연구의 목적은 학부별 눈높이에서 치과위생사의 의료인화에 대한 의견을 수집하여 정책 반영에 기초자료로 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위해 비보건계열인 유아교육과, 미용예술과, 보건계열의 치위생과 전공자 중 2학년 여대생 180명을 대상으로 설문조사를 시행한 후 빈도분석과 교차분석을 통한 카이제곱 검정을 실시하였다. 전공별로 치과위생사의 법적 업무와 법적 외 업무에 대한 인식정도는 통계적으로 유의적인 차이가 있었고, 유아교육과 전공자들은 96.7%, 미용예술과 전공자들은 73.3%, 치위생과 전공자들은 85.0%가 치과위생사를 의료인이라고 생각하고 있었다. 그 이유로는 유아교육과 치위생과 전공자들의 경우는 1순위로 국가시험을 통해 보건복지부 장관이 면허증을 교부하기 때문에 각각 32.8%, 41.2%로 가장 높았으나, 미용예술 전공의 전공자들은 치과의사의 지도하에 시행하는 진료의 보조가 31.8%로 가장 높게 나타나 학과별로 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다.
Background: Breast cancer risk prediction models are widely used in clinical practice. They should be useful in identifying high risk women for screening in limited-resource countries. However, previous models showed poor performance in derived and validated settings. Therefore, we aimed to develop and validate a breast cancer risk prediction model for Thai women. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted of derived and validation phases. Data collected at Ramathibodi and other two hospitals were used for deriving and externally validating models, respectively. Multiple logistic regression was applied to construct the model. Calibration and discrimination performances were assessed using the observed/expected ratio and concordance statistic (C-statistic), respectively. A bootstrap with 200 repetitions was applied for internal validation. Results: Age, menopausal status, body mass index, and use of oral contraceptives were significantly associated with breast cancer and were included in the model. Observed/expected ratio and C-statistic were 1.00 (95% CI: 0.82, 1.21) and 0.651 (95% CI: 0.595, 0.707), respectively. Internal validation showed good performance with a bias of 0.010 (95% CI: 0.002, 0.018) and C-statistic of 0.646(95% CI: 0.642, 0.650). The observed/expected ratio and C-statistic from external validation were 0.97 (95% CI: 0.68, 1.35) and 0.609 (95% CI: 0.511, 0.706), respectively. Risk scores were created and was stratified as low (0-0.86), low-intermediate (0.87-1.14), intermediate-high (1.15-1.52), and high-risk (1.53-3.40) groups. Conclusions: A Thai breast cancer risk prediction model was created with good calibration and fair discrimination performance. Risk stratification should aid to prioritize high risk women to receive an organized breast cancer screening program in Thailand and other limited-resource countries.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM. How the ISQ values measured by $Osstell^{TM}$ and $Osstell^{TM}$ Mentor are related, and whether the ISQ values acquired from the two machines changes in accordance with changes in implant stability are not yet fully understood. PURPOSE. The aim of this study was to find out correlation between the ISQ values acquired from $Osstell^{TM}$ and $Osstell^{TM}$ Mentor, and to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and accuracy of two devices. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Sixty two implants were inserted into 47 patients, and their ISQ values were measured using $Osstell^{TM}$ and $Osstell^{TM}$ Mentor. In the first stage surgery, the ISQ values of forty four implants inserted into thirty five patients were measured. In the second stage surgery, the values of fifty implants inserted into thirty seven patients were measured. The values were analyzed to determine the difference between the mean ISQ values of $Osstell^{TM}$ and $Osstell^{TM}$ Mentor. In addition, the correlation between implants used in the first and second stage of surgery with regard to their types and areas of insertion were analyzed. The difference between the ISQ values of 32 implants in each patient during the first and second stage was analyzed. The statistical assessment was carried out using SPSS V. 12.0 for Win. (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to examine the correlation between $Osstell^{TM}$ and $Osstell^{TM}$ Mentor in the first and second stages of surgery, whereas the difference between their ISQ values was evaluated using a paired t-test. RESULTS. In the first stage, the mean ISQ value for $Osstell^{TM}$ and $Osstell^{TM}$ Mentor was 70.84 and 75.09, respectively, showing a significant difference (P < .01). In the second stage, the mean ISQ value of $Osstell^{TM}$ and $Osstell^{TM}$ Mentor was 71.76 and 75.94, respectively, also showing a significant difference (P < .01). The difference between the ISQ values in patients in the first and the second stages was significant with both instruments. CONCLUSION. The significant difference in the values obtained using the $Osstell^{TM}$ and $Osstell^{TM}$ Mentor between the first and second stages of implant surgery indicates that these values can be a convenient and precise way for evaluating the implant stability in clinical practice.
