gross weight the same as that of DB-24 design truck is used in the dynamic analysis. For the finite element modeling of superstructure, beam elements for the main girder, shell elements for concrete deck, and rigid links between main girder and concrete deck are used. The statistical mean and coefficient of variation of DLA are obtained from a total of 100 DLA results for 10 different bridges with each having 10 sets of road surface roughness. Applying the DLA statistics obtained, the DLA is finally calibrated in a reliability based LRFD format by using the formula developed in the calibration of OHBDC code.

Acquisition and Accuracy Assessment of topographic information of inaccessible areas (위성영상을 이용한 비접근지역의 지형정보 획득 및 정확도 평가)

  • 고종식;최윤수;김욱남;이상준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2004
  • It is transformed map data of different coordinate system into unique system and We triedto make topographic map on non-accessible area. We transformed Russian map coordinates(Krassovsky, G-K projection) intoWGS-84, TM projection and assessed accuracy. The RMSE(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$13.67m, in North and South bearings : ${\pm}$14.67m) using only SCP(Survey Control Point) is more accurate than that(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$24.26m, in North and South bearings : ${\pm}$25.32m) using SCP, intersection of road, bridge. Exterior orientation parameters are estimated using rigorous modelling and GCPs are classified with SCP, intersection of road, bridge. Rigorous modelling is performed with each classified GCP. The modelling result usingonly SCP(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$13.53m, in North and South bearings : ${\pm}$14.22m) is more accurate than that using intersection of road(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$16.l1m, in North and South bearings: ${\pm}$23.85m), bridge(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$17.21m, in North and South bearings : ${\pm}$21.82m). The results means that SCP is more accurate than intersection of road, bridge because of edit to generate map. therefore, SCP is suitable for object of GCP in paper map(1:50,000). Geographic information on non-accessible area and analysis is performed. The results of stereoscopic plotting is well matched old map data on road, railroad but, many objects are generally editted. It is possible to update on new objects(building, tributary ‥‥etc). Ability of description using SPOT-5(stereo) is more than features and items included in 1:50,000 topographic map. Therefore, it is possible to make large scale map than 1:50,000 topographic map using SPOT-5 imagery. But, there are many problems(accurate GCPs, obtain of high resolution stereoscopic satellite imagery in a period ‥‥ etc) to make topographic map on non-accessible area. It is actually difficult to solve these problems. therefore, it is possible to update 1:50,000 topographic map in part of topographic map generation.

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