• 제목/요약/키워드: population age structure

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부산지역의 암 사망에 관한 역학적 연구 (An Epidemiologic Study on Death Caused by Cancer in Pusan)

  • 김휘동;구혜원;곽문석;김종렬;손병철;문덕환;이종태;조규일;엄상화;정귀옥;전진호;이채언
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.765-783
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    • 1996
  • This study surveyed and measured the level and structure of cancer deaths and their trends over time for offering the fundamental data of e cancer prevention and control in Pusan city in the future. Authors conducted the study of descriptive epidemiology using materials derived from the computerized data of total 3,722 certified cancer deaths in Pusan city from January 1 to December 31, 1993 registered on the National Statistical Once, the Republic of Korea. The obtained results were as follows: 1. According to the total registered cases of deaths(16,331 cases) in Pusan city during 1993, cancer(3,722 cases) and cerebrovascular disease(2,118 cases) were the first and second cause of deaths as 23.1% and 16.9%, respectively. These pattern showed the change between cancer (14.7%) and cerebrovascular disease(18.5%) in order of frequency in comparison to 1982. Also, the total number of cancer deaths was increased in comparison to 1982. The rate of death certification by physicians was 87.1% of all registered deaths, which was increased to 6.8% in comparison to 1982(80.3%). 2. Crude death rate and cancer specific death rate was 4.06 per 1,000 populations and 93.8 per 100,000 populations(male:117.8, female:70.0), respectively. The former was similar to that of 1982, but the latter was increased to 1.6 times as that of 1982. 3. Age-adjusted cancer specific death rate by standardization with whole country population was 111.9(male:141.5, female:106.7) per 100,000 populations, higher than not age-adjusted cancer specific death rate(93.8), and the sex difference was statistically significant with male predominance (p<0.05). 4. Cancer specific death rate by age was generally increased with age and most of cancer deaths(male:91.8%, female:88.5%) occurred since 40 years old. 5. The major cancer(cancer specific death rate per 100,000 populations) in male was liver(30.6) followed by stomach(25.6), lung(21.9), and GB and EHBD(5.7), in female stomach(15.7), liver(9.9), lung(7.3), and uterus(6.9). The relative frequency of the leading three cancer among total cancer deaths marked 66.3% in male and 47.l% in female, and decreased in comparison to 1982(male:72.2%, female:54.5%). 6. The total ratio of male to female cancer specific death rate showed 1.68 to 1 with male predominance. And the ratio was above 2.0 in larynx, oral cavity & pharynx, esophagus, liver, lung, bladder cancer and the ratio was $1.0\sim1.9$ in stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and EHBD, brain, rectum and anus cancer, leukemia, but the ratio was reversed in thyroid and colon cancer. In conclusion, cancer was the first cause of deaths. The proportion of lung cancer was increased, that of stomach & uterine cancer was decreased relatively, and liver cancer was constantly higher proportion. In the future, it is necessary to conduct the further investigations on the cancer risk factors considering areal specificity.

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의료자원 공급, 수요의 성과 효율성에 대한 실증분석 (Technical Efficiency of Medical Resource Supply and Demand)

