• Title/Summary/Keyword: ray.

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Study of the Radioactive Source Detection and the Visualization with the Stereo Radiation Detector (스테레오 기반 감마선원 탐지 및 가시화에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Gang-teak;Lee, Nam-ho;Cha, Han-ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.1100-1102
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    • 2015
  • In the study, stereo-based of gamma-ray sources detector for the space including the gamma-ray source to scan in a raster scan method, and obtains a visible light image and the gamma-ray image. We went to retrieve and visualize the distance to source and the direction of the 3-dimension information from Stereo gamma-ray detectors. Configuration of the detector consisted of gamma-ray detecting sensor for gamma-ray Sources, pan-tilt for the scanning of the raster for detecting sources, and CCD camera for visible-light image. Implement a stereo structure of the device to measure the spatial distribution of source, the gamma-ray Detector and CCD camera for the stereo image acquisition was as each configuration 2. The gamma-ray detector and a visible light camera to revision the distribution of detection source, After performing each of the cameras of the stereo correction and shows the distribution of the gamma-ray Sources through 중첩 visible light image and the gamma-ray image. After Rectification process of Left and right image, we were derived visualization results of the stereo image.

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Computer Simulation for X-ray Breast Elastography (X선 유방 탄성 영상을 위한 컴퓨터 모의 실험)

  • Kim, Hyo-Geun;Aowlad Hossain, A.B.M.;Lee, Soo-Yeol;Cho, Min-Hyoung
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.158-164
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    • 2011
  • Breast cancer is the most frequently appearing cancer in women, these days. To reduce mortality of breast cancer, periodic check-up is strongly recommended. X-ray mammography is one of powerful diagnostic imaging systems to detect 50~100 um micro-calcification which is the early sign of breast cancer. Although x-ray mammography has very high spatial resolution, it is not easy yet to distinguish cancerous tissue from normal tissues in mammograms and new tissue characterizing methods are required. Recently ultrasound elastography technique has been developed, which uses the phenomenon that cancerous tissue is harder than normal tissues. However its spatial resolution is not enough to detect breast cancer. In order to develop a new elastography system with high resolution we are developing x-ray elasticity imaging technique. It uses the small differences of tissue positions with and without external breast compression and requires an algorithm to detect tissue displacement. In this paper, computer simulation is done for preliminary study of x-ray elasticity imaging. First, 3D x-ray breast phantom for modeling woman's breast is created and its elastic model for FEM (finite element method) is generated. After then, FEM experiment is performed under the compression of the breast phantom. Using the obtained displacement data, 3D x-ray phantom is deformed and the final mammogram under the compression is generated. The simulation result shows the feasibility of x-ray elasticity imaging. We think that this preliminary study is helpful for developing and verifying a new algorithm of x-ray elasticity imaging.

The Recovery Phenomena of the Cold Worked Pure Zirconium

  • Jung, Dae-Young;Yoon, Jong-Kyu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 1975
  • In the ,present study, recovery behaviour of cold compressed pure zirconium was investigated by the measurement of X-ray line breadth and microhardness. By isochronal annealing, it was found that both hardness and X-ray line breadth do not show remarkable decrease below 300"e. It was also found that at the same degree of cold work, the rate of recovery of X-ray line breadth is different from that of hardness, and that regardless of cold working degrees, activation energy for the recovery of X-ray line breadth is less than that of hard ness. Activation energies for recovery of X-ray line breadth in 8%, 19% and 28% cold worked zirconium were 64,800 cal/gram atom, 56,400 cal/gram atom and 48,500 cal/gram atom, respectively, and those of hardness were 72,800 cal/ gram atom, 64,300 ca1/9ram atom and 58,600 ca119ram atom, respectively.vely.

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The development of th gamma-ray imaging and operation algorithm for the gamma-ray detection system (감마선 탐지장치의 감마선 영상화 및 운용 알고리즘 개발)

  • Song, Kun-young;Hwang, Young-gwan;Lee, Nam-ho;Yuk, Young-ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.942-943
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    • 2016
  • Stereo gamma ray detection system generates a two-dimensional image of the gamma ray by using the position values and the gamma ray signal. And the device will overlap with the visible light image shows the actual distribution of the gamma-ray space. The gamma ray detection device is a stereo configuration to a motion controller for controlling the signal measurement unit and the position detection portion for detecting the detection portion and the gamma-ray signal comprising a gamma-ray detection sensor. In this paper, we developed a system operation management algorithm for each module individually configured efficiently. We confirmed the imaged and distribution information output for the gamma rays from gamma-ray irradiation test site by using these results.

