• Title/Summary/Keyword: plant species

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Cholesterol inhibitory activities of kaempferol and quercetin isolated from Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum (산마늘로부터 단리한 kaempferol과 quercetin의 콜레스테롤 저하 활성)

  • Lee, Sung-Suk;Moon, Seo-Hyun;Lee, Hak-Ju;Choi, Don-Ha;Cho, Myung-Haing
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2004
  • Cholesterol inhibitory activity was investigated to develop the functional food from edible forest resources such as Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum and other 12 species. Among tested samples by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA), leaf extracts of A. victorialis var. platyphyllum inhibited 73.9% of the activities of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) which is the highly regulated and major rate-limiting of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. Moreover, those extracts inhibited 76.7% of squalene synthase which catalyzes the head-to-head condensation of two farnesyl pyrophosphate molecules to form squalene in the biosynthesis of cholesterol. In order to find out the compounds which would play a key role in inhibitory activity of cholesterol, kaempferol and quercetin were isolated from the dichloromethane soluble fraction of extracts of A. victorialis var. platyphyllum. Kampferol, quercetin and each soluble fraction was also subjected to the test of the mRNA expression of HMG-CoA reductase and squalene synthase by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay, respectively. By treating both enzymes with 10 ㎍/㎖ of kaempferol and quercetin for 24 hours, respectively, the mRNA expression was not observed, suggesting that both compounds inhibited the biosynthesis of cholesterol at mRNA level. In this regard, it could be inferred that cholesterol inhibitory activity of A. victorialis var. platyphyllum was derived from kaempferol and quercetin. Both compounds have already been found in many plant extracts including hardwood and softwood, but it might be first known that they have cholesterol inhibitory activity.

Effects of Ground Vegetation and Pyrethroid Spray on the Population Dynamics of Panonychus citri (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Natural Enemies in Citrus Orchard: A Short-term Effect (감귤원에서 초생관리와 합성피레스로이드계 조합처리가 귤응애와 천적의 발생양상에 미치는 단기효과)

  • Hyun, Seung Young;Kim, Dong-Soon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.255-266
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to examine the effects of grass vegetation (W: manual weeding, NW: herbicide sprays) and pyrethroid spray (P: pyrethroid spray, NP: no pyrethroid spray) on the population dynamics of Panonychus citri and natural enemies in citrus orchards. Two essential hypothesis were made to test the population dynamics: 1) weed planting promotes natural enemies by offering habitat and alternative food sources, resulting in the reduction of P. citri populations, and 2) pyrethroid spray removes natural enemies by its non-selective toxicity, resulting in the increasement of P. citri populations. The observed natural enemy populations (mainly Phytoseiids and Agistemus sp.) were not different largely from the expected values in the hypothesis, which assumes more abundant natural enemies in weeds and no pyrethroid plots. Although some discrepancy was occurred in NW+NP and W+NP plots in 2011, the observed values were almost same with expected values in 2012. In overall, pesticide effect was strongly significant and pyrthroids removed largely natural enemies. Although habitat (weeds) effect showed a conflict result, natural enemy population increased in plots allowing weed growth, when considering the increased autumn population relatively compared to that of spring-summer population. The decreased abnormal P. citri populations in pyrethroid plots could be explained under the assumption of a strong repellent behavior of P. citri to the pyrethroids.

Effects of Vegetation on Pollutants and Carbon Absorption Capacity in LID Facilities (LID시설에서의 오염물질 및 탄소흡수능에 식생이 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Jin;Kim, Yuhyeon;Gil, Kyungik
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2022
  • As the impermeable area of soil increases due to urbanization, the water circulation system of the city is deteriorating. The existing guidelines for low impact development (LID) facilities installed to solve these water problems or in previous studies, engineering aspects are more prominent than landscaping aspects. This study attempted to present an engineering and landscaping model for reducing pollutants by identifying the effects of vegetation on rainfall outflows and pollutant reduction in bioretention and the economic aspects of planting. Based on the results of artificial rainfall monitoring at Jeonju Seogok Park and the literature on vegetation rainfall runoff and pollutant reduction performance, the best vegetation for reducing pollution compared to cost was Lythrum salicaria L and Salix gracilistyla Miq. was the best vegetation for carbon storage. If you insist to design plants with only these two plantation, there is no choice but to take risks such as biodiversity. Herbaceous plants such as Lythrum salicaria L can be replaced by death of the plants or pests if considered planting various plants. The initial planting cost could expensive, but it is also necessary to mix and plant Salix gracilistyla Miq, which are woody plants that are advantageous in terms of maintenance, according to the surrounding environment and conditions. Based on the conclusions drawn in this study, it can be a reference material when considering the reduction of pollution by species and carbon storage of vegetation in LID facilities.

