• Title/Summary/Keyword: processing map

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Visualization of Korean Speech Based on the Distance of Acoustic Features (음성특징의 거리에 기반한 한국어 발음의 시각화)

  • Pok, Gou-Chol
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2020
  • Korean language has the characteristics that the pronunciation of phoneme units such as vowels and consonants are fixed and the pronunciation associated with a notation does not change, so that foreign learners can approach rather easily Korean language. However, when one pronounces words, phrases, or sentences, the pronunciation changes in a manner of a wide variation and complexity at the boundaries of syllables, and the association of notation and pronunciation does not hold any more. Consequently, it is very difficult for foreign learners to study Korean standard pronunciations. Despite these difficulties, it is believed that systematic analysis of pronunciation errors for Korean words is possible according to the advantageous observations that the relationship between Korean notations and pronunciations can be described as a set of firm rules without exceptions unlike other languages including English. In this paper, we propose a visualization framework which shows the differences between standard pronunciations and erratic ones as quantitative measures on the computer screen. Previous researches only show color representation and 3D graphics of speech properties, or an animated view of changing shapes of lips and mouth cavity. Moreover, the features used in the analysis are only point data such as the average of a speech range. In this study, we propose a method which can directly use the time-series data instead of using summary or distorted data. This was realized by using the deep learning-based technique which combines Self-organizing map, variational autoencoder model, and Markov model, and we achieved a superior performance enhancement compared to the method using the point-based data.

An Approach of Cost-Benefit Analysis for GIS Project Evaluations (지리정보 사업의 비용편익 분석의 고찰)

  • Kim, Woo-Gwan;Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 1998
  • This study begins with emphasis on the approach to public policy development and the extent to which a GIS framework can be used to evaluate projects objectively. This paper relates to public policy making and the use of GIS as a strategic management tool rather than the development of GIS technologies which has been the focus of attention since the advent of the first generation GIS systems in the 1960s. In order to consolidate a view towards public policy, the aim of this study is to show the advantages of using GIS to generate results which could be evaluated by cost and benefit analysis giving options of the alternative methods to estimate the feasibility of projects (both tangible and intangible) in a real public policy scenario. This study also reports that the tangible benefits associated with the GIS projects are better information processing, the easy analysis of data and the cost savings of map updates and printing, whilst the intangible benefits include quality decision making, and precise management of data through computing networks. In GIS context, the task of analysing and evaluating GIS projects is assumed in order to facilitate scientific and quantitative cost-benefit analysis. Previous methods of the cost-benefit analysis has not fully supported the evaluation of the intangible benefits and it has not been possible to make public policy realistic or scientifically understandable limiting decision makers in public domain. With the GIS decision makers are able to explore the potential of projects with this powerful decision supporting tool in practical application. On the basis of its potentials and limitations to cost-benefit analysis, therefore, it can be concluded that more flexible analysis and evaluation methodologies are needed to extend into the intangible benefits. In order to balance the evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative approaches on the cost-benefit analysis new or additional utilities will be required for the next GIS generation appraisal tool.

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An Implementation of Mobile Platform using Location Data Index Techniques (위치 데이터 인덱스 기법을 적용한 모바일 플랫폼구현)

  • Park, Chang-Hee;Kang, Jin-Suk;Sung, Mee-Young;Park, Jong-Song;Kim, Jang-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.1960-1972
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    • 2006
  • In this thesis, GPS and the electronic mapping were used to realize such a system by recognizing license plate numbers and identifying the location of objects that move at synchronous times with simulated movement in the electronic map. As well, throughout the study, a camera attached to a PDA, one of the mobile devices, automatically recognized and confirmed acquired license plate numbers from the front and back of each cu. Using this mobile technique in a wireless network searches for specific plate numbers and information about the location of the car is transmitted to a remote sewer. The use of such a GPS-based system allows for the measurement of topography and the effective acquisition of a car's location. The information is then transmitted to a central controlling center and stored as text to be reproduced later in the form of diagrams. Getting positional information through GPS and using image-processing with a PDA makes it possible to estimate the correct information of a car's location and to transmit the specific information of the car to a control center simultaneously, so that the center will get information such as type of the cu, possibility of the defects that a car might have, and possibly to offer help with those functions. Such information can establish a mobile system that can recognize and accurately trace the location of cars.

