• Title/Summary/Keyword: privacy agreement

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Zero-knowledge proof algorithm for Data Privacy

  • Min, Youn-A
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2021
  • As pass the three revised bills, the Personal Information Protection Act was revised to have a larger application for personal information. For an industrial development through an efficient and secure usage of personal information, there is a need to revise the existing anonymity processing method. This paper modifies the Zero Knowledge Proofs algorithm among the anonymity processing methods to modify the anonymity process calculations by taking into account the reliability of the used service company. More detail, the formula of ZKP (Zero Knowledge Proof) used by ZK-SNAKE is used to modify the personal information for pseudonymization processing. The core function of the proposed algorithm is the addition of user variables and adjustment of the difficulty level according to the reliability of the data user organization and the scope of use. Through Setup_p, the additional variable γ can be selectively applied according to the reliability of the user institution, and the degree of agreement of Witness is adjusted according to the reliability of the institution entered through Prove_p. The difficulty of the verification process is adjusted by considering the reliability of the institution entered through Verify_p. SimProve, a simulator, also refers to the scope of use and the reliability of the input authority. With this suggestion, it is possible to increase reliability and security of anonymity processing and distribution of personal information.

An Improved Lightweight Two-Factor Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol with Dynamic Identity Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography

  • Qiu, Shuming;Xu, Guosheng;Ahmad, Haseeb;Xu, Guoai;Qiu, Xinping;Xu, Hong
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.978-1002
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    • 2019
  • With the rapid development of the Internet of Things, the problem of privacy protection has been paid great attention. Recently, Nikooghadam et al. pointed out that Kumari et al.'s protocol can neither resist off-line guessing attack nor preserve user anonymity. Moreover, the authors also proposed an authentication supportive session initial protocol, claiming to resist various vulnerability attacks. Unfortunately, this paper proves that the authentication protocols of Kumari et al. and Nikooghadam et al. have neither the ability to preserve perfect forward secrecy nor the ability to resist key-compromise impersonation attack. In order to remedy such flaws in their protocols, we design a lightweight authentication protocol using elliptic curve cryptography. By way of informal security analysis, it is shown that the proposed protocol can both resist a variety of attacks and provide more security. Afterward, it is also proved that the protocol is resistant against active and passive attacks under Dolev-Yao model by means of Burrows-Abadi-Needham logic (BAN-Logic), and fulfills mutual authentication using Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) software. Subsequently, we compare the protocol with the related scheme in terms of computational complexity and security. The comparative analytics witness that the proposed protocol is more suitable for practical application scenarios.

Analysis of Global Trends in the Cross-border Transfer of Personal Data and Its Implications for Korea (개인정보 국외이전 관련 규범 국제 동향 분석 및 한국에의 시사점)

  • Bomin-Ko
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.239-255
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    • 2021
  • To review the theoretical background of regulatory approaches to cross-border transfer of personal data, this paper divides major digital trade participating countries into four types according to the OECD - non-regulatory, post-intervention, pre-supervision, and national control. It then analyzes the US, Japan, the EU, and China respectively that belong to each type. South Korea, which is currently about to pass the amendment by the National Assembly, has identified that it is in the middle of post-intervention and pre-supervision, and needs to evolve into pre-supervision norms like the EU while it has to participate more actively in the process of establishing international digital trade rules. Korea first needs to sign digital trade agreements and promote mutual certification projects more actively from the standpoint of a medium-sized open country with growing digital companies and digitally-open consumers. Second, the government should fully consider the interests of not only companies but also various trade stakeholders including domestic consumers, when drafting and implementing trade policies. To this end, 'a single window approach' is needed not only at the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, but also at the level of the entire government which require an integrated form of digital trade policy governance.

Irish public opinion on assisted human reproduction services: Contemporary assessments from a national sample