본 연구는 치위생과 치면세마실습에 자발적으로 참여한 일반인을 대상으로 구강건강수준과 구강건강관리행위 및 구강보건지식의 관계를 알아보고자 구강검사와 설문조사를 하였으며, 회수된 266부를 SPSSWIN 12.0 통계프로그램을 이용하여 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 성별에 따른 구강건강수준은 우식경험영구치지수(DMFT index) 남자 10.4, 여자 13.0, 여자에서 높은 결과를 보였으며 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다. 우식영구치율 (DT rate)은 남자 32.0. 여자 30.0, 상실영구치율(MT rate)은 남자 32.2, 여자 26.6으로 남자가 높게 나타났으며 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다. (P<0.05). 2. 연령에 따른 구강건강수준을 보면, 우식경험영구치지수 (DMFT index)는 60대 이상 21.0으로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 연령이 높을수록 우식경험영구치지수가 높은 것으로 조사되었으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 우식영구치율 (DT rate)은 40대 35.2%로 가장 높게 나타났고, 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이지는 않았다. 상실영구치율 (MT rate)은 60대 42.8%, 30대 42.6%로 높게 나타났고, 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 처치영구치율(FT rate)은 60대 42.8%, 30대 42.6%로 높게 나타났고, 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 3. 성별에 따른 구강보건지식은 우식성 식품에서 전체의 77.8%가 응답하여 가장 높은 응답을 보였으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 불소에 관한 질문은 남자 72.4%, 여자 84.7%로 여자가 남자보다 높은 것으로 나타났고 통제적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다(P<0.05). 잇솔질 방법은 남자 61.3%, 여자 78.8%로 여자에서 높은 응답을 보였으며 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다(P<0.05). 4. 연령에 따른 구강보건지식은 우식성 식품에서 20대 81.3%.로 가장 높게 나타났고, 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다(P<0.05). 5. 정기적인 구강검진여부에 따른 구강보건지식은 정기적인 구강검진을 하는 경우에서 불소에 관한 질문은 전체의 84.8%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 잇솔질 방법은 정기적인 구강검진을 한다(80.3%)가 안 한다(62.5%) 보다 높은 응답을 보였고, 우식성 식품은 정기적인 구강검진을 한다(68.2%)가 안 한다(81.0%)보다 낮게 나타냈으며 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다(P<0.05). 6. 치석제거여부에 대한 구강보건지식은 정기적인 치과 방문시기에서 치석제거 한다 50.5%, 안 한다 32.1%로 지석제거 한다에서 더 높은 응답을 보였으며 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<0.05) 잇솔질시기는 치석제거 한다 77.2%, 안 한다 65.5% 로 한다에서 더 높은 응답을 보였으며 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<0.05). 우식성 식품은 치석제거한다 71.3%, 안 한다 81.8%로 안 한다에서 더 높은 응답을 보였으며 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다 (p<0.05). 불소에 관한 질문은 치석제거 한다84.2%, 안 한다 71.5%로 한다에서 더 높은 응답을 보였으며 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<0.05). 이와 같이 구강건강수준과 구강건강관리행위가 구강보건지식에 영향이 있음을 알 수 있으므로 차후 보다 많은 연구를 통하여 치위생과 치면세마실습 과정에서 효율적이고 체계적인 구강보건교육이 진행될 수 있도록 하며, 또한 자발적으로 치면세마실습에 참여한 환자에게는 개별 맞춤형의 구강보건교육을 통해 구강건강을 증진시키는 행위에 대한 동기부여를 강화하고 지속적인 구강건강관리가 유지되도록 하여야 할 것이다.
