• Title/Summary/Keyword: pot

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Concept of Seasonality Analysis of Hydrologic Extreme Variables and Design Rainfall Estimation Using Nonstationary Frequency Analysis (극치수문자료의 계절성 분석 개념 및 비정상성 빈도해석을 이용한 확률강수량 해석)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ju;Kwon, Hyun-Han;Hwang, Kyu-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.8
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    • pp.733-745
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    • 2010
  • Seasonality of hydrologic extreme variable is a significant element from a water resources managemental point of view. It is closely related with various fields such as dam operation, flood control, irrigation water management, and so on. Hydrological frequency analysis conjunction with partial duration series rather than block maxima, offers benefits that include data expansion, analysis of seasonality and occurrence. In this study, nonstationary frequency analysis based on the Bayesian model has been suggested which effectively linked with advantage of POT (peaks over threshold) analysis that contains seasonality information. A selected threshold that the value of upper 98% among the 24 hours duration rainfall was applied to extract POT series at Seoul station, and goodness-fit-test of selected GEV distribution has been examined through graphical representation. Seasonal variation of location and scale parameter ($\mu$ and $\sigma$) of GEV distribution were represented by Fourier series, and the posterior distributions were estimated by Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation. The design rainfall estimated by GEV quantile function and derived posterior distribution for the Fourier coefficients, were illustrated with a wide range of return periods. The nonstationary frequency analysis considering seasonality can reasonably reproduce underlying extreme distribution and simultaneously provide a full annual cycle of the design rainfall as well.

Height Control of Pot Chrysanthemum according to Daminozide Applications at Different Planting Period in C-Channel mat Irrigation System (C-형강 매트 저면관수 시스템을 이용한 분화 국화 재배 시 정식시기와 Daminozide 처리에 따른 초장 조절)

  • Kang, Seung Won;Seo, Sang Gyu;Lee, Gung Pyo;Pak, Chun Ho
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2011
  • Effect of daminozide concentration and application methods, in combination with different planting period, on the growth of chrysanthemum was investigated for small pot-plant production. Daminozide, a plant growth regulator widely used for plant height control, was applied by drench or sub-application. For pot chrysanthemums of first planting time, plant height was reduced over $4,000mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$, when daminozide was drenched directly into the pot medium. However, $5,000mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of daminozide drench affected plant height reduction for secondarily planted pot chrysanthemum. Analysis of variance revealed the plant height was affected by planting time. For sub-application experiment of daminozide, it showed that the daminozide affected the number of flower buds formation and fresh and dry weight. These results suggest that planting period affected growth retardation of chrysanthemum. Therefore, application of growth retardant in combination with planting time and application methods may provide more efficient growth control for pot-chrysanthemum production.

The Effect of Irrigation Control and the Application of Soil Ameliorators on Rice Yield by the Irrigation of Livestock Waste Water (수도(水稻)의 축산폐수피해(畜産廢水被害)에 대(對)한 물관리(管理) 및 개량제(改良劑) 시용효과(施用效果))

  • Lee, Min-Hyo;Kim, Bok-Young;Kim, Kyu-Sik;Park, Young-Dae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1987
  • In order to find out more effective countermeasures against growth damage of paddy rice due to the irrigation of livestock waste water, pot experiments were carried out in 1985 and 1986. Experiment I conducted in 1985 was to find out the effects of irrigation control and application of ameliorators to paddy soil with irrigation of animal waste water. Experiment II conducted in 1986 was to find out the amounts of wollastonite to be applied. The results obtained were as follows. Experiment I ; Rice yields were higher in the treatment of continuously submersion until harvest than in that of intermittent irrigation. The yield was also increased with the application of soil ameliorators and it showed higher increase in the treatment of zeolite and wollastonite. Nitrogen contents in plant were increased with the nitrogen application and more amounts of irrigation of waste water, but they were considerably decreased with the application of soil ameliorators. Experiment II ; Rice yields were increased with the application of wollastonite and the optimum level of wollastonite for maximum yield in condition of 3.0 g/pot of nitrogen application was belived to be 60g/pot. The increment of yield by the application of wollastinte was though to be due to increase of No. of grains per panicle and ripening ratio. Steriled neck occurred by rice disease such as rice blast was increased with increasing the amounts of nitrogen application and nitrogen contained in irrigated waste water but that was remarkably decreased with the application of wollastonite.