  • Walsh, David J.;Sills, E. Scott;Collins, Gary S.;Hawrylyshyn, Christine A.;Sokol, Piotr;Walsh, Anthony P.H.
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.169-173
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    • 2013
  • Objective: To measure Irish opinion on a range of assisted human reproduction (AHR) treatments. Methods: A nationally representative sample of Irish adults (n=1,003) were anonymously sampled by telephone survey. Results: Most participants (77%) agreed that any fertility services offered internationally should also be available in Ireland, although only a small minority of the general Irish population had personal familiarity with AHR or infertility. This sample finds substantial agreement (63%) that the Government of Ireland should introduce legislation covering AHR. The range of support for gamete donation in Ireland ranged from 53% to 83%, depending on how donor privacy and disclosure policies are presented. For example, donation where the donor agrees to be contacted by the child born following donation, and anonymous donation where donor privacy is completely protected by law were supported by 68% and 66%, respectively. The least popular (53%) donor gamete treatment type appeared to be donation where the donor consents to be involved in the future life of any child born as a result of donor fertility treatment. Respondents in social class ABC1 (58%), age 18 to 24 (62%), age 25 to 34 (60%), or without children (61%) were more likely to favour this donor treatment policy in our sample. Conclusion: This is the first nationwide assessment of Irish public opinion on the advanced reproductive technologies since 2005. Access to a wide range of AHR treatment was supported by all subgroups studied. Public opinion concerning specific types of AHR treatment varied, yet general support for the need for national AHR legislation was reported by 63% of this national sample. Contemporary views on AHR remain largely consistent with the Commission for Assisted Human Reproduction recommendations from 2005, although further research is needed to clarify exactly how popular opinion on these issues has changed. It appears that legislation allowing for the full range of donation options (and not mandating disclosure of donor identity at a stipulated age) would better align with current Irish public opinion.

A Study on the policy counterplan of Cross Border Financial Information Transfer according to FTA (FTA 체결에 따른 금융정보 국외이전에 대한 정책적 대응방향 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Hun;Park, Seok-Hoon;Lim, Jong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2011
  • In a situation where worldwide free trade between countries has expanded recently, our country is being rapidly pushed FTA agreements with the financial developed countries such as United States, EU. According to the agreement, the user information of foreign financial companies in Korea is expected to be transfered overseas. In this paper, we need to define the scope and the definition about the transfer of information and analyze the relating domestic and foreign laws preparing for Cross Border Financial Information Transfer. Also, we review the expected issues about the transfer of information divided into institutional and technical sectors and arc presented the policy implication such as differentiation of regulatory information, enactment and amendment of Personal Information Protection Law(Draft) and related regulations, ensuring the safety of financial companies, raise the standard guidelines of the transfer of information. We refers to the needs for policy formulation to differentiate our privacy information from financial information to protect the privacy of users. The proposed countermeasures in this paper is expected to be helpful the measures to prepare for other institutions such as banks and supervisory authorities prepare for the future Cross Border Financial Information Transfer according to PTA.

A Study on the Alienation and Inheritance of the Right of Publicity (퍼블리시티권의 양도성과 상속성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Sang-Ro
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.532-536
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    • 2009
  • Recently the entertainment and sports/advertisement industry have developed rapidly, and the name or identities of celebrities such as entertainers or athletics for the advertisement so that following troubles are occurred continually. Some celebrities actually started a suit for there right of publicity was violated, and won the case. Meanwhile, the right of publicity has become a growing issue in the society. In the States, the right of publicity which controls using one's identity for commercial use, and it is recognized as a right of property separated from the right of privacy. But in Germany, the right of publicity is protected as a human right. On the other hand, in Korea, there is an argument that the mental human right and the right of publicity which has property-characteristic are not separated clearly, and also the attitude of precedent toward the right of publicity is not unified. Especially in Korea, where it is taking the written laws principally, it is not easy to recognize the right of publicity which is a monopoly and exclusion without basis such as any actual laws such as regulation of agreement or any conventional laws. Therefore, as the right protection of celebrities is becoming the social state and there is an agreement with the constituents of the society, now Korea shall progress legislation about the right of publicity, and prepare a legal basis which regulates the remedies for the realization condition, alienation, inheritance, objectives, duration and violation of the right of publicity.

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Challenge of Arbitrators (중재인에 대한 기피)

  • Jeong, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.33-55
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    • 2007
  • Parties to national or international disputes use arbitration because they think it is faster than litigation or affords privacy. But it is very important for the parties that the decision of arbitrators is made impartially and independently. For the parties to accept the outcome of an arbitration, it is essential that the final outcome be the result of an impartial process, especially because arbitration is a form of adjudication, albeit a private one. The success of arbitration resides in the conduct of arbitrators. The more independent and impartial arbitrators are, the more trustworthy arbitration will be. Just as court procedures allow for the recusal of judges under certain circumstances, the arbitral process provides means to remove arbitrators from a tribunal if arbitrator can no longer be considered impartial or independent. This is blown as the disqualification or challenge of arbitrators. An arbitrator can also be challenged when he or she does not fulfill the contactually agreed and stipulated qualifications required by the arbitral agreement. An arbitrator's inability to act impartially could give rise to a challenge to the arbitrator, and even to the award. However, deciding whether an interest or relationship could give rise to an apprehension of bias is a difficult issue for every arbitrator. The standard of arbitrator's impartiality and independence is not commensurable to that of judge, because the parties are permitted considerable autonomy in selecting arbitrators. Particularly it may be expected for the party-appointed arbitrator to act as the advocate of the party in the deliberations of the tribunal. Doubts that could give rise to a challenge to the arbitrator should be justifiable. That is the case if a reasonable, informed third party would conclude that the arbitrator's decision making might be influenced by factors other than evidence presented by the parties. Consequently, for example, the mere fact that an arbitrator was to work in the same firm as one of the parties' counsel, this could not automatically be considered as grounds for challenge for lack of impartiality.