Sorting of Aged Seeds Using Leakage Substances of Crop Seeds (종자 누출물질을 이용한 노화종자의 선별)

  • Lee, Dong-Jin;Lim, Moo-Sang;Chu, Young-Ha;Chung, Kil-Woong;Kim, Bong-Ku
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.783-789
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to identify leakage of fluorescent substances out of 56 crops and to develop sorting methods of nonviable seeds of Chinese cabbage. Fluorescent substances were detected from 36 species, Chinese cabbage, radish, broccoli, cauliflower, egg plant and rape seed etc. In Chinese cabbage, the germination rate of non-sorted seeds decreased rapidly with ageing of seeds at 45$^{\circ}C$ and 100%. After Chinese cabbage seeds soaked for 4hrs and coated with cellulose, the sorting ratio of non fluorescent seeds were decreased 91.3% to 1.7% by increasing ageing periods from control to 8 days, while fluorescent seeds were increased drastically from 8.7% to 98.3%. Also, incubation of water soaked dead seeds of Chinese cabbage treated with 0.5-1.0% ninhydrin and 0.01N sodium thiosulfate for 30~60 minutes at 35$^{\circ}C$ developed purple color.

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Anti-skin aging activities of ethanol extract from Echinodorus cordifolius L. in human keratinocytes (물수선화 에탄올 추출물의 피부 노화 억제 효과)

  • Haeun Mun;Seung-Hong Lee
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 2022
  • Echinodorus cordifolius (L.) is an aquatic plant in the family Alismataceae. The anti-skin aging activity of E. cordifolius (L.) has not been yet reported. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to prepare 70% ethanol extract (ECEE) from E. cordifolius (L.) and investigate their antioxidant and anti-hyaluronidase activities for confirm the potential of anti-skin aging. ECEE showed good activities of DPPH, hydrogen peroxide scavenging, and hyaluronidase inhibition, with EC50 and IC50 values of 31.4, 300, and 450 ㎍/mL, respectively. ECEE also significantly improved cell viability and inhibited intracellular reactive oxygen species dose-dependently against 1 mM hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in immortalized human keratinocytes (HaCaT cells). Furthermore, ECEE upregulated hyaluronic acid (HA)-synthesizing enzyme hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2) expression level, but downregulated expression level of HA-degrading enzyme hyaluronidase 2, resulting in increased HA production in HaCaT cells. Taken together, these results suggest that ECEE shows antioxidant and anti-hyaluronidase potential and could be a functional cosmetic ingredients for anti-skin aging.