본 연구는 소아환자들의 변화하는 특성을 파악하고 이해함으로써 환자나 보호자와의 적절한 의사소통을 위한 자료나 정보 제공을 용이하게 하며, 적절한 진단과 치료계획을 수립하는 데 도움을 주며, 또한 국내 다른 지역을 중심으로 한 연구와 비교 분석하여 이 지방의 소아환자의 치료의 방향성을 설정하기 위해 본 연구를 시행하였다. 이를 위해 1990년 1월 1일부터 1999년 12월 31일 까지 조선대학교 부속치과병원 소아치과에 내원한 모든 신환아동을 대상으로 하여 분포와 변화추세를 조사 연구한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 내원환자의 수는 96년 이후 증가 추세이며, 남자가 55.9%, 여자가 44.1%로 남자가 여자보다 많은 비율을 보였다(P>0.05). 2. 연령별 분포에서 $3\sim4$세 군의 내원율이 23.4%로 가장 높게 나타났으며 $5\sim6$세 군이 19.9% $7\sim8$세 군이 17.7%, $0\sim2$세 군이 14.6%순 이었다. 3. 내원환자의 거주지 분포에서 광주시내 거주자가 내원환자의 83.0%로 대부분을 차지하였고, 근거리 광주시외 거주자는 5.4%를 보였다. 4. 내원환자의 주소(chief complaint)별 분포에서 충치 치료를 주소로 내원한 경우가 40.5%로 가장 많았고, 구강검진이 13.9%, 교정적 문제가 12.6%를 보였다. 5. 외상을 주소로 내원한 환자중 치관 파절이 41.4%로 가장 많았고, 아탈구가 19.4% 진탕이 12.0%, 완전탈구가 11.4%, 함입이 9.3%를 차지하였다. 6. 내원동기의 분포는 의뢰되지 않은 경우가 78.7%를 차지하고, 의뢰된 경우 중 치과의원에서 의뢰된 경우가 전체의 20.5%이고, 치과의원에서 의뢰된 경우 중 진료의 난이도 때문이 12.7%, 행동조절의 어려움 때문이 6.2%를 나타냈다. 7. 주기적인 검사가 되는 환자가 전체환자의 19.6%를 차지하였고, 그 중 3개월 후가 36.7%, 6개월 후가 22.2%, 9개월 후가 13.5%를 나타냈다.
This study was conducted to compare the characteristics of high performane areas for family planning with that of low performance areas and to find factors which strongly affected contraceptive practice behavior. For the study, eight areas were selected from 274 rural family planning canvassing areas of Korean Population Policy and Program Evaluation Study, which was an action study operated in all areas of Cheju Island from July 1, 1976 until December 31,1979. As a first step of the action study, Cheju Island was devided up 318 family planning canvasser areas Each area was consisted of 200 households in rural district and 300 households in urhan one Duriog the period of project, each canvassing area had been managed by a female family planning canvasser, selected by director of health center considering several individual conditions needed for family planning activities Basic activities of canvassers were to counsell all the eligihie couples in own charged area about family planning methods and also to distribute contraceptives such as condoms and oral pills. In case couples desire to accept sterilization including vasectomy and tubal-ligation, the canvassers played a linking role connecting potential client with family planning field workers. Canvassng areas shows significant differentce in performance for family planning, nevertheless they are supposed to have almost the same conditions regarding family planning distribution channel. Because the purpose of the Cheju project was to eliminate all the problems that existed in governmental distribution system, that is to remove geographic, economic, cognitive and administrative barriers Accumulated performances of family planning methods accepted by residents in each area were calculated by eligible women aged 14-49. And then canvassing areas were ranked according to performance score. Consequently, 4 areas in extremely high and low family planning performance areas were selected respectively. Major results were obtained by comparing characteristics of high performance area with that of low performance areas, which are as follows: 1. The mean number of living children was about the same both in high and low performance areas for family planning. But respondents' mean age (38.5) in high performance areas was higher than that (37.0) in low performance areas 2. Respondents' perception in the expectant educational level of others' children in high performance areas was higher than that in low performance areas, although respondents educational level, monthly expenditure and ratio of children in high school and above was not different. 