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A study for innovation of Adult nursing assessment tool (간호정보조사지 개선을 위한 연구)

  • Park, Kyung Sook;Chi, Sung Ai;Chung, Hae Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2000
  • This study tried to suggest the basic materials that can be efficiently applied in clinical cases by understanding problems through a content analysis of an adult nursing assessment tool and opinion agreement about nurse's practical usage presently used in the hospital. The study was carried out in 36 attached hospitals in nationwide universities from May to December, 1999, the two hundred and twenty five reports were for analysis. The contents of the collected nursing assessment tool were analyzed. It was found that the tool had been used with various names and content and there were instances of partial omission of a number of items, such as documentation and time records. Other results revealed that they mostly had a systematic classification of items, formation of details a form of a check list, and the effect of saving time. In spite of the adult nursing assessment tool, it was suggested that its style be subdivided according to the specialized of a department and that standardized style be amended and supplemented. The respondents also answered that there had to be education about continuous and sufficient health assessment skills on the physical examination record. The most frequently suggested items to be added were: past history, marital status, patient and caregiver's address and telephone number. It was found that a patient's education career, economic status, religion, hygienic practice, sexual life and hobby were the most frequently omitted items on record. The reason given wes because the items were associated with his/her privacy. These results highlight the importance of analyzing the content with an complete data collection, supplying basic content for a more accurate nursing record, computerization, sharing information and standardization of the form.

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Improvement of Selective Consent Method in the Collection Process of Personal Information of Financial Institutions (금융기관의 개인정보 수집 절차 중 선택적 동의 방식의 개선방안)

  • Sun, Jong-chun;Kim, In-seok
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2020
  • Although the rights of data subjects are defined through laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act, the consent process for collecting personal information by financial institutions is only formal and does not guarantee the right of self-determination of personal information. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the problem by information provision items of the current model, and to improve by changing the structure such as replacing the current method provided with the text with pictures and videos, and mandatory to provide the information subjects with personal information flow related images from the signing up stage. The improvement model is presented as a way to add a procedure to the current model. The effect was verified through a survey. It is hoped that the proposed model is actually reflected through the review to create an environment that can be a true meaning agreement that reflects the information subject's right to self-determination.

Post Occupancy Evaluation for Office Building with An Underfloor Air Distribution System (바닥공조 시스템이 적용된 사무공간의 거주후 성능평가)

  • Yoon, Seong-Hoon;Jang, Hyang-In;Jung, Hae-Kwon;Choi, Sun-Kyu;Yu, Ki-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 2011
  • In this study, an underfloor air distribution(UFAD) system installed on the S. office building was evaluated for its indoor environmental quality performance. Field measurement and survey were conducted for the overall POE(Post Occupied Evaluation). PMV(including temperature, humidity, air velocity and globe temperature) and several environmental components were measured while thermal comfort, thermal sensation, acoustical environment and others. were investigated through survey. Except for the direct upper part of the air supply diffuser on the floor, the indoor velocity was less than 0.25m/s, which has been suggested by ASHRAES tandard 55 as the limit for thermal comfort. MRT of the perimeter zone of the room showed a higher value than that in the interior because of the introduced solar radiation through the building envelope. PMV was generally maintained in the range of thermal comfort (from -0.5 to +0.5), though it weighted to the warm side. It was reported to have 61% positive response on thermal comfort and 55% on neutral thermal sensation. The results of each survey item showed some gender-based differences. Specifically, female respondents had higher degree of dissatisfaction with indoor air cleanness and acoustical privacy. The working surface showed more than 400 lux and the equivalent noise level showed less than 50 dB(A). In conclusion, the results of the measurement and survey showed good agreement. Indoor environmental quality of the subject office room where the UFAD system was installed showed an overall excellent performance.