• Title/Summary/Keyword: probabilistic seismic hazard

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Seismic performance-based optimal design approach for structures equipped with SATMDs

  • Mohebbi, Mohtasham;Bakhshinezhad, Sina
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2022
  • This paper introduces a novel, rigorous, and efficient probabilistic methodology for the performance-based optimal design (PBOD) of semi-active tuned mass damper (SATMD) for seismically excited nonlinear structures. The proposed methodology is consistent with the modern performance-based earthquake engineering framework and aims to design reliable control systems. To this end, an optimization problem has been defined which considers the parameters of control systems as design variables and minimization of the probability of exceeding a targeted structural performance level during the lifetime as an objective function with a constraint on the failure probability of stroke length damage state associated with mass damper mechanism. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is illustrated through a numerical example of performance analysis of an eight-story nonlinear shear building frame with hysteretic bilinear behavior. The SATMD with variable stiffness and damping have been designed separately with different mass ratios. Their performance has been compared with that of uncontrolled structure and the structure controlled with passive TMD in terms of probabilistic demand curves, response hazard curves, fragility curves, and exceedance probability of performance levels during the lifetime. Numerical results show the effectiveness, simplicity, and reliability of the proposed PBOD method in designing SATMD with variable stiffness and damping for the nonlinear frames where they have reduced the exceedance probability of the structure up to 49% and 44%, respectively.

Bayesian Network-based Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Multi-Hazard of Earthquake-Induced Fire and Explosion (베이지안 네트워크를 이용한 지진 유발 화재・폭발 복합재해 확률론적 안전성 평가)

  • Se-Hyeok Lee;Uichan Seok;Junho Song
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2024
  • Recently, seismic Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) methods have been developed for process plants, such as gas plants, oil refineries, and chemical plants. The framework originated from the PSA of nuclear power plants, which aims to assess the risk of reactor core damage. The original PSA method was modified to adopt the characteristics of a process plant whose purpose is continuous operation without shutdown. Therefore, a fault tree, whose top event is shut down, was constructed and transformed into a Bayesian Network (BN), a probabilistic graph model, for efficient risk-informed decision-making. In this research, the fault tree-based BN from the previous research is further developed to consider the multi-hazard of earthquake-induced fire and explosion (EQ-induced F&E). For this purpose, an event tree describing the occurrence of fire and explosion from a release is first constructed and transformed into a BN. And then, this BN is connected to the previous BN model developed for seismic PSA. A virtual plot plan of a gas plant is introduced as a basis for the construction of the specific EQ-induced F&E BN to test the proposed BN framework. The paper demonstrates the method through two examples of risk-informed decision-making. In particular, the second example verifies how the proposed method can establish a repair and retrofit strategy when a shutdown occurs in a process plant.

Seismic Loading Requirements for Singapore Buildings

  • Pan, Tso-Chien
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, the potential ground motion in terms of the peak ground accelerations(PGAs) due to long-distance Sumatra earthquakes is investigated for Singapore, following the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment a, pp.oach. The case investigated differs from a conventional one, in that few attenuation equations for long-distance major earthquakes are readily available. The attenuation relationships developed for other regions of the world are thus reviewed. It is found that the existing attenuation equations, when extrapolated to distant major earthquakes, tend to underestimate the PGAs. By comparing with the PGAs recorded over long distances at stations of the Japanese Meteorological Agency for major earthquakes in Japan, an attenuation equation is chosen for this study. With the chosen attenuation equation, the probability of PGAs exceeding selected levels for various exposure periods of time is then computed. The results show that at Singapore there is a 10% probability in 50 years for the PGA at rock sites to exceed 1.1% g. In view of the results and the associated uncertainties, a base shear coefficient of 1.5% is being recommended as the tentative seismic loading in Singapore. The tentative seismic loading reflects the design value of the notional horizontal load, equal to 1.5% of the characteristic building weigh as specified in the BS code, which usualy governs the design of most buildings in Singapors.

