• 제목/요약/키워드: proximal method

검색결과 442건 처리시간 0.025초


  • Kim, Jong-Kyu;Anh, Pham Ngoc;Hyun, Ho-Geun
    • 대한수학회보
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    • 제49권4호
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    • pp.749-759
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    • 2012
  • A globally convergent algorithm for solving equilibrium problems is proposed. The algorithm is based on a proximal point algorithm (shortly (PPA)) with a positive definite matrix M which is not necessarily symmetric. The proximal function in existing (PPA) usually is the gradient of a quadratic function, namely, ${\nabla}({\parallel}x{\parallel}^2_M)$. This leads to a proximal point-type algorithm. We first solve pseudomonotone equilibrium problems without Lipschitzian assumption and prove the convergence of algorithms. Next, we couple this technique with the Banach contraction method for multivalued variational inequalities. Finally some computational results are given.

건강한 자연치열에서 인접면 접촉의 평가 및 측정방법에 따른 비교분석 (Evaluation of the proximal contact and comparison of methods for measuring in normal dentition)

  • 김지은;이청희
    • 대한치과보철학회지
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    • 제61권3호
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2023
  • 목적. 이 연구의 목적은 건강한 치열에서 치실 방법을 사용하여 인접면 접촉을 비교하고, 이를 셀룰로이드 스트립 방법, 금속 스트립 방법과 비교하여, 공간측정에 가장 효과적인 방법을 알아보는 것이다. 재료 및 방법. 건강한 자연치열을 가진 성인 20명(남자 10명, 여자 10명)을 피실험자로 선정하였다. 임상경험 5년 이상의 치과의사 1인이 치실 방법, 셀룰로이드 스트립 방법, 금속 스트립 방법을 이용하여 인접면 접촉을 평가하였다. 치실 방법으로 수집된 자료는 Mann-Whitney U test를 사용하여 95% 신뢰수준 하에서 R 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였다. 그리고 치실을 이용한 인접면 접촉 평가에 셀룰로이드 스트립과 금속 스트립을 사용한 인접면 접촉의 평가를 비교하였다. 결과. 건강한 치열에서 약 80%에서만 적절한 접촉강도를 유지하고 있었으며, 전치부보다 구치부가 더 적절하게 유지하고 있었다(P < .05). 성별에 따른 접촉강도는 전치부에서는 남성이, 구치부에서는 여성이 적절한 접촉을 하는 것으로 나타났다(P < .05). 일치성 척도인 카파 지수(Kappa index)를 이용하여 치실에서 얻은 결과에 대한 셀룰로이드 스트립과 금속 스트립 실험 결과 간의 일치성을 분석한 결과, 셀룰로이드 스트립을 사용하는 것이 금속 스트립을 사용하는 것보다 더 유리한 것으로 나타났다. 결론. 건강한 치열에서 약 80%에서만 적절한 접촉강도를 유지하고 있었으며, 인접면 접촉의 평가에서 다양한 두께의 셀룰로이드 스트립을 사용한다면 보다 정확한 공간 측정의 가능성이 있을 것으로 생각된다.


  • Khatibzadeh, Hadi;Mohebbi, Vahid
    • 대한수학회보
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    • 제56권3호
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    • pp.757-777
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we study the convergence analysis of the sequences generated by the proximal point method for an infinite family of pseudo-monotone equilibrium problems in Banach spaces. We first prove the weak convergence of the generated sequence to a common solution of the infinite family of equilibrium problems with summable errors. Then, we show the strong convergence of the generated sequence to a common equilibrium point by some various additional assumptions. We also consider two variants for which we establish the strong convergence without any additional assumption. For both of them, each iteration consists of a proximal step followed by a computationally inexpensive step which ensures the strong convergence of the generated sequence. Also, for this two variants we are able to characterize the strong limit of the sequence: for the first variant it is the solution lying closest to an arbitrarily selected point, and for the second one it is the solution of the problem which lies closest to the initial iterate. Finally, we give a concrete example where the main results can be applied.

Inter-rater agreement among shoulder surgeons on treatment options for proximal humeral fractures among shoulder surgeons

  • Kim, Hyojune;Song, Si-Jung;Jeon, In-Ho;Koh, Kyoung Hwan
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2022
  • Background: The treatment approach for proximal humeral fractures is determined by various factors, including patient age, sex, dominant arm, fracture pattern, presence of osteoporosis, preexisting arthritis, rotator cuff status, and medical comorbidities. However, there is a lack of consensus in the literature regarding the optimal treatment for displaced proximal humeral fractures. This study aimed to assess and quantify the decision-making process for either conservative or surgical treatment and the choice of surgical method among shoulder surgeons when treating proximal humeral fractures. Methods: Forty sets of true anteroposterior view, scapular Y projection view, and three-dimensional computed tomography of proximal humeral fractures were provided to 12 shoulder surgeons along with clinical information. Surveys regarding Neer classification, decisions between conservative and surgical treatments, and chosen methods were conducted twice with an interval of 2 months. The factors affecting the treatment plans were also assessed. Results: The inter-rater agreement was fair for Neer classification (kappa=0.395), moderate for the decision between conservative and surgical treatments (kappa=0.528), and substantial for the chosen method of surgical treatment (kappa=0.740). The percentage of agreement was 71.1% for Neer classification, 84.6% for the decision between conservative and surgical treatment, and 96.4% for the chosen method of surgical treatment. The fracture pattern was the most crucial factor in deciding between conservative and surgical treatments, followed by age and physical activity. Conclusions: The decision between conservative and surgical treatment for proximal humeral fractures showed good agreement, while the chosen method between osteosynthesis and arthroplasty showed substantial agreement among shoulder surgeons.