  • 장인수;안형석;김홍석
    • 지역연구
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.3-19
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구의 목적은 우리나라 의료자원의 임상적 성과에 대한 효율성을 종단적으로 관찰하는 데 있다. 이를 위하여, 2006년부터 2013년까지 우리나라 16개 시도의 연령 표준화 사망률을 산출변수로, 의사, 전문의, 수술, 의료기관, 상급종합병원비율, 만성질환 진료 실인원, 만성질환 내원일 수를 투입변수로 정하고, 이를 이용한 의료성과 및 의료자원에 대한 집계자료를 구축하여 패널확률프론티어모형을 분석방법으로 적용하였다. 또한 시도별 인구사회학적, 사회경제적 특성, 의료자원 분포 특성 변수인 실업률, 노인인구비율, 1인당 GRDP, 종합병원 대비 상급종합병원 비율이 패널확률프론티어모형 분석 결과를 바탕으로 도출된 기술적 효율성에 미치는 영향을 추가적으로 살펴보았다. 이때 오차항의 이분산과 자기상관을 고려한 패널모형을 적용하였다. 주요 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 임상적 성과에 대해서는 의사, 전문의와 같은 공급 측면의 인적 의료자원과 단위 인구당 만성질환 진료 실인원과 같은 수요 측면의 요인이 각각 유의한 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 투입요소 시변 마모 모형 적용 결과 각 투입요소별 기술 결합 효율성 추정치는 임상적 성과 효율성이 지역별로 59~70%로 나타났다. 셋째. 임상적 성과에 영향을 미치는 투입요소의 기술적 효율성 추정치는 분석기간 동안 모든 지역에서 미세하게 증가하는 추세가 도출된 반면, 증가 추세는 미세하게 감소하였다. 넷째, 지역의 노인인구비율과 1인당 GRDP는 기술적 효율성 수치에 유의한 정(+)적 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 지역별 각 효율성의 차이는 투입요소인 의료자원의 지역별 차이와 이의 결합과 지역의 인구사회학적, 사회경제적 특성 등에 기인한 것으로서, 지역별로 임상적 성과에 영향을 미치는 의료자원의 공급 편중과 수요의 접근성 차이, 인구구조와 경제적 차이가 복합적으로 작용함에 따른 기술적 효율성 차이가 다르게 나타나고 있음을 보였다는 점에 본 연구의 의의가 있다.

공적연금의 사각지대 : 실태, 원인과 정책방안 (The Excluded from Public Pension : Problem, Cause and Policy Measures)

  • 석재은
    • 한국사회복지학
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    • 제53권
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    • pp.285-310
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    • 2003
  • 국민연금제도 도입 11년만인 1999년에 전국민연금화를 위한 적용확대 과정이 마무리되면서, 이미 40년 역사를 가진 공적직역연금을 포함한 공적연금이 전국민 노령소득보장체계의 주축으로서 온전히 자리매김하게 되었다. 그로부터 4년이 지난 현재, '전국민연금화'라는 슬로건에 걸맞지 않게 국민연금제도에 가입하여 보험료를 납부하면서 연금수급자격을 갖추어 나가는 경우가 국민연금 적용대상인구의 절반에 불과한 것으로 나타나고 있다. 말하자면, 절반의 국민을 대상으로 공적연금제도가 운영되고 있을 뿐이고, 나머지 절반의 국민들은 공적연금의 사각지대에 놓여져 있다고 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 공적연금 사각지대의 규모와 특성을 분석하고 그 원인을 진단함으로써, 사각지대 문제의 해결을 위한 정책방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 현재 연금수급세대인 노령계층의 공적연금 사각지대 규모는 60세 이상 노령인구 대비 무려 86%에 이르고 있으며, 미래 연금수급세대인 근로연령계층의 공적연금 사각지대 규모도 18-59세 총인구 대비 61%에 이르는 것으로 나타났다. 현 연금수급세대의 경우 연령이 높을수록, 여성일 경우 사각지대에 노출될 확률이 높은 것으로 나타났고, 미래 연금수급세대의 경우 연령별로는 18-29세 연령층에서, 성별로는 여성의 경우 사각지대에 놓여질 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 미래 연금수급자 증심으로 공적연금보험료 납부여부를 가지고 공적연금 사각지대 결정요인을 분석해 보면, 연령이 낮을수록, 학력이 낮을수록, 취업상태가 무직 임시일용직 등 불안정할수록, 종사산업이 농림어업, 건설업, 도소매음식숙박업, 금융보험부동산업에 종사하는 경우 제조업 종사에 비하여, 종사직업이 단순노무직, 전문기술교육직, 판매서비스직, 생산직, 고위행정관리직에 종사하는 경우 일반사무직에 비하여 공적연금의 사각지대에 놓여질 확률이 커지는 것으로 나타났다. 현재 연금수급자인 노령계층의 공적연금 사각지대는 제도역사가 짧아 노령으로 공적연금 가입기회를 갖지 못한 경우가 많으므로, 공적연금 성숙단계까지 경로연금 등 타 공적소득보장제도의 보완적 역할을 강화함으로써 현 노령계층의 공적연금의 사각지대 문제를 해결해 나가는 정책접근이 필요할 것으로 보여진다. 한편 미래 연금수급자인 근로연계층의 공적연금 사각지대 개선은 노동시장 및 가족 등 경제 사회적 여건의 심대한 변화에 조응안 보다 근본적인 제도체계의 재편이 이루어져야 할 것으로 보여진다. 현행 1소득자 1연금에서 1인 1연금 체계로의 전환과 이를 실질적으로 뒷받침한 시민권적 급여의 원리가 공적연금에 결합되어 공적연금의 기초보장적 성격의 강화가 이루어져야만, 비로소 공적연금이 보편적인 1차 노령소득보장의 안전망으로서의 역할을 수행하고 미래 연금수급자의 사각지대 문제가 궁극적으로 해결될 수 있을 것으로 보여진다.

