• Title/Summary/Keyword: posttest.

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Implementation and Evaluation of Nutrition Education Programs Focusing on Increasing Vegetables, Fruits and Dairy Foods Consumption for Preschool Children (유아 대상 '채소와 과일, 유제품의 충분한 섭취'를 위한 영양교육 실시 및 효과 평가)

  • Oh, Su Min;Yu, Ye Lee;Choi, Hye In;Kim, Kyung Won
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.517-529
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of the study was to implement and evaluate a nutrition education program for preschool children. Applying the PRECEDE-PROCEED model, the nutrition education program was developed and focused on changing beliefs, increasing nutrition knowledge and consumption of vegetables & fruits (V/F) and dairy foods. Subjects were children attending a childcare center in Seoulwho were grouped into education (n = 33) and control group (n = 32). Education group received four sessions of nutrition education during 2011 fall. Both groups completed the questionnaire at pretest and posttest, measuring nutrition knowledge, beliefs, and preferences of V/F and eating behaviors. Compared to control group, education group made significant gains in total score of nutrition knowledge after the education (p < 0.05). In addition, the pretest-posttest changes in total score of beliefs regarding V/F consumption and eating behaviors were higher in the education group than in the control group (p < 0.05). Two groups were significantly different in the pretest-posttest changes in specific beliefs regarding the benefits of V/F consumption and some eating behavior. However, there were no changes in the preferences of vegetables or fruits between the two groups after the education. The consumption of V/F and dairy foods was not significantly different after the education. This study revealed that nutrition education for preschoolers was effective in improving nutrition knowledge and perceived benefits regarding V/F consumption and specific eating behavior. This study suggested that more intensive education is needed to induce changes in eating behaviors. This program can be used in nutrition education of children at the childcare centers or kindergartens.

Effectiveness of a Behavioral Intervention Program for Urinary Incontinence in a Community Setting

  • Oh, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Mi-Kyung;Seo, Wha-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.1476-1484
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    • 2005
  • Purpose. The purposes of this study were to examine the effectiveness of a behavioral intervention program combining pelvic floor muscle exercise with bladder training for urinary incontinence and also to conduct follow-up assessment after self-training. Methods. This study was conducted using a non-equivalent control group, pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 60 middle-aged women(control group, n=30; intervention group, n=30) who experienced an episode of urinary incontinence at least once a week. The program was run over a 4 week period (once a week) and composed of urinary incontinence education, pelvic floor muscle exercise, and bladder training. Results. Overall, there was a significant difference in urinary incontinence symptoms and psycho-social well-being related to urinary incontinence between the treatment and control group. Of the variables, weekly leakage frequencies, leakage amounts on each occasion, leakage index, frequencies of nocturia, and quality of life were significantly different between the groups. Follow-up assessment (9th week) indicated that overall incontinence symptoms and psycho-social well-being were significantly different between the posttest and follow-up assessments. Most variables of incontinence symptoms and psycho-social well-being were significantly improved at follow-up assessment versus posttest. Conclusions. The program was voerall effective in terms of relieving symptoms and improving psych-social well-being related to urinary incontinence, and this effect continued after a 4-weeks self-training period. In the respect that this is a community-based application study, the results can be meaningful and applicable.

The Effect of Overseas Language Training on the Development of Foreign Language Accuracy (해외어학연수의 외국어 정확성 향상에 대한 효과)

  • Cha, Mi-Yang
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2020
  • The Journal of Industrial Management Society in Republic of Korea. In order to explore the effect of overseas language training on the development of foreign language accuracy, this study investigates the errors in English compositions produced by 27 Korean university students who received overseas language training for 15 weeks. For data collection, students were made to take two tests, a pretest and a posttest, a semester apart. The differences in composition elements and errors between the two tests were examined and statistical analyses were performed. Results showed that while the average length of the compositions and sentences increased, the number of sentences decreased in the posttest. Also, more errors were found in the posttest where the students tried to construct more complex sentence structures. The students' ability to generate sentences were found to have improved, while their competence in using grammatical elements accurately within sentences did not see great improvement. This implies that overseas language training was not effective for aiding the development of one's grammatical accuracy of a foreign language over a 15-week period for the students.