랫트의 신장 근위곡세뇨관 현탁액을 이용한 Cephaloridine의 신장독성 평가 (Nephrotoxicity Assessment of Cephaloridine using Rat Renal Proximal Tubule Suspension)

  • 홍충만;장동덕;신동환;최진영;조재천;이문한
    • Toxicological Research
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 1995
  • Rat renal proximal tubule suspension was prepared from adult male Sprague Dawley rat (250-300g) by mechanical (non-enzymatical) method and evaluated as a pontential model for mechanistic studies and early screening of nephrotoxicity, using anionic antibiotics (cephaloridine). Cephaloridine (CPL) produced an increase in LDH release into media. This release results from decrease a proximal tubule cell viability and subsequently increase the permeability of cell viability and subsequently increase the permeability of cell membrane. Since loss of intracellular potassium and ATP into media is the sign of disruption of cell membrane, especially basolateral membrane (BLM), CPL induced proximal tubule cell compromise also appear be associated with BLM, maybe $Na^+-K^+$ ATPase. Also seen was significant depression in brush border membrane (BBM) ALP activity and no significantly increase in BBM GGT activities. The inhibition of typical anion, PAH accumulation (especially, CPL 5 mM) and cation, TEA (especially, 4hours incubation) were seen dose dependently. This is because of CPL accumulation in renal proximal tubule and increase of cytotoxicity.

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혈관부착 근위비골성장판 이식시 공여부 수술의 새로운 술식 (New Surgical Technique for Harvesting Proximal Fibular Epiphysis in Free Vascularized Epiphyseal Transplantation)

  • 정덕환
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 1996
  • Purpose : Propose a surgical technique in donor harvesting method in free vascularized proximal fibular epiphysis. Methodology : Concerned about growth potentials of the transplanted epiphysis in our long term results of the epiphyseal transplanted 13 cases more than 4 years follow-up, anterior tibial artery which contains anterior tibial recurrent artery is most reliable vessel to proximal fibular epiphysis which is the best donor of the free vascularized epiphyseal transplantation. In vascular anatomical aspect proximal fibular epiphysis norished by latearl inferior genicular artery from popliteal, posterior tibial recurrent artery and anterior tibial recurrent artery from anterior tibial artery and peroneal artery through metaphysis. The lateral inferior genicular artery is very small and difficult to isolate, peroneal artery from metaphysis through epiphyseal plate can not give enough blood supply to epiphysis itself. The anterior tibial artery which include anterior tibial recurrent and posterior tibial recurrent artery is the best choice in this procedure. But anterior tibial recurrent artery merge from within one inch from bifucating point of the anterior and posterior tibial arteries from popliteal artery. So it is very difficult to get enough vascular pedicle length to anastomose in recipient vessel without vein graft even harvested from bifucating point from popliteal artery. Authors took recipient artery from distal direction of anterior tibial artery after ligation of the proximal popliteal side vessel, which can get unlimited pedicle length and safer dissection of the harvesting proximal fibular epiphysis. Results : This harvesting procedure can performed supine position, direct anterolateral approach to proximal tibiofibular joint. Dissect and isolate the biceps muscle insertion from fibular head, micro-dissection is needed to identify the anterior tibial recurrent arteries to proximal epiphysis, soft tissue release down to distal and deeper plane to find main anterior tibial artery which overlying on interosseous membrane. Special care is needed to protect peroneal nerve damage which across the surgical field. Conclusions : Proximal fibular epiphyseal transplantation with distally directed anterior tibial artery harvesting technique is effective and easier dissect and versatile application with much longer arterial pedicle.

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  • Agarwal, Ravi P.;Verma, Ram U.
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.545-555
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    • 2011
  • Based on the A-maximal(m)-relaxed monotonicity frameworks, the approximation solvability of a general class of variational inclusion problems using the relaxed proximal point algorithm is explored, while generalizing most of the investigations, especially of Xu (2002) on strong convergence of modified version of the relaxed proximal point algorithm, Eckstein and Bertsekas (1992) on weak convergence using the relaxed proximal point algorithm to the context of the Douglas-Rachford splitting method, and Rockafellar (1976) on weak as well as strong convergence results on proximal point algorithms in real Hilbert space settings. Furthermore, the main result has been applied to the context of the H-maximal monotonicity frameworks for solving a general class of variational inclusion problems. It seems the obtained results can be used to generalize the Yosida approximation that, in turn, can be applied to first- order evolution inclusions, and can also be applied to Douglas-Rachford splitting methods for finding the zero of the sum of two A-maximal (m)-relaxed monotone mappings.


