• Title/Summary/Keyword: quarter-pel interpolation

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Effective Motion Compensation Method of H.264 on Multimedia Mobile System (멀티미디어 모바일 시스템에서의 효율적인 H.264 움직임 보간법)

  • Jeong, Dae-Young;Ji, Shin-Haeng;Park, Jung-Wook;Kim, Shin-Dug
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.467-473
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    • 2007
  • Power-aware design is one of the most important areas to be emphasized in multimedia mobile systems, in which data transfers dominate the power consumption. In this paper, we propose a new architecture for motion compensation (MC) of H.264/AVC with power reduction by decreasing the data transfers. For this purpose, a reconfigurable microarchitecture based on data type is proposed for interpolation and it is mapped onto the dedicated motion compensation IP (intellectual property) effectively without sacrificing the performance or the system latency. The original quarter-pel interpolation equation that consists of one or two half-pel interpolations and one averaging operation is designed to have different execution control modes, which result in decreasing memory accesses greatly and maintaining the system efficiency. The simulation result shows that the proposed method could reduce up to 87% of power consumption caused by data transfers over the conventional method in MC module.

DCT-Based Subpixel-Accuracy Motion Estimation Utilizing Shifting Matrix (Shifting Matrix를 이용한 DCT 기반 부화소 단위 움직임 예측 알고리즘)

  • Shin, Jae-Young;Ryu, Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.372-379
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    • 2015
  • The latest video compression standard (such as H.264/AVC and HEVC) utilizes quarter-pel accuracy motion estimation in order to retain detailed motion information. Many sub-pixel motion estimation algorithms used in the spatial domain usually encounters increment of computational complexity due to embedded interpolation algorithm. In this paper, an approach to measure sub-pixel accuracy motion estimation in frequency domain using shifting matrix is proposed. Complexity can be reduced utilizing shifting matrix algorithm in frequency domain and simulation results demonstrate not only higher PSNR but lower bit rates than spatial domain algorithms.