• Title/Summary/Keyword: pre-state

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  • Kim, Nam-Jung;Lee, Sung-Bok;Choi, Dae-Gyun;Park, Nam-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.731-752
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    • 1995
  • This study was performed to research the changes of masticatory system subsequent to randomly increasing the vertical dimension. The subjects were twenty seven persons, twenty two men and five women, with a mean age of 24.3(age ranged from 22 to 26). The subjects had a complete or almost complete set of natural teeth and reported no subjected symptoms of pain or dysfunction in the masticatory system. The occlusal splint increased vertical dimension was made on semiadjustable articulator. The subjects were randomly divided to three groups according to the vertical dimension, at which the occlusal splint was made. Group I occlusal splints were made at 2mm form the occlusal vertical dimension, group II occlusal splints at 5mm, group III occlusal splints at 8mm. The occlusal splints were almost weared for 2 weeks except meal-time. Clinical examination, muscle activity, changes of free-way space, movement of mandible and articular condyle were recorded and analyzed by means of biopak system(Bioresearch Inc, Millwakee Wisconsin.) and radiograph. 1. In clinical examination, various symptoms were reported by all subjects immediately after the placement of occlusal splint. At the end of experiment, symptoms were lasted by 1 subject in Group I, 2 subjects in Group II, 6 subjects in Group III. At the other subjects, the most of symptoms were disappered within 2-4 days after the placement of occlusal splints. 2. The average free-way space before the startof experiment was 1.77mm in all twenty seven subjects. Immediately after the placement of occlusal splints, 0.67mm at Group I, 0.49mm at Group II, 0.41mm at Group III, At 2 weeks after the placement of occlusal splint 0.93mm, 0.79mm, 0.78mm each other, 1.94mm, 1.77mm, 2.3 mm at immediately after the removal of occlual splint. At 1 week after the removal of occlusal splint, free-way space was recovered to the pre-experimental state 3. In cephalometric radiograph, following either the placement or the removal of the occlusal splints, the movements of mandible in an antero-posterior direction were not statistically significant(p>0.05). 4. In transcranial radiograghs of TMJ, 1 week after the placement of occlusal splint the movement of most superior position on condyle in all group shoed antero-inferior position than before the experiment(p<0.001) and also showed antero-inferior position in mandibular postural rest position than in certric occlusion(p<0.001). Following either the placement or the removal of the splints, the amount of movement of most superior position on condyle was group III. group II and group I in order(p<0.001). 5. In anterior temporal and superficial masseter muscle, muscle activity at postural rest position decreased at 2 weeks after the placement of occlusal splint in group I and group II (p>0.05), but significantly increased in group III(p<0.001). At 1 week after the removal of the occdusal splint, muscle activity at postural rest position was recovered preconditional state 6. In anterior temporal and superficail masseter muscle, muscle activity at clenching in all group was significantly decreased after placement of the occlusal splint, slightly increased during experimental period and recovered to the original state at 1 week after removal of the occlusal splint. But was not statistically significat(p>0.05)s.

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Music Recall Technique for Affect Modification using Stimulative-Sedative Music : Case Study of Anorexia Nervosa (자극성-진정성 음악을 이용한 부적 정서 조절의 음악회상기법 (Music Recall Technique) : 신경성 식욕부진증 환자의 사례 연구)

  • Gill, Su Yeon
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to develop Music Recall Technique for affect modification using programmed series of classical music, and further to apply the technique as therapeutic intervention for clients with anorexia nervosa. Music Recall Technique is composed of two sub-technique: first one is 'Music Recall(MR)' which is the way to reproduce of existing music on one's head and mind after listening to the music, and second intervention is 'Creative Music Recall(CMR)' which is the way to modify the exposed musical pieces or newly learned musical pieces. A client with anorexia nervosa with severe anxiety, anger and depression participated in this case study. The MRT is implemented in different stages pertaining to client's level of utilizing the music recall skill for the period of 10 sessions. Situations eliciting negative emotions were identified and music recalling was reinforced for the pertaining situation in order for the negative emotion to be coped and reduced by the end of session time. The client participated for 10 sessions, and was asked to fill out self-report on the affect change using MRT. Visual Analogue Scale was used for pre and post test for each session to measure the self perceived level of negative affect. State-trait anxiety inventory was also used to measure the anxiety level following the implementation of MRT. As results, negative emotions, such as anxiety, anger and depression were modified during stimulative-sedative music recall process. These negative emotions were decreased mostly during stimulative MR, especially, in the beginning process. Each negative affect on negative situation measured by VAS during each and entire session have been decreased. Negative emotion measured by state-trait anxiety inventory, state-trait anger expression inventory, and hopelessness-depression inventory were decreased as well. The results suggest that stimulative music using contemporary classic music was effective in reduction and modification of negative affect such as anxiety, anger and depression. It shows that Music Recall Technique can be a meaningful intervention for affect modification, and further it can be utilized as self-help in the outside of music therapy setting.