Guided Imagery Types on Stress and Performance of an Intramuscular Injection of Nursing Students (지시적 심상요법의 유형에 따른 간호학생의 근육주사 관련 스트레스 및 수행도 비교)

  • Suk, Min-Hyun;Oh, Won-Oak;Kil, Su-Kyong
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.976-982
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the feeling state guided imagery(FSGI) and end state guided imagery(ESGI) on stress and performance of an intramuscular injection of nursing students. Method: The design was a time series with a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest study. Data was collected from the 23 rd to the 25th of Nov. 2004. The subjects of this study were 40 female sophomores (21 for the ESGI, 19 for the FSGI). The instruments used in this study were the Visual Analogue Scale for Stress and the Nursing Skill Performance Check-list on Intramuscular Injection developed by the researchers(10 items). Guided imagery was provided through audiotapes for 8 minutes. A pretest was given before applying the guided imagery, posttest 1 was performed after the intervention, posttest 2 was performed before the intramuscular injection and then evaluation of the performance of the intramuscular injection was done. Data was analyzed using t-test, and Repeated Measures ANOVA. Result: The level of stress for those who received the ESGI and FEGI was not significant and the level of the nursing skill performance for those who received the ESGI was significantly higher than that of students who received the FEGI. Conclusion: The use of ESGI has an effect on learning psychomotor nursing skills and further research is needed on stress.

Effects of Doula-type-delivery Nursing Care on Plasma $\beta$-Endorphin, Serum Cortisol related to Delivery Stress during Labor, and Postpartum Status Anxiety of Primipara - Clinical trial - (Doula식 분만간호가 초산부의 분만중 분만스트레스로 인한 혈장 베타엔돌핀, 혈청 코티졸 및 분만후 상태불안에 미치는 효과 - 임상 실험연구 -)

  • Hur, Myung-Haeng
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 2001
  • This study was designed to verify the effect of Doula-type-delivery nursing care on plasma $\beta$-endorphin, serum cortisol, related to delivery stress during labor, and postpartum anxiety of primipara by a quasi experiment(nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design), from December, 1999 to August, 2000. The subjects of this experiment consisted of sixty eight primipara, with single gestation, full term, uncomplicated pregnancies, thirty three for the experimental group and thirty five for the control group. Their mean age was 26.1 years for the experimental group and 25.5 years for the control group. Their mean gestation period was 39.7 weeks for the experimental group and 40.1 weeks for the control group. As treatment, Doula-type-delivery nursing care was given for the experimental group. Data assessed plasma $\beta$-endorphin, serum cortisol during labor, and anxiety during postpartum. Plasma $\beta$-endorphin, serum cortisol were measured in the latent phase before treatment(pre-test) and the transition phase after treatment(posttest). Also, anxiety was measured in the latent phase before treatment(pre-test) and 24 hours postpartum after treatment(posttest). Data was analyzed by t-test, $x^2$-test, Repeated measures ANOVA with SAS Program. The results of this study were as follows; 1. Plasma $\beta$-endorphin was significantly elevated in the experimental group who were cared for with Doula-type-delivery nursing care during labor(P=.0463). 2. No significant group effects were found, but significant time effects were found for serum cortisol. 3. The postpartum anxiety of the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group(P=.0110). In conclusion, these findings indicate that Doula-type-delivery nursing care during labor could be effective in increasing maternal plasma $\beta$-endorphin and decreasing postpartum anxiety. Doula-type-delivery nursing care during labor could be applied as an effective nursing treatment for primipara.

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The Effects of Using the Geometric Manipulative for the Development of Spatial Sense (기하 교구의 활용이 공간 지각 능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Man-Goo;ChoiKoh, Sang-Sook;Jung, In-Chul;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.303-322
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of using the geometric manipulative for the development of spatial sense and thus to find out a better mathematics teaching and learning method that could help develop students' spatial senses. The two fifth grade classes were randomly chosen as an experimental group (31 students) and a control group (32 students), respectively. This study implemented nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design of quasi-experimental design. The test instrument used in this study was a spatial sense test. The pretest and posttest were implemented with the same instrument. In addition, their classes were observed and videotaped, and the data and their study activities were analyzed. In conclusion, first, the geometric manipulative-aided activities contributes to developing students' spatial senses and their two sub-factors involves perceptual consistency and perception of spatial relationship. Second, the activities of grasping the components of solid figures, sketches and development figures by using the geometric manipulative contribute to boost students' perceptual consistencies and their perceptions of spatial relationship.