A Study on External.Internal Morphology and Pattern Analysis of Atractylodes Rhizomes (출류(朮類) 한약재의 외.내부형태와 이화학패턴 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon;Lee, Guem-San;Choil, Goya;Hwang, Sung-Yeoun;Kim, Hong-Jun;Jeong, Seung-Il;Ju, Young-Sung
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : To determine the discriminative criteria for Atractylodes rhizomes, the experiment of externalinternal characteristics and physicochemical pattern analysis were performed. Methods : External characteristics was observed using stereoscope. The sectioned materials which were covered with parffin were stained by Ju's method. Physicochemical patterns were analyzed using HPLC/DAD. Results : 1. External shape of original plant : Atractylodes maaocephala and A. japonica had relatively long petioles and 3-5 parted leaves. A. macrocephala had big purple flowers whereas A. japonica had relatively small white flowers and pinnate bracts. A. lancea had sessile leaves and white flowers, and the end parts of degenerated stamens were bent. 2. External shape of herbal medicine: A. macrocephala which was fist-shaped rhizome had pa-pillate processes and the cross section was light gray and sulcate. A. japonica and A. lancea were connected-beady or tubercular rhizomes, and the cross sections were both yellow-colored white. However, the cross section of A. japonica was fibrous, the width of cortex was narro-wer than that of stele, and radial shape in cortex was rare, whereas the width of cortex in A. lancea was similar to that of stele in size, and radial shape in cortex was obvious. 3. Internal shape of herbal medicine: A. macrocephala and A. lancea did not have lignified fascicles in cortex. However, the vascular bundles and vessels of A. macrocephala were wedge shaped and radial arrangement, and vascular bundles were densely populated in stele whereas those of A. lancea were repeatedly arranged and thinly extended to cortex. A. japonica had lignified fascicles in cortex and the width of vascular bundles was conspicuously thick with narrow intervals. 4. Physicochemical pattern analysis : A. macrocephala and A. lancea contained atractylenolide I and atractylenolide Ill whereas A. japonica contained atractylenolide I, atractylenolide Ill. diacetyl-atractylodiol, compound-4, compound-5. The three species of Atractylodes rhizomes showed different chromatogram patterns. Conclusions : The results could be used as discriminative criteria for Atractylodes rhizomes and as fundamental materials to researches of further pattern analysis and biological reaction.

Microbacterium elymi sp. nov., Isolated from the Rhizospheric Soil of Elymus tsukushiensis, a Plant Native to the Dokdo Islands, Republic of Korea

  • Ye-Ji Hwang;Soo-Yeong Lee;Jin-Soo Son;Jin-suk Youn;Woong Lee;Jae-Ho Shin;Mi-Hwa Lee;Sa-Youl Ghim
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.188-194
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    • 2023
  • Microbacterium elymi KUDC0405T was isolated from the rhizosphere of Elymus tsukushiensis from the Dokdo Islands. The KUDC0405T strain was Gram-stain-positive, non-spore forming, non-motile, and facultatively anaerobic bacteria. Strain KUDC0405T was a rod-shaped bacterium with size dimensions of 0.3-0.4 × 0.7-0.8 ㎛. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, KUDC0405T was most closely related to Microbacterium bovistercoris NEAU-LLET (97.8%) and Microbacterium pseudoresistens CC-5209T (97.6%). The dDDH (digital DNA-DNA hybridization) values between KUDC0405T and M. bovistercoris NEAU-LLET and M. pseudoresistens CC-5209T were below 17.3% and 17.5%, respectively. The ANI (average nucleotide identity) values among strains KUDC0405T, M. bovistercoris NEAU-LLET, and M. pseudoresistens CC-5209T were 86.6% and 80.7%, respectively. The AAI (average amino acid identity) values were 64.66% and 64.97%, respectively, between KUDC0405T and its closest related type strains. The genome contained 3,596 CDCs, three rRNAs, 46 tRNAs, and three non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). The genomic DNA GC content was 70.4%. The polar lipids included diphosphatydilglycerol, glycolipid, phosphatydilglycerol, and unknown phospholipid, and the major fatty acids were anteiso-C17:0 and iso-C16:0. Strain KUDC0405T contained MK-12 as the major menaquinone. Based on genotypic, phylogenetic, and phenotypic properties, strain KUDC0405T should be considered a novel species within the genus Microbacterium, for which we propose the name M. elymi sp. nov., and the type strain as KUDC0405T (=KCTC 49411T, =CGMCC1.18472T).

