• Title/Summary/Keyword: recurrent neural network model

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Adaptive Control of the Nonlinear Systems Using Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks (대각귀환 신경망을 이용한 비선형 적응 제어)

  • Ryoo, Dong-Wan;Lee, Young-Seog;Seo, Bo-Hyeok
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07b
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    • pp.939-942
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    • 1996
  • This paper presents a stable learning algorithm for diagonal recurrent neural network(DRNN). DRNN is applied to a problem of controlling nonlinear dynamical systems. A architecture of DRNN is a modified model of the Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) with one hidden layer, and the hidden layer is comprised of self-recurrent neurons. DRNN has considerably fewer weights than RNN. Since there is no interlinks amongs in the hidden layer. DRNN is dynamic mapping and is better suited for dynamical systems than static forward neural network. To guarantee convergence and for faster learning, an adaptive learning rate is developed by using Lyapunov function. The ability and effectiveness of identifying and controlling a nonlinear dynamic system using the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by computer simulation.

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A SE Approach for Machine Learning Prediction of the Response of an NPP Undergoing CEA Ejection Accident

  • Ditsietsi Malale;Aya Diab
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.18-31
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    • 2023
  • Exploring artificial intelligence and machine learning for nuclear safety has witnessed increased interest in recent years. To contribute to this area of research, a machine learning model capable of accurately predicting nuclear power plant response with minimal computational cost is proposed. To develop a robust machine learning model, the Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) approach was used to generate a database to train three models and select the best of the three. The BEPU analysis was performed by coupling Dakota platform with the best estimate thermal hydraulics code RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD 3.4. The Code Scaling Applicability and Uncertainty approach was adopted, along with Wilks' theorem to obtain a statistically representative sample that satisfies the USNRC 95/95 rule with 95% probability and 95% confidence level. The generated database was used to train three models based on Recurrent Neural Networks; specifically, Long Short-Term Memory, Gated Recurrent Unit, and a hybrid model with Long Short-Term Memory coupled to Convolutional Neural Network. In this paper, the System Engineering approach was utilized to identify requirements, stakeholders, and functional and physical architecture to develop this project and ensure success in verification and validation activities necessary to ensure the efficient development of ML meta-models capable of predicting of the nuclear power plant response.

Generalized Predictive Control of Chaotic Systems Using a Self-Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network (자기 회귀 웨이블릿 신경 회로망을 이용한 혼돈 시스템의 일반형 예측 제어)

  • You, Sung-Jin;Choi, Yoon-Ho;Park, Jin-Bae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.11c
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    • pp.421-424
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes the generalized predictive control(GPC) method of chaotic systems using a self-recurrent wavelet neural network(SRWNN). The reposed SRWNN, a modified model of a wavelet neural network(WNN), has the attractive ability such as dynamic attractor, information storage for later use. Unlike a WNN, since the SRWNN has the mother wavelet layer which is composed of self-feedback neurons, mother wavelet nodes of the SRWNN can store the past information of the network. Thus the SRWNN can be used as a good tool for predicting the dynamic property of nonlinear dynamic systems. In our method, the gradient-descent(GD) method is used to train the SRWNN structure. Finally, the effectiveness and feasibility of the SRWNN based GPC is demonstrated with applications to a chaotic system.

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A Stock Price Prediction Based on Recurrent Convolution Neural Network with Weighted Loss Function (가중치 손실 함수를 가지는 순환 컨볼루션 신경망 기반 주가 예측)

  • Kim, HyunJin;Jung, Yeon Sung
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes the stock price prediction based on the artificial intelligence, where the model with recurrent convolution neural network (RCNN) layers is adopted. In the motivation of this prediction, long short-term memory model (LSTM)-based neural network can make the output of the time series prediction. On the other hand, the convolution neural network provides the data filtering, averaging, and augmentation. By combining the advantages mentioned above, the proposed technique predicts the estimated stock price of next day. In addition, in order to emphasize the recent time series, a custom weighted loss function is adopted. Moreover, stock data related to the stock price index are adopted to consider the market trends. In the experiments, the proposed stock price prediction reduces the test error by 3.19%, which is over other techniques by about 19%.

The Study of Service Event Relation Analysis Using Recurrent Neural Network (Recurrent Neural Network를 활용한 서비스 이벤트 관계 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Woosung;Park, Youngsuk;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2018
  • Enterprises need to monitor systems for reliable IT service operations to quickly detect and respond to events affecting the service, thereby preventing failures. Events in non-critical systems can be seen as a precursor to critical system incidents. Therefore, event relationship analysis in the operation of IT services can proactively recognize and prevent faults by identifying non-critical events and their relationships with incidents. This study used the Recurrent Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory techniques to create a model to analyze event relationships in a system and to verify which models are suitable for analyzing event relationships. Verification has shown that both models are capable of analyzing event relationships and that RNN models are more suitable than LSTM models. Based on the pattern of events occurring, this model is expected to support the prediction of the next occurrence of events and help identify the root cause of incidents to help prevent failures and improve the quality of IT services.