3. Ratio of ownerships of TV and newspaper in high performance areas was highen than that in low performance areas 4. The duration of canvasser' charge in high performance areas was longer than that of low performance areas, showing the fact that canvassers didn't move cut in high performance areas 5. In high performance areas, canvassers' houses were relatively located in the center part of the village. And so villagers resided in near distances from the anvasser's house 6. 4H clubs' activities in high performance areas were more active than those in low performance areas Therefore it was assumed that cohesiveness of community in high performance areas were stronger than that in low areas. 7. Canvassers' family planning practice rate was higher than that in low performance areas, and also canvassers' human relationship was more sociable than that of canvassers in low performance areas. 8. Fourteen variables which showed relatively high significance level in $X^2$ and F test were selected as independent variables for stepwise regression analysis. According to the results of regression analysis. five of 14 variables-distributors education level ($R^2$=.4439), duration of distributor's charge ($R^2$=.6166), 4H club activities ($R^2$=.6697), canvasser's contraceptive practice ($R^2$=.7377) and location of distributions house ($R^2$=.8010) explained 80.1 percent of total variance.
Lee, Yoo Min;Ryoo, Eell;Hong, Jeana;Kang, Ben;Choe, Byung-Ho;Seo, Ji-Hyun;Park, Ji Sook;Jang, Hyo-Jeong;Lee, Yoon;Chang, Eun Jae;Chang, Ju Young;Lee, Hae Jeong;Kim, Ju Young;Lee, Eun Hye;Kim, Hyun Jin;Chung, Ju-Young;Choi, You Jin;Choi, So Yoon;Kim, Soon Chul;Kang, Ki-Soo;Yi, Dae Yong;Moon, Kyung Rye;Lee, Ji Hyuk;Kim, Yong Joo;Yang, Hye Ran
Nutrition Research and Practice
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the nutritional status and prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized children at admission and during hospitalization in South Korea. SUBJECTS/METHODS: This first cross-sectional nationwide "Pediatric Nutrition Day (pNday)" survey was conducted among 872 hospitalized children (504 boys, 368 girls; 686 medical, 186 surgical) from 23 hospitals in South Korea. Malnutrition risk was screened using the Pediatric Yorkhill Malnutrition Score (PYMS) and the Screening Tool Risk on Nutritional status and Growth. Nutritional status was assessed by z-scores of weight-for-age for underweight, weight-for-height for wasting, and height-for-age for stunting as well as laboratory tests. RESULTS: At admission, of the 872 hospitalized children, 17.2% were underweight, and the prevalence of wasting and stunting was 20.2% and 17.3%, respectively. During hospitalization till pNday, 10.8% and 19.6% experienced weight loss and decreased oral intake, respectively. During the aforementioned period, fasting was more prevalent in surgical patients (7.5%) than in medical patients (1.6%) (P < 0.001). According to the PYMS, 34.3% and 30% of the children at admission and on pNday, respectively, had a high-risk of malnutrition, requiring consultation with the nutritional support team (NST). However, only 4% were actually referred to the NST during hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS: Malnutrition was prevalent at admission and during hospitalization in pediatric patients, with many children experiencing weight loss and poor oral intake. To improve the nutritional status of hospitalized children, it is important to screen and identify all children at risk of malnutrition and refer malnourished patients to the multidisciplinary NST for proper nutritional interventions.