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경기지역 전통음식 중 과학화 및 상품화 대상음식 선정 및 음식선정 인자분석 (A study on the selection of Kyunggi area traditional Korean foods suitable for standardization and commercialization, and factor analysis of the selections)

  • 임영숙;김행란;한귀정
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제23권4호통권100호
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    • pp.511-529
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate traditional Kyunggi area Korean foods suitable for standardization and commercialization as well as to investigate the perceptions of experts about these foods, and to analyze the important value factor characteristics according to classified traditional food groups by residents of the Kyunggi(n=104)areas of Korea. We determined the degree of value of various traditional foods by asking respondents to 13 items based on a 5 point Likert scale, and used the total scores of the items to determine their value. Based on the results of the total scores and frequently chosen foods, we attempted to select the foods suitable for standardization and commercialization. The results are summarized as follows. For main dishes Ogok-bap was selected as the primary suitable for standardization and commercialization. Next were Incheon yeong yang bap, Hobak-beombek, Hobak-juk, Gesungpyeonsu, Tteokguk, Kimchibap, Kimchimandu, and bap, respectively. Of the side dishes Bossam-kimchi was selected as the primary suitable food for standardization and commercialization followed by Bindaetteok, Sondubu, Samgyetang, Baekkimchi, Doenjang-jjigae, Suwongalbi, Japchae, and Cheonggukjang-jjigae, respectively. Finally, for favorite foods, Duteop-tteok was selected as the primary food suitable for standardization and commercialization. Next were Jeungpyeon, Yakgwa, Yaksik, Maejakgwa, Ssuk-tteok, Yeongeunjeonggwa, Songpyeon, and Osaekdasik, respectively. This study shows that a resident's evaluation of a traditional Kyunggi Korean food is affected by the their sense of value of the food, as well as by the social structure, which includes the population, economic condition, food policies, industrial technology, and culture. This research was conducted to preserve traditional Kyunggi Korean foods and to improve this area's regional income from the prospect of sellable goods. We expect that this research to be used as basic data in the development of new commercial traditional foods by the food industry, by offering a better understanding of diverse consumer sense and to also be used with dietary education data relative to following traditional meal patterns for diverse age groups.