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Improvement of Cultural Practices for a New Aromatic Tobacco III. Effect of the Vinyl Pot Size and Plants per Hole on Growth Characteristics, Yield and Quality (향끽미종잎담배의 신재배법 연구 제3보 육묘용비닐포트의 크기 및 식혈당주수가 생육특성 및 수량품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, K.T.;Ban, Y.S.;Yu, I.S.
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 1982
  • This experiment was carried out to improve the cultural practices of seedlings and to investigate the proper planting density in aromatic tobacco, Sohang. Two different cultural practices of seedling were employed; Temporary transplanting (TT; Conventional practices) and non temporary transplanting (N.T.). Vinyl pot sizes were $3.5cm{\times}3.5cm, \;4cm{\times}4cm$ and $5cm{\times}5cm$ Plants per hole were 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. There were little difference among the vinyl pot sizes in all characters except the survival ratio. But it may be little problem on cultural practices by 7 plants per hole in $5cm\times$5cm vinyl pot. There were not significant in price per kg, yield per 10a and value per 10a between two cultural practices of seedlings and among three pot sizes. Mildness and filling power were increased by increasing the plants per hole. Combustibility of 5-9 plants were better than those of 1-3 plants per hole. The growing of 6 seedlings per hole in $5cm\times$5cm vinyl pot by non temporary transplanting resulted the best cultural practices for an aromatic tobacco, Sohyang.

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Effect of Water Quantity in Pot on Growth of Some Wood Plant by Water Flooding Culture (몇 가지 목본식물의 담수 재배 시 용기 내 관수량이 식물의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, C.Y.;Moon, J.Y.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to determine of water quantity in pot for water flooding culture of Pinus thunbergii Parl., Chaenomeles japonica Lindl. ex Spach and Osmanthus fragrans Lour. The survival rate of P. thunbergii Parl. and C. japonica Lindl. ex Spach in the water quantity in pot 60% or 40% was 100% and the rate of O. fragrans Lour. in the 60% or 40% water was 90.0% or 93.3%. However the survival rate of the 100% water was less than 90% in P. thunbergii Parl, C. japonica Lindl. ex Spach and less than 60% was in O. fragrans Lour. The increasing rate of plant height for P. thunbergii Parl. in the water quantity in pot 40% or 60% was above 50%, and the C. japonica Lindl. ex Spach or O. fragrans Lour. was above 90%. However the increasing rate of plant height in the water 100% was less then the others as a 38.2%, 65.4% or 66.7% in respectively in P. thunbergii Parl., C. japonica Lindl. ex Spach and O. fragrans Lour. The increasing rate for leaf number for P. thunbergii Parl. in the water quantity 40% or 60% was above 80%, and the C. japonica Lindl. ex Spach or O. fragrans Lour. was above 70%, however the 100% water was below 60% in all treatment. Therefore, the survival rates in some woody plants of the 40% or 60% water in the pot was above 90% and the plant growth of plant height, plant width, leaf number or fresh weight was proper increased. But the survival rates and growth of the 100% water in the pot was decreased

Facile and Convenient Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Schiff Bases Involving Heterocyclic Ring through One Pot Multicomponent Reactions under Mild Conditions (온화한 반응조건에서 One Pot 다성분 반응을 통해 이종원자고리를 포함한 새로운 시프염기의 쉽고 편리한 합성 및 특성)

지렁이 분립의 첨가가 벼의 육묘에 미치는 영향 느타리버섯 폐배지로 생산한 분립의 이용

  • Lee, Ju-Sam;Kim, In-Su;Kim, Seong-Jin;Lee, Ji-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Organic Agriculture Conference
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    • 2005.12a
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2005
  • 1. 버섯폐배지로 생산된 분립의 첨가시 벼의 생육에 미치는 영향 2) 육묘용 pot 바닥의 분립무처리구에서 추정벼는 4%-6% 혼합비율에서 식물체의 생육이 양호하였다. 3) 육묘용 pot 바닥의 분립처리구에서는 추정벼가 대조구(0%) 혼합비율에서 식물체의 생육이 양호하였다. 4) 이상의 결과로부터 육묘용 상토에 분립 4%-6%를 첨가하는 것이 식물체의 생육을 촉진시켰다고 판단된다.

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