Yim, Sunjin;Kim, Sungchul;Kim, Inhwan;Park, Jae-Woo;Cho, Jin-Hyoung;Hong, Mihee;Kang, Kyung-Hwa;Kim, Minji;Kim, Su-Jung;Kim, Yoon-Ji;Kim, Young Ho;Lim, Sung-Hoon;Sung, Sang Jin;Kim, Namkug;Baek, Seung-Hak
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of one-step automated orthodontic diagnosis of skeletodental discrepancies using a convolutional neural network (CNN) and lateral cephalogram images with different qualities from nationwide multi-hospitals. Methods: Among 2,174 lateral cephalograms, 1,993 cephalograms from two hospitals were used for training and internal test sets and 181 cephalograms from eight other hospitals were used for an external test set. They were divided into three classification groups according to anteroposterior skeletal discrepancies (Class I, II, and III), vertical skeletal discrepancies (normodivergent, hypodivergent, and hyperdivergent patterns), and vertical dental discrepancies (normal overbite, deep bite, and open bite) as a gold standard. Pre-trained DenseNet-169 was used as a CNN classifier model. Diagnostic performance was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, t-stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), and gradient-weighted class activation mapping (Grad-CAM). Results: In the ROC analysis, the mean area under the curve and the mean accuracy of all classifications were high with both internal and external test sets (all, > 0.89 and > 0.80). In the t-SNE analysis, our model succeeded in creating good separation between three classification groups. Grad-CAM figures showed differences in the location and size of the focus areas between three classification groups in each diagnosis. Conclusions: Since the accuracy of our model was validated with both internal and external test sets, it shows the possible usefulness of a one-step automated orthodontic diagnosis tool using a CNN model. However, it still needs technical improvement in terms of classifying vertical dental discrepancies.
Purpose: In order to increase the quality of nursing care for patients with diabetes mellitus, it is important for clinical nurses to accept changes in diabetes knowledge and correct their approach immediately. This approach will also contribute to effective nursing practice. Methods: The study was designed to investigate the level of knowledge and diffusion of knowledge for nursing care of patients with diabetes mellitus among clinical nurses. It was conducted with nurses from 29 general hospitals in Korea from November 3 to December 5, 2008. The questionnaire consisted of 129 items and it was sent to the participants by mail. Of the 1,060 questionnaires returned, only 930 were valid for use in the statistical analysis. Results: 1) The average score for clinical nurses' knowledge of diabetes mellitus was 0.67 out of 1.0. 2) The level of persuasion of knowledge for nursing care of patients with diabetes mellitus averaged 0.64 out of 1.0 3) The level of practical application of knowledge for nursing care of patients with diabetes mellitus averaged 1.05 out of 2.0, indicating that they applied their knowledge 'sometimes'. 4) The level of diffusion of knowledge for nursing care of patients with diabetes mellitus was 2.37 out of 4.0 and level was estimated as the stage of 'persuasion'. 5) There were significant differences in nursing knowledge of diabetes mellitus, according to experience in practical education for diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: The results indicate that nurses with a lower level of knowledge of diabetes mellitus have a lower level of persuasion of knowledge for nursing care of patients with diabetes mellitus and lower practical application. To improve the level of nurses' knowledge of diabetes mellitus, practical training programs are needed for areas in which knowledge level is low, such as 'diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus', 'oral diabetes medication', and 'glucose control in special conditions'.
이 연구는 국내 소아청소년의 저작 능력을 평가하고 관련 요인들을 조사하고자 하였다. 유구치의 조기 상실, 제1대구치의 교합 정도, 제1대구치의 교합 관계, 전치부 반대교합의 유무를 고려하였다. 2020년 3월부터 2021년 7월까지 56명의 만 6세에서 12세 사이 소아청소년을 대상으로 하였다. 혼합능력지수(MAI)가 소아청소년의 저작 능력을 평가하기 위해 계산되었고 유구치의 조기 상실 개수에 따라 세 집단으로 분류한 연구대상자는 정상 치열, 유구치 1 - 2개 상실, 유구치 3개 이상 상실한 경우 각각 23명, 18명, 15명이었다. 정상치열군과 1 - 2개 유구치 상실군에서는 MAI 값에서 차이가 없었으나, 3개 이상 유구치를 상실한 경우 MAI 값이 감소했으며, 유의한 차이가 관찰되었다. 이 연구는 국내 소아청소년의 저작 능력을 평가한 최초의 연구로, 성인과 저작 능력을 비교하였으며, 임상에서 소아청소년의 저작 능력 증진을 위해 노력하는 소아치과 의사에게 도움이 될 수 있다.
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그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며,
이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.