인공간석지 창출과 복원을 위한 최적환경조건 선정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Optimum Environmental Conditions for the Creation and Restoration of Artificial Tidal Flat)

  • 이정규
    • 한국해양환경ㆍ에너지학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.102-112
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    • 1999
  • 히로시마만에 존재하고있는 간석지에 있어서 유입하천의 유무, 폐쇄성 등의 환경조건이나 조성 후 경과연수가 다른 인공간석지 7개소와 자연간석지 3개소를 선정해 간석지 토양에 있어서 물리화학적 및 생물학적인 구조나 유기물분해기능에 관해 비교 검토하였다. 또한 인공간석지에 있어서는 입지장소, 조성방법, 조성 후 경과연수 등의 차이에 의한 영향, 자연간석지와 동일하게 조성하기 위한 조성인자를 검토해서, 아래와 같은 결과를 얻었다. 인공간석지는 자연간석지와 다른 특성을 갖고 있는 것과 그렇지 못한 것으로 분리되었다. 그렇지만 대부분이 자연간석지와 전혀 다른 특성을 나타내었다 토양구조 중에서 가장 다르게 나타난 것은 세균수, 실트함유량, 유기물함유량을 들 수 있으며, 각 실험 항목이 인공간석지 보다 자연간석지가 높은 값을 나타내었다. 자연간석지와 현저하게 차이를 보인 세균수, 실트함유량 및 유기물함유량에 관해서, 각 인공간석지의 조성 후 경과연수, 표면구배, 유입 하천의 유무, 폐쇄성 등의 조성 인자와의 상관성을 분석 했지만, 명확한 상관관계는 알 수 없었다. 자연간석지와 유사한 토양구조 특성을 갖기 위한 간석지를 조성하는 데에는, 간석지 전면에 있어서 해수로부터 실트 성분이 침강 가능한 장소의 선정이 중요하다.

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Effect of oral spray with Lactobacillus on growth performance, intestinal development and microflora population of ducklings

  • Zhang, Qi;Jie, Yuchen;Zhou, Chuli;Wang, Leyun;Huang, Liang;Yang, Lin;Zhu, Yongwen
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.456-464
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of oral spray with probiotics on the intestinal development and microflora colonization of hatched ducklings. Methods: In Exp. 1, an one-way factorial design was used to study the antibacterial activity of the probiotics and metabolites on Escherichia coli (E. coli) without antimicrobial resistance. There were four experimental groups including saline as control and Lactobacillus, Bacillus subtilis, combined Lactobacillus and Bacillus subtilis groups. In Exp. 2, 64-day-old ducklings were allotted to 2 treatments with 4 replicated pens. Birds in the control group were fed a basal diet supplemented with Lactobacillus fermentation in the feed whereas birds in the oral spray group were fed the basal diet and administrated Lactobacillus fermentation by oral spray way during the first week. Results: In Exp. 1, the antibacterial activities of probiotics and metabolites on E. coli were determined by the diameter of inhibition zone in order: Lactobacillus>combined Lactobacillus and Bacillus subtilis>Bacillus subtilis. Additionally, compared to E. coli without resistance, E. coli with resistance showed a smaller diameter of inhibition zones. In Exp. 2, compared to control feeding group, oral spray group increased (p<0.05) the final body weight at d 21 and average daily gain for d 1-21 and the absolute weight of the jejunum, ileum and total intestine tract as well as cecum Lactobacillus amount at d 21. Conclusion: Lactobacillus exhibited a lower antibacterial activity on E. coli with resistance than E. coli without resistance. Oral spray with Lactobacillus fermentation during the first week of could improve the intestinal development, morphological structure, and microbial balance to promote growth performance of ducklings from hatch to 21 d of age.

대학병원과 종합병원 직원의 부서간 갈등수준 비교분석 (Comparison of level of interdepartmental conflict among employees' in the university hospitals and general hospitals)