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Probabilistic Approach for Evaluation of the Fault Activity (확률론적 방법에 의한 단층의 활동도 평가)

  • Chang, Chun-Joong;Choi, Weon-Hack;Yun, Kwan-Hee;Park, Dong-Hee;Im, Chang-Bock
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2006
  • Since early 1990's, several Quaternary faults have been found in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula with reference to fault activity. Because some of these faults could be considered a capable fault, it is a very delicate matter, which need to be deal with carefully in assessing the seismic hazard. In determining whether or not a faults are capable, because of the low rate of seismicity and insufficient relationship between instrumental macro-seismicity and fault, there has been considerable debate among geologists and geophysicists in Korea. In this study, we discuss the criteria and probabilistic approaches that are used to assess whether or not a fault is seismogenic. And, we preliminarily also suggest the probability of fault activity from the spatial association between faults and earthquake epicenters, fault slip and tectonic stress, and geological evidence for multiple episodes of reactivation.

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Performance-based earthquake engineering methodology for seismic analysis of nuclear cable tray system

  • Huang, Baofeng
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.2396-2406
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    • 2021
  • The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center has been developing a performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) methodology, which is based on explicit determination of performance, e.g., monetary losses, in a probabilistic manner where uncertainties in earthquake ground motion, structural response, damage estimation, and losses are explicitly considered. To carry out the PEER PBEE procedure for a component of the nuclear power plant (NPP) such as the cable tray system, hazard curve and spectra were defined for two hazard levels of the ground motions, namely, operation basis earthquake, and safe shutdown earthquake. Accordingly, two sets of spectral compatible ground motions were selected for dynamic analysis of the cable tray system. In general, the PBEE analysis of the cable tray in NPP was introduced where the resulting floor motions from the time history analysis (THA) of the NPP structure should be used as the input motion to the cable tray. However, for simplicity, a finite element model of the cable tray was developed for THA under the effect of the selected ground motions. Based on the structural analysis results, fragility curves were generated in terms of specific engineering demand parameters. Loss analysis was performed considering monetary losses corresponding to the predefined damage states. Then, overall losses were evaluated for different damage groups using the PEER PBEE methodology.

A novel risk assessment approach for data center structures

  • Cicek, Kubilay;Sari, Ali
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.471-484
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    • 2020
  • Previous earthquakes show that, structural safety evaluations should include the evaluation of nonstructural components. Failure of nonstructural components can affect the operational capacity of critical facilities, such as hospitals and fire stations, which can cause an increase in number of deaths. Additionally, failure of nonstructural components may result in economic, architectural, and historical losses of community. Accelerations and random vibrations must be under the predefined limitations in structures with high technological equipment, data centers in this case. Failure of server equipment and anchored server racks are investigated in this study. A probabilistic study is completed for a low-rise rigid sample structure. The structure is investigated in two versions, (i) conventional fixed-based structure and (ii) with a base isolation system. Seismic hazard assessment is completed for the selected site. Monte Carlo simulations are generated with selected parameters. Uncertainties in both structural parameters and mechanical properties of isolation system are included in simulations. Anchorage failure and vibration failures are investigated. Different methods to generate fragility curves are used. The site-specific annual hazard curve is used to generate risk curves for two different structures. A risk matrix is proposed for the design of data centers. Results show that base isolation systems reduce the failure probability significantly in higher floors. It was also understood that, base isolation systems are highly sensitive to earthquake characteristics rather than variability in structural and mechanical properties, in terms of accelerations. Another outcome is that code-provided anchorage failure limitations are more vulnerable than the random vibration failure limitations of server equipment.

Development of comprehensive earthquake loss scenarios for a Greek and a Turkish city: seismic hazard, geotechnical and lifeline aspects

  • Pitilakis, Kyriazis D.;Anastasiadis, Anastasios I.;Kakderi, Kalliopi G.;Manakou, Maria V.;Manou, Dimitra K.;Alexoudi, Maria N.;Fotopoulou, Stavroula D.;Argyroudis, Sotiris A.;Senetakis, Kostas G.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.207-232
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    • 2011
  • The development of reliable earthquake mitigation plans and seismic risk management procedures can only be based on the establishment of comprehensive earthquake hazard and loss scenarios. Two cities, Grevena (Greece) and D$\ddot{u}$zce (Turkey), were used as case studies in order to apply a comprehensive methodology for the vulnerability and loss assessment of lifelines. The methodology has the following distinctive phases: detailed inventory, identification of the typology of each component and system, evaluation of the probabilistic seismic hazard, geotechnical zonation, ground response analysis and estimation of the spatial distribution of seismic motion for different seismic scenarios, vulnerability analysis of the exposed elements at risk. Estimating adequate earthquake scenarios for different mean return periods, and selecting appropriate vulnerability functions, expected damages of the water and waste water systems in D$\ddot{u}$zce and of the roadway network and waste water system of Grevena are estimated and discussed; comparisons with observed earthquake damages are also made in the case of D$\ddot{u}$zce, proving the reliability and the efficiency of the proposed methodology. The results of the present study constitute a sound basis for the development of efficient loss scenarios for lifelines and infrastructure facilities in seismic prone areas. The first part of this paper, concerning the estimation of the seismic ground motions, has been utilized in the companion paper by Kappos et al. (2010) in the same journal.