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CEO's Political Independence, Board Chair Separation, Executive's Expertise, and Performance in State-Owned Enterprises (공기업 CEO의 정치적 독립성, 이사회 의장 분리, 임원의 전문성과 성과)

  • Yu, Seungwon
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.1-39
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    • 2013
  • Considering the relationship between state-owned enterprise (SOE) CEOs and political circles, this study examines the performance impacts of CEO's succession type, board chair separation, and industry expertise and finance expertise of CEOs and outside directors. I propose the definition of political independence in SOE CEOs based on the independence in appearance that might affect general people's perception. It means that there are no relationships or circumstances that might affect SOE CEO's judgment, activity, and report. The definition is able to overcome the limitations of the prior research that could not discover the CEOs who were affiliated to political circles because the research just distinguished the CEOs following their pre-jobs. This study focused on the performance impacts of political independence impaired CEO as well as the CEO's impacts on the relationship between the performance and other corporate governance variables. I selected as dependent variables the average return on asset as operating income divided by total assets and the average customer satisfaction rate evaluated by Korean government during the first three years following the year of the events of explanatory variables. My theory and evidence from the various CEO's personal background and financial information from SOEs in Lee Myung-bak Administration and Rho Moo-hyun Administration suggest the following important things. First, the analysis based on whether or not a SOE CEO keeps political independence shows that a political independence impaired CEO made a significantly negative impact on customer satisfaction rate. Second, the separation between a board chair and a CEO in SOEs introduced by Korean Act on Management of Public Institutions made a significantly positive impact on customer satisfaction rate. However, the positive impact of the board chair separation was removed in a political independence impaired CEO's SOE. Third, outside director's industry expertise made a significantly positive impact on return on asset. However, the positive impact of the outside director's industry expertise was removed in a political independence impaired CEO's SOE. Fourth, the comparison between Lee Myung-bak Administration and Roh Moo-hyun Administration on the corporate governance and performance of SOEs shows that the ratio of political independence impaired CEO was significantly higher in Lee Administration and the ratio of outside director's industry expertise and finance expertise were respectively significantly higher in Roh Administration. Based on these results, I suggested a few policy alternatives for CEO's improved political independence and requirements for executive's expertise in SOEs.

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The Effect of VDT Work on Vision and Eye Symptoms among Workers in a TV Manufacturing Plant (텔레비젼(TV)생산업체 근로자들의 영상단말기(VDT)작업이 시력과 안증상에 미치는 영향)