A study on the new hybrid recurrent TDNN-HMM architecture for speech recognition (음성인식을 위한 새로운 혼성 recurrent TDNN-HMM 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Chun-Seo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.8B no.6
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    • pp.699-704
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    • 2001
  • ABSTRACT In this paper, a new hybrid modular recurrent TDNN (time-delay neural network)-HMM (hidden Markov model) architecture for speech recognition has been studied. In TDNN, the recognition rate could be increased if the signal window is extended. To obtain this effect in the neural network, a high-level memory generated through a feedback within the first hidden layer of the neural network unit has been used. To increase the ability to deal with the temporal structure of phonemic features, the input layer of the network has been divided into multiple states in time sequence and has feature detector for each states. To expand the network from small recognition task to the full speech recognition system, modular construction method has been also used. Furthermore, the neural network and HMM are integrated by feeding output vectors from the neural network to HMM, and a new parameter smoothing method which can be applied to this hybrid system has been suggested.

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Deep Neural Network Models to Recommend Product Repurchase at the Right Time : A Case Study for Grocery Stores

  • Song, Hee Seok
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2018
  • Despite of increasing studies for product recommendation, the recommendation of product repurchase timing has not yet been studied actively. This study aims to propose deep neural network models usingsimple purchase history data to predict the repurchase timing of each customer and compare performances of the models from the perspective of prediction quality, including expected ROI of promotion, variability of precision and recall, and diversity of target selection for promotion. As an experiment result, a recurrent neural network (RNN) model showed higher promotion ROI and the smaller variability compared to MLP and other models. The proposed model can be used to develop a CRM system that can offer SMS or app-based promotionsto the customer at the right time. This model can also be used to increase sales for product repurchase businesses by balancing the level of ordersas well as inducing repurchases by customers.

Understanding recurrent neural network for texts using English-Korean corpora

  • Lee, Hagyeong;Song, Jongwoo
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.313-326
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    • 2020
  • Deep Learning is the most important key to the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are several distinguishable architectures of neural networks such as MLP, CNN, and RNN. Among them, we try to understand one of the main architectures called Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) that differs from other networks in handling sequential data, including time series and texts. As one of the main tasks recently in Natural Language Processing (NLP), we consider Neural Machine Translation (NMT) using RNNs. We also summarize fundamental structures of the recurrent networks, and some topics of representing natural words to reasonable numeric vectors. We organize topics to understand estimation procedures from representing input source sequences to predict target translated sequences. In addition, we apply multiple translation models with Gated Recurrent Unites (GRUs) in Keras on English-Korean sentences that contain about 26,000 pairwise sequences in total from two different corpora, colloquialism and news. We verified some crucial factors that influence the quality of training. We found that loss decreases with more recurrent dimensions and using bidirectional RNN in the encoder when dealing with short sequences. We also computed BLEU scores which are the main measures of the translation performance, and compared them with the score from Google Translate using the same test sentences. We sum up some difficulties when training a proper translation model as well as dealing with Korean language. The use of Keras in Python for overall tasks from processing raw texts to evaluating the translation model also allows us to include some useful functions and vocabulary libraries as well.

Recurrent Neural Network with Multiple Hidden Layers for Water Level Forecasting near UNESCO World Heritage Site "Hahoe Village"

  • Oh, Sang-Hoon
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2018
  • Among many UNESCO world heritage sites in Korea, "Historic Village: Hahoe" is adjacent to Nakdong River and it is imperative to monitor the water level near the village in a bid to forecast floods and prevent disasters resulting from floods.. In this paper, we propose a recurrent neural network with multiple hidden layers to predict the water level near the village. For training purposes on the proposed model, we adopt the sixth-order error function to improve learning for rare events as well as to prevent overspecialization to abundant events. Multiple hidden layers with recurrent and crosstalk links are helpful in acquiring the time dynamics of the relationship between rainfalls and water levels. In addition, we chose hidden nodes with linear rectifier activation functions for training on multiple hidden layers. Through simulations, we verified that the proposed model precisely predicts the water level with high peaks during the rainy season and attains better performance than the conventional multi-layer perceptron.

Identification of Dynamic Systems Using a Self Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network: Convergence Analysis Via Adaptive Learning Rates (자기 회귀 웨이블릿 신경 회로망을 이용한 다이나믹 시스템의 동정: 적응 학습률 기반 수렴성 분석)

  • Yoo, Sung-Jin;Choi, Yoon-Ho;Park, Jin-Bae
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.781-788
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes an identification method using a self recurrent wavelet neural network (SRWNN) for dynamic systems. The architecture of the proposed SRWNN is a modified model of the wavelet neural network (WNN). But, unlike the WNN, since a mother wavelet layer of the SRWNN is composed of self-feedback neurons, the SRWNN has the ability to store the past information of the wavelet. Thus, in the proposed identification architecture, the SRWNN is used for identifying nonlinear dynamic systems. The gradient descent method with adaptive teaming rates (ALRs) is applied to 1.am the parameters of the SRWNN identifier (SRWNNI). The ALRs are derived from the discrete Lyapunov stability theorem, which are used to guarantee the convergence of an SRWNNI. Finally, through computer simulations, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SRWNNI.