A semi-selective agar medium to detect the presence of the causal agent of anthracnose, Colletotrichum scovillei, in chilli pepper (고추에서 탄저병균 Colletotrichum scovillei를 검출하기 위한 반선택 배지)

  • Sung Kee Hong;Se-Keun Park;Hyo-Weon Choi;Hyunjoo Ryu
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.479-485
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    • 2021
  • A semi-selective agar medium was developed for detecting and enumerating Colletotrichum scovillei in chili (Capsicum annum) plant material. Potato-dextrose-agar(PDA) was used as the basic medium. The composition of the semi-selective agar medium was established after several attempts to favor the development of C. scovillei and inhibit the growth of other fungi and bacteria. The semi-selective agar medium contained PDA amended with pyribencarb and pydiflumetofen at 40 ㎍ mL-1 each and streptomycin at 100㎍ mL-1 for preventing bacterial growth. The pH was adjusted to 4.8 with 85% lactic acid. The inhibition of the mycelial growth of C. scovillei was significantly less than that of most other fungi including Fusarium species when grown on the semi-selective medium. C. scovillei was detected from naturally infected chili plants by plating fruit and stem tissue suspensions on the semi-selective medium, which was found to be reliable and quantifiable. This was the first report of a semi-selective agar medium to detect the presence of C. scovillei in naturally infected chili tissue.

Development of a Basic Wood Density for Carbon Accounting in Bamboo Forests (대나무 탄소계정을 위한 목재기본밀도 개발)

  • Eunji Hae;Jaeyeop Chung;Sunjung Lee;Hyejung Roh;Yeongmo Son
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.2
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    • pp.188-194
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to derive the basic wood density, one of several carbon emission factors, for carbon accounting of bamboo forests in Korea. Bamboo is mainly distributed in Jeollanam-do and Gyeongsangnam-do provinces, and 101 sample trees were selected for each of the three species (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis, P. bambusoides, and P. pubescens). The basic wood density derivation used the KS F 2098 method. The measurements showed that the basic wood density was 0.83 g/cm3 for P. nigra var. henonis, 0.81 g/cm3 for P. bambusoides, and 0.72 g/cm3 for P. pubescens. However, the bamboo distribution area in Korea is not very large, and P. pubescens grows in one area only. Therefore, the basic wood density that can be applied to bamboo was 0.79 g/cm3. Evaluation of the uncertainty of the extracted basic wood density showed a very low value of 1.61%, which confirmed the reliability of the basic wood density derived from this analysis. The basic wood density, biomass expansion factor, and root-to-shoot ratio were used to calculate the carbon storage capacity of one bamboo plant and expanded to calculate the capacity for a hectare of bamboo. Carbon storage and absorption of bamboo were calculated by applying a carbon-emission factor, such as the basic wood density. These study results are expected to contribute to the carbon-neutral policy and forest management direction in Korea.

Characterization of broad bean wilt virus 2 isolated from Perilla frutescens in Korea (국내 잎들깨에서 발생한 잠두위조바이러스2의 특성 구명)

  • Hyun-Sun Kim;Hee-Seong Byun;You-Ji Choi;Hyun-Yong Choi;Jang-Kyun Seo;Hong-Soo Choi;Bong-Choon Lee;Mikyeong Kim;Hae-Ryun Kwak
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2023
  • Broad bean wilt virus 2 (BBWV2) is a species in the genus Fabavirus and family Secoviridae, which is transmitted by aphids and has a wide host range. The BBWV2 genome is composed of two single-stranded, positive-sense RNAs, RNA-1 and RNA-2. The representative symptoms of BBWV2 are mosaic, mottle, vein clearing, wilt, and stunting on leaves, and these symptoms cause economic damage to various crops. In 2019, Perilla fructescens leaves with mosaic and yellowing symptoms were found in Geumsan, South Korea. Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed with specific primers for 10 reported viruses, including BBWV2, to identify the causal virus, and the results were positive for BBWV2. To characterize a BBWV2 isolate (BBWV2-GS-PF) from symptomatic P. fructescens, genetic analysis and pathogenicity tests were performed. The complete genomic sequences of RNA-1 and RNA-2 of BBWV2-GS-PF were phylogenetically distant to the previously reported BBWV2 isolates, with relatively low nucleotide sequence similarities of 76-80%. In the pathogenicity test, unlike most BBWV2 isolates with mild mosaic or mosaic symptoms in peppers, the BBWV2-GS-PF isolate showed typical ring spot symptoms. Considering these results, the BBWV2-GS-PF isolate from P. fructescens could be classified as a new strain of BBWV2.