  • Woo, Kuck-Hyeun;Choi, Gwang-Seo;Jung, Young-Yeon;Han, Gu-Wung;Park, Jung-Han;Lee, Jong-Hyeob
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.25 no.3 s.39
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    • pp.247-268
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    • 1992
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of VDT work on eyes and vision among workers in a TV manufacturing plant. The study subjects consisted of 264 screen workers and 74 non-screen workers who were less than 40 years old male and had no history of opthalmic diseases such as corneal opacities, trauma, keratitis, etc and whose visual acuity on pre-employment health examination by Han's test chart was 1.0 or above. The screen workers were divided into two groups by actual time for screen work in a day : Group I, 60 workers, lesser than 4 hours a day and group II, 204 workers, more than 4 hours a day. From July to October 1992 a questionnaire was administered to all the study subjects for the general charateristics and subjective eye symptoms after which the opthalmologic tests such as visual acuity, spherical equivalent, lacrimal function, ocular pressure, slit lamp test, fundoscopy were conducted by one opthalmologist. The proportion of workers whose present visual acuity was decreased more than 0.15 in comparison with that on the pre-employment health examination by Han's test chart was 20.6% in Group II. 15.0% in Group I and 14.9% in non-screen workers. However, the differences in proportion were not statistically significant. The proportion of workers with decreased visual acuity was not associated with the age, working duration, use of magnifying glass and type of shift work (independent variables) in all of the three groups. However, screen workers working under poor illumination had a higher proportion of persons with decreased visual acuity than those working under adequate illumination (P<0.05) . The proportion of workers whose near vision was decreased was 27.5% in Group II, 18.3% in Group I, and 28.4% in non-screen workers and these differences in proportion were not statistically significant. Changes of near vision were not associated with 4 independent variables in all of the three groups. Six out of seven subjective eye symptoms except tearing were more common in Group I than in non-screen workers and more common in Group II than in Group I (P<0.01). Mean of the total scores for seven subjective symptoms of each worker(2 points for always, 1 point for sometimes, 0 point for never) was not significantly different between workers with decreased visual acuity and workers with no vision change. However, mean of the total scores for Group II was higher than those for the Group I and non-screen workers (P<0.01). Total eye symptom scores were significantly correlated with the grade of screen work, use of magnifying glass, and type of shift work. There was no independent variable which was correlated with the difference in visual acuity between the pre-employment health examination and the present state, the difference between far and near visions, lacrimal function, ocular pressure, and spherical equivalent. Multiple linear regression analysis for the subjective eye symptom scores revealed a positive linear relationship with actual time for screen work and shift work(P<0.01). In this study it was not observed that the VDT work decreased visual acuity but it induces subjective eye symptoms such as eye fatigue, blurred vision, ocular discomfort, etc. Maintenance of adequate illumination in the work place and control of excessive VDT work are recommended to prevent such eye symptoms.

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  • Hwang, Chung-Ju
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.3 s.62
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    • pp.421-430
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    • 1997
  • Alveolar bone grows with development of tooth germs and roots; bone deposition occurs with tooth eruption. Bone components undergoes processes of resorption and deposition, and when the balance between them is disrupted, decrease in alveolar bone height or excessive bone deposition result. It has been hon that repositioning of teeth through orthodontic treatment can cause alveolar bone resorption which result in decreased alveolar bone height, and there have been many studies to evaluate such effects. X-ray films that could be replicated and standardized were chosen in clinical studies, and among them, bitewing films were used for objective evaluation of changes in alveolar bone level. Twenty subjects, 10 to 13-year- old (average 12.2) children with Cl I molar key, healthy oral condition, no congenital missing, no periodontal disease, and pre-and post-orthodontic bitewing films, were randomly selected for comparison of alveolar bone heights. Amounts of tooth and changes in alveolar bone heights were analyzed. The following results were obtained: 1. Amount of tooth movement in canine, premolar, and molar regions, changes in tooth axis, and changes in alveolar bone heights were measured, and the mean and median values were obtained. 2. When pre-and post-orthodontic alveolar bone levels were compared, larger changes were noticed in maxilla than mandible. 3. When mesio-distally compared, larger changes were observed in the distal sides of 3D3 and 4M3, mesial sides of 4M3 and 4D3, distal sides of 4D3 and 5M3, mesial sides of 5M3 and 5D3, md distal sides of 5D3 and 6M3. 4. When the amounts of tooth movements(TX, TY)and changes in tooth axis(A) were compared,34TX, 34TY, 34A of both sides in maxilla were greater, iud changes in alveolar bone level were greater than any other region.