  • 손태용
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.40-61
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to promote the efficiency of the management of the controls organization in the university hospitals and general hospitals by evaluating the factors underlying organizational conflict. The subject population included 351 hospital workers randomly selected from two general hospitals of less than 200 beds and two university hospitals over 500 beds in Seoul area. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire. To define related factors for the level of conflict among departments in each hospitals multivariate regression analysis was conducted. Independent factors were characteristics of subjects, conflicting factors between the departments. The results are as follows: 1. Those in high job position group demonstrated significantly higher level of conflict between departments. Those working in the general hospitals, who were older and had long-term tenure at current working hospital had higher level of conflict between the departments. 2. Concerning the involvement of conflicting factors and the level of conflict in the employees' there was statistically significant positive correlation between reliability and job-related and intradepartmental level of conflict in university hospitals. There was a significant positive correlation between interdepartmental conflicting factors of mutual dependence, difference in goal/orientation and interdepartmental level of conflict. 3. In the university hospitals, among the interdepartmental factors, mutual dependence and difference in goal/orientation had statistically significant influence and showed a positive relationship with interdepartmental level of conflict. In the general hospitals, job position was a significant factor which showed that those in high position such as section chief or above, compared to those in general position had higher level of conflict. Among the interdepartmental characteristics, factors of mutual dependence and goal/orientation had statistically significant influence and showed a positive relationship with interdepartmental level of conflict. In the general hospitals setting efforts to reduce conflict in areas among workers with high position, old age, and long tenure and those in medical care department should be made and prudent management and planning for improved manpower and increased budget or efficient allocation and clear definition of job description are necessary to adequately assess. In the university hospitals setting efforts to reexaminitation of the organizational structure and efficiency conveyance of information and efforts to resolve conflict among young workers with lower level of education is need. This study has its own merit in comparing empirically the conflict among hospital workers in the university hospitals and general hospitals. Future study are needed with respect to the relationship between interdepartmental level of conflict and the effectiveness of the hospital organization for improved resolution of conflict in the organization and hospital management.

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돼지 PGK 2 유전자의 단일염기다형성 및 성장 형질과의 연관성 구명 (Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in the PGK 2 Gene with Growth Traits in Pigs)

  • 장홍철;김상욱;임다정;김재영;조규호;김명직;이지웅;최봉환;김태헌
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제53권1호
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2011
  • 자돈의 생시 체중은 자돈의 이유 체중 및 생존율에도 크게 영향을 미친다. 또한 출하 시까지 돼지의 성장률 뿐만아니라 출하 일령 단축 및 출하 체중과도 밀접한 연관성이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 돼지 7번 염색체의 PGK 2 (phosphoglycerate kinase 2) 유전자의 promoter 영역 및 transcription 영역에 해당하는 DNA 염기서열을 유전체 구조분석을 통해 20개의 SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorpism)를 발굴하였고, 발굴된 SNP 중 PGK 2 유전자의 전사 조절 영역 내 g.122 T>G 다형을 재래돼지와 Landrace를 이용한 $F_2$ 집단 268두 자돈의 성장 형질과의 연관성 분석을 실시한 결과, 생시 체중(p<0.01) 및 3주령 체중(p<0.001)에서 통계적으로 고도의 유의적 연관성이 있음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구를 통하여 확인된 PGK 2 유전자의 promoter 영역 내 성장 형질 관련 SNP는 건강한 자돈 및 종돈을 조기 선발하기 위한 유전자 marker로 활용 가능성을 제시하였다.

전문가 설문조사를 통한 3기 신도시의 계획지표 및 개발방향설정 연구 (A Study on the Direction of the Third Phase New Town Development in Seoul Metropolitan Area through expert survey method)