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A Study on Effects of Weight Control Program in Obese Children (학령기 비만아동을 위한 체중조절 프로그램의 실시 및 효과평가)

  • 김현아
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.307-320
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    • 1996
  • The enforcement and its effect of weight control program including nutrition education, exercise and behavioral modification therapy during 20 weeks were studied in primary school obese children. The sample consisted of treatment group(n=19) and control group (n=23). To evaluate the effects of weight control program, treatment group took pretest and posttest for nutrition knowledge, attitude and food habits. Nutrient intakes, serum lipid levels and anthropometric values were also measured. After weight control program, body weight of treatment group significantly decreased from 47.0$\pm$9.0kg to 45.9$\pm$8.5kg(p<0.001), but than of control group increased from 47.8$\pm$8.1kg to 49.0$\pm$8.7kg (p$\leq$0.05). Obesity index showed decline of 8.6% for treatment group and gain of 0.7% for control group. After self-control period, body weight and relate index in both groups were increased. For the nutrition knowledge test results, the posttest mean scores of treatment group showed the significant increase(p<0.001). For the attitude toward nutrition and food habit results, the posttest mean scores increased significantly (p<0.05, p<0.01). There was a decline of 28% in serum triglycerides, whereas serum total cholesterol increased 11% of baseline. These findings suggest that well-combined weight control program for obese children may result in a substantial loss of body weight during 14 weeks. In addition, these reuslts indicate that weight redution through weight control program can be a viable approach to help normalize serum lipids in obese children. Finally, these data suggest that it may be important to identify that affect weight loss and maintenance, and to examine how to manipulate these factors in weight control program.

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Effect of nutrition education received by teachers on primary school students' nutrition knowledge

  • Elmas, Cemre;Arslan, Perihan
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.532-539
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    • 2020
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of nutrition education received by fourth- and fifth-grade teachers in state schools in Famagusta, Northern Cyprus, on their students. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The aim of this study is to assess the effect of nutrition education received by fourth- and fifth-grade teachers (n = 27) in state schools in Famagusta on their students. Participants (n = 718) were selected through a regional pilot scheme. The teachers were instructed on nutrition by the researcher and provided with a researcher-prepared nutrition education book "I Am Learning about Healthy Nutrition". Before receiving their nutrition education, the teachers were pretested to assess their baseline nutrition knowledge. Following receipt of their nutrition education, a posttest, which included the same questions as those in the pretest, was administered to the teachers to assess the effectiveness of the training session. Similarly, students were asked pretest researcher-prepared questions to evaluate their baseline nutrition knowledge level. The teachers were then given a period of three to four weeks to instruct the students in nutrition education. Following this instructional period, a posttest that included the same questions as those in the pretest was administered to the students. RESULTS: The results showed that there were significant differences between the pre- and posttest scores of both teachers and students; in both groups, the nutrition knowledge level increased (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results show that the provision of nutrition education training to teachers positively affected the nutrition knowledge level of both teachers and students.

Development of a Program to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice Based on the Transtheoretical Model (범이론적 모형에 기반한 근거기반실무 활성화 프로그램의 개발)

  • Cho, Myung Sook;Cho, Yong Ae;Song, Mi Ra;Kim, Mi Kyung;Cha, Sun Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.136-147
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study developed a program to facilitate evidence-based practice (EBP) in one nursing organization, and identifies the effects of the program on the nurses' EBP facilitators. Methods: The program was based on the Transtheoretical Model of stages of organizational change, a literature review, the cases of hospitals overseas, and a prior study. To identify the effects of the program, a one-group pretest-posttest study was conducted with 45 nurses who participated in the EBP implementation. Results: The program consisted of EBP educational sessions, consultations with academic nursing faculty and clinical EBP mentors, and support from the administration and relevant departments. After the EBP program, there was a statistically significant difference in belief in the value of EBP between the pretest and the posttest (t=2.31, p=.026). However, no significant differences were found between the pretest and the posttest for organizational support to develop EBP (t=0.62, p=.537), skills in locating and evaluating research reports (s=-1.00, p=.987), knowledge of research language and skills (s=-1.00, p=.986), and time to devote to EBP (s=-23.00, p=.711). Conclusion: The findings provide important data that can be used to develop and implement strategies for enhancing EBP in clinical settings in Korea.

The Effects of Problem Solving Activities of STEAM Program on Middle School Students' Metacognition (STEAM 프로그램의 문제해결활동이 중학생의 메타인지에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Changik;Kang, Kyunghee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of problem solving activities of STEAM program on metacognition of middle school students. The subject was 63 middle school students. This study was designed single group pre-posttest. A single-group t-test was performed for analyzing difference between the pre-post test on metacognition. In the result of this study, there was significant difference between pretest and posttest on middle school students' metacognition. Also there was significant difference on metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulation. The analysis on the subelements of metacognition showed significant difference between pretest and posttest. The multiple regression analysis to investigate the relation of sub-elements of metacognition was performed in this study. The result of the analysis showed high explanatory power among metacognition subelements. This result suggests that the problem solving activities of STEAM program can have a positive effect in promoting metacognition. of the learner.

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