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Characteristics of Petroleum Geology of the Marine Basins in North Korea and Mutual Cooperative Plans for MT (Marine Technology) (북한 해양분지의 석유지질학적인 특징과 남북한 해양과학기술 협력 방안)

  • Huh, Sik;Yoo, Hai-Soo;Kwon, Suk-Jae;Oh, Wee-Yeong;Pae, Seong-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2006
  • The possibility of oil reserve has been conformed because the oil has been produced by 450 barrel per day in the West Korea Bay basin of the North Korea. There is also possibility of giant oil reserve since it is geographically close to one of the biggest oil fields of Bohai Basin, China. Based on the on-going oil exploration and the present condition of investment, the areas of ongoing oil exploration are three: West Korea Bay B&C prospect explored by Swedish Taurus, the north of West Korea Bay and Anju basin explored by Canadian SOCO, and East Korea Bay explored by Australian Beach Petroleum. However, there is little or no possibility of oil reserve in the rest sea areas of three. Even though oil reserves were discovered in the some parts of land areas such as Kilju and Myungcheon, it was presumed to have no economical efficiency. Geology in West Korea Bay off the North Korea is similar to that in Bohai Bay off China. The basement consists of thick carbonate rock of the Late Proterozoic and Early Paleozoic overlain by Mesozoic ($6,000{\sim}10,000\;m$) and Cenozoic ($4,000{\sim}5,000\;m$) units. Source rocks are Jurassic black shale (3,000 m or more), Cretaceous black shale ($1,000{\sim}2,000\;m$), and pre-Mesozoic carbonates (several thousand meters). Reservoir rocks are Mesozoic-Cenozoic sandstone with high porosity and pre-Mesozoic fractured carbonate rocks. Petroleum raps are of the anticline, fault sealed, buried hill, and stratigraphic types. It absolutely needs to take up a positive attitude, the activation of ocean science and technology exchange, and the joint research and development of modern MT (Marine Technology) considering the state of establishing new international ocean order forcing on building up 200 nautical mile EEZ (exclusive economic zone) among coastal nations. Both South and North Koreas should extend the ocean jurisdiction and contiguity, and MT development dealing with the same sea areas. It is more urgent problem to find a way to have the North Korea participated in, and then to develop ocean management and ocean industry individually.

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Genetic Environments of Hydrothermal Vein Deposits in the Pacitan District, East Java, Indonesia (인도네시아 동부자바 빠찌딴(Pacitan) 광화대 열수 맥상 광상의 성인 연구)

  • Choi, Seon-Gyu;So, Chil-Sup;Choi, Sang-Hoon;Han, Jin-Kyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 1995
  • The hydrothermal vein type deposits which comprise the Kasihan, Jompong and Gempol mineralized areas are primarily copper and zinc deposits, but they are also associated with lead and/or gold mineralization. The deposits occur within the Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks in the Southern Mountain zone of the eastern Java island, Indonesia. Mineralization can be separated into two or three distinct stages (pre-and/or post- ore mineralization stages and main ore mineralization stage) which took place mainly along pre-existing fault breccia zones. The main phase of mineralization (the main ore stage) can be usually classified into three substages (early, middle and late) according to ore mineral assemblages, paragenesis, textures and their chemical compositions. Ore mineralogy and paragenesis of the three areas in the district are different from each other. Pyrite, pyrrhotite (/arsenopyrite), iron-rich (up to 20.5 mole % FeS) sphalerite and (Cu-)Pb-Bi sulfosalts are characteristic of the deposits in the Kasihan (/Jompong) area. On the other hand, pyrite + hematite + magnetite + iron-poor (2.7 to 3.6 mole % FeS) sphalerite assemblage is restricted to the Gempol area. Fluid inclusion data suggest that fluids of the main ore stage evolved from initial high temperatures (near $350^{\circ}C$) to later lower temperatures (near $200^{\circ}C$) with salinities ranging from 0.8 to 10.1 equiv. wt. percent NaCl. Each area represents a separate hydrothermal system: the mineralization at Kasihan and Jompong were largely due to early fluid boiling coupled with later cooling and dilution, whereas the mineralization at Gempol was mainly resulted from cooling and dilution by an influx of cooler meteoric waters. Fluid inclusion evidence of boiling indicates that pressures of ${\geq}95$ to 255 bars (${\geq}95$ bars for the Gempol area: $\approx$ 120 to 170 bars for the Jompong area: $\approx$ 140 to 255 bars for the Kasihan area) during portions of main ore stage mineralization. Equilibrium thermodynamic interpretation indicates that the evolution trends of the temperature versus fS2 variation of ore stage fluids in the Pacitan district follow two fashions: ore fluids at Kasihan and Jompong changed from the pyrite-pyrrhotite sulfidation stage towards pyritehematite- magnetite state, whereas those at Gempol evolved nearly along pyrite-hematite-magnetite reaction curve with decreasing temperature. The sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide minerals are consistent with an igneous source of sulfur with a ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}s}$ value of about 3.3 per mil. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the fluids in each area indicate a progressive shift from the dominance of highly exchanged meteoric water at early hydrothermal systems towards an un- or less-exchanged meteoric water at later hydrothermal systems.