  • 석창인;엄정문
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.432-461
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    • 1995
  • The basic principles in the design of Class II amalgam cavity preparations have been modified but not changed in essence over the last 90 years. The early essential principle was "extension for prevention". Most of the modifications have served to reduce the extent of preparation and, thus, increase the conservation of sound tooth structure. A more recent concept relating to conservative Class II cavity preparations involves elimination of occlusal preparation if no carious lesion exists in this area. To evaluate the ideal ClassII cavity preparation design, if carious lesion exists only in the interproximal area, three cavity design conditions were studied: Rodda's conventional cavity, simple proximal box cavity and proximal box cavity with retention grooves. In this study, MO amalgam cavity was prepared on maxillary first premolar. Three dimensional finite element models were made by serial photographic method. Linear, eight and six-nodal, isoparametric brick elements were used for the three dimensional finite element model. The periodontal ligament and alveolar bone surrounding the tooth were excluded in these models. Three types model(B option, Gap option and R option model) were developed. B option model was assumed perfect bonding between the restoration and cavty wall. Gap option model(Gap distance: $2{\mu}m$) was assumed the possibility of play at the interface simulated the lack of real bonding between the amalgam and cavity wall (enamel and dentin). R option model was assumed non-connection between the restoration and cavty wall. A load of 500N was applied vertically at the first node from the lingual slope of the buccal cusp tip. This study analysed the displacement, 1 and 2 direction normal stress and strain with FEM software ABAQUS Version 5.2 and hardware IRIS 4D/310 VGX Work-station. The results were as followed. 1. Rodda's cavity form model showed greater amount of displacement with other two models. 2. The stress and strain were increased on the distal marginal ridge and buccopulpal line angle in Rodda's cavity form model. 3. The stress and strain were increased on the central groove and a part of distal marginal ridge in simple proximal box model and proximal box model with retention grooves. 4. With Gap option, Rodda's cavity form model showed the greatest amount of the stress on distal marginal ridge followed by proximal box model with retention grooves and simple proximal box model in descending order. 5. With Gap option, simple proximal box model showed greater amount of stress on the central groove with proximal box model with retention grooves. 6. Retention grooves in the proximal box played the role of supporting the restorations opposing to loads.

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An Efficient Dynamic Modeling Method for Hybrid Robotic Systems

  • Chung, Goo-Bong;Yi, Byung-Ju
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 2003년도 ICCAS
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    • pp.2719-2724
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we deal with the kinematic and dynamic modeling of hybrid robotic systems that are constructed by combination of parallel and serial modules or series of parallel modules. Previously, open-tree structure has been employed for dynamic modeling of hybrid robotic systems. Though this method is generally used, however, it requires expensive computation as the size of the system increases. Therefore, we propose an efficient dynamic modeling methodology for hybrid robotic systems. Initially, the dynamic model for the proximal module is obtained with respect to the independent joint coordinates. Then, in order to represent the operational dynamics of the proximal module, we model virtual joints attached at the top platform of the proximal module. The dynamic motion of the next module exerts dynamic forces to the virtual joints, which in fact is equivalent to the reaction forces exerted on the platform of the lower module by the dynamics of the upper module. Then, the dynamic forces at the virtual joints are distributed to the independent joints of the proximal module. For multiple modules, this scheme can be constructed as a recursive dynamic formulation, which results in reduction of the complexness of the open-tree structure method for modeling of hybrid robotic systems. Simulation for inverse dynamics is performed to validate the proposed modeling algorithm.

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Detection of proximal caries using quantitative light-induced fluorescence-digital and laser fluorescence: a comparative study

  • Yoon, Hyung-In;Yoo, Min-Jeong;Park, Eun-Jin
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.432-438
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro validity of quantitative light-induced fluorescence-digital (QLF-D) and laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent) for assessing proximal caries in extracted premolars, using digital radiography as reference method. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A total of 102 extracted premolars with similar lengths and shapes were used. A single operator conducted all the examinations using three different detection methods (bitewing radiography, QLF-D, and DIAGNOdent). The bitewing x-ray scale, QLF-D fluorescence loss (${\Delta}F$), and DIAGNOdent peak readings were compared and statistically analyzed. RESULTS. Each method showed an excellent reliability. The correlation coefficient between bitewing radiography and QLF-D, DIAGNOdent were -0.644 and 0.448, respectively, while the value between QLF-D and DIAGNOdent was -0.382. The kappa statistics for bitewing radiography and QLF-D had a higher diagnosis consensus than those for bitewing radiography and DIAGNOdent. The QLF-D was moderately to highly accurate (AUC = 0.753 - 0.908), while DIAGNOdent was moderately to less accurate (AUC = 0.622 - 0.784). All detection methods showed statistically significant correlation and high correlation between the bitewing radiography and QLF-D. CONCLUSION. QLF-D was found to be a valid and reliable alternative diagnostic method to digital bitewing radiography for in vitro detection of proximal caries.