Development of fragility curves for RC bridges subjected to reverse and strike-slip seismic sources

  • Mosleh, Araliya;Razzaghi, Mehran S.;Jara, Jose;Varum, Humberto
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.517-538
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a probabilistic fragility analysis for two groups of bridges: simply supported and integral bridges. Comparisons are based on the seismic fragility of the bridges subjected to accelerograms of two seismic sources. Three-dimensional finite-element models of the bridges were created for each set of bridge samples, considering the nonlinear behaviour of critical bridge components. When the seismic hazard in the site is controlled by a few seismic sources, it is important to quantify separately the contribution of each fault to the structure vulnerability. In this study, seismic records come from earthquakes that originated in strike-slip and reverse faulting mechanisms. The influence of the earthquake mechanism on the seismic vulnerability of the bridges was analysed by considering the displacement ductility of the piers. An in-depth parametric study was conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of the bridges' seismic responses to variations of structural parameters. The analysis showed that uncertainties related to the presence of lap splices in columns and superstructure type in terms of integral or simply supported spans should be considered in the fragility analysis of the bridge system. Finally, the fragility curves determine the conditional probabilities that a specific structural demand will reach or exceed the structural capacity by considering peak ground acceleration (PGA) and acceleration spectrum intensity (ASI). The results also show that the simply supported bridges perform consistently better from a seismic perspective than integral bridges and focal mechanism of the earthquakes plays an important role in the seismic fragility analysis of highway bridges.

Upgrading equivalent static method of seismic designs to performance-based procedure

  • Allahvirdizadeh, Reza;Mohammadi, Mohammad Ali
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.849-865
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    • 2016
  • Beside the invaluable advancements in constructing more secure buildings, the post-earthquake inspections have reported considerable damages. In other words, the modern buildings satisfactorily decrease fatalities but the monetary impacts still mostly remain an unsolved concern of the stakeholders, the insurance companies and society together. Therefore, the fundamental target of the researches shifted from current force-based seismic design regulations to the Performance-Based earthquake engineering (PBEE). At the moment, some probabilistic approaches, such as PEER framework have been developed to predict the performance of building at any desired hazard levels. These procedures are so time-consuming, to which many details are needed to be assigned. It causes their usage to be limited. On that account, developing more straightforward methods seems indispensable. The main objective of the present paper is to adapt an equivalent static method in different damage states. Consequently, constant damage spectrums corresponding to different limit states, soil types, ductility and fundamental periods are plotted and tri-linear formulas are proposed for further applications. Moreover, the sensitivity of outcomes to the employed hysteresis model, ductility, viscous damping and site soil type is investigated. Finally, a case study building with moment-resisting R.C. frame is evaluated based on the both of new and current methods to ensure applicability of the proposed method.

Seismic Fragility of Steel Piping System Based on Pipe Size, Coupling Type, and Wall Thickness

  • Ju, Bu Seog;Gupta, Abhinav;Ryu, Yonghee
    • International journal of steel structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1200-1209
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    • 2018
  • In this study, a probabilistic framework of the damage assessment of pipelines subjected to extreme hazard scenario was developed to mitigate the risk and enhance design reliability. Nonlinear 3D finite element models of T-joint systems were developed based on experimental tests with respect to leakage detection of black iron piping systems, and a damage assessment analysis of the vulnerability of their components according to nominal pipe size, coupling type, and wall thickness under seismic wave propagations was performed. The analysis results showed the 2-inch schedule 40 threaded T-joint system to be more fragile than the others with respect to the nominal pipe sizes. As for the coupling types, the data indicated that the probability of failure of the threaded T-joint coupling was significantly higher than that of the grooved type. Finally, the seismic capacity of the schedule 40 wall thickness was weaker than that of schedule 10 in the 4-inch grooved coupling, due to the difference in the prohibition of energy dissipation. Therefore, this assessment can contribute to the damage detection and financial losses due to failure of the joint piping system in a liquid pipeline, prior to the decision-making.