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A Study on Process Optimization for CSOs Application of Horizontal Flow Filtration Technology (수평흐름식 여과기술의 CSOs 적용을 위한 공정 최적화 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Hak;Yang, Jeong-Ha;Lee, Young-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2018
  • The management of Combined Sewer Overflows(CSOs) and Separated Sewer Overflows(SSOs) discharge directly to the effluent system in an untreated state, which occurs when the facility capacity is exceeded due to heavy rain, has become an important issue in recent years as the heavy rain becomes a regular phenomenon. Despite the continuous development of filtration technology, targeting densely populated urban areas, CSOs are rarely applied. Therefore, this study was carried out to optimize the process to apply CSOs in a pilot-scale horizontal flow filtration system with a rope-type synthetic fiber. The research was carried out in two steps: a preliminary study using artificial samples and a field study using sewage. In the preliminary study using an artificial sample, head loss of the filter media itself was analyzed to be approximately 1.1cm, and the head loss was increased by approximately 0.1cm as the linear velocity was increased by 10m/hr. In addition, the SS removal efficiency was stable at 81.4%, the filtration duration was maintained for more than 6 hours, and the average recovery rate of 98% was obtained by air backwashing only. In the on-site evaluation using sewage, the filtration duration was approximately 2 hours and the average removal efficiency of 83.9% was obtained when belt screen (over 450 mesh) was applied as a pre-treatment process to prevent the premature clogging of filter media. To apply the filtration process to CSOs and SSOs, it was concluded that the combination with the pre-treatment process was important to reinforce the hydraulic dimension for the stable maintain of operation period, rather than efficiency. Compared to the dry season, the quality of incoming sewage was lower in the rainy season, which was attributed to the characteristics of the drainage area with higher sanitary sewerage. In addition, the difference in removal efficiency according to the influent quality of the wet season and dry season was small.

The Effect of Supportive Nursing Care on Depression, Mood and Satisfaction in Military Patients with Low Back Pain (지지간호가 군 요통환자의 우울ㆍ기분ㆍ만족에 미치는 영향)

