• Title/Summary/Keyword: position control loop

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A Study on control of weld pool and torch position in GMA welding of steel pipe by using sensing systems (파이프의 가스메탈아크 용접에 있어 센서 시스템을 이용한 용융지 제어 및 용접선 추적에 관한 연구)

  • 배강열;이지형;정수원
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 1998
  • To implement full automation in pipe welding, it si most important to develop special sensors and their related systems which act like human operator when detecting irregular groove conditions. In this study, an automatic pipe Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) system was proposed to full control pipe welding procedure with intelligent sensor systems. A five-axes manipulator was proposed for welding torch to automatically access to exact welding position when pipe size and welding angle were given. Pool status and torch position were measured by using a weld-pool image monitoring and processing technique in root-pass welding for weld seam tracking and weld pool control. To overcome the intensive arc light, pool image was captured at the instance of short circuit of welding power loop. Captured image was processed to determine weld pool shape. For weld seam tracking, the relative distance of a torch position from the pool center was calculated in the extracted pool shape to move torch just onto the groove center. To control penetration of root pas, gap was calculated in the extracted pool image, and then weld conditions were controlled for obtaining appropriate penetration. welding speed was determined with a fuzzy logic, and welding current and voltage were determined from a data base to correspond to the gap. For automatic fill-pass welding, the function of human operator of real time weld seam control can be substituted by a sensor system. In this study, an arc sensor system was proposed based on a fuzzy control logic. Using the proposed automatic system, root-pass welding of pipe which had gap variation was assured to be appropriately controlled in welding conditions and in torch position by showing sound welding result and good seam tracking capability. Fill-pass welding by the proposed system also showed very successful result by tracking along the offset welding line without any control of human operator.

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Direct Stator Flux Vector Control Strategy for IPMSM using a Full-order State Observer

  • Yuan, Qingwei;Zeng, Zhiyong;Zhao, Rongxiang
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.236-248
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    • 2017
  • A direct stator flux vector control scheme in discrete-time domain is proposed in this paper for the interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) drive to remove the proportional-integral (PI) controller from the direct torque control (DTC) scheme applied to IPMSM and to obtain faster dynamic response and lower torque ripple output. The output of speed outer loop is used as the desired torque angle instead of the desired torque in the proposed scheme. The desired stator flux vector in dq coordinate is calculated with a given amplitude. The state-space equations in discrete-time for IPMSM are established, the actual stator flux vector is estimated in deadbeat manner by a full-order state observer, and then the closed-loop control is achieved by the pole placement. The stator flux error vector is utilized to calculate the reference stator voltage vector. Extracting the angle position and amplitude from the estimated stator flux vector and estimating the output torque are eliminated for the direct feedback control of the stator flux vector. The proposed scheme is comparatively investigated with a PI-SVM DTC scheme by experiment results. Experimental results show the feasibility and advantages of the proposed control scheme.

Development of In-Process Polishing Pressure Control System (실시간 폴리싱 압력 제어시스템 개발)

  • 오창진;전문식;김옥현
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2004
  • Polishing process has been applied to get extremely fine surfaces, e.g., mirror surfaces such as optical mirrors, lens, molds and etc. Nowadays not only fine surface quality but also submicron order of dimensional accuracy is required for many applications. To meet the requirements polishing process should be provided with an active control of polishing pressure especially for automation of polishing process. In this paper a study on development of an active polishing pressure control system has been presented. A new type of tool assembly has been developed to facilitate the control. The tool is attached to an axis of a polishing machine with a coil spring and control of the polishing pressure is done by the position control of the axis, which needs no additional actuator. The polishing pressure is successfully measured by the measurement of the spring deformation. Control specifications were quantitatively considered by weighting functions and a controller was designed by using loop-shaping technique based on the no synthesis. Some experiments have been executed on a polishing machine with a PC-NC controller. It is shown that the results were coincident well with the theoretical analyses and satisfied the design specifications.

Single-Chip Controller Design for Piezoelectric Actuators using FPGA (FPGA를 이용한 압전소자 작동기용 단일칩 제어기 설계)

  • Yoon, Min-Ho;Park, Jungkeun;Kang, Taesam
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.513-518
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    • 2016
  • The piezoelectric actuating device is known for its large power density and simple structure. It can generate a larger force than a conventional actuator and has also wide bandwidth with fast response in a compact size. To control the piezoelectric actuator, we need an analog signal conditioning circuit as well as digital microcontrollers. Conventional microcontrollers are not equipped with an analog part and need digital-to-analog converters, which makes the system bulky compared with the small size of piezoelectric devices. To overcome these weaknesses, we are developing a single-chip controller that can handle analog and digital signals simultaneously using mixed-signal FPGA technology. This gives more flexibility than traditional fixed-function microcontrollers, and the control speed can be increased greatly due to the parallel processing characteristics of the FPGA. In this paper, we developed a floating-point multiplier, PWM generator, 80-kHz power control loop, and 1-kHz position feedback control loop using a single mixed-signal FPGA. It takes only 50 ns for single floating-point multiplication. The PWM generator gives two outputs to control the charging and discharging of the high-voltage output capacitor. Through experimentation and simulation, it is demonstrated that the designed control loops work properly in a real environment.

Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation (HILS) Based Design and Robustness Evaluation of an Intelligent Gantry Crane System

  • ;Jalani, Jamaludin
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1729-1734
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    • 2005
  • The use of gantry crane systems for transporting payload is very common in industrial application. However, moving the payload using the crane is not an easy task especially when strict specifications on the swing angle and on the transfer time need to be satisfied. To overcome this problem, this paper describes development of an intelligent gantry crane system based on the mechatronic design. A lab-scale gantry crane is designed and then its intelligent controllers are developed. Fuzzy logic controllers are adopted, designed and implemented for controlling payload position as well as the swing angle of the gantry crane. The performance of the intelligent gantry crane system is evaluated on a hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) environment. Moreover robustness of the proposed system is also evaluated. The result shows that the intelligent gantry crane system designed based on the mechatronic design approach has better performance compared with the automatic gantry crane system controlled by classical PID controllers. Moreover simulation result shows that the intelligent gantry crane system is more robust to parameter variation than the automatic gantry crane system.

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High-Performance Tracking Controller Design for Rotary Motion Control System (회전운동 제어시스템을 위한 고성능 추적제어기의 설계)

  • Kim, Youngduk;Park, Su Hyeon;Ryu, Seonghyun;Song, Chul Ki;Lee, Ho Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2021
  • A robust tracking controller design was developed for a rotary motion control system. The friction force versus the angular velocity was measured and modeled as a combination of linear and nonlinear components. By adding a model-based friction compensator to a nominal proportional-integral-derivative controller, it was possible to build a simulated control system model that agreed well with the experimental results. A zero-phase error tracking controller was selected as the feedforward tracking controller and implemented based on the estimated closed-loop transfer function. To provide robustness against external disturbances and modeling uncertainties, a disturbance observer was added in the position feedback loop. The performance improvement of the overall tracking controller structure was verified through simulations and experiments.

Global stabilization of three-dimensional flexible marine risers by boundary control

  • Do, K.D.
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.171-194
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    • 2011
  • A method to design a boundary controller for global stabilization of three-dimensional nonlinear dynamics of flexible marine risers is presented in this paper. Equations of motion of the risers are first developed in a vector form. The boundary controller at the top end of the risers is then designed based on Lyapunov's direct method. Proof of existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the closed loop control system is carried out by using the Galerkin approximation method. It is shown that when there are no environmental disturbances, the proposed boundary controller is able to force the riser to be globally exponentially stable at its equilibrium position. When there are environmental disturbances, the riser is stabilized in the neighborhood of its equilibrium position by the proposed boundary controller.

Sensorless Velocity Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (DSP 기반 영구자석 동기기의 센서리스 속도제어)

  • Lee Sang-Hun;Won Tae-Hyun;Park Sung-Jun;Lee Dong-Hee;Ahn Jin-Woo
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.304-307
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    • 2002
  • A sensorless velocity control strategy for permanent magnet synchronous motors is presented in this paper. Two stator currents are measured and processed in discrete form in DSP. The rotor position and speed are estimated through the stator flux linkage and its derivative estimation. Flux and its derivative are calculated in the stationary reference frame and used to estimate the speed and position. The closed-loop speed control has been shown to be effective from standstill to rated speed. Moreover, a flux drift problem caused by the integration can be eliminated so that a stable sensorless starting and running operation can be achieved. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

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Decentralized Load-Frequency Control of Large-Scale Nonlinear Power Systems: Fuzzy Overlapping Approach

  • Lee, Ho-Jae;Kim, Do-Wan
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.436-442
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    • 2012
  • This paper develops a design methodology of a decentralized fuzzy load-frequency controller for a large-scale nonlinear power system with valve position limits on governors. The concerned system is locally exactly modeled in Takagi-Sugeno's form. Sufficient design condition for uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop system is derived based on the overlapping decomposition. Convergence of all incremental frequency deviations to zero is also investigated. A simulation result is provided to visualize the effectiveness of the proposed technique.

Performance Enhancement of Optical Disk Drive Servo System using Dual modified Disturbance Observer (광디스크 드라이브 서보 시스템을 위한 수정된 외란관측기)

  • Kim, Moo-Sub;Chung, Chung-Choo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.11c
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    • pp.738-740
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    • 2004
  • The disturbance observer is effective in enhancing the performance of position control in high speed optical disk drive systems(ODDS). It is known that error based modified disturbance observer (EM-DOB) is more effective structure than general DOB. It has a simple structure and realization, but it loses robustness. We propose a dual modified disturbance observer(Dual mDOB). It consists of internal loop EM-DOB and external loop DOB. Those loops are designed for different objects. We see that the dual mDOB is an effective method for tracking performance.

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