  • 윤정중
    • 토지주택연구
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구에서는 수도권의 새로운 신도시 건설이 추진됨에 따라 향후 신도시 계획시 고려해야 할 지표와 개발방향에 대하여 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 분야별 전문가들을 대상으로 조사한 설문자료를 빈도분석과 분산분석기법을 이용해 분석한 결과, 다음과 같은 시사점들이 도출되었다. 첫째, 기존 1기 및 2기 신도시에 대해 계획지표들의 평가결과, 시민참여와 정보공유, 스마트기술과 서비스, 사회문화적 다양성과 포용성에서 부정적 평가가 많았다. 또한 3기 신도시에 대해 전문가들은 교통의 접근성과 편리성, 환경적 쾌적성, 주거의 질과 서비스 등 도시의 기본이 되는 요소인 교통, 환경, 주거의 중요성을 가장 높게 인식하고 있으며, 경관/디자인의 우수성, 일자리 등 자족성, 사회·문화적 다양성과 포용성 등도 중요한 지표로 꼽았다. 둘째, 전문가들의 인식과 평가가 성별, 연령, 직업, 전문분야 등 개인특성에 따라 차이가 있는지를 알아본 결과, 1기와 2기 신도시는 전문가 집단의 '성별'에서만 유의적 차이를 보였으며, 3기 신도시는 '성별'과 '전문분야'에서 유의적 차이가 있었다. 셋째, 향후 3기 신도시 개발계획 수립시 인구구조변화, 산업과 일자리, 삶의 질과 다양성, 환경 및 기후변화, 사회 및 주거복지 등을 중요하게 고려해야 한다고 보았다. 토지이용계획에서는 공원녹지 및 자족용지 확대를 중요하게 생각하였고 3기 신도시의 도시형태로 친환경 생태도시를 1순위로 꼽았으며, 중요한 생활인프라로 대중교통시설, 공원녹지, 교육시설을 매우 중요하게 보았다.

서울시내 일부 노인들의 소외정도에 관한 조사연구 (A Study on The Extent of Alienation Revealed among A Group of Aged People in Seoul City)

  • 김행자
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.32-43
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    • 1974
  • A steady increase in the aged population poses a great challenge to nurses with their diversities of health care needs, especially of psychological nature, such as an alienation problems among the aged. The purpose of this study is to examine the nature of alienation problems among the aged in urban areas to provide basic informations for a better understanding of aged people. In this study, the investigator has tried to identify causes of alienation in the aged, and to determine the extent of alienation in relation to sex, family structure, religion, economic status and participation in social activities. The survey was done during the period from the last part of August to the end of September 1973. After a day's training, 10 interviewers have interviewed 210 stratified random samples of people over the age of 65 residing in Seoul with the free-ended questionnaire prepared by the investigator. The result of the study was tested by Critical Ratio. Following Hypothesis have guides formulation of the study: I. The extent of alienation in old man would be higher than in old woman, II. The extent of alienation in the aged who live alone would be higher than those living with their family. III. The extent of alienation in the aged who have no spouse would be higher than who live with their spouse. IV. The extent of alienation in the people without religious beliefs would be higher than the people with religious biles. V. The extent of alienation in the aged would be higher in proportion to decreased level of their economic productivity. Ⅵ. The extent of alienation in the aged who do not participate in social activities would be higher than that of the aged who actively participate. The analytic results of the study are as fellows: 1. The extent of alienation in woman was revealed higher than that of man by showing significant difference at P〈0.01 level. (CR=3.66) Accordingly hypothesis I was denied. 2. The extent of alienation in the aged wile live alone was revealed higher than that of the aged who live with their family by showing a significant difference at P<0.01 level. (CR=7.31) So hypothesis II was supported. 3. The extent of alienation of the aged who have no spouse was revealed higher than that of the aged who live with their spouse at the significant level of P <0.01. CR=4.65) Accordingly hypothesis III was supported, 4. There was no significant difference in the extent of alienation between the people with and-without religion. Thus hypothesis IV was rejected. 5. The extent of alienation in the aged was found to be higher in proportion to decreased level of their economic ability. a. The aged with greatest income showed least alienation b. The aged with no income had a greater extent of alienation than the aged with minimal income by showing significant difference at P <0.01 level . (CR=4.82) c. The difference between the greatest income group and the minimal income group was. found to be less significant than the difference between minimal income group and the-people without income. Thus hypothesis V was positively supported. 6. The extent of alienation in the aged who do not participate in social activities was higher than that of the aged who actively participate. (P <0.01, CR=6.24) According1y hypothesis Ⅵ was supported.

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