  • 김정아
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.324-340
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    • 1990
  • Support has always been considered an important nursing concept. However, there is no agreement among nurse researchers as to a conceptual definition of supportive nursing or meaningful supportive behaviors. Clarification of the concept, support in nursing, is necessary to promote communication among nurses on nursing behaviors that are effective in providing support and on understanding the relevant properties and charcteristics of the concept, supportive nursing care. The objectives of the study were : 1. to analyse the concept, support in nursing, in order to provide a definition of supportive nursing care, and 2. to operationalize the definition of supportive nursing care and use it as an experimental nursing intervention for patients with low back pain. The first part of the study used the concept analysis approach developed by Walker and Avant(1983) to define the concept of supportive nursing care. The properties of supportive nursing care, defined by this analysis, included perception of supportive need, reciprocal interaction(Transaction), listening, providing empathy and information related to health, and confirmation of the patient's verbal and non - verbal response. The second part, the experimental part of the study, was done using King's(1970) Interpersonal Theory for Nursing. The concept, supportive nursing care, as defined in the concept analysis was operationalized and used as the experimental intervention. The experiment tested the effectiveness of the independent variable, supportive nursing care on the dependent variables, depression, mood and patient satisfaction, in the patients with low back pain in army hospitals. The instruments used to measure the dependent variables were Zung's(1965) Self- Rating Depression Scale, Ryman and Colleagues'(1974) Mood Questionnaire and LaMonica and Colleagues'(1986) Patient Satisfaction Scale. The experimental design used for this study was a Solomon 4 group experimental design. This design has the strength of allowing for observation of the main effects of supportive nursing care and pretesting, and for observation of the interaction effects of pretesting and supportive nursing care. The design includes one experimental group and three control groups. The Subjects of this study were 150 young male patients with low back pain on Neuro - Surgical Wards in three general army hospitals. There were 35 in the experimental group, 39 in the pre - posttest control group, 36 in the treatment - posttest control group and 40 in the posttest only control group. Supportive nursing care, as operationalized by the researcher according to the concept analysis, was given to the patients in the experimental group and the treatment -posttest control group, individually for 30 minute sessions, every other day for 5 days. Data collection was done using a questionnaire. The data were collected in a pretest one week before the supportive nursing care sessions, a posttest immediately after the sessions and follow- up test one week later. Hypotheses testing was done using 2×2 factorial analysis of variance and Meta analysis(Stouffer's Z method). The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Hypothesis Ⅰ, “There will be a difference on depression level between the patients with low back pain who receive supportive nursing care and those who do not receive supportive nursing care”, was supported (F=8.49, p<.05). 2. Hypothesis Ⅱ, “There will be a difference on mood level between the patients with low back pain who receive supportive nursing care and those who to not receive supportive nursing care”, was supported (Z meta=2.17, p<.05). 3. Hypothesis Ⅲ, “There will be a difference on satisfaction level between the patients with low back pain who receive supportive nursing care and those who do not receive supportive nursing care”, was supported (F=13.67, p<.05). 4. ANOVA, done to examine the interaction effect of history and maturation, showed no significant difference on the dependent variables between the observations of the pretest scores of the experimental group, the pretest scores of the pre- posttest control group and the posttest score of the posttest only control group. 5. To test for continuing effect of supportive nursing care, paired t-test was done to compare the scores for the dependent variables at the posttest and at the one week later follow-up test. No significant difference on the scores for the dependent variables was found between the posttest scores and the follow-up test scores for the two groups that received supportive nursing care, the experimental group and the treatment-posttest control group. In conclusion, it was found that in the case of young soldiers with low back pain in army hospitals, their depression level was decreased, their mood state was changed positively and their satisfaction level was increased by receiving supportive nursing care. Further, the effectiveness of the supportive nursing care lasted for at least one week in this study. The significance of this study to nursing is in the analysis of the concept of supportive nursing care and the demonstration of the effectiveness of supportive nursing care as an intervention within the limits of the study.

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Pediatric Renal Transplantation in Asia (아시아 소아 신장이식 현황)

  • Kim Ji-Hong;Choi Yong;Kim Pyung-Kil
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : Renal transplantation which allows children normal growth and development and a return to normal life. is now proven to be the best modality for children with ESRD Up to Recently, the number of renal transplantations in Asia has rapidly increased and the outcome has also improved. This investigation was planned to estimate the current status of pediatric renal transplantation in Asia and to find the keys for better improvement of outcome in pediatric renal allograft in Asian countries. Material and methods : The participating countries and institutions for this investigation were China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, KSPN (Korean Society of Pediatric Nephrology), KONOS (Korean Network for Organ Sharing). Results : Many countries in Asia still do not have a well organized nation wide renal transplantation registration system independently in the pediatric field. So it's very difficult to evaluate the real state of pediatric transplantation among Asian countries. According to the estimation with fragmented data from each countries, in the front running countries of pediatric renal transplantation in Asia, about 40 or more transplants were performed in each country per year and the five year actuarial renal allograft survival was around 80% which is similar to that of western countries. But there were large gaps among the behind groups. Conclusion : Vigorous attempts to perform renal transplantation for children especially younger than 5 years old would be encouraged as well as organ donation from brain dead donor and non heart beating cadaveric donor also should be activated to cope effectively with the shortage of living donor supply. Large number of recent reports shows the favorable outcome of pre-emptive renal transplantation, we should make more efforts toward pre-emptive renal transplantation. First of all, in order to improve the outcome and to narrow the gap between Asian countries in pediatric renal transplantation, effective and continuous efforts to establish nationwide pediatric renal transplantation registration program as well as official, nation-to-nation data sharing program should be needed.

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