Update Protocols for Web-Based GIS Applications (웹 기반 GIS 응용을 위한 변경 프로토콜)

  • An, Seong-U;Seo, Yeong-Deok;Kim, Jin-Deok;Hong, Bong-Hui
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.321-333
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    • 2002
  • As web-based services are becoming more and more popular, concurrent updates of spatial data should be possible in the web-based environments in order to use the various services. Web-based GIS applications are characterized by large quantity of data providing and these data should be continuously updated according to various user's requirements. Faced with such an enormous data providing system, it is inefficient for a server to do all of the works of updating spatial data requested by clients. Besides, the HTTP protocol used in the web environment is established under the assumption of 'Connectionless'and 'Stateless'. Lots of problems may occur if the scheme of transaction processing based on the LAN environment is directly applied to the web environment. Especially for long transactions of updating spatial data, it is very difficult to control the concurrency among clients and to keep the consistency of the server data. This paper proposes a solution of keeping consistency during updating directly spatial data in the client-side by resolving the Dormancy Region Lock problem caused by the 'Connectionless'and 'Stateless'feature of the HTTP protocol. The RX(Region-eXclusive) lock and the periodically sending of ALIVE_CLIENTi messages can solve this problem. The protocol designed here is verified as effective enough through implementing in the main memory spatial database system, called CyberMap.

The clinical usefulness of fat suppression by chemical shift selective(CHESS) pulse in MRI (MRI에서 화학적 이동 선택(CHESS) pulse에 의한 지방소거의 임상적 유용성)

  • Han, Man-Seok;Yang, Hae-Sool;Jin, Kyung-Soo;Eo, Ik-Soo;Cho, Dong-Heon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.6
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    • pp.431-436
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    • 2007
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) has chemical shift phenomenon between fat and water, and the phenomenon has influence on structure enclosed by fat. Strong signals emitted from fat often generate false artefact, which reflects the importance of fat suppression techniques. There have been a number of researches on fat suppression techniques, but using fat suppression method alone in MRI can cause difficultproblems in diagnosis. This paper aims to study a fat suppression method by Chemical Shift Selective saturation(CHESS). This research describes the theoretical background and the experiment on water and fat phantom with MR instruments. In the experiment, CHESS pulse was designed by utilising Matlap program, and the pulse diagram was generated for the Pre-saturation process. The experiment using water and fat phantom was applied to C-spine, L-spine and Breast, and produced successful fat suppression results. This experiment has proved that the CHESSpulse fat suppression is a very helpful technique in diagnosing medical imaging. This method is a robust and useful technique for both clinical and basic investigators..(Experiment with Chungnam national university hospital G.E 1.5T MR)

Ex Vivo MR Diffusion Coefficient Measurement of Human Gastric Tissue (인체의 위 조직 시료에서 자기공명영상장치를 이용한 확산계수 측정에 대한 기초 연구)

  • Mun Chi-Woong;Choi, Ki-Sueng;Nana Roger;Hu, Xiaoping P.;Yang, Young-Il;Chang Hee-Kyung;Eun, Choong-Ki
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility of ex vivo MR diffusion tensor imaging technique in order to observe the diffusion-contrast characteristics of human gastric tissues. On normal and pathologic gastric tissues, which have been fixed in a polycarbonate plastic tube filled with 10% formalin solution, laboratory made 3D diffusion tensor Turbo FLASH pulse sequence was used to obtain high resolution MR images with voxel size of $0.5{\times}0.5{\times}0.5mm^3\;using\;64{\times}32{\times}32mm^3$ field of view in conjunction with an acquisition matrix of $128{\times}64{\times}64$. Diffusion weighted- gradient pulses were employed with b values of 0 and $600s/mm^2$ in 6 orientations. The sequence was implemented on a clinical 3.0-T MRI scanner(Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) with a home-made quadrature-typed birdcage Tx/Rx rf coil for small specimen. Diffusion tensor values in each pixel were calculated using linear algebra and singular value decomposition(SVD) algorithm. Apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC) and fractional anisotropy(FA) map were also obtained from diffusion tensor data to compare pixel intensities between normal and abnormal gastric tissues. The processing software was developed by authors using Visual C++(Microsoft, WA, U.S.A.) and mathematical/statistical library of GNUwin32(Free Software Foundation). This study shows that 3D diffusion tensor Turbo FLASH sequence is useful to resolve fine micro-structures of gastric tissue and both ADC and FA values in normal gastric tissue are higher than those in abnormal tissue. Authors expect that this study also represents another possibility of gastric carcinoma detection by visualizing diffusion characteristics of proton spins in the gastric tissues.