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Monte Carlo Simulation of Transmission-Type X-ray Tube with Dual-Structured Target (이중 적층 구조 표적을 갖는 투과형 엑스선관의 몬테카를로 전산모사)

  • Kwon Su, Chon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2023
  • X-ray fluorescence analysis has been widely used in the field of science and industry because it gives information about elements and their concentrations without destruction of samples. To increase analysis accuracy of fluorescence generated by photons of the transmission-type X-ray tube for mixture and compound samples would be recommend to have strong energy near 10 keV and 20 keV simultaneously. Tungsten of 9.65 keV and molybdenum of 17.48 keV were considered as targets with dual deposition structure for obtaining two strong characteristic X-rays, and the transmission-type X-ray tube was analyzed using Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation. The W-Mo structure resulted in strong characteristic X-ray near 10 keV and 20 keV simultaneously. A structure with Mo-W multilayers of 5 ㎛ thick also gave optimal spectrum. Various material combination and thickness optimization for the dual-structured target can give X-ray spectrum with strong characteristic X-ray of specific energies.

duoPIXTM X-ray Imaging Sensor Composing of Multiple Thin Film Transistors in a Pixel for Digital X-ray Detector (픽셀내 다수의 박막트랜지스터로 구성된 듀오픽스TM 엑스선 영상센서 제작)

  • Seung Ik, Jun;Bong Goo, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.969-974
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    • 2022
  • In order to maximize dynamic range and to minimize image lag in digital X-ray imaging, diminishing residual parasitic capacitance in photodiode in pixels is critically necessary. These requirements are more specifically requested in dynamic X-ray imaging with high frame rate and low image lag for industrial 2D/3D automated X-ray inspection and medical CT imaging. This study proposes duoPIXTM X-ray imaging sensor for the first time that is composed of reset thin film transistor, readout thin film transistor and photodiode in a pixel. To verify duoPIXTM X-ray imaging sensor, designing duoPIXTM pixel and imaging sensor was executed first then X-ray imaging sensor with 105 ㎛ pixel pitch, 347 mm × 430 mm imaging area and 3300 × 4096 pixels (13.5M pixels) was fabricated and evaluated by using module tester and image viewer specifically for duoPIXTM imaging sensor.

Adaptive Foveated Ray Tracing Based on Time-Constrained Rendering for Head-Mounted Display (헤드 마운티드 디스플레이를 위한 시간 제약 렌더링을 이용한 적응적 포비티드 광선 추적법)

  • Kim, Youngwook;Ihm, Insung
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2022
  • Ray tracing-based rendering creates by far more realistic images than the traditional rasterization-based rendering. However, it is still burdensome when implemented for a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) system that demands a wide field of view and a high display refresh rate. Furthermore, for presenting high-quality images on the HMD screen, a sufficient number of ray sampling should be carried out per pixel to alleviate visually annoying spatial and temporal aliases. In this paper, we extend the recent selective foveated ray tracing technique by Kim et al. [1], and propose an improved real-time rendering technique that realizes the rendering effect of the classic Whitted-style ray tracing on the HMD system. In particular, by combining the ray tracing hardware-based acceleration technique and time-constrained rendering scheme, we show that fast HMD ray tracing is possible that is well suited to human visual systems.

X-ray / gamma ray radiation shielding properties of α-Bi2O3 synthesized by low temperature solution combustion method

  • Reddy, B. Chinnappa;Manjunatha, H.C.;Vidya, Y.S.;Sridhar, K.N.;Pasha, U. Mahaboob;Seenappa, L.;Sadashivamurthy, B.;Dhananjaya, N.;Sathish, K.V.;Gupta, P.S. Damodara
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.1062-1070
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    • 2022
  • In the present communication, pure and stable α-Bismuth Oxide (Bi2O3) nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized by low temperature solution combustion method using urea as a fuel and calcined at 500℃. The synthesized sample was characterized by using powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy. The PXRD pattern confirms the formation of mono-clinic, stable and low temperature phase α-Bi2O3. The direct optical energy band gap was estimated by using Wood and Tauc's relation which was found to be 2.81 eV. The characterized sample was studied for X-ray/gamma ray shielding properties in the energy range 0.081-1.332 MeV using NaI (Tl) detector and multi channel analyzer (MCA). The measured shielding parameters agrees well with the theory, whereas, slight deviation up to 20% is observed below 356 keV. This deviation is mainly due to the influence of atomic size of the target medium. Furthermore an accurate theory is necessary to explain the interaction of X-ray/gamma ray with the NPs.The present work opens new window to use this facile, economical, efficient, low temperature method to synthesize nanomaterials for X-ray/gamma ray shielding purpose.

Functional Disturbances Through the Retinal Pigment Reaction of the Automatic Nervous System of Tadpoles Developed under Various Visible Rays (망막반응으로 본 각종파장가시광선조사하에서 발육한 과두(올챙이)의 식물신경계기능변조에 관하여)

  • 주인호
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 1958
  • Since Kesser first described in 1934 the functional change of the autonomic nervous system caused by certain visible rays many researchers have unanimously approved that animals flashed with a red visible ray develop parasympathicotony while those flashed with a blue visible ray develop sympathicotony. On the other hand through studies made by our colleagues it is now well known that the inner-movement of the retinal pigments of frogs is stimulated in sympathicotony and is in reverse inhibited in parasimpathicotony. It is almost evident that the mechanism by which the inner-movement of the retinal pigments is due to sympathicotony derived from the excessive secretion of adrenalin. In addition , through may recent experiments on the pharmacological action of various medicines on the retinal pigments reaction of tadpoles , ranging from the excessive secretion of adrenalin. In addition , through my recent experiments on the pharmacologtical action of various medicines on the retinal pigments reaction of tadploes, raging from every developmental stage , Ifound that the movement of the retinal pigments by adrenalin is predominant in the earlier developmental stages of taopoles around 11 mm of body length, whereas other medicines fail to give any responce to the retinal pigments in such an earlier stage. When tadpoles grown to body length of 15-16m the retinal pigments move to the complete light position while kept in adrenalin solution. Based on these facts it might be well to consider that if tadpoles were grown under the visible rays for a given period, they might show a functional change of the autonomic nervous system and thereby cause of certain change in the physciological phases of the retinal reaction. Experiments were undertaken to find this matter and also to discover the simultaneous effects of the visible radiations on the developmental process of tadpoles. The results summarized as follows ; 1. The longest wave of visible rav has an effective reaction on the growth of body length of taopoles, while the shortest wave of visible ray causes the same for the metamorphoric differentiation of tadpoles. 2. When keeping two groups of tadpoles the first group of 15 mm body length grown for the period of one week and the latter group of 20 mm body length grown for two weeks under the various visible rays. swimming in adrenalin solution, the inner-movement of the retinal pigment occurs in both groups. The movement of pigments of the first group is accelerated in a sequence of blue ray \ulcorner green ray > brown ray> red ray, and that of the latter group is also accelerated in a sequence of blue ray>green ray > brown ray and red ray. 3. When keeping tow groups of tadpoles, the first group of 20 mm body length grown for the period of two weeks, the latter group of 25 m body length grown for three wheeks, under the various visible rays in sunlight, the inner-movement of the retinal pigments occurs in both groups. The movement of pigments of the first group is accelerated in a sequence of blue ray> green ray>brown ray and red ray, and that of the latter group is also accelerated in a sequence of blue ray > brow ray>red ray. 4. In order words, there facts manifest that tadpoles grown under the various visible rays reveal functional disturbances of the autonomic nervous system, at the time of 15 mm body length by adrenalin solution, which is a unique indicator illustrating the status of sympathicotony, and at the time of 20 mm body length by sunlight. This means that the longest visible ray cause sympathicotony, while the shortest visible ray causes parasympathicotony.

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The Effects of the Q-Ray View on Reliability of Assessing a Tooth Status for Dental Hygiene Process (Q-Ray View 활용이 치위생과정을 위한 치아 검사의 신뢰도 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Hye-Young;Jung, Hoi-In;Ku, Hye-Min;Kim, Baek-Il
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.461-467
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the Q-ray view, a novel optical device on reliability of assessing a tooth status by dental hygiene students in the training for dental hygiene process. Twenty patients were enrolled in this study. Oral examinations were conducted by both seventeen third-year dental hygiene students and a trained faculty member. Traditional visual inspection was performed in phase I and then re-examined with Q-ray view in phase II. Restoration codes and lesion codes for each tooth were recorded separately according to the predefined criteria. As a measure of reliability, percent agreement and Cohen's kappa were determined. Agreements for each intraoral regions and types of lesion and restoration were calculated. Paired t-test and Pearson chi-square test for two proportions were used to compare mean Cohen's kappa and percent agreement at each phase. For the lesion code, mean kappa values of phase II for intraoral regions were significantly greater than that of phase I (p=0.017). For the both of the lesion code and restoration code, percent agreements of phase II for each types of lesion and restoration were significantly greater than that of phase II (p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). Especially difference of percent agreements between phase I and II for incipient caries, caries and fracture were significant for the lesion code (p=0.046, p<0.001, and p=0.029, respectively) and for not restored or sealed, tooth-colored restoration were significant for the restoration code (p<0.001 and p=0.011, respectively). The reliability of assessing a tooth status was improved when the Q-ray view used in dental hygiene student with beginner level of expertise. Q-ray view can be a promising device for conducting and educating the dental hygiene process better.