A Study of Location Based Services Using Location Data Index Techniques (위치데이터인덱스 기법을 적용한 위치기반서버스에 관한 연구)

  • Park Chang-Hee;Kim Jang-Hyung;Kang Jin-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.595-605
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    • 2006
  • In this thesis, GPS and the electronic mapping were used to realize such a system by recognizing license plate numbers and identifying the location of objects that move at synchronous times with simulated movement in the electronic map. As well, throughout the study, a camera attached to a PDA, one of the mobile devices, automatically recognized and confirmed acquired license plate numbers from the front and back of each car. Using this mobile technique in a wireless network, searches for specific plate numbers and information about the location of the car is transmitted to a remote server. The use of such a GPS-based system allows for the measurement of topography and the effective acquisition of a car's location. The information is then transmitted to a central controlling center and stored as text to be reproduced later in the form of diagrams. Getting positional information through GPS and using image-processing with a PDA makes it possible to estimate the correct information of a car's location and to transmit the specific information of the car to a control center simultaneously, so that the center will get information such as type of the car, possibility of the defects that a car might have, and possibly to offer help with those functions. Such information can establish a mobile system that can recognize and accurately trace the location of cars.

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Policy and Strategy for Intelligence Information Education and Technology (지능정보 교육과 기술 지원 정책 및 전략)

  • Lee, Tae-Gyu;Jung, Dae-Chul;Kim, Yong-Kab
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.6 no.8
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    • pp.359-368
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    • 2017
  • What is the term "intelligence information society", which is a term that has been continuously discussed recently? This means that the automation beyond the limits of human ability in the whole societies based on intelligent information technology is a universalized social future. In particular, it is a concept that minimizes human intervention and continuously pursues evolution to data (or big data) -based automation. For example, autonomous automation is constantly aiming at unmanned vehicles with artificial intelligence as a key element. However, until now, intelligent information research has focused on the intelligence itself and has made an effort to improve intelligence logic and replace human brain and intelligence. On the other hand, in order to replace the human labor force, we have continued to make efforts to replace workers with robots by analyzing the working principles of workers and developing optimized simple logic. This study proposes important strategies and directions to implement intelligent information education policy and intelligent information technology research strategy by suggesting access strategy, education method and detailed policy road map for intelligent information technology research strategy and educational service. In particular, we propose a phased approach to intelligent information education such as basic intelligence education, intelligent content education, and intelligent application education. In addition, we propose education policy plan for the improvement of intelligent information technology, intelligent education contents, and intelligent education system as an important factor for success and failure of the 4th industrial revolution, which is centered on intelligence and automation.

Application of 2-pass DInSAR to Improve DEM Precision (DEM 정밀도 향상을 위한 2-pass DInSAR 방법의 적용)

  • 윤근원;김상완;민경덕;원중선
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2001
  • In 2-pass differential SAR interferometry(DInSAR), the topographic phase signature can be removed by using a digital elevation model(DEM) to isolate the contribution of deformation from interferometric phase. This method has an advantage of no unwrapping process, but applicability is limited by precision of the DEM used. The residual phase in 2-pass differential interferogram accounts for error of DEM used in the processing provided that no actual deformation exits. The objective of this paper is a preliminary study to improve DEM precision using low precision DEM and 2-pass DInSAR technique, and we applied the 2-pass DInSAR technique to Asan area. ERS-1/2 tandem complex images and DTED level 0 DEM were used for DInSAR, and the precision of resulting DEM was estimated by a 1:25,000 digital map. The input DEM can be improved by simply adding the DInSAR output to the original low precision DEM. The absolute altitude error of the improved DEM is 9.7m, which is about the half to that of the original DTED level 0 data. And absolute altitude error of the improved DEM is better than that from InSAR technique, 15.8m. This approach has an advantage over the InSAR technique in efficiently reducing layover effects over steep slope region. This study demonstrates that 2-pass DInSAR can also be used to improve DEM precision.

Wildfire-induced Change Detection Using Post-fire VHR Satellite Images and GIS Data (산불 발생 후 VHR 위성영상과 GIS 데이터를 이용한 산불 피해 지역 변화 탐지)

  • Chung, Minkyung;Kim, Yongil
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1389-1403
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    • 2021
  • Disaster management using VHR (very high resolution) satellite images supports rapid damage assessment and also offers detailed information of the damages. However, the acquisition of pre-event VHR satellite images is usually limited due to the long revisit time of VHR satellites. The absence of the pre-event data can reduce the accuracy of damage assessment since it is difficult to distinguish the changed region from the unchanged region with only post-event data. To address this limitation, in this study, we conducted the wildfire-induced change detection on national wildfire cases using post-fire VHR satellite images and GIS (Geographic Information System) data. For GIS data, a national land cover map was selected to simulate the pre-fire NIR (near-infrared) images using the spatial information of the pre-fire land cover. Then, the simulated pre-fire NIR images were used to analyze bi-temporal NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) correlation for unsupervised change detection. The whole process of change detection was performed on a superpixel basis considering the advantages of superpixels being able to reduce the complexity of the image processing while preserving the details of the VHR images. The proposed method was validated on the 2019 Gangwon wildfire cases and showed a high overall accuracy over 98% and a high F1-score